Znane osobistości o odejściu Michaela

Wyłącznie pewne i obiektywne informacje. Wielkie wydarzenia i ciekawostki, czyli kim jest naprawdę Michael Jackson. Uwaga - spamowanie w tym dziale jest niedozwolone.

Moderatorzy: DaX, Sephiroth820, MJowitek, majkelzawszespoko, Mafia

Posty: 27
Rejestracja: sob, 16 maja 2009, 11:33
Skąd: Polska

Znane osobistości o odejściu Michaela

Post autor: Dixie »

Prezydent Aleksander Kwaśniewski o Jacksonie: to był król
To był król, niezwykły talent, a przy tym człowiek niezwykle wrażliwy - tak zmarłego w nocy króla popu Michaela Jacksona wspomina były prezydent Aleksander Kwaśniewski, który w 1996 roku spotkał się z piosenkarzem.
Jackson zmarł nagle w Los Angeles w wieku 50 lat. Stracił przytomność i upadł w swoim domu około godz. 21:30 czasu polskiego. Kiedy przybyło pogotowie, nie oddychał, miał objawy ataku serca. W szpitalu Uniwersytetu Kalifornijskiego nie zdołano go wybudzić ze śpiączki.
Kwaśniewski spotkał się z piosenkarzem w 1996 roku, przy okazji koncertu Michaela Jacksona w Warszawie.
- Dwa razy był w Pałacu Prezydenckim, raz ja się z nim spotykałem i żona, drugim razem już tylko żona - wspominał były prezydent w Radiu Zet. - To był król - dodał.
W ocenie Kwaśniewskiego Michael Jackson był osobą "niezwykle wrażliwą i nieśmiałą". - Był megagwiazdą, a jednocześnie w kontakcie osobistym był bardzo wycofany, niepewny siebie. Składaliśmy to po części na jego wrażliwość, nieśmiałość, a być może wielkie kompleksy, które w nim były - mówił były prezydent.
Jak wspominał, Michael Jackson "był bardzo sympatyczny, nie było w nim żadnego gwiazdorstwa". - Poza była bardziej związana ze strojem, ludźmi, którzy go otaczali. Sam robił wrażenie zagubionego dziecka - podkreślił.
- Żona pamięta go z wizyty w domu dziecka, gdzie z niezwykłą troską pytał dzieciaki, co się stało, dlaczego tu są - dodał Kwaśniewski.
Jego zdaniem Michael Jackson miał niezwykły talent, jest legendą. - Ta śmierć będzie tę legendę wzmacniać - dodał.
Tutaj możecie wysłuchać wypowiedzi Prezydenta Kwaśniewskiego o tragicznej śmierci króla, a także zobaczyć zdjęcia Michaela z Pałacu Prezydenckiego -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyc73OYEayk

kaem->komentujemy tu:
http://www.forum.mjpolishteam.pl/viewto ... 304#127304
Posty: 3414
Rejestracja: pt, 16 lis 2007, 20:14

Znane osobistości o odejściu Michaela

Post autor: Mandey »

Berry Gordy na oficjalnej stronie Motown:
Berry Gordy pisze: Today in Motown History!
Berry Gordy Statement On Michael Jackson PassingBerry Gordy Statement On Michael Jackson Passing
I am shocked beyond words. It’s like a dream - a bad dream. This cannot be! How can Michael Jackson not be here?
As a kid, Michael was always beyond his years. He had a knowingness about him that was incredible.
When I first heard him sing Smokey’s song, “Who’s Lovin’ You” at 10 years’ old, it felt like he had lived the song for 50 years.
Somehow, even at that first meeting with him, he had a hunger to learn, a hunger to be the best and was willing to work as hard and as long as it took.
I had no concern about his ability to go to the top. He was like my son. He had warmth, sensitivity and two personalities.
When he was not on stage, he was loving, respectful and shy. When he WAS on stage, he was so in charge you would not believe he was the same person.
Michael was and will remain one of the greatest entertainers that ever lived.
He was exceptional, artistic and original. He gave the world his heart and soul through his music.
I extend my sympathies to Joe, Katherine and the entire Jackson family. My prayers are with them.
Berry Gordy
Founder, Motown
June 25, 2009

Ostatnio zmieniony pt, 26 cze 2009, 16:44 przez Mandey, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
Szukasz mnie? Znajdziesz mnie tutaj albo tutaj ;)
Posty: 3414
Rejestracja: pt, 16 lis 2007, 20:14

Post autor: Mandey »

Brian May gitarzysta Queen na swojej stronie pisze o Michaelu...
Brian May pisze:Hard to know what to say - what to feel. I find myself wondering what might have happened on his tour ... the number of dates in the UK that he had committed to was insane ... I did have a feeling it was impossible ... but I was so shocked to hear that he went so suddenly. Very sad. Of course I still think of him as a boy ... he used to come and see us (Queen) play when we were on tour in the States, and he and Freddie became close friends ... close enough to record a couple of tracks together at Michael's house ... tracks which have never seen the light of day. Michael was the boy star of the Jackson Five, and always the most screamed at. I remember in their show, they tried very hard to make all the brothers equal in the presentation, but it was abundantly obvious that all most of the girl fans really wanted to see was little Michael. It was Michael who heard our track "Another One Bites the Dust" when he came to see us on "The Game" tour ... and told us we were mad if we didn't release it as a single. Of course this was way before Michael's monster solo career began ... but he was already in search of that fusion between Funk and Rock, Black and White, and the Thriller album was the consummation of that quest. There are many similarities between it and our "Hot Space" album ... but our timing was out, really. Michael got it right in every respect ... including timing ... the world was just ready for it ... and of course he was in a sense seeking the same ground, but coming from the opposite direction. Amusingly, after Freddie and Michael has spent some time together recording, Freddie came back and played us the work in progress, and he remarked that Michael had come up with a great album title ... BAD. A little later, Freddie smiled his wicked little conspiratorial smile, and said ... "I have a perfect idea for our album title - you may love it or hate it ... but think about it .... we can call it ..... wait for it .... GOOD"!!!

I think the world is a more colourful place thanks to Michael's work ... he was a truly wonderful performer at his peak - and had a great team around him, including, of course, genius Quincy Jones. I think he qualifies as a great artist; he devoted his whole body and soul to his art. It's as if, with all the changes he introduced to his body, his art actually became his body and his persona. Yes, I only hope he passed away in happiness, in great hopes and anticipation of his glorious comeback tour. RIP Michael.

http://brianmay.com/brian/brianssb/bria ... 09.html#17
Szukasz mnie? Znajdziesz mnie tutaj albo tutaj ;)
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Rejestracja: ndz, 01 cze 2008, 20:39
Skąd: stąd

Post autor: TheVoiceWithin »

Paul McCartney :

"It's so sad and shocking. I feel privileged to have hung out and worked with Michael. He was a massively talented boy man with a gentle soul. His music will be remembered forever and my memories of our time together will be happy ones.

I send my deepest sympathy to his mother and the whole family and to his countless fans all around the world."

"Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night"
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Posty: 466
Rejestracja: pt, 12 gru 2008, 10:57
Skąd: Legnica

Post autor: Damianos60 »

Nie ma chyba osoby, która nie słyszałaby o Michaelu Jacksonie. Jego muzyka i styl bycia wywarły wpływ na wielu ludzi, szczególnie w latach 80. Kiedy Jackson święcił swoje największe triumfy. Dziś już go nie ma. "Odszedł, ale to jest najlepszy moment, żeby powiedzieć o tym, jaką był wspaniałą osobowością muzyczną" - mówi piosenkarz Andrzej Piaseczny.
Tak odchodzą królowie. Nie jest im dane doczekanie wieku, kiedy muszą się zmagać ze swoimi niedoskonałościami oraz starać się dorównywać temu, co zrobili już wcześniej. A Michael Jackson każdą swoją płytą udowadniał, że potrafi się wspinać na najwyższe szczyty, począwszy od zespołu The Jackson Five, z którego piosenki są znane do tej pory, poprzez późniejsze płyty Jacksona: "Thriller", "Bad".
Każda z nich była niezwykłym osiągnięciem, a poza tym biła kolejne rekordy sprzedaży. "Thriller" jest płytą, która w całej historii muzyki sprzedała się w największej ilości egzemplarzy. Tego rekordu już nikt najprawdopodobniej nie pobije przy tej sytuacji na rynku muzycznym, jaką obecnie mamy.
Jackson jest ikoną, nie tylko popkultury, ale śmiem twierdzić, że dla wielu ludzi, jest to postać pokroju Jamesa Browna, jeśli chodzi o inną przestrzeń muzyczną, czy Jimiego Hendrixa. To są pojedyncze przypadki ludzi, którzy tworzyli muzykę, jej historię i nigdy nie przeminą.
Dzisiaj nie ma dyskusji na temat kontrowersyjnego życia gwiazdy. Nie chodzi mi już tylko o historię z jego dzieckiem, ale o jego sposób ubierania, tańczenia, liczne operacje plastyczne, sposób bycia czy mówienia. Dzisiaj mówmy tylko o tym, jakim był muzykiem. A był muzykiem genialnym.
Eksperci twierdzą, że jego sukces finansowy zrodził się z doskonałych inwestycji. Jackson kupił połowę praw do piosenek The Beatles i na tym zbił fortunę.
Gdybyśmy włączyli jakąkolwiek stację radiową i posłuchali jej przez godzinę czy dwie, to na pewno trafilibyśmy na jakiś utwór "Króla Popu". Nie ma dzisiaj muzyki bez Michaela Jacksona. Odszedł, ale to jest najlepszy moment, żeby powiedzieć o tym, jaką był wspaniałą osobowością muzyczną. Dzisiaj też mamy wielu naśladowców Michaela Jacksona. Myślę tutaj np. o Justinie Timberlake'u. Michael jest jednak niedoścignionym wzorcem. Jego postaci nie da się wymazać z historii muzyki.
Jeśli chodzi o wpływ Michaela na mnie, to najbardziej inspirowała mnie kantylena, przepiękna muzyka i sposób śpiewania, który jest niezwykle piękny i poruszający. Zawsze bardzo lubiłem jego produkcje.
Dziś wielu ludzi będzie mówić o wielkiej sympatii do muzyki Jacksona tylko ze względu na śmierć gwiazdy. Jeśli chodzi o mnie, to gdyby zapytano mnie o stosunek do jego muzyki kilka dni temu powiedziałbym dokładnie to samo. Jackson jest dla pokolenia trzydziestokilkulatków postacią niezwykle ważną. Początek lat 80. jest pasmem sukcesów i tras koncertowych Jacksona. Sam byłem na jego występie w Polsce. Co prawda niewiele wtedy mogłem zobaczyć, bo ludzi było tak wielu, ale na zawsze ten występ wbił mi się w pamięć.
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Posty: 50
Rejestracja: ndz, 01 cze 2008, 20:39
Skąd: stąd

Post autor: TheVoiceWithin »

Quincy Jones:

“I am absolutely devastated at this tragic and unexpected news. For Michael to be taken away from us so suddenly at such a young age, I just don’t have the words. Divinity brought our souls together on The Wiz and allowed us to do what we were able to throughout the 80’s. To this day, the music we created together on “Off The Wall,” “Thriller” and “Bad” is played in every corner of the world and the reason for that is because he had it all…talent, grace, professionalism and dedication. He was the consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever. I’ve lost my little brother today, and part of my soul has gone with him.”

"Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night"
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Posty: 130
Rejestracja: czw, 15 gru 2005, 21:06
Skąd: Polska

Post autor: Bartek13 »

Na stronie Billboard


Kod: Zaznacz cały

"May God cover you Michael. We all lift your name up in prayer. I pray for the entire JACKSON family particularly Michael’s mother, children and all his fans that loved him so much. I would not be the artist, performer, and philanthropist I am today without the influence of Michael. I have great admiration and respect for Him and I’m so thankful I had the opportunity to meet and perform with such a great entertainer, who in so many ways, transcended the culture. He broke barriers, he changed radio formats! With music, he made it possible for people like Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama to impact the mainstream world. His legacy is unparalleled. Michael Jackson will never be forgotten."

Kod: Zaznacz cały

"The incomparable Michael Jackson has made a bigger impact on music than any other artist in the history of music. He was magic. He was what we all strive to be. He will always be the King of Pop! Life is not about how many breaths you take, but about how many moments in life that take your breath away. For anyone who has ever seen, felt, or heard his art, we are all honored to have been alive in this generation to experience the magic of Michael Jackson. I love you Michael."
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Posty: 409
Rejestracja: pt, 23 gru 2005, 11:36
Skąd: z przeszłości

Post autor: huczek »

Stevie Wonder won't be commenting further than to say, "He is emotionally distraught and chooses to be quiet right now." He is emotionally distraught and chooses to be quiet right now.
Stevie Wonder nie będzie komentował i poprzestanie na stwierdzeniu: "że jest emocjonalnie zdruzgotany i wybiera teraz milczenie"

Tina Turner:
"I am shocked and saddened by Michael's passing. I, along with his millions of fans, looked forward to seeing him tour one more time. Now, may he rest in peace."
"Jestem zszokowana i zasmucona przez odejście Michaela. Wspólnie z milionami jego fanów czekałam aż zobaczę go na koncercie jeszcze raz. Teraz, niech spoczywa w spokoju."
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Posty: 50
Rejestracja: ndz, 01 cze 2008, 20:39
Skąd: stąd

Post autor: TheVoiceWithin »

The Game, Usher, Chris Brown, Diddy, Polow Da Don, Mario Winans, and Boyz II Men collaborate on the first of many Michael Jackson tribute songs to come. The DJ Khalil production was completed earlier this morning. R.I.P. MJ.

"Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night"
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Posty: 409
Rejestracja: pt, 23 gru 2005, 11:36
Skąd: z przeszłości

Post autor: huczek »

"Przywiązałem się do Michaela Jacksona. (...) Kocham Michaela Jacksona." Profesor Marek Kwiatkowski - przyjaciel Michaela Jacksona:
http://www.onet.tv/przywiazalem-sie-do- ... ,klip.html
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Rejestracja: pt, 11 mar 2005, 8:21
Skąd: silent world

Post autor: cicha »

Diana Ross
"I can't stop crying, this is too sudden and shocking," Ross says in a statement. "I am unable to imagine this. My heart is hurting. I am in prayer for his kids and the family."

Liza Minnelli
"All of us who knew him well really know what he was like," she said. "And I'm sure that now the accolades are going, and I'm sure when the autopsy comes, all hell's going to break loose. So, thank God we're celebrating him now."
"He was just a really splendid man," she said. "And a brilliant performer who changed theatrical history. And I will miss him, I cannot tell you."

Steven Spielberg
"Just as there will never be another Fred Astaire or Chuck Berry or Elvis Presley, there will never be anyone comparable to Michael Jackson. His talent, his wonderment and his mystery make him legend."

Martin Scorsese
"Michael Jackson was extraordinary. When we worked together on Bad, I was in awe of his absolute mastery of movement on the one hand, and of the music on the other. Every step he took was absolutely precise and fluid at the same time. It was like watching quicksilver in motion.
"He was wonderful to work with, an absolute professional at all times, and – it really goes without saying – a true artist. It will be a while before I can get used to the idea that he's no longer with us."

Sheryl Crow
“I am deeply saddened to hear of Michael’s sudden passing. He was a rare talent that we witness once in a lifetime. One who makes such an indelible mark that for generations singers and dancers attribute him as inspiration. I had the great privilege of watching him every night doing what he did best…entertain. I am grateful to have known him for the 2 years I worked for him and will mourn his loss with his many millions of fans across the world.”

Frank Dileo
LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
Michael Jackson may have led a very private life. But for those who were close to him, he was anything but guarded.
One of those people who got to know the King of Pop over the years was Frank Dileo, Michael’s longtime manager and a member of Jackson’s inner circle, who was at the hospital when the singer died on Thursday, along with family, friends and Jackson’s children.
“His three children were there. They were in a separate room while the doctors worked on Michael,” Dileo told the “Today” show’s Meredith Vieira on Friday. “I’m very sad for his children, his mother, his father, his brothers and sisters. It was a very rough day yesterday for everybody.”
In fact, it was Dileo who had to tell Jackson’s three children — Prince Michael Jackson, 12; Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, 11; and Prince Michael Jackson II, 7 – that their father had died after doctors worked for over an hour to resuscitate the star.
“We had to tell the children. I didn’t go in alone. I went in with a doctor and a social worker. The nanny was in there and Dr. Murray – Michael’s personal physician. It was, as you would think,” a visibly emotional Dileo continued. “I can’t even begin to tell you the emotion that flowed out of those children.”
As someone very close to Jackson over the years, Dileo got to see a side of the pop star that few others did – as a father.
“Michael was a very dedicated parent, a single parent, who took that responsibility very seriously. His whole life surrounded around those children and they around him,” Dileo added.
So where are the children now following their father’s death?
“They are with their grandmother. They are with Mrs. Jackson,” Dileo said, referring to Michael’s mother, Katherine. “Right now, I would think that’s where they would stay.”
And while custody of the children has yet to be determined, Dileo said he also must focus on Jackson’s financial matters, which was something that the pop star worried about for his kids.
“There’s so much speculation as to a will – there is a will. A team of lawyers are gathering today and we’ll sort through all the stuff for the children,” Dileo explained. “[Michael] talked about making sure that his finances were taken care of – to clean up this mess so his children would be protected, so that’s what I’m going to do… That’s what was important to Michael.”
And while Jackson’s death at the age of 50 on Thursday came as a shock to fans worldwide, it was equally surprising to those who were closest to the King of Pop.
In fact, Dileo said Jackson had been in good spirits in the days leading up to his death.
“I was with Michael everyday going to rehearsals – Wednesday and Thursday he was the happiest,” the manager recalled. “On Wednesday, he put his arm around me at the end [of the day] and he said, ‘Frank, I’ve never been happier. We’re going to make this work… It’s our time again Frank. We’re going to do this!’”
Besides being happy, Dileo also said Jackson seemed to be in top physical shape.
“He seemed in great health. He was working out everyday,” he added.
Ostatnio zmieniony sob, 27 cze 2009, 14:17 przez cicha, łącznie zmieniany 8 razy.
B. Olewicz (...) co tak cenne jest, że ta nienazwana myśl rysą jest na szkle? (...)
E. Bodo To nie ty...
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Posty: 50
Rejestracja: ndz, 01 cze 2008, 20:39
Skąd: stąd

Post autor: TheVoiceWithin »

Lisa Marie Presley Blog: Michael Jackson Knew He Would Die Like This

He Knew.
Years ago Michael and I were having a deep conversation about life in general.
I can’t recall the exact subject matter but he may have been questioning me about the circumstances of my Fathers Death.
At some point he paused, he stared at me very intensely and he stated with an almost calm certainty, “I am afraid that I am going to end up like him, the way he did.”
I promptly tried to deter him from the idea, at which point he just shrugged his shoulders and nodded almost matter of fact as if to let me know, he knew what he knew and that was kind of that.
14 years later I am sitting here watching on the news an ambulance leaves the driveway of his home, the big gates, the crowds outside the gates, the coverage, the crowds outside the hospital, the Cause of death and what may have led up to it and the memory of this conversation hit me, as did the unstoppable tears.
A predicted ending by him, by loved ones and by me, but what I didn’t predict was how much it was going to hurt when it finally happened.
The person I failed to help is being transferred right now to the LA County Coroners office for his Autopsy.
All of my indifference and detachment that I worked so hard to achieve over the years has just gone into the bowels of hell and right now I am gutted.
I am going to say now what I have never said before because I want the truth out there for once.
Our relationship was not “a sham” as is being reported in the press. It was an unusual relationship yes, where two unusual people who did not live or know a “Normal life” found a connection, perhaps with some suspect timing on his part. Nonetheless, I do believe he loved me as much as he could love anyone and I loved him very much.
I wanted to “save him” I wanted to save him from the inevitable which is what has just happened.
His family and his loved ones also wanted to save him from this as well but didn’t know how and this was 14 years ago. We all worried that this would be the outcome then.
At that time, In trying to save him, I almost lost myself.
He was an incredibly dynamic force and power that was not to be underestimated.
When he used it for something good, It was the best and when he used it for something bad, It was really, REALLY bad.
Mediocrity was not a concept that would even for a second enter Michael Jackson’s being or actions.
I became very ill and emotionally/ spiritually exhausted in my quest to save him from certain self-destructive behavior and from the awful vampires and leeches he would always manage to magnetize around him.
I was in over my head while trying.
I had my children to care for, I had to make a decision.
The hardest decision I have ever had to make, which was to walk away and let his fate have him, even though I desperately loved him and tried to stop or reverse it somehow.
After the Divorce, I spent a few years obsessing about him and what I could have done different, in regret.
Then I spent some angry years at the whole situation.
At some point, I truly became Indifferent, until now.

As I sit here overwhelmed with sadness, reflection and confusion at what was my biggest failure to date, watching on the news almost play by play The exact Scenario I saw happen on August 16th, 1977 happening again right now with Michael (A sight I never wanted to see again) just as he predicted, I am truly, truly gutted.
Any ill experience or words I have felt towards him in the past has just died inside of me along with him.
He was an amazing person and I am lucky to have gotten as close to him as I did and to have had the many experiences and years that we had together.
I desperately hope that he can be relieved from his pain, pressure and turmoil now.
He deserves to be free from all of that and I hope he is in a better place or will be.
I also hope that anyone else who feels they have failed to help him can be set free because he hopefully finally is.
The World is in shock but somehow he knew exactly how his fate would be played out some day more than anyone else knew, and he was right.
I really needed to say this right now, thanks for listening.
"Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night"
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Posty: 4415
Rejestracja: czw, 10 mar 2005, 20:29
Skąd: z miasta świętego Mikołaja

Post autor: kaem »

Lenny Kravitz
was the King of Pop,he’d said it all. May you rest in peace sweet Michael. You gave us all you had to give. Lenny.
what I'm doing. He gave me joy as a child and showed me the way to go. He was music. Period. His hugeness as a star was great but before
He was the first live performer I ever saw. I got to see him at Madison Square Garden when I was eight. If not for him, I wouldn't be doing
I also saw what a beautiful father he was. He was a beautiful human being. I am deeply saddened this evening not been released and it was the most amazing experience I've had in the studio. He was funny. Very funny and we laughed the whole time
Even if he had not done Off the Wall or Thriller, he would still be a genius in my eyes. I got to work with Michael on a track that has. he was a great singer but didn't have feeling like James Brown. That somebody is not listening carefully. As a child he did it all
That line between child and experienced adult took his expression to an unmatched level. I heard somebody on the BBC news tonight say Aretha Franklin. But the thing he had that they could not match was the fact that he was a child. But at the same time he sang as an adult.
and listen to that voice. The purity, the feeling, the interpretation of the lyrics. At the age of ten, he was on par with James Brown
But the truth of the matter is he was a boy that God blessed with the most angelic voice. Just listen to an early Jackson Five album
How Thriller was the biggest selling album in history. They speak about the controversy and countless other things.
There will never be another talent like Michael Jackson. Many people are saying what a performer, what an icon. How many Grammy's he won.
Ostatnio zmieniony pt, 26 cze 2009, 23:56 przez kaem, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
Bitter you'll be if you don't change your ways
When you hate you, you hate everyone that day
Unleash this scared child that you've grown into
You cannot run for you can't hide from you
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Posty: 983
Rejestracja: pt, 11 mar 2005, 12:13
Skąd: z polskiej Wenecji

Post autor: dzina »

Prezydent USA Barack Obama

White House on Jackson: pop icon, troubled life
12 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says President Barack Obama saw pop star Michael Jackson as a spectacular performer and music icon whose life nonetheless had sad and tragic aspects. Gibbs said Friday that Obama sends his condolences to the late singer's family and fans.
The White House did not issue a statement following Jackson's death on Thursday. Gibbs did not mention Jackson until asked about him at Friday's regular White House briefing.

http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/art ... AD992H8FO0
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Posty: 148
Rejestracja: pn, 14 mar 2005, 20:17
Skąd: z Los Angeles

Post autor: Natalia »

remembering the greatest entertainer of our time. still in disbelief...
Zacky Vengeance/Avenged Sevenfold

Time to truly appreciate a legend... May his soul rest in peace!!! The king of Pop!!!!
Unforgettable music that inspired the world & will live on forever. ....Human Nature
Craig David

miało być:
24 lipca B1
1 września B1

This Is It - Multikino Gdynia
28.10 18.30 A14
30.10 21.00 W20