31. 05. Linki ( no i streszczenie, a co!)
Moderatorzy: DaX, Sephiroth820, MJowitek, majkelzawszespoko, Mafia
- LittleDevil
- Site Admin
- Posty: 1081
- Rejestracja: czw, 10 mar 2005, 23:45
- Skąd: mam wiedzieć, że cyklop puszcza mi oczko?
31. 05. Linki ( no i streszczenie, a co!)
W sadzie dyskutowano dzis, jakich instrukcji ma sedzia Melville udzielic przysieglym, zanim rozpoczna obrady nad wyrokiem. Chodzilo glownie o czesc oskarzenia dotyczaca podawania nieletnim alkoholu. Sedzia zadecydowal, ze kaze przysieglym uwzglednic takze ta czesc zarzutow, ale maja traktowac je jako przestepstwo mniejszej wagi . W ten sposob powstal nowy, odrebny punkt oskarzenia, nie majacy nic wspolnego z glownymi zarzutami. Oryginalny punkt oskarzenia dotyczyl podawania nieletnim alkoholu w celu molestowania ich pod jego wplywem, teraz zostal zmieniony na samo udostepnianie im alkoholu . W ten sposob sad ma mozliwosc uznania Mja winnym jedynie tego wystepku, nawet jesli zostanie uniewinniony we wszystkich pozostalych punktach . W dzisiejszym posiedzeniu przysiegli nie brali udzialu. MJ, Mesereau oraz prokurator Zonen byli rowniez nieobecni – Zonen i Mesereau sa zajeci przygotowywaniem mow koncowych.
Eksperci twierdza, ze w ten sposob zwiekszaja sie szanse prokuratora na skazanie Jacksona. Jesli zostanie skazany za przestepstwo mniejszej wagi, grozi mu jednak jedynie kara pieniezna i ewetualnie krotka kara pozbawienia wolnosci – skazanie za podawanie alkoholu w celu molestowania oznaczaloby 2 do 4 lat wiezienia.
Lawyers Argue Over Jackson Jury Instructions
http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-05 ... -headlines
Jackson Attorneys Discuss Jury Instruction
http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u ... _jackson_6
Alcohol charge against Michael Jackson is reduced
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050531/ts_ ... MlJVRPUCUl
Alcohol charge against Michael Jackson is reduced
Teraz widzimy, ze Wsciekly Pies ma w dupie sprawiedliwosc, chodzi mu tylko o wsadzenie Miska do pierdla chocby na dwa miesiace, nawet za to, ze pomalowal plot na zielono, a Sneddon wolalby niebieski. Z Melville’a tez niezla suka, tylko patrzy , jak moglby oddac temu skurwielowi przysluge (przepraszam, ze klne, ale juz mi ta angielska terminologia prawnicza do glowy uderza, musze sobie ulzyc!)
Z drugiej strony wydaje mi sie, ze Sneddon jest pewien kleski swej durnej sprawy, poniewaz w innym wypadku nie zabezpieczalby sie tak ze wszystkich stron. A co do oskarzenia o podawanie alkoholu, to o ile pamietam prokuratura nie przedstawila zadnego WIARYGODNEGO swiadka w tej sprawie, w przeciwienstwie do obrony, ktora miala kilku swiadkow na to, ze Gavinek i jego psubrat sami sobie swietnie radzili jak trzeba bylo zalac paly – nawet butelke od wina potrafili szybciutko otworzyc, niezle jak na trzynastolatkow…
Eksperci twierdza, ze w ten sposob zwiekszaja sie szanse prokuratora na skazanie Jacksona. Jesli zostanie skazany za przestepstwo mniejszej wagi, grozi mu jednak jedynie kara pieniezna i ewetualnie krotka kara pozbawienia wolnosci – skazanie za podawanie alkoholu w celu molestowania oznaczaloby 2 do 4 lat wiezienia.
Lawyers Argue Over Jackson Jury Instructions
http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-05 ... -headlines
Jackson Attorneys Discuss Jury Instruction
http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u ... _jackson_6
Alcohol charge against Michael Jackson is reduced
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050531/ts_ ... MlJVRPUCUl
Alcohol charge against Michael Jackson is reduced
Teraz widzimy, ze Wsciekly Pies ma w dupie sprawiedliwosc, chodzi mu tylko o wsadzenie Miska do pierdla chocby na dwa miesiace, nawet za to, ze pomalowal plot na zielono, a Sneddon wolalby niebieski. Z Melville’a tez niezla suka, tylko patrzy , jak moglby oddac temu skurwielowi przysluge (przepraszam, ze klne, ale juz mi ta angielska terminologia prawnicza do glowy uderza, musze sobie ulzyc!)
Z drugiej strony wydaje mi sie, ze Sneddon jest pewien kleski swej durnej sprawy, poniewaz w innym wypadku nie zabezpieczalby sie tak ze wszystkich stron. A co do oskarzenia o podawanie alkoholu, to o ile pamietam prokuratura nie przedstawila zadnego WIARYGODNEGO swiadka w tej sprawie, w przeciwienstwie do obrony, ktora miala kilku swiadkow na to, ze Gavinek i jego psubrat sami sobie swietnie radzili jak trzeba bylo zalac paly – nawet butelke od wina potrafili szybciutko otworzyc, niezle jak na trzynastolatkow…

Re: 31. 05. Linki ( no i streszczenie, a co!)
To jest bardzo pocieszające czyli w sumie szanse skazania MJ winnym w tej kwestii też są marne? Ciekawe jak to jest, że eksperci twierdzą, że MJ ma duże szanse na skazanie...ale mi eksperci!LittleDevil pisze: A co do oskarzenia o podawanie alkoholu, to o ile pamietam prokuratura nie przedstawila zadnego WIARYGODNEGO swiadka w tej sprawie, w przeciwienstwie do obrony, ktora miala kilku swiadkow na to, ze Gavinek i jego psubrat sami sobie swietnie radzili jak trzeba bylo zalac paly – nawet butelke od wina potrafili szybciutko otworzyc, niezle jak na trzynastolatkow…

Przy okazji Mały Diabełku dzięki za tłumaczonka i wszelkie info

Jesteś nieoceniona

decydujące będą mowy końcowe z ktorych to zreszta Mez słynie. Prawnicy MJ podwazyli wiarygodnosc swiadkow skladajacych zeznania przeciwko MJ do tego mozna dodac swiadkow ktorzy niby mieli skladac zeznania przeciwko MJ a skladali odwrotnie, kazdy kto skladal zeznania przeciwko mial motyw finansowy - to takze ujawniono - wszystkie te rzeczy i wiele innych Mez przypomni przysięgłym, a przysiegli UNIEWINNIĄ pana Michaela Jacksona
A Sneddon chyba zdaje sobie sprawe z tego ze narazil podatnikow na ogromne koszty nie majac zadnego dowodu ZADNEGO, nie chce mi sie przypominac smieszne dowody typu ksiazki z dziecmi czy tez kilka swierszczykow. Sam pewnie marszczy freda z hustlerem w reku
nie znaleziono DNA, swiadkowie niewiarygodni, mamusia bardzo zle wypadajaca w sądzie, Debi mowiaca o MJ ze jest OK, cala ta sprawa pokazala ze pan Thomas Sneddon ma osobiste motywy w kierowaniu sprawą.
Po tym procesie nie zdziwie sie jak wezmą go pod lupę i wtedy sam pozna na wlasnej skorze co to znaczy byc osaczonym.

A Sneddon chyba zdaje sobie sprawe z tego ze narazil podatnikow na ogromne koszty nie majac zadnego dowodu ZADNEGO, nie chce mi sie przypominac smieszne dowody typu ksiazki z dziecmi czy tez kilka swierszczykow. Sam pewnie marszczy freda z hustlerem w reku

Po tym procesie nie zdziwie sie jak wezmą go pod lupę i wtedy sam pozna na wlasnej skorze co to znaczy byc osaczonym.
- LittleDevil
- Site Admin
- Posty: 1081
- Rejestracja: czw, 10 mar 2005, 23:45
- Skąd: mam wiedzieć, że cyklop puszcza mi oczko?
Hehe, jak chodzi o mowy koncowe, to widze, ze prokuratura sie strasznie Meza boi - do ostatniego boju wystawili swego najsilniejszego wojownika! Wedlug tego, co czytalam, to nie Sneddon nas zaszczyci ostatnim slowem, lecz Zonen. Widac, ze skurczybyki pamietaja, jak cienko Sneddon wypadl na otwarciu imprezy... Sadzac z transkryptow sadowych, to Zonen byl chyba jedynym z trojcy potrafiacym sklecic jakies w miare rozsadne zdanie. Szkoda , bo myslalam, ze bedzie sie z czego posmiac - Sneddon to skrajny idiota i fanatyk, a Auchincloss to dupa - to oni powinni miec ostatnie slowo ku ogolnemu rozweseleniu...

Moment, z tego co ja czytałem te transkrypty, to Michael Nie Udostępniał Im alkocholu tylko Gavin podkradał alkochol bez wedzy Michaela a to raczej jest co innego i w tym momęcie to nawet pod względem udostępniania alkocholu dzieciom Michael jest nie winny, ponieważ to było bez jego wiedzy a alkocholu w życiu by nie dał dzieciom i napewno nie udostępniał go umyślnie, założę sie, że Gavin tam się wkraadał znając hasło itp. bądź wchodził tak aby go nie zauważono! W tym momęcie sprawa jest tak czy inaczej po stronie Obrony!
A Meliville zaczyna mnie niepokoić z tymi zagranaiami.
P.S. Czyytałem na MJJSource transkrypt z 31 maja i słuchajcie sędzia coś mówi, że koniec sprawy może być do Czwartku, czyżby to nie dziej jednak miał by być koniec?
A Meliville zaczyna mnie niepokoić z tymi zagranaiami.
P.S. Czyytałem na MJJSource transkrypt z 31 maja i słuchajcie sędzia coś mówi, że koniec sprawy może być do Czwartku, czyżby to nie dziej jednak miał by być koniec?


Jeszcze niedawno dostałem maila z MJJSource, żeby fani przygotowali się na 1 czerwca. Interia (heh :P ) podaje, że też dowiemy się tego dzisiaj.Mike pisze:P.S. Czyytałem na MJJSource transkrypt z 31 maja i słuchajcie sędzia coś mówi, że koniec sprawy może być do Czwartku, czyżby to nie dziej jednak miał by być koniec?
Przez półtora roku głowimy się jakimś durnym procesem, co zajmuje jakieś 80% (a może więcej?) tego forum "Michael Jackson", a teraz on zniknie... Może jeszcze nie teraz, bo przez najbliższy tydzień będzie się ciągle coś w prasie pojawiać, a my kochamy prasę i szeroko o niej piszemy :)
- LittleDevil
- Site Admin
- Posty: 1081
- Rejestracja: czw, 10 mar 2005, 23:45
- Skąd: mam wiedzieć, że cyklop puszcza mi oczko?
- LittleDevil
- Site Admin
- Posty: 1081
- Rejestracja: czw, 10 mar 2005, 23:45
- Skąd: mam wiedzieć, że cyklop puszcza mi oczko?
Znalazlam cos pieknego!
AMSTERDAM NEWSPAPER SAYS MIJAC IS INNOCENT: Publisher blames good ol’ American racism for Jackson’s predicament.
*The Amsterdam News doesn’t care what evidence was introduced by the D.A. at Michael Jackson’s child molestation trial, according to the paper’s recent editorial, titled: "Michael Jackson is innocent, no matter what!"
The weekly's publisher/owner Wilbert Tatum, who declared the singer’s innocence in a signed editorial, says the prosecution has failed to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt and blames racism for Jackson's situation.
The singer is hated "because he was young, gifted and black," Tatum writes. "Don't forget rich. And among those who hated him most are people like the District Attorney Tom Sneddon. This idiot . . . has the mind of a pornographer and the ambition of a peeping Tom."

AMSTERDAM NEWSPAPER SAYS MIJAC IS INNOCENT: Publisher blames good ol’ American racism for Jackson’s predicament.
*The Amsterdam News doesn’t care what evidence was introduced by the D.A. at Michael Jackson’s child molestation trial, according to the paper’s recent editorial, titled: "Michael Jackson is innocent, no matter what!"
The weekly's publisher/owner Wilbert Tatum, who declared the singer’s innocence in a signed editorial, says the prosecution has failed to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt and blames racism for Jackson's situation.
The singer is hated "because he was young, gifted and black," Tatum writes. "Don't forget rich. And among those who hated him most are people like the District Attorney Tom Sneddon. This idiot . . . has the mind of a pornographer and the ambition of a peeping Tom."


fajny artykul znalazlem
"Obie strony maja ostatnią szansę aby wpłynąc na decyzję przysięgłych"
Both sides have a last chance to sway jury
Legal teams face steep challenges in closing arguments
By week's end, a Santa Maria jury of eight women and five men will retreat behind closed doors to decide whether Michael Jackson, the world-famous entertainer, is also a child molester.
But their decision won't come before his defense attorneys and those prosecuting him get one last chance to argue their case that either Mr. Jackson is a serial pedophile who has used his fame to prey on young boys or that he is a sensitive, giving man who has been targeted by grifters after his money.
Those closing arguments are crucial, the final chance for each side to make sense for jurors of the complicated marathon 13-week trial, which has included 140 witnesses and hours of videotaped evidence.
Both sides face steep challenges. For prosecutors, they must convince jurors that the testimony of key witnesses is credible. For the defense team, it must show that although Mr. Jackson regularly slept with adolescent boys, he did not molest them.
Before the jury begins its deliberations, the prosecution and defense will confer today with Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville and decide the fine points of how the judge will instruct the jurors on the law.
This process, conducted in open court but outside of the presence of jurors, will take at least one day. Jurors will likely return to court sometime on Wednesday. Judge Melville has yet to decide whether he will deliver those instructions to jurors before closing arguments or immediately after.
District Attorney Thomas Sneddon has charged Mr. Jackson with child molestation, administering alcohol to a minor to commit a felony, and conspiracy, charges which bring up to 18 years in state prison if convicted. He has remained free on $3 million bail since his surrender on Nov. 20, 2003.
Prosecutors introduced compelling testimony about Mr. Jackson's alleged history with adolescent boys to lend weight to the current accuser's statements. Defense lawyers aggressively attacked the credibility of the prosecution's witnesses, including the accuser and his family.
The primary challenge for Senior Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen will be to persuade jurors that possible credibility problems of key witnesses don't matter -- what matters is that Mr. Jackson allegedly molested the boy and that the entertainer and his associates conspired to abduct, falsely imprison and extort the accuser and his family.
The main hurdle for lead defense lawyer Thomas Mesereau will be to convince jurors that although his client shares his bed with children, he does not molest them. The prosecution's conspiracy theory will be presented as a fabrication created by a greedy mother and blindly accepted by a vindictive district attorney.
Mr. Zonen will paint Mr. Jackson as a serial predator who built Neverland Valley Ranch to lure adolescent boys into a fantastical world where there are no inhibitions so that he can more easily seduce them.
Prosecutors allege Mr. Jackson and his associates conspired to keep a vulnerable family against their will until they agreed to participate in a video designed to defuse the public relations nightmare created by a British documentary which aired here Feb. 6, 2003. In "Living with Michael Jackson," the entertainer is seen holding hands with the boy as he states he innocently shares his bed with children.
Prosecutors insist the documentary threatened the entertainer's career and finances, motivating him to orchestrate the conspiracy. The mother testified that Jackson associates told her that her family's life was in danger if she did not cooperate. She said the family was ordered to follow a script for a rebuttal video and that when she strayed from the script, Mr. Jackson's associates planned to ship the family to Brazil.
The accuser, now 15, testified Mr. Jackson plied him with alcohol and then molested him in early March 2003. The boy's brother testified he witnessed two of four alleged incidents of molestation.
Mr. Mesereau will portray the accuser and his family as conniving grifters who have a history of targeting wealthy celebrities. They insist the mother concocted the allegations after a failed attempt to get money from Mr. Jackson and then coached her children to follow suit.
The defense lawyers paint their client as a musical genius and sensitive intellectual. They describe him as inspired by the purity of children. He revels in balloons fights and late-night sleepovers because his younger years were compromised by the rigors of his career, they maintain. The defense says Neverland remains what it was intended to be -- a magical haven for troubled, sick and underprivileged youth, a fairy-tale refuge where they can forget their woes and enjoy the innocence of childhood.
The defense lawyers point to the millions of dollars Mr. Jackson has contributed to children's charities as evidence of his good heart. They say it is his trusting and giving nature that make him an easy mark. They insist their client is the victim -- of a woman who they say has repeatedly lied to welfare authorities, law enforcement, lawyers and celebrities, all for attempted financial gain.
In the end, the case comes down to a matter of credibility. Will the jurors believe the accuser and his family? Or will they believe Mr. Jackson? The world is waiting to find out.
Dawn Hobbs is also an analyst for NBC News. You may e-mail her at dhobbs@newspress.com.
a to zdjecie mi siem bardzo spodobalo

Paul Sakajian of Las Vegas patrols outside the courthouse to support Michael Jackson.
a to cos w stylu: partia mocherowych beretów - słuchaczka radia maRYJA

"Obie strony maja ostatnią szansę aby wpłynąc na decyzję przysięgłych"
Both sides have a last chance to sway jury
Legal teams face steep challenges in closing arguments
By week's end, a Santa Maria jury of eight women and five men will retreat behind closed doors to decide whether Michael Jackson, the world-famous entertainer, is also a child molester.
But their decision won't come before his defense attorneys and those prosecuting him get one last chance to argue their case that either Mr. Jackson is a serial pedophile who has used his fame to prey on young boys or that he is a sensitive, giving man who has been targeted by grifters after his money.
Those closing arguments are crucial, the final chance for each side to make sense for jurors of the complicated marathon 13-week trial, which has included 140 witnesses and hours of videotaped evidence.
Both sides face steep challenges. For prosecutors, they must convince jurors that the testimony of key witnesses is credible. For the defense team, it must show that although Mr. Jackson regularly slept with adolescent boys, he did not molest them.
Before the jury begins its deliberations, the prosecution and defense will confer today with Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville and decide the fine points of how the judge will instruct the jurors on the law.
This process, conducted in open court but outside of the presence of jurors, will take at least one day. Jurors will likely return to court sometime on Wednesday. Judge Melville has yet to decide whether he will deliver those instructions to jurors before closing arguments or immediately after.
District Attorney Thomas Sneddon has charged Mr. Jackson with child molestation, administering alcohol to a minor to commit a felony, and conspiracy, charges which bring up to 18 years in state prison if convicted. He has remained free on $3 million bail since his surrender on Nov. 20, 2003.
Prosecutors introduced compelling testimony about Mr. Jackson's alleged history with adolescent boys to lend weight to the current accuser's statements. Defense lawyers aggressively attacked the credibility of the prosecution's witnesses, including the accuser and his family.
The primary challenge for Senior Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen will be to persuade jurors that possible credibility problems of key witnesses don't matter -- what matters is that Mr. Jackson allegedly molested the boy and that the entertainer and his associates conspired to abduct, falsely imprison and extort the accuser and his family.
The main hurdle for lead defense lawyer Thomas Mesereau will be to convince jurors that although his client shares his bed with children, he does not molest them. The prosecution's conspiracy theory will be presented as a fabrication created by a greedy mother and blindly accepted by a vindictive district attorney.
Mr. Zonen will paint Mr. Jackson as a serial predator who built Neverland Valley Ranch to lure adolescent boys into a fantastical world where there are no inhibitions so that he can more easily seduce them.
Prosecutors allege Mr. Jackson and his associates conspired to keep a vulnerable family against their will until they agreed to participate in a video designed to defuse the public relations nightmare created by a British documentary which aired here Feb. 6, 2003. In "Living with Michael Jackson," the entertainer is seen holding hands with the boy as he states he innocently shares his bed with children.
Prosecutors insist the documentary threatened the entertainer's career and finances, motivating him to orchestrate the conspiracy. The mother testified that Jackson associates told her that her family's life was in danger if she did not cooperate. She said the family was ordered to follow a script for a rebuttal video and that when she strayed from the script, Mr. Jackson's associates planned to ship the family to Brazil.
The accuser, now 15, testified Mr. Jackson plied him with alcohol and then molested him in early March 2003. The boy's brother testified he witnessed two of four alleged incidents of molestation.
Mr. Mesereau will portray the accuser and his family as conniving grifters who have a history of targeting wealthy celebrities. They insist the mother concocted the allegations after a failed attempt to get money from Mr. Jackson and then coached her children to follow suit.
The defense lawyers paint their client as a musical genius and sensitive intellectual. They describe him as inspired by the purity of children. He revels in balloons fights and late-night sleepovers because his younger years were compromised by the rigors of his career, they maintain. The defense says Neverland remains what it was intended to be -- a magical haven for troubled, sick and underprivileged youth, a fairy-tale refuge where they can forget their woes and enjoy the innocence of childhood.
The defense lawyers point to the millions of dollars Mr. Jackson has contributed to children's charities as evidence of his good heart. They say it is his trusting and giving nature that make him an easy mark. They insist their client is the victim -- of a woman who they say has repeatedly lied to welfare authorities, law enforcement, lawyers and celebrities, all for attempted financial gain.
In the end, the case comes down to a matter of credibility. Will the jurors believe the accuser and his family? Or will they believe Mr. Jackson? The world is waiting to find out.
Dawn Hobbs is also an analyst for NBC News. You may e-mail her at dhobbs@newspress.com.
a to zdjecie mi siem bardzo spodobalo

Paul Sakajian of Las Vegas patrols outside the courthouse to support Michael Jackson.
a to cos w stylu: partia mocherowych beretów - słuchaczka radia maRYJA

Nie no, ciąć się przecież z tego powodu nie będziemyPank pisze:Przez półtora roku głowimy się jakimś durnym procesem, co zajmuje jakieś 80% (a może więcej?) tego forum "Michael Jackson", a teraz on zniknie... Może jeszcze nie teraz, bo przez najbliższy tydzień będzie się ciągle coś w prasie pojawiać, a my kochamy prasę i szeroko o niej piszemy :)

Poza tym, po zakończeniu procesu Michael'a będziemy tu szeroko pisać o innym, równie mocno interesującym nas prcesie- Obywatele Stanów Zjednoczonych v/s Thomas Sneddon

"Everywhere I go
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smilin back at me
Dancin in moonlight
I know you are free
Cuz I can see your star
Shinin down on me"
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smilin back at me
Dancin in moonlight
I know you are free
Cuz I can see your star
Shinin down on me"