Michael i "High School Musical"
Moderatorzy: DaX, Sephiroth820, MJowitek, majkelzawszespoko, Mafia
Michael i "High School Musical"
Michael Jackson has revealed his love for the hit movie series High School Musical to its breakout star, Zac Efron.
The actor got the chance to have a conversation with the King Of Pop when the film’s director and personal friend of Jackson, Kenny Ortega, handed the phone to Efron.
"I've been wanting to talk to Michael Jackson my whole life, but as soon as Kenny handed me the phone, I was at a loss for words. I have never been so speechless," Efron told Heat Magazine.
Jackson stated he’s a fan of the films, with Efron revealing: "He said he loves High School Musical.”
“It was motivation for us, and encouragement."
The actor got the chance to have a conversation with the King Of Pop when the film’s director and personal friend of Jackson, Kenny Ortega, handed the phone to Efron.
"I've been wanting to talk to Michael Jackson my whole life, but as soon as Kenny handed me the phone, I was at a loss for words. I have never been so speechless," Efron told Heat Magazine.
Jackson stated he’s a fan of the films, with Efron revealing: "He said he loves High School Musical.”
“It was motivation for us, and encouragement."
Ostatnio zmieniony wt, 28 paź 2008, 23:44 przez cicha, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
B. Olewicz (...) co tak cenne jest, że ta nienazwana myśl rysą jest na szkle? (...)
E. Bodo To nie ty...
E. Bodo To nie ty...
Oj nie bądź taka.Maverick pisze:To jest naprawdę bardzo prosty tekst. Słowniczek i jedziesz.

No to ze słowniczkiem w ręku i tak zapewne coś pomylę.
Michael Jackson okazał swoje uwielbienie do hitu kinowego "High School Musical" a także do odtwórcy jednej z głównych ról Zaca Elfrona. Aktor dostał możliwość porozmawiania z Michaelem dzięki reżyserowi filmu a także przyjacielowi Jacksona Kenny'emu Ortedze. Zac: Całe życie pragnąłem porozmawiać z Michaelem ale kiedy Kenny podał mi telefon do ręki zapomniałem języka w buzi

- invincible_girl ;)
- Posty: 550
- Rejestracja: ndz, 15 cze 2008, 18:23
- Skąd: Capricious anomaly in the sea of space
- Moonwalker96
- Posty: 17
- Rejestracja: ndz, 26 paź 2008, 19:13
- Skąd: Płock
Ja nie wiem na ile MJ mówi to z grzeczności, a na ile dlatego, że tak szczerze myśli. Przyjmując, że ten news jest wiarygodny (?) należałoby się zastanowić jakie są powiązania obu panów: MJa z Kennym Ortegą.
Czy prawdą jest, że Kenny Ortega wspólnie z MJem stworzyli i opracowali: Dangerous World Tour 1992-1993 i HIStory World Tour 1996-1997? Chyba będę musiała przejrzeć dokładniej napisy końcowe z DVD Danger Tour Bukareszt 1993, by się upewnić, czy nazwisko Kenny Ortega przewija się w napisach końcowych...
Fakt - przewija. Zobaczyłam - uwierzyłam.
Czy prawdą jest, że Kenny Ortega wspólnie z MJem stworzyli i opracowali: Dangerous World Tour 1992-1993 i HIStory World Tour 1996-1997? Chyba będę musiała przejrzeć dokładniej napisy końcowe z DVD Danger Tour Bukareszt 1993, by się upewnić, czy nazwisko Kenny Ortega przewija się w napisach końcowych...

Fakt - przewija. Zobaczyłam - uwierzyłam.
No proszę, a tego to nie wiedziałam (pewnie dlatego, ze nigdy mnie to jakos nie interesowalo wczesniej).SILENTIUM pisze:Kenny Ortega zawitał nawet z Michaelem do Polski przy okazji trasy HIStory. Można go zobaczyc chciazby w nagranich z próby przed koncertem na Bemowie.
Ostatnio zmieniony wt, 28 paź 2008, 23:06 przez cicha, łącznie zmieniany 2 razy.
B. Olewicz (...) co tak cenne jest, że ta nienazwana myśl rysą jest na szkle? (...)
E. Bodo To nie ty...
E. Bodo To nie ty...
- Streetwalker
- Posty: 432
- Rejestracja: śr, 20 lut 2008, 15:38
- malakonserwa
- Posty: 634
- Rejestracja: czw, 03 kwie 2008, 16:11
- Skąd: się biorą dzieci?
- Streetwalker
- Posty: 432
- Rejestracja: śr, 20 lut 2008, 15:38
Corbin Bleu: Jimmy Kimmel Live
October 29, 2008
Transcribed by http://MJJR.net/
Michael Jackson Repository
Jimmy Kimmel: When you were a kid, did you have somebody that you idolized in the way that these kids go crazy for you and your coworkers?
Corbin Bleu: Yes. Michael Jackson... My mom is a huge 80s fan, and I pretty much grew up listening to Michael in the womb. She'd pretty much put the headphones on. I actually got the opportunity to meet him, once.
Jimmy Kimmel: Where did you meet him?
Corbin Bleu: Kenny Ortega, director of High School Musical, has done Michael's tour numerous times; he's worked on music videos. And, it was--he actually came to the High School Musical concert in Los Angeles.
Jimmy Kimmel: Michael Jackson?
Corbin Bleu: Michael Jackson came to the High School Musical concert.
Jimmy Kimmel: Really?
Corbin Bleu: With his kids. His kids are huge fans, go figure.
Jimmy Kimmel: Wow.
Corbin Bleu: And, he actually came to the backstage, and you know of course all these huge bodyguards come in and they check the surrounding and make sure there's no cameras. And then Michael walks in, he's got these big shades on. And, I mean, he's so cool. He's a guy, that's first of all. He's a dude... Most people, if you see him, a lot of people think of him as you know, more of a frail kind of person. Dude walks in, he's a big guy, he's got a strong handshake.
Jimmy Kimmel: Really?
Corbin Bleu: Yeah. He's very much of a, you know, he's a dude... The crazy part was that afterwards, we had to do the show, knowing that he's sitting right there. And we could see him. And my bit in the show is almost an entire homage to him. I mean, between the outfit, I pop up on the stage, a lot of the moves. I'm sitting up here going, "Michael Jackson's watching me dance right now!" I mean, it was just one of the most surreal moments of my life. But I grew up being so inspired by him, and loving him. I love his work.
Jimmy Kimmel: See, if that was me and my kids and you were doing like my moves, I'd be going, "That's mine. I did that. He stole that from me. You know that right? Okay." And we'd keep going, but that's how I work.
Source: http://mjjr.net/
http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showt ... hp?t=56844
Wywiadzik do obejrzenia i posłuchania (wzmianka o MJu od 3:22):
October 29, 2008
Transcribed by http://MJJR.net/
Michael Jackson Repository
Jimmy Kimmel: When you were a kid, did you have somebody that you idolized in the way that these kids go crazy for you and your coworkers?
Corbin Bleu: Yes. Michael Jackson... My mom is a huge 80s fan, and I pretty much grew up listening to Michael in the womb. She'd pretty much put the headphones on. I actually got the opportunity to meet him, once.
Jimmy Kimmel: Where did you meet him?
Corbin Bleu: Kenny Ortega, director of High School Musical, has done Michael's tour numerous times; he's worked on music videos. And, it was--he actually came to the High School Musical concert in Los Angeles.
Jimmy Kimmel: Michael Jackson?
Corbin Bleu: Michael Jackson came to the High School Musical concert.
Jimmy Kimmel: Really?
Corbin Bleu: With his kids. His kids are huge fans, go figure.
Jimmy Kimmel: Wow.
Corbin Bleu: And, he actually came to the backstage, and you know of course all these huge bodyguards come in and they check the surrounding and make sure there's no cameras. And then Michael walks in, he's got these big shades on. And, I mean, he's so cool. He's a guy, that's first of all. He's a dude... Most people, if you see him, a lot of people think of him as you know, more of a frail kind of person. Dude walks in, he's a big guy, he's got a strong handshake.
Jimmy Kimmel: Really?
Corbin Bleu: Yeah. He's very much of a, you know, he's a dude... The crazy part was that afterwards, we had to do the show, knowing that he's sitting right there. And we could see him. And my bit in the show is almost an entire homage to him. I mean, between the outfit, I pop up on the stage, a lot of the moves. I'm sitting up here going, "Michael Jackson's watching me dance right now!" I mean, it was just one of the most surreal moments of my life. But I grew up being so inspired by him, and loving him. I love his work.
Jimmy Kimmel: See, if that was me and my kids and you were doing like my moves, I'd be going, "That's mine. I did that. He stole that from me. You know that right? Okay." And we'd keep going, but that's how I work.
Source: http://mjjr.net/
http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showt ... hp?t=56844
Wywiadzik do obejrzenia i posłuchania (wzmianka o MJu od 3:22):
Ostatnio zmieniony czw, 30 paź 2008, 22:39 przez cicha, łącznie zmieniany 2 razy.
B. Olewicz (...) co tak cenne jest, że ta nienazwana myśl rysą jest na szkle? (...)
E. Bodo To nie ty...
E. Bodo To nie ty...
- invincible_girl ;)
- Posty: 550
- Rejestracja: ndz, 15 cze 2008, 18:23
- Skąd: Capricious anomaly in the sea of space