mowy końcowe
Moderatorzy: DaX, Sephiroth820, MJowitek, majkelzawszespoko, Mafia
mowy końcowe
piszą wszędzie o mowie końcowej ale prokuratury a gdzie Meza? jutro? czy moze dzis juz sie odbyla?
- LittleDevil
- Site Admin
- Posty: 1081
- Rejestracja: czw, 10 mar 2005, 23:45
- Skąd: mam wiedzieć, że cyklop puszcza mi oczko?
Na razie nic nie wiadomo - Mez mial zaczynac dzisiaj, ale watpie, zeby naprawde tak bylo. Znajac naszych kochanych prokuratorow, to na pewno zrobili uzytek z calych czterech godzin danych im przez Melville'a na gadanie - mam nadzieje, ze pozwola Mezowi zaczac jutro, bo wtedy lawnicy beda mogli sie lepiej skoncentrowac.

ja jak zwykle ze wszystkim do tyłu
Nie mam tutaj CNN ani BBC wiec nic nie wiem i gdyby nie najbardziej boska diablica ze wszystkich szatanów [czyt. Klara] to bym nie miala nawet pojecia czy ten proces to wogóle jeszcze trwa!
Czyli Szalony Tomek juz skończył? Ale to chyba nie on mówił, co? Miał kto inny [bij-zabij nie pamietam nazwiska
]... jesli skończyli to ja czekam na wypowiedzi analityków, którzy powiedza coś takiego:
-"Kiedy pan Sneddon wygłosił swoja mowę na rozpoczecie procesu wydawało sie, ze gorszej mowy oskarżenie przedstawić nie mogło.. Wszyscy bardzo żeśmy sie mylili- mową końcową prokuratura dowiodła, że zdolna jest pogłebic najgłebsze dno. Wyrok wydaje sie byc oczywisty. Fani Michaela Jacksona juz moga chłodzic szampana...
Dla BBC News sprzed budynku sadu w Santa..." itd.itd.

Czyli Szalony Tomek juz skończył? Ale to chyba nie on mówił, co? Miał kto inny [bij-zabij nie pamietam nazwiska

-"Kiedy pan Sneddon wygłosił swoja mowę na rozpoczecie procesu wydawało sie, ze gorszej mowy oskarżenie przedstawić nie mogło.. Wszyscy bardzo żeśmy sie mylili- mową końcową prokuratura dowiodła, że zdolna jest pogłebic najgłebsze dno. Wyrok wydaje sie byc oczywisty. Fani Michaela Jacksona juz moga chłodzic szampana...
Dla BBC News sprzed budynku sadu w Santa..." itd.itd.


"Look at my avatar and tell me once again:
are you sure that I'm wrong?"
* * *
are you sure that I'm wrong?"
* * *
tak prokurator wyglosil mowe koncowa
Waging a broad attack on Jackson and his defense, Senior Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen (search) charged that the singer's attorney failed to keep promises made to the jury in opening statements and that the defense's only strategy had been to attack the credibility of the accuser's mother.
The defense was to respond later in its closing argument. The jury has been told it will get the case on Friday, and a verdict is likely next week.
Zonen told the panel that Jackson has a pattern of going after susceptible boys and when he brings children to his Neverland ranch, he separates them from parents and authority and fills their days with candy, video games and other amusements.
Jackson followed the same "grooming process" with his accuser and the boy's brother, he said.
"At night they entered into the world of the forbidden. They went into Michael Jackson's room, which is a veritable fortress," Zonen said.
He said that in Jackson's room the boys learned about human sexuality "from someone who is only too willing to be their teacher."
Jackson's efforts to lower the boys' inhibitions included showing them pornography, appearing naked before them and simulating a sex act with a mannequin, he said.
"This case is about the exploitation and sexual abuse of a 13-year-old cancer survivor by an international celebrity," Zonen told the eight-woman, four-man jury.
Zonen dramatically read jurors a statement from Jackson attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr.'s (search) opening statement in which the lawyer said, "I think an opening statement is a contract."
He said Mesereau had invited jurors to judge him on the basis of whether he kept the promises.
"Let's begin that judgment," he said, listing a series of alleged inconsistencies.
Zonen said Mesereau claimed that the mother was involved in shakedowns of several celebrities including George Lopez and Jay Leno, but he said Lopez testified the boy and his father -- not the mother -- were involved in a scam involving a wallet purportedly left by the boy at Lopez's home.
The prosecutor noted that Leno testified that the boy may have called him but the "Tonight Show" host never remembered being asked for money.
Zonen also said Mesereau had told jurors he would show that the mother asked Mike Tyson, Adam Sandler and Jim Carrey for money.
"Did you see any of them come in here?" Zonen said. "There's no evidence she received anything from the three of them."
The 46-year-old entertainer is charged with molesting a 13-year-old cancer survivor in February or March 2003, plying him with wine and conspiring to hold his family captive to get them to rebut damaging aspects of the documentary "Living With Michael Jackson," in which Jackson held hands with the boy as he talked of allowing children into his bed for what he said were innocent sleepovers.
Zonen said Mesereau also failed to prove that the mother tried to negotiate for money during the making of the rebuttal video and that she tried to use her son's illness to make money.
He acknowledged that the mother received $2,000 from Hamid Moslehi, Jackson's videographer, during the making of the video. But Zonen said Moslehi was to receive $250,000 the next day for his work and others involved were also well-paid.
He said Moslehi was simply helping the mother.
"He recognized the injustice of what was going on," Zonen said. "He readily says that she did not ask for it."
Zonen also said it was outrageous for the defense to object to the mother receiving spa treatments at Jackson's expense when the pop star and his associates were profiting from the family.
The prosecutor ridiculed Mesereau's suggestion that Jackson took time out of his career to help the boy during his battle with cancer.
Zonen said Jackson never visited the boy when he was hospitalized in Los Angeles in 2000.
He acknowledged Jackson had many long phone calls with the boy but said that was typical.
"He did that with all the boys who ended up in his room. That's how Michael Jackson functioned. That's what Michael Jackson does," Zonen said.
The prosecutor acknowledged that the mother fraudulently underreported income on an application for welfare. He said she did it when she had separated from her husband and had three children to care for.
"That was a mistake. It was fraud. She shouldn't have done it," Zonen said. "That was the only thing she's done in her life that she clearly shouldn't have done."
Zonen also presented a timeline of the events in the case as well as statements from Jackson including, "I have slept in a bed with many children," which Jackson said in the TV documentary.
The prosecutor also noted that during testimony trial participants were barred from referring to materials found in Jackson's home as pornography, but he was now free to do so. He said he would use the term, show the material and say why he was calling it pornography.
He showed the jury one note written by the accuser to Jackson and two notes written by the singer to the boy, all of which were found in a suitcase in Jackson's bedroom. Zonen reminded jurors that the suitcase also contained pornography.
The boy's note stated, "I'm your son. I love you and Prince, Paris and Blanket," referring to Jackson's three children. Blanket is a nickname for the younger son, Prince Michael II.
Jackson wrote in one note: "But you have to realy be honest in your heart that I AM your DAD and will take good care of you. DAD." Another note said, "I want you to have a great time in Florida. I'm very happy to be your DADDY. Blacket, Prince and Paris are your brothers and sister. Love Dad."
Zonen, who noted to the jury that Jackson had misspelled his son's nickname, said Jackson had urged the family to come to Florida, contradicting defense suggestions that the family had found out Jackson was there and wanted to get to him.
Jackson walked slowly into the Santa Maria courthouse on Thursday, looking somber on the day that closing arguments were to begin in his child-molestation trial.
He arrived with his parents to screams from supporters, mainly young women, who were particularly vocal Thursday, standing out in the rain without umbrellas.
Jackson, in a dark coat and plaid vest, acknowledged them with a wave.
FOX News legal analyst Stan Goldman said they were there to support Jackson on a day that is going to be very important in the case.
"I think whoever can tie everything together, point the jury in their direction, will win. It's a 50-50 toss of the coin [whether Jackson will be] locked in jail or go back to Neverland still a multimillionaire and free," Goldman said.
Waging a broad attack on Jackson and his defense, Senior Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen (search) charged that the singer's attorney failed to keep promises made to the jury in opening statements and that the defense's only strategy had been to attack the credibility of the accuser's mother.
The defense was to respond later in its closing argument. The jury has been told it will get the case on Friday, and a verdict is likely next week.
Zonen told the panel that Jackson has a pattern of going after susceptible boys and when he brings children to his Neverland ranch, he separates them from parents and authority and fills their days with candy, video games and other amusements.
Jackson followed the same "grooming process" with his accuser and the boy's brother, he said.
"At night they entered into the world of the forbidden. They went into Michael Jackson's room, which is a veritable fortress," Zonen said.
He said that in Jackson's room the boys learned about human sexuality "from someone who is only too willing to be their teacher."
Jackson's efforts to lower the boys' inhibitions included showing them pornography, appearing naked before them and simulating a sex act with a mannequin, he said.
"This case is about the exploitation and sexual abuse of a 13-year-old cancer survivor by an international celebrity," Zonen told the eight-woman, four-man jury.
Zonen dramatically read jurors a statement from Jackson attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr.'s (search) opening statement in which the lawyer said, "I think an opening statement is a contract."
He said Mesereau had invited jurors to judge him on the basis of whether he kept the promises.
"Let's begin that judgment," he said, listing a series of alleged inconsistencies.
Zonen said Mesereau claimed that the mother was involved in shakedowns of several celebrities including George Lopez and Jay Leno, but he said Lopez testified the boy and his father -- not the mother -- were involved in a scam involving a wallet purportedly left by the boy at Lopez's home.
The prosecutor noted that Leno testified that the boy may have called him but the "Tonight Show" host never remembered being asked for money.
Zonen also said Mesereau had told jurors he would show that the mother asked Mike Tyson, Adam Sandler and Jim Carrey for money.
"Did you see any of them come in here?" Zonen said. "There's no evidence she received anything from the three of them."
The 46-year-old entertainer is charged with molesting a 13-year-old cancer survivor in February or March 2003, plying him with wine and conspiring to hold his family captive to get them to rebut damaging aspects of the documentary "Living With Michael Jackson," in which Jackson held hands with the boy as he talked of allowing children into his bed for what he said were innocent sleepovers.
Zonen said Mesereau also failed to prove that the mother tried to negotiate for money during the making of the rebuttal video and that she tried to use her son's illness to make money.
He acknowledged that the mother received $2,000 from Hamid Moslehi, Jackson's videographer, during the making of the video. But Zonen said Moslehi was to receive $250,000 the next day for his work and others involved were also well-paid.
He said Moslehi was simply helping the mother.
"He recognized the injustice of what was going on," Zonen said. "He readily says that she did not ask for it."
Zonen also said it was outrageous for the defense to object to the mother receiving spa treatments at Jackson's expense when the pop star and his associates were profiting from the family.
The prosecutor ridiculed Mesereau's suggestion that Jackson took time out of his career to help the boy during his battle with cancer.
Zonen said Jackson never visited the boy when he was hospitalized in Los Angeles in 2000.
He acknowledged Jackson had many long phone calls with the boy but said that was typical.
"He did that with all the boys who ended up in his room. That's how Michael Jackson functioned. That's what Michael Jackson does," Zonen said.
The prosecutor acknowledged that the mother fraudulently underreported income on an application for welfare. He said she did it when she had separated from her husband and had three children to care for.
"That was a mistake. It was fraud. She shouldn't have done it," Zonen said. "That was the only thing she's done in her life that she clearly shouldn't have done."
Zonen also presented a timeline of the events in the case as well as statements from Jackson including, "I have slept in a bed with many children," which Jackson said in the TV documentary.
The prosecutor also noted that during testimony trial participants were barred from referring to materials found in Jackson's home as pornography, but he was now free to do so. He said he would use the term, show the material and say why he was calling it pornography.
He showed the jury one note written by the accuser to Jackson and two notes written by the singer to the boy, all of which were found in a suitcase in Jackson's bedroom. Zonen reminded jurors that the suitcase also contained pornography.
The boy's note stated, "I'm your son. I love you and Prince, Paris and Blanket," referring to Jackson's three children. Blanket is a nickname for the younger son, Prince Michael II.
Jackson wrote in one note: "But you have to realy be honest in your heart that I AM your DAD and will take good care of you. DAD." Another note said, "I want you to have a great time in Florida. I'm very happy to be your DADDY. Blacket, Prince and Paris are your brothers and sister. Love Dad."
Zonen, who noted to the jury that Jackson had misspelled his son's nickname, said Jackson had urged the family to come to Florida, contradicting defense suggestions that the family had found out Jackson was there and wanted to get to him.
Jackson walked slowly into the Santa Maria courthouse on Thursday, looking somber on the day that closing arguments were to begin in his child-molestation trial.
He arrived with his parents to screams from supporters, mainly young women, who were particularly vocal Thursday, standing out in the rain without umbrellas.
Jackson, in a dark coat and plaid vest, acknowledged them with a wave.
FOX News legal analyst Stan Goldman said they were there to support Jackson on a day that is going to be very important in the case.
"I think whoever can tie everything together, point the jury in their direction, will win. It's a 50-50 toss of the coin [whether Jackson will be] locked in jail or go back to Neverland still a multimillionaire and free," Goldman said.
Ostatnio zmieniony czw, 02 cze 2005, 22:24 przez Speechless, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
- LittleDevil
- Site Admin
- Posty: 1081
- Rejestracja: czw, 10 mar 2005, 23:45
- Skąd: mam wiedzieć, że cyklop puszcza mi oczko?
Prosecutor: Jackson Sexually Abused Teen ... JF400.html
Lawyer: Jackson Targeted Vulnerable Boy ... MlJVRPUCUl ... JF400.html
Lawyer: Jackson Targeted Vulnerable Boy ... MlJVRPUCUl

- LittleDevil
- Site Admin
- Posty: 1081
- Rejestracja: czw, 10 mar 2005, 23:45
- Skąd: mam wiedzieć, że cyklop puszcza mi oczko?
siadeh_ pisze:
Czyli Szalony Tomek juz skończył? Ale to chyba nie on mówił, co? Miał kto inny [bij-zabij nie pamietam nazwiska]... jesli skończyli to ja czekam na wypowiedzi analityków, którzy powiedza coś takiego:
-"Kiedy pan Sneddon wygłosił swoja mowę na rozpoczecie procesu wydawało sie, ze gorszej mowy oskarżenie przedstawić nie mogło.. Wszyscy bardzo żeśmy sie mylili- mową końcową prokuratura dowiodła, że zdolna jest pogłebic najgłebsze dno. Wyrok wydaje sie byc oczywisty. Fani Michaela Jacksona juz moga chłodzic szampana...
Dla BBC News sprzed budynku sadu w Santa..." itd.itd.![]()
Hehe, wypowiedzi anylitykow brzmialy mniej wiecej tak po mowie wstepnej, wobec tego panowie proKURWAtorzy zadecydowali, ze dzisiaj Tomus ma siedziec cicho i ryja nie otwierac, bo jak cos powie, to wstyd... Mowe koncowa sklecil Zonen.

ZONEN- własnie! Ale też chyba zbyt wielu faktów nie przytoczył..? Chociaz chyba wypadł w porównaniu z szalonym Tomkiem duzo lepiej. Niech im będzie.... jutro Mez ich zmiazdży tak, ze beda się zbierac nawzajem z podłogi sali sądowej do grudnia
Wystarczy , ze przypomni jakies to okropne meczarnie przezywała (na koszt Mja rzecz jasna - potwór jeden!
)mamuńka, kiedy to MJ ja "przetrzymywał wbrew woli"... potem jescze kilka faktów z życia tych zmij, a następnie jescze szybkie spojrzenie na mordeczkę gavina i zwyciestwo mamy pewne...
Wiem, wiem..zagalopowałam sie..ale jakże pieknie jest marzyć zwłaszcza kiedy te marzenia się spełniają!!

Wiem, wiem..zagalopowałam sie..ale jakże pieknie jest marzyć zwłaszcza kiedy te marzenia się spełniają!!


"Look at my avatar and tell me once again:
are you sure that I'm wrong?"
* * *
are you sure that I'm wrong?"
* * *
- LittleDevil
- Site Admin
- Posty: 1081
- Rejestracja: czw, 10 mar 2005, 23:45
- Skąd: mam wiedzieć, że cyklop puszcza mi oczko?
One display Zonen presented was a collage of Jackson, and around him was Brett Barnes, Jordan Chandler, Jason Francia, and Gavin Arvizo. He was trynig to show that all boys Michael "molested" looked the same. Except that they didn't include Culkin or Robson because they looked nothing like the rest
and Brett Barnes took the stand and testified with absolute certainty that he was never molested. So that kinda washes out this theory all together.
NIe wiem dokladnie, skad pochodzi ten cytat, ale jesli naprawde tak bylo, to Zonen spierdolil wszystko jak tylko mogl najlepiej.... Pokazal zdjecia Bretta Barnesa, Chandlera, Jasona Francia i Gayvina, chcac udowodnic, ze wszystkie ofiary MJa sa podobne do siebie, czyli ze Mj gustuje w konkretnym typie.... Zapomnial tylko, ze Brett Barnes zeznal pod przysiega, ze MJ go nie molestowal! Hihihi!!

- LittleDevil
- Site Admin
- Posty: 1081
- Rejestracja: czw, 10 mar 2005, 23:45
- Skąd: mam wiedzieć, że cyklop puszcza mi oczko?
Zwalam z MJJF (nie wiem czy tak wolno ale sruuuu...): oto, co mowia w telewizji na temat mowy koncowej Meza - jednak zaczal przemawiac juz dzisiaj
MSNBC... Mez began by saying the prosecution started theirs with an attack on me, that is a sure sign that they are in trouble.
Mez reminded them of the promises the prosecution did not keep...debbie and chris carter
Michael's life is at stake. Can you convict Michael on these charges?
The biggest red flag is the accuser First went to see a civil attorney before anybody else..
Ron Richards... Mez is scoring points by showing these jurors how ridiculous this timeline is.
Diane Dimond: A few minutes later and tom mesereau, i must say, is delivering a powerful and energetic closing argument. It is all about attacking the integrity of this family. Especially the integrity of the mother. He said point blank at the top, he said this is about whether the doe family can be believed to beyond a reasonable doubt. If you don't believe what they said, you must acquit. He then went through a long rendition of what he termed were the mother's scams, jc penney up there. The welfare fraud was up there. He said ask yourself, do i have any problem with anything they have said? If answer is yes, mr. Jackson must go home. He talked a lot about the past testimony and promised that he would take them through transcripts that hasn't occurred yet and giving the outline at the top here. He said the testimony so far prove that is this family are con artists, actors and liars. The mother is so skilled with her tales of woe that people just after hearing her tales of woe simply decide to write her a check. She has committed perjury. I'll show you that in the jc penney suit and other times. You should pause and be suspicious about everything you have heard from every member of that family. It is clear that they were always trying to develop a lawsuit against michael jackson. Then he started talking about his client. Seemingly, pooh-poohing the state's case against him. He said, look at him. He is a genius. He is concerned with going into the studio and creating and sitting in a tree and writing music. He is -- his only and biggest sin is trusting the wrong people to be around him. He has been a target for years ever since the 1994 payout. There were two of them as you remember, nancy. He attacked steve robel the lead detectivive in the case, the powerful video of the young boy please speaking to the police and telling them what he said happened with michael jackson. He said, you know, he from the very beginning said, you know, hi, come in, sit down. We are going to investigate. Michael jackson's wrong and you are right and you're safe now. Giving the clear implication that there hasn't investigated anything but make michael jackson a target. He asked a lot of questions to the jury, nancy. Rather than statements of fact, of look at michael jackson. Does he appear to be somebody who would enter into a conspiracy? Look at the mother and her past. Don't you think that -- and then go into a long rendition. It was very unlike the presentation that ron zonen did earlier today which really was sort of a story about the doe family and how they got swept up in michael jackson's life.

Taaa... "typ Michaela", przypomnijcie sobie jeszcze Maculey'a Culkina, podobny do pozostałych niczym brat bliźniakLittleDevil pisze:One display Zonen presented was a collage of Jackson, and around him was Brett Barnes, Jordan Chandler, Jason Francia, and Gavin Arvizo. He was trynig to show that all boys Michael "molested" looked the same. Except that they didn't include Culkin or Robson because they looked nothing like the rest
and Brett Barnes took the stand and testified with absolute certainty that he was never molested. So that kinda washes out this theory all together.
Pokazal zdjecia Bretta Barnesa, Chandlera, Jasona Francia i Gayvina, chcac udowodnic, ze wszystkie ofiary MJa sa podobne do siebie, czyli ze Mj gustuje w konkretnym typie....

Dobra to ja sobie idę spać, wywody prokuratury tak jakoś dziwnie usypiająco na mnie działają...

Pozwalam sobie wkleic onetowy news, ku niezadowoleniu co niektorych z Was
IAR, KI, 03 czerwca 2005 07:52
Zakończył się proces Michaela Jacksona
W Kalifornii zakończył się proces Michaela Jacksona, w którym piosenkarz jest oskarżony o molestowanie seksualne nieletniego chłopca. Wczoraj (2 czerwca) w sądzie w Santa Maria mowy końcowe wygłosili prokurator oraz obrońca słynnego wykonawcy.
Prokurator Ron Zonen przedstawiał Michaela Jacksona jako notorycznego pedofila, któremu wydawało się, że jest nietykalny. W trwającym trzy godziny wystąpieniu Zonen dowodził, że gwiazdor muzyki pop wabił do swojej bajkowej posiadłości dzieci, aby niektóre z nich upijać i wykorzystywać seksualnie.
Obrońca Jacksona, Thomas Mesereau, przedstawił zupełnie inny obraz sytuacji. Jego zdaniem oskarżenia formułowane przez 15-letniego obecnie chłopca są częścią intrygi uknutej przez jego matkę. Mesereau przypomniał, że zarówno ona jak i jej syn przyznali się do kłamstwa w innych sprawach, na przykład gdy próbowali wyłudzić wysokie odszkodowanie od jednego ze sklepów.
Dziś (3 czerwca) strony procesu zakończą mowy końcowe. Następnie zbierze się 12-osobowa ława przysięgłych. Prawdopodobnie w przyszłym tygodniu orzeknie ona o winie lub niewinności Michaela Jacksona.,1107588,wiadomosci.html

IAR, KI, 03 czerwca 2005 07:52
Zakończył się proces Michaela Jacksona
W Kalifornii zakończył się proces Michaela Jacksona, w którym piosenkarz jest oskarżony o molestowanie seksualne nieletniego chłopca. Wczoraj (2 czerwca) w sądzie w Santa Maria mowy końcowe wygłosili prokurator oraz obrońca słynnego wykonawcy.
Prokurator Ron Zonen przedstawiał Michaela Jacksona jako notorycznego pedofila, któremu wydawało się, że jest nietykalny. W trwającym trzy godziny wystąpieniu Zonen dowodził, że gwiazdor muzyki pop wabił do swojej bajkowej posiadłości dzieci, aby niektóre z nich upijać i wykorzystywać seksualnie.
Obrońca Jacksona, Thomas Mesereau, przedstawił zupełnie inny obraz sytuacji. Jego zdaniem oskarżenia formułowane przez 15-letniego obecnie chłopca są częścią intrygi uknutej przez jego matkę. Mesereau przypomniał, że zarówno ona jak i jej syn przyznali się do kłamstwa w innych sprawach, na przykład gdy próbowali wyłudzić wysokie odszkodowanie od jednego ze sklepów.
Dziś (3 czerwca) strony procesu zakończą mowy końcowe. Następnie zbierze się 12-osobowa ława przysięgłych. Prawdopodobnie w przyszłym tygodniu orzeknie ona o winie lub niewinności Michaela Jacksona.,1107588,wiadomosci.html
B. Olewicz (...) co tak cenne jest, że ta nienazwana myśl rysą jest na szkle? (...)
E. Bodo To nie ty...
E. Bodo To nie ty...