Forest Lawn Memorial Park 4 09 - 5:00 [koment.]

O Michaelu rozmowy luźne.

Moderatorzy: DaX, Sephiroth820, MJowitek, majkelzawszespoko, Mafia

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Posty: 117
Rejestracja: pt, 23 lis 2007, 20:45

Post autor: Tatiana. »

czy debbie równiez była na pogrzebie?
He was always such a nice boy
The quiet one
With good intentions
Respectful to his mother
His life was stole
Now we'll never know
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Posty: 450
Rejestracja: śr, 09 sty 2008, 22:48

Post autor: speechless26 »

Tatiana. pisze:czy debbie równiez była na pogrzebie?
I'm so proud to say- I love You.
Posty: 249
Rejestracja: pn, 31 sie 2009, 19:27
Skąd: Łódź

Post autor: Malwina27 »

A ciekawa jestem w sumie czemu Rendy wydal takie oto oświadczenie ( chyba tego jeszcze tu nei bylo )

Randy Jackson: Don't Air Footage of MJ's Funeral

Randy Jackson is furious footage of Michael's funeral at Forest Lawn is being broadcast all over the world, saying it was a private event and not meant for the public to see.

Jackson just released a scathing statement condemning those who violated the no-fly zone over Forest Lawn last night -- asking all media organizations to refrain from airing any more footage of the event.

Here's Randy's full statement:

"As a family, we are all aware of how Michael's life, and his death, touched so many around the world. It is why we held a public memorial in my brother's honor.

And it is the reason we chose to release a small amount of footage leading up to yesterday's ceremony at Forest Lawn.

I was dismayed last night and again today at the coverage I saw on television of our ceremony for Michael. We had asked the media to respect the privacy and the sanctity of this event; to give us one moment of privacy to mourn as a family out of the public spotlight.

Unfortunately, despite a no-fly zone around Forest Lawn, many media organizations decided to ignore our wishes. They employed helicopters that not only surreptitiously recorded our private family ceremony, but also severely disrupted it.

I therefore ask today that media organizations airing helicopter footage of the ceremony we held for my brother immediately pull that footage from their air and refrain from airing it in the future."

źródło TMZ

no i pogloski o tym ze all wyjdzie na DVD są CHORE !!!!!! Ale fotka dzieciaków a aucie tulacych sie do babci i do siebie jednoczesnie jest po prostu cholernie wzruszajaca !!!!! No chyba ze juz spali bo to tez tak wyglada :(

Twitter @Malwi27
Posty: 227
Rejestracja: śr, 05 sie 2009, 23:15
Skąd: Warszawa

Post autor: Eve_861 »

moim zdaniem oni byli pod tak wielka presja ze co by nie zrobili to byloby zle odebrane...poszly ploty ze bedzie publiczny pogrzeb była fala krytyki ze jak tak mozna robic show z pogrzebu...potem ze jednak prywatny to jak to przeciez Mike zył dla fanów..potem oburzenie ze otwarta trumna potem zlosc ze trumna zamknieta bo ludzie nie wierza ze nie zyje..nie mowie ze ich zachowanie zawsze bylo ok...ale oni sa krytykowani za wszystko...a pomyslcie..musieli pochowac idola milionów ludzi..dla przecietnego kowalskiego trudno jest pochowac dziadka...wiec nie bawmy sie w gadanie ze wszytsko bysmy zrobili lepiej...i ze dla dzieci bylo by lepsze to czy tamto..Ci ludzi mimo swoich wad to nie potwory..oni sami nie wiedza co robic...z jednej strony chowaja brata, syna, ojca a z drugiej najwieksza ikone ostatnich dekad..a after party..u nas tez sa stypy z coraz to bardziej popularna wódka...wspomina sie na wesoło zmarych...ja np zdecydowanie wole takie pozeganie niz stado babci spiewajacych "dobry Jezu a nasz Panie..." jak by nie zrobili stypy to w swoim srodowisku zaraz byli by na jezykach ze nie zrobili..
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Posty: 80
Rejestracja: ndz, 09 sie 2009, 12:35
Skąd: hollyłódź

Post autor: karolinaonair »

Rodzina Michaela nazwała to Repass, czyli nasza Stypa. Normalna sprawa. To media nazwały to After-party. Trzeba przecież z normalnej sprawy zrobić coś nienormalnego.

"Kłamstwa biegną sprinty, prawda biegnie maratony" - Michael Jackson
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Posty: 426
Rejestracja: pn, 06 lip 2009, 19:04
Skąd: Szczecin

Post autor: Kama »

moim zdaniem na Forest Lawn powinni postawić płytę lub pomnik Michaela w miejscu dostępnym dla wszystkich w oddaleniu od mauzoleum
to by zadowoliło wszystkich
fani mieli by miejsce do zapalenia przysłowiowej świeczki w pobliżu grobu Michaela a i sam grób nie byłby okupowany
"You are not alone I am here with you Though we're far apart You're always in my heart"
Zawsze będziesz w sercu mym...
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Posty: 150
Rejestracja: ndz, 09 sie 2009, 11:44
Skąd: Katowice

Post autor: Moonwalk_Girl »

Cóz ta pamiątkowa płyta to całkiem dobry pomysł, wiadomo to nie to samo co stanąc przy prawdziwym miejscu spoczynku Michaela, ale zawsze jest to bardzo blisko, zresztą tak jak już ktoś na forum pieknie napisał "teraz Michael jest bliżej każdego z nas niż kiedykolwiek". miejsce oczywiście jest bardzo ważne, ale jeszcze ważniejszy jest cel: komu i dlaczego składasz hołd.
Posty: 26
Rejestracja: wt, 21 lip 2009, 20:43

Post autor: Beet »

miejsce oczywiście jest bardzo ważne, ale jeszcze ważniejszy jest cel: komu i dlaczego składasz hołd
Dobrze napisane. Jeśli o mnie chodzi to bardzo chciałabym aby zrobili w Neverlandzie taki Graceland :knuje: I tam wstawić pamiątkową płytę, chociaż czy akurat tam taki kamień jest potrzebny, skoro całe miejsce jest przesiąknięte Michaelem? A teraz zamknijcie oczy, odetchnijcie głęboko i wyobraźcie sobie spacery po tym wspaniałym miejscu, zapach kwiatów, szum wody i świadomość, że był tam Mike. Jeśli już byłaby jakaś płyta czy eee niewielki pomniczek nenene to kładlibyśmy tam znicze, kwiaty, ewentualnie liściki, wyznania miłosne, itp. ;-) Tylko powinno to być jakoś dobrze nadzorowane, żeby nie wpuszczać tam jednak zbyt wielkich tłumów na raz... Tym sposobem Mike spoczywałby sobie spokojnie w tym jakimś Forest Lawn i rodzina i fani byliby zadowoleni. (Rodzina może głównie dlatego, że do wstępu do Neverlandu trzeba by było kupić bileciki... No ale nie wnikam...) Jedno "ale" - Mike nie chciał tam wracać (i tym sposobem by tam nie wrócił) jednak On chyba nie chciał mieć z N. nic wspólnego... To trudna sytuacja, bo nie ma innego takiego miejsca, a najwyraźniej jest ono potrzebne...
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Posty: 646
Rejestracja: wt, 26 gru 2006, 16:19
Skąd: Starachowice,

Post autor: editt »

Jackson's Tomb -- The Changing of the Guards

For several weeks, Michael Jackson's tomb at Forest Lawn Memorial Park was under maximum, 'round-the-clock security -- but TMZ has now learned the extra protection has been "scaled back."

Sources tell us the mausoleum that houses Jackson's body was being monitored by a private security firm, hired specifically to protect MJ's grave -- but as of last week, the extra protection was nowhere to be seen.

Sources at Forest Lawn confirm the security change, but insist Jackson's resting place will still be under the constant watch of their guards, 24-hour cameras, alarms, etc.

Reps at the cemetery also mentioned there hasn't been a single suspicious incident since Jackson moved into the neighborhood
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Rejestracja: wt, 18 wrz 2007, 2:54
Skąd: z Guadalupe

Post autor: anialim »

Z tego, co tutaj napisano FLMP wcale tak do końca zamknięty dla fanów nie pozostaje. Dwie dziewczyny odwiedziły to miejsce, zrobiły zdjęcia i wideo :surrender: :
The small room at the end of the hallway is covered with flowers and balloons. We brought a huge arrangement of flowers and the guards walked them back for us why we watched through the window. We even took video. No problems with that, the guards were very friendly and they didn't try to make us erase the film
zdjęcia zrobione przez te dziewczyny w FLMP
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Posty: 23
Rejestracja: sob, 15 sie 2009, 20:48

Post autor: masquerade_ »

Nie bardzo rozumiem rodzinę Michaela. Przez całe życie pchali go do showbiznesu, a teraz nagle zgrywają kochanych bo nie dopuszczają nikogo do jego grobu. Żeby miał "święty spokój". Litości. Teraz już nikt nie może mu zaszkodzić, a Mike kochał swoich fanów i raczej nie chciałby, żeby go od nich odgradzać.
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Posty: 646
Rejestracja: wt, 26 gru 2006, 16:19
Skąd: Starachowice,

Post autor: editt »

Michael Jackson's funeral cost more than $1 million, court documents show
The Forest Lawn crypt cost $590,000, and $35,000 was spent on the pop star's clothing. On Tuesday, his mother dropped her objection to two associates of her son being named executors of his estate.

The cost of Michael Jackson's private funeral topped $1 million, with more than half that amount going to buy a crypt in a celebrity-studded Glendale mausoleum and $35,000 spent on clothes for the singer, according to court documents unsealed Tuesday.

Jackson, who died in June, was interred at Forest Lawn Memorial-Park in September in a nighttime ceremony arranged by his family and paid for by his estate. The probate judge who signed off on those expenses made public the funeral costs at a hearing in which he also appointed two longtime Jackson associates, entertainment attorney John Branca and music executive John McClain, as executors of his estate.

As described in the filing, the estate paid, among other expenses, $590,000 for Jackson's crypt in Forest Lawn's Great Mausoleum, a vast granite- and marble-filled palazzo that is the final resting place of Clark Gable, Jean Harlow and other stars. Guest invitations, which went out to Jackson friends Elizabeth Taylor, Macaulay Culkin, Quincy Jones and others, cost $11,716. The bill for security, including the fleet of luxury cars that delivered Jackson's children, parents and siblings to the ceremony, came to $30,000. The florist's bill was $16,000, and the funeral planner charged $15,000. An Italian restaurant in Pasadena billed $21,455 for a "funeral repast" after the service.

A lawyer for the estate executors noted that Jackson's family decided on the details of the ceremony, but said a lavish funeral fit the life the singer lived.

"It was Michael Jackson. He was bigger than life when he was alive," attorney Howard Weitzman said.

Details of the funeral expenses came amid a flurry of developments in the legal wrangling between Jackson's parents, Katherine and Joe, and the men whom the entertainer willed to run his affairs. In his will, Jackson placed all his assets in a trust benefiting his children, charities and his mother -- his closest confidant -- but left nothing to his father, whom he had criticized as violent and bullying.

Katherine Jackson announced Tuesday through a lawyer that she was withdrawing her objections to Branca and McClain overseeing her son's posthumous interests and would work with them to enhance the value of his estate.

"She wants the fighting to end, and she wants it to end now," said Adam Streisand, an attorney recently hired by the family matriarch.

Her change of heart came as a shock to her husband, whose attorney appeared in court to make a last-minute attempt to derail the appointment of the executors. Joe Jackson's lawyer said the patriarch believed there had been a backroom deal between the executors and Katherine Jackson to buy her compliance.

"She has reneged on her obligation to her family," lawyer Brian Oxman said. Weitzman, the executors' lawyer, denied the allegations, which he termed "outrageously spurious."

Superior Court Judge Mitchell L. Beckloff set a December hearing for Joe Jackson to seek a monthly allowance for living expenses that he says his son had covered for decades, but the judge said the singer's father had no legal standing to object to the executors because he wasn't a beneficiary.

"Joe Jackson ultimately takes none of this estate and that was a decision his son made," the judge said.
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