Dokładnie tak! Zgadzam się z Tobą w100% a nawet uważam, że Michael tak, tez myśli, dowodem moze być jego przyszły album.Ka$ka pisze:Uważam że Michaela ta nagroda powinna jeszcze bardziej zmotywować to powrócenia na scene, aby ukazać wszystkim że bycie legendą nieoznacza koniec kariery, ale powrót w wielkim stylu !!
Michael Jackson w Tokio
Moderatorzy: DaX, Sephiroth820, MJowitek, majkelzawszespoko, Mafia
Dzięki Mike I wszystko wskazuje na to ze nieoczekiwany powrót nastąpi oraz album o którym wspomniałeś.Mike pisze:Dokładnie tak! Zgadzam się z Tobą w100% a nawet uważam, że Michael tak, tez myśli, dowodem moze być jego przyszły album.Ka$ka pisze:Uważam że Michaela ta nagroda powinna jeszcze bardziej zmotywować to powrócenia na scene, aby ukazać wszystkim że bycie legendą nieoznacza koniec kariery, ale powrót w wielkim stylu !!
- wojtek_p-ce
- Posty: 210
- Rejestracja: sob, 29 paź 2005, 17:16
- Skąd: Pabianice
No, to było by już w ogóle odlotowo!wojtek_p-ce pisze:Cos mi się wydaje, że MJ jeszcze w tym roku wyda nowy album, z nowymi piosenkami.Ka$ka pisze:Uważam że Michaela ta nagroda powinna jeszcze bardziej zmotywować to powrócenia na scene, aby ukazać wszystkim że bycie legendą nieoznacza koniec kariery, ale powrót w wielkim stylu !!
Mike pisze:No, to było by już w ogóle odlotowo!wojtek_p-ce pisze:Cos mi się wydaje, że MJ jeszcze w tym roku wyda nowy album, z nowymi piosenkami.Ka$ka pisze:Uważam że Michaela ta nagroda powinna jeszcze bardziej zmotywować to powrócenia na scene, aby ukazać wszystkim że bycie legendą nieoznacza koniec kariery, ale powrót w wielkim stylu !!
Chyba karmicie się waszymi nierealnymi życzeniami. Radzę wrócić na ziemię i spojrzeć trzeźwo na sytuację. Na jednego singla czekamy kilka miesięcy i nie wynika z tego nic, więc zapomnijcie o albumie. Jak dla mnie to nie bedzie go ani w tym roku, ani w następnym. Przy dobrych wiatrach to może w 2008... Sorry, ale ja obserwując MJ'a pogłębiam się w pesymiźmie odnośnie jego planów wydawniczych i na prawdę nie mam pojęcia skąd u Was takie optymistyczne poglądy? Jak dla mnie to nie mamy żadnych racjonalnych przesłanek do tego by sądzić, iż MJ wyda cokolwiek w bliżej nieokreślonej przyszości...
Niektorzy sie czepiają byle czego
Ciesze sie ze nie odmówił przyjscia i tą nagrode..zmobolizuje to Go-zgadzam sie z Ka$ką.Ostatnio wogole nie mial zadnych wystepow publicznie,wiec dobrze Mu to zrobi.. .. A co do wyglądu.. wygląda dobrze.. nigdy bym nie dala mu tyle lat co ma.. Fajne wdzianko.. troche te włosy są za długie..ale naprawde da sie przezyc,Moze Michaelowi narazie taka fryzura odpowiada..
Ja sie tam ciesze jak teraz wygląda,jest nieźle!!
Tutaj fajnie Mike wyszedł(chodzi mi z twarzy..) ... 0HQ/1y.jpg
Ciesze sie ze nie odmówił przyjscia i tą nagrode..zmobolizuje to Go-zgadzam sie z Ka$ką.Ostatnio wogole nie mial zadnych wystepow publicznie,wiec dobrze Mu to zrobi.. .. A co do wyglądu.. wygląda dobrze.. nigdy bym nie dala mu tyle lat co ma.. Fajne wdzianko.. troche te włosy są za długie..ale naprawde da sie przezyc,Moze Michaelowi narazie taka fryzura odpowiada..
Ja sie tam ciesze jak teraz wygląda,jest nieźle!!
Tutaj fajnie Mike wyszedł(chodzi mi z twarzy..) ... 0HQ/1y.jpg
ja może powiem tak: Ci co uważaja, że Michael wygląda kiepsko lub nie zbyt, to niech sobie wyobrażą Michaela za 30 lat, jak bedzie dziedkiem i zmarszki bedzie miał, w tedy jak bedzie wyglądał? Dobrze czy źle? Myślę, że niektórzy,po prostu szukają dziury w calym.
- wojtek_p-ce
- Posty: 210
- Rejestracja: sob, 29 paź 2005, 17:16
- Skąd: Pabianice
Też się czasem zastanawiałem nad tym, ale myslę, że bedzie wyglądać na 40-dziestke.Mike pisze:ja może powiem tak: Ci co uważaja, że Michael wygląda kiepsko lub nie zbyt, to niech sobie wyobrażą Michaela za 30 lat, jak bedzie dziedkiem i zmarszki bedzie miał, w tedy jak bedzie wyglądał? Dobrze czy źle? Myślę, że niektórzy,po prostu szukają dziury w calym.
cokolwiek by niebylo zawsze jest to ten nasz Stary dobry Mike,najweazniejsze jest to,ze jest cały czas soba.Co do tego jak sie zastanawialem jak bedzie wygladalo jego pierwsze publiczne wyjscie to juz sie bałem ze w garniturze smignie,a tu prosze:pasy sprzaczki swiecidełka jak za starych dobrych lat..tak trzymaj Mike i nie daj zwiesc sie czasom które nastał the men
"He is my passion..."
Jest już do ściągnięcia cały program SMAP SMAP, który trwa prawie 40 minut!
Nagranie jest świetnej jakości a link pochodzi z MJJForum!
Plus transkrypt!
SMAP members are standing, totally mystified by what has happened. The music which they were singing to was suddenly stopped. Shingo Katori is lying on the floor because he got upset.
There is a writing on top left, saying “Michael appears in SMAPxSMAP as a total surprise to the members!”
Narrator: Now the meeting of a lifetime!
Masahiro Nakai: Who’s there?
Staff: Sorry, but it is somebody special.
“Beat It” starts playing.
Michael is waving at the SMAP members from upstairs.
SMAP members are standing, dropping jaws. Looking at Michael making a peace sign, they make peace signs, too.
Michael descends the stairs to the studio.
Clapping from the people in the studio. SMAP members do not know how to react.
SMAP: “This is impossible!” “I am getting goose bumps (meaning this is too great a sensation)!!!” “WOW WOW WOW”
Michael touches SMAP members’ hands with his.
The Japanese writing on top left says, “Michael comes to SMAPxSMAP!”
Nakai: Michael Jackson?
Michael Jackson’s name is on the screen.
Nakai: Michael Jackson? Michael Jackson?
Michael: Yeah.
Members: Really? Hello.
Takuya Kimura (in green T-shirt): You are not the impersonator from Roppongi (a popular district in Tokyo), are you?
Members still cannot believe that Michael is here.
Nakai: Are you really Michael Jackson?
Michael: Yes. Very happy to be here. I enjoyed the performance. It was very nice. (Japanese interpreter translates what Michael says.)
Members: Unbelievable!
Nakai: So, our music was stopped because Michael Jackson came to the studio, wasn’t it?
Kimura: Of course they would stop the music (if Michael comes in). The music should be stopped.
Kimura: So, the staff knew all along that Michael was watching us perform, didn’t they?
Michael: Yes, I enjoyed it, very much.
Kimura: Oh, common, (the staff tricked us)!
Goro Inagaki (in while long-sleeved shirt) is smiling and in happy spirits.
Nakai: Would you like to sit here?
Kimura: Let’s change the music. Let’s play “We Are the World”.
Nakai: Tell me, tell me, what brought you here?
Is this the right microphone? Should I use this microphone? Can I talk without microphone, can I?
Staff’s voice: You can talk without the microphone.
Nakai: So, I can talk without the microphone.
Kimura: We don’t need any microphone. Our spirits are sky high and we do not need any microphone. It’s OK.
Nakai: So, what brought you here today?
(Translator makes a slight mistake in translation here, and asks Michael, “How did you get here?”)
Michael: Oh, we drove today, to see you. We drove to see you. To surprise you.
Loud clapping from the staff.
Michael: We enjoyed it.
Michael shakes hands with Nakai.
Nakai: Your hand is very beautiful.
Michael: Oh, God bless you (shakes hands with Nakai again).
Michael: Now, I am very happy to be here in Japan, and I think you are wonderful, lovely people. I mean it. Thank you for accepting me. Really.
Nakai: What is happening here?
Kimura: This is what we call “too big surprise”.
Nakai: I cannot host this program anymore (from too much excitement).
Nakai: I do not know how to proceed with the show. My mind is not working properly.
Kimura: What I think is this. The moment Michael entered the studio, you, Nakai, directly returned to yourself who went to Michael’s concert with us as a passionate fan. All you have experienced since then is somehow suspended right now.
Nakai: I just don’t know how to react. I cannot react.
Kimura: I see you can’t.
Translator says “They are happy to see you.”
Michael: Likewise.
Nakai: I cannot think of what to ask. I am totally unprepared. Do you know about us?
Michael: (Pointing at the background of the studio) It’s beautiful.
Kimura: This is called LED, a new technology we recently started using. (SMAP uses LED for their concerts, too.)
Nakai: But this device gets out of order from time to time.
Nakai: Noise gets in sometimes.
Kimura: Can I ask a question to the staff? When we were rehearsing, you told us that there were noises and we had to rehearse again. That was a lie, wasn’t it?
Nakai: You don’t need to ask question to the staff now. Let’s talk with Michael Jackson more. You are Michael Jackson, aren’t you? (He still cannot believe it.)
Katori: Me, please. When I saw Michael on the stage of the Tokyo Dome when I was 10, 11 years old, I promised myself that I would stand on the same stage as you in future. And we could do the concerts in the Tokyo Dome.
Michael: Oh, God bless you.
Michael shakes hands with Katori.
Katori: Thank you so much.
Katori: I can stop working from tomorrow (now that my dream has come true).
Michael laughs.
Nakai: Let’s introduce ourselves. Self-introduction. OK? Self-introduction.
Tsuyoshi Kusanagi (in yellow parker): My name is Tsuyoshi Kusanagi.
Michael and Kusanagi shake hands.
Inagaki: Goro, Goro Inagaki.
Nakai: He does your impersonation as “Oshinobi Goro (Goro incognito).”
He does sketches as Michael Jackson, and he is going to show it a little to you.
Inagaki stands up.
Kimura: Oh, we the members feel so embarrassed to see this in front of Michael Jackson. Our stomachs are turning.
Nakai explains to Michael: We will show you. We have a series of sketch called “Oshinobi Goro” or “Oshinobi Michael (Michael incognito)”.
“Oshinobi Michael” clip, in which Inagaki impersonates Michael, is shown on the screen.
Narrator: “Oshinobi Michael” is now revived after ten years now, in front of Michael Jackson himself.
Nakai: So, you should show it to Michael.
Inagaki: I had the privilege of impersonating Mr. Michael Jackson. Could you have a look?
Inagaki impersonates Michael.
Michael looks very much amused by this and enthusiastically claps hands.
Nakai: You got laughter from Michael! You got laughter from Michael!
Kimura: I think Michael understands. He is kind enough to go along with us. Michael is reading the air (meaning Michael understands their admiration for him).
Nakai: Michael’s laughter!
Inagaki: I respect you SO much!
Nakai: Let’s continue the self-introduction.
Kimura: Nice to meet you. My name is Takuya Kimura.
Michael and Kimura shake hands.
Katori: I am glad to meet you. My name is Shingo.
Michael shakes hands with Shingo.
Katori: I love you.
Michael: I love you, too.
Nakai: Did you now anything about SMAP?
Michael: I learned about them today. I enjoyed what I saw upstairs. Very very good. I just wanted to surprise you and say thank you so much for having me and God bless you and good luck on everything.
Michael shakes hands with members again.
Nakai: I like you.
Michael: I like you, too. I like you, too.
Nakai: Are you already going? Is this bye-bye?
Michael shakes hands with members.
Michael: (Looking at the background) This is great. (Walking around the studio)
Nakai: (Shouting to the staff) You should change the image on the screen for Michael. Can’t you move the image for him?
Kimura: Now, Mr. Michael Jackson is impressed by the work done by the engineers in our program. (It is said on the screen in Japanese, “Michael is showing interest in LED”)
The image of LED starts moving.
Kimura: You probably should look at it from some distance.
Shingo: Michael is asking who made this.
Michael: Thank you, thank you. (Waving at the people in the studio)
SMAP members and Michael say bye-bye to each other, shake hands again.
Members: Thank you, Michael.
Michael: God bless you.
Members: Love and Peace!
Michael: Peace! Love you!
Members: See you next time.
Michael: OK. See you next time.
Michael leaves the studio.
Narrator: Michael’s visit took the studio by storm.
SMAP members see Michael off.
Katori: His sunglasses are so cool.
Michael disappears upstairs.
Nagranie jest świetnej jakości a link pochodzi z MJJForum!
Plus transkrypt!
SMAP members are standing, totally mystified by what has happened. The music which they were singing to was suddenly stopped. Shingo Katori is lying on the floor because he got upset.
There is a writing on top left, saying “Michael appears in SMAPxSMAP as a total surprise to the members!”
Narrator: Now the meeting of a lifetime!
Masahiro Nakai: Who’s there?
Staff: Sorry, but it is somebody special.
“Beat It” starts playing.
Michael is waving at the SMAP members from upstairs.
SMAP members are standing, dropping jaws. Looking at Michael making a peace sign, they make peace signs, too.
Michael descends the stairs to the studio.
Clapping from the people in the studio. SMAP members do not know how to react.
SMAP: “This is impossible!” “I am getting goose bumps (meaning this is too great a sensation)!!!” “WOW WOW WOW”
Michael touches SMAP members’ hands with his.
The Japanese writing on top left says, “Michael comes to SMAPxSMAP!”
Nakai: Michael Jackson?
Michael Jackson’s name is on the screen.
Nakai: Michael Jackson? Michael Jackson?
Michael: Yeah.
Members: Really? Hello.
Takuya Kimura (in green T-shirt): You are not the impersonator from Roppongi (a popular district in Tokyo), are you?
Members still cannot believe that Michael is here.
Nakai: Are you really Michael Jackson?
Michael: Yes. Very happy to be here. I enjoyed the performance. It was very nice. (Japanese interpreter translates what Michael says.)
Members: Unbelievable!
Nakai: So, our music was stopped because Michael Jackson came to the studio, wasn’t it?
Kimura: Of course they would stop the music (if Michael comes in). The music should be stopped.
Kimura: So, the staff knew all along that Michael was watching us perform, didn’t they?
Michael: Yes, I enjoyed it, very much.
Kimura: Oh, common, (the staff tricked us)!
Goro Inagaki (in while long-sleeved shirt) is smiling and in happy spirits.
Nakai: Would you like to sit here?
Kimura: Let’s change the music. Let’s play “We Are the World”.
Nakai: Tell me, tell me, what brought you here?
Is this the right microphone? Should I use this microphone? Can I talk without microphone, can I?
Staff’s voice: You can talk without the microphone.
Nakai: So, I can talk without the microphone.
Kimura: We don’t need any microphone. Our spirits are sky high and we do not need any microphone. It’s OK.
Nakai: So, what brought you here today?
(Translator makes a slight mistake in translation here, and asks Michael, “How did you get here?”)
Michael: Oh, we drove today, to see you. We drove to see you. To surprise you.
Loud clapping from the staff.
Michael: We enjoyed it.
Michael shakes hands with Nakai.
Nakai: Your hand is very beautiful.
Michael: Oh, God bless you (shakes hands with Nakai again).
Michael: Now, I am very happy to be here in Japan, and I think you are wonderful, lovely people. I mean it. Thank you for accepting me. Really.
Nakai: What is happening here?
Kimura: This is what we call “too big surprise”.
Nakai: I cannot host this program anymore (from too much excitement).
Nakai: I do not know how to proceed with the show. My mind is not working properly.
Kimura: What I think is this. The moment Michael entered the studio, you, Nakai, directly returned to yourself who went to Michael’s concert with us as a passionate fan. All you have experienced since then is somehow suspended right now.
Nakai: I just don’t know how to react. I cannot react.
Kimura: I see you can’t.
Translator says “They are happy to see you.”
Michael: Likewise.
Nakai: I cannot think of what to ask. I am totally unprepared. Do you know about us?
Michael: (Pointing at the background of the studio) It’s beautiful.
Kimura: This is called LED, a new technology we recently started using. (SMAP uses LED for their concerts, too.)
Nakai: But this device gets out of order from time to time.
Nakai: Noise gets in sometimes.
Kimura: Can I ask a question to the staff? When we were rehearsing, you told us that there were noises and we had to rehearse again. That was a lie, wasn’t it?
Nakai: You don’t need to ask question to the staff now. Let’s talk with Michael Jackson more. You are Michael Jackson, aren’t you? (He still cannot believe it.)
Katori: Me, please. When I saw Michael on the stage of the Tokyo Dome when I was 10, 11 years old, I promised myself that I would stand on the same stage as you in future. And we could do the concerts in the Tokyo Dome.
Michael: Oh, God bless you.
Michael shakes hands with Katori.
Katori: Thank you so much.
Katori: I can stop working from tomorrow (now that my dream has come true).
Michael laughs.
Nakai: Let’s introduce ourselves. Self-introduction. OK? Self-introduction.
Tsuyoshi Kusanagi (in yellow parker): My name is Tsuyoshi Kusanagi.
Michael and Kusanagi shake hands.
Inagaki: Goro, Goro Inagaki.
Nakai: He does your impersonation as “Oshinobi Goro (Goro incognito).”
He does sketches as Michael Jackson, and he is going to show it a little to you.
Inagaki stands up.
Kimura: Oh, we the members feel so embarrassed to see this in front of Michael Jackson. Our stomachs are turning.
Nakai explains to Michael: We will show you. We have a series of sketch called “Oshinobi Goro” or “Oshinobi Michael (Michael incognito)”.
“Oshinobi Michael” clip, in which Inagaki impersonates Michael, is shown on the screen.
Narrator: “Oshinobi Michael” is now revived after ten years now, in front of Michael Jackson himself.
Nakai: So, you should show it to Michael.
Inagaki: I had the privilege of impersonating Mr. Michael Jackson. Could you have a look?
Inagaki impersonates Michael.
Michael looks very much amused by this and enthusiastically claps hands.
Nakai: You got laughter from Michael! You got laughter from Michael!
Kimura: I think Michael understands. He is kind enough to go along with us. Michael is reading the air (meaning Michael understands their admiration for him).
Nakai: Michael’s laughter!
Inagaki: I respect you SO much!
Nakai: Let’s continue the self-introduction.
Kimura: Nice to meet you. My name is Takuya Kimura.
Michael and Kimura shake hands.
Katori: I am glad to meet you. My name is Shingo.
Michael shakes hands with Shingo.
Katori: I love you.
Michael: I love you, too.
Nakai: Did you now anything about SMAP?
Michael: I learned about them today. I enjoyed what I saw upstairs. Very very good. I just wanted to surprise you and say thank you so much for having me and God bless you and good luck on everything.
Michael shakes hands with members again.
Nakai: I like you.
Michael: I like you, too. I like you, too.
Nakai: Are you already going? Is this bye-bye?
Michael shakes hands with members.
Michael: (Looking at the background) This is great. (Walking around the studio)
Nakai: (Shouting to the staff) You should change the image on the screen for Michael. Can’t you move the image for him?
Kimura: Now, Mr. Michael Jackson is impressed by the work done by the engineers in our program. (It is said on the screen in Japanese, “Michael is showing interest in LED”)
The image of LED starts moving.
Kimura: You probably should look at it from some distance.
Shingo: Michael is asking who made this.
Michael: Thank you, thank you. (Waving at the people in the studio)
SMAP members and Michael say bye-bye to each other, shake hands again.
Members: Thank you, Michael.
Michael: God bless you.
Members: Love and Peace!
Michael: Peace! Love you!
Members: See you next time.
Michael: OK. See you next time.
Michael leaves the studio.
Narrator: Michael’s visit took the studio by storm.
SMAP members see Michael off.
Katori: His sunglasses are so cool.
Michael disappears upstairs.
Zasłużył na tą nagrodę. A z tym albumem to mam nadzieje że naprawdę będę miała go w swoich łapkach w tym roku tak bardzo chce posłuchać jego nowych piosenek. Z z uwagą na temat fryzurki w 100% się zgadzam. CHCE POWROTU LOCZKÓW!!!! ... 121#220121
za wszystko co mi dałeś i dajesz <3
za wszystko co mi dałeś i dajesz <3
dzina pisze:Jest już do ściągnięcia cały program SMAP SMAP, który trwa prawie 40 minut!
Nagranie jest świetnej jakości a link pochodzi z MJJForum!
Ania... Ja się idę z okna rzucić (aaa nie, przecież mieszkam na parterze ) Mogę się wobec tego na klamce powiesić, lub ostatecznie w misce własnego psa utopić!!! (tak w akcie desperacji )
To jest na megaupload, a ja od jakiegoś czasu nie mogę NIC z tego ściągać !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No to już sobie obejrzałam...
"Słodki ptaku, moja duszo, twoje milczenie jest tak cenne.
Ile czasu minie zanim świat usłyszy twą pieśń w mojej?
Oh, to jest dzień, na który czekam!"
- Michael Jackson
Ile czasu minie zanim świat usłyszy twą pieśń w mojej?
Oh, to jest dzień, na który czekam!"
- Michael Jackson