Sesja i wywiad dla "EBONY" (11.2007)
Moderatorzy: DaX, Sephiroth820, MJowitek, majkelzawszespoko, Mafia
Ja się dołącze do zamówienia w razie czego, ale teraz czekam, na to czy trza czekac do tego Grudnia czy tez nie...
a co do ceny:
a co do ceny:
Kochani, jest dobrze :)
Zakasałam rękawy i napisałam nie tylko do kumpeli (2 posty wyżej), ale i do Ebony do USA. I odpowiedzieli mi natychmiast! Napisałam, że chciałabym kupić Ebony w Polsce i żeby mi odpowiedzieli, jak to zrobić. A jak się nie da, to że chciałabym zamówić u nich numer z Majkelem. I jeszcze napisałam, że jest nas w Polsce więcej i że jeśli się da, to zamówimy większą grupą. Oto, co mi właśnie odpisali:
"Please let me know the quantity and I can give you shipping price for
3-5 day shipment> I believe we do not have a distribution outlet in
Robert Acquaye
Johnson Publishing Company, Inc"
W tłumaczeniu:
"Proszę podać ilość, a będę mógł podać cenę przesyłki za 3-5 dniowy transport morski. Sądzę, że nie mamy dystrybucji w Polsce
Robert Acquaye
Johnson Publishing Company, Inc"
Tak więc - pojawiły się dwie możliwości. Piszcie do mnie (tłumnie :)) ), żebym mogła szybko odpisać i podać liczbę egzemplarzy. Bo jak im powiem: większa ilość = 3 sztuki, to obawiam się, że będzie ubaw. Kto chce, czy to przez Ebony, czy przez moją koleżankę - niech pisze.
Aha, moim zdaniem ten "transport morski", to nie jest statek z numerem grudniowym Ebony dla fanów, tylko zwykła wysyłka drogą morską, więc bez stresu :))
Zakasałam rękawy i napisałam nie tylko do kumpeli (2 posty wyżej), ale i do Ebony do USA. I odpowiedzieli mi natychmiast! Napisałam, że chciałabym kupić Ebony w Polsce i żeby mi odpowiedzieli, jak to zrobić. A jak się nie da, to że chciałabym zamówić u nich numer z Majkelem. I jeszcze napisałam, że jest nas w Polsce więcej i że jeśli się da, to zamówimy większą grupą. Oto, co mi właśnie odpisali:
"Please let me know the quantity and I can give you shipping price for
3-5 day shipment> I believe we do not have a distribution outlet in
Robert Acquaye
Johnson Publishing Company, Inc"
W tłumaczeniu:
"Proszę podać ilość, a będę mógł podać cenę przesyłki za 3-5 dniowy transport morski. Sądzę, że nie mamy dystrybucji w Polsce
Robert Acquaye
Johnson Publishing Company, Inc"
Tak więc - pojawiły się dwie możliwości. Piszcie do mnie (tłumnie :)) ), żebym mogła szybko odpisać i podać liczbę egzemplarzy. Bo jak im powiem: większa ilość = 3 sztuki, to obawiam się, że będzie ubaw. Kto chce, czy to przez Ebony, czy przez moją koleżankę - niech pisze.
Aha, moim zdaniem ten "transport morski", to nie jest statek z numerem grudniowym Ebony dla fanów, tylko zwykła wysyłka drogą morską, więc bez stresu :))
- BillieJean
- Posty: 743
- Rejestracja: sob, 02 gru 2006, 2:16
- Skąd: Michael's Bed ocasionally
Moi Mili, WSZELKIE dyskusje, nie będące rzeczową debatą nt. tego wydania "Ebony", będą stąd wywalane.
Zachęcam więc do kontynuowania dyskusji w odpowiednich do tego tematach.
Maglowaliśmy już i "Invincible", i włoski, i urodę, stroje, karierę....
Ten temat nie jest od tego, żeby go zaśmiecać.
Zachęcam więc do kontynuowania dyskusji w odpowiednich do tego tematach.
Maglowaliśmy już i "Invincible", i włoski, i urodę, stroje, karierę....
Ten temat nie jest od tego, żeby go zaśmiecać.
"Everywhere I go
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smilin back at me
Dancin in moonlight
I know you are free
Cuz I can see your star
Shinin down on me"
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smilin back at me
Dancin in moonlight
I know you are free
Cuz I can see your star
Shinin down on me"
Dzięki. Właśnie zbierałam siły do przepastnego dowodzenia, że to czego trzeba do pełnego sukcesu i megapowrotu to kolejne, genialne 'Invincible'. A przecież to nie czas i miejsce No, ale, trzymasz rękę na pulsie ;)M.Dż.* pisze: Maglowaliśmy już i "Invincible"
I jeszcze co do kwestii formalnych - tak, 'Ebony' to JEST numer grudniowy, który oficjalnie ukazuje się 12 listopada.
Zamówienie wynosi 32 egzemplarze. (1 egzemplarz = $3,99, liczmy $4.)
O ostateczne potwierdzenie zamówienia proszę następujące osoby:
- Karolina
- Jeanny100
- A-n-a
- Jenny
W razie niepotwierdzenia wystawię na Allegro! :P
Dziękuję wszystkim! Jesteście cudowni, fanujecie na całego.
Trzymajcie kciuki, żeby wszystko wypaliło!
Zamówienie wynosi 32 egzemplarze. (1 egzemplarz = $3,99, liczmy $4.)
O ostateczne potwierdzenie zamówienia proszę następujące osoby:
- Karolina
- Jeanny100
- A-n-a
- Jenny
W razie niepotwierdzenia wystawię na Allegro! :P
Dziękuję wszystkim! Jesteście cudowni, fanujecie na całego.
Trzymajcie kciuki, żeby wszystko wypaliło!
- BillieJean
- Posty: 743
- Rejestracja: sob, 02 gru 2006, 2:16
- Skąd: Michael's Bed ocasionally
To jest naprawdę świetny kawałek prasy. Dawno już Michael nie miał tak dobrej rozmowy dla mediów. Ładnie, dojrzale się wypowiada; pytania są skoncentrowane na twórczości i poglądach Michaela.
Dobrze się czyta właśnie z tych powodów, bo jak już wspominałem, nie ma tam nieodkrytych faktów za dużo. Choć jest parę smaczków.
Przede wszystkim to, że Michael podpatrywał Steviego Wondera przy tworzeniu płyty Songs in The Key of Life. Podobnie było z Marvinem Gaye'm.
Ładnie też Michael mówi o ojcu- i to kilkakrotnie. W wywiadzie jest ciepły, ale jak mówi o pogłoskach jest stanowczy i ucina krótko Ludzie są szaleni, a nie brzmi to jednak jak obelga.
Ładnie mówi o videoklipach. Wiem, że ludzie mogą łatwo powiedzieć: Cóż, nie mam budżetu Michaela Jacksona. Błąd. Możesz być twórczym, nie mając prawie nic. Zgadzam się z tym twierdzeniem. Znam sporo klipów, które po prostu wymiatają, a nie widać w nich dużo pieniędzy. Jak mi fajnie z tym, że Michael myśli podobnie. Może dzięki temu będzie szansa, że MJ postawi właśnie na bardziej eksperymentalne formy, niekoniecznie nastawione na efekty specjalne, a bardziej na coś, czego jeszcze nie było i nie musi być drogie.
Ładnie James Ingram mówi o Michaelu- że większość ludzi, których widział w studiu, lokuje całą swoją energię w mikrofon, a Michael jeszcze potrafi przy tym tańczyć równocześnie i że to niespotykane. Zobaczyłem wtedy w Michaelu to fajne, spontaniczne dziecko, za które chyba większość z nas go pokochała.
Michael też wspomina o tym, że od czasów, jak Rod Temperton przyniósł do studia Rock With You, zaczęli ze sobą rywalizować na kompozycje.
Fajnie mówi o rapie- że potrzebuje on melodii, która powoduje że muzyka rap, bogata w słowa, staje się uniwersalna. Same słowa są po angielsku, a angielski nie każdy zna.
Jest jedna rzecz, która, myślę jest szczególnie ważna i w tym wywiadzie została przypomniana. Wcześniej wspominała o tym LaToya w swojej książce. Taka ciekawostka. Thrillera znamy jako najlepiej sprzedajacy się album w historii, ale czas kiedy się pojawił w sklepach, był okresem w którym muzyka sprzedawała się kiepsko. Rynek fonograficzny przeżywał potężny kryzys. Muzyka nie była zbyt dochodowa. Wtedy Michael wstrzelił się ze swoim dreszczowcem i ludzie znów zaczęłi masowo kupować płyty.
Ważne jest to o tyle, że obecnie mamy podobne czasy. Wtedy to był schyłek dominacji winyla na rzez CD, teraz muzyka z sieci staje się coraz bardziej ekspansywna. Obecnie też rynek fonograficzny przeżywa kryzys.
A Michael lubi być pionierem. I szykuje nową muzykę...
To jest naprawdę świetny kawałek prasy. Dawno już Michael nie miał tak dobrej rozmowy dla mediów. Ładnie, dojrzale się wypowiada; pytania są skoncentrowane na twórczości i poglądach Michaela.
Dobrze się czyta właśnie z tych powodów, bo jak już wspominałem, nie ma tam nieodkrytych faktów za dużo. Choć jest parę smaczków.
Przede wszystkim to, że Michael podpatrywał Steviego Wondera przy tworzeniu płyty Songs in The Key of Life. Podobnie było z Marvinem Gaye'm.
Ładnie też Michael mówi o ojcu- i to kilkakrotnie. W wywiadzie jest ciepły, ale jak mówi o pogłoskach jest stanowczy i ucina krótko Ludzie są szaleni, a nie brzmi to jednak jak obelga.
Ładnie mówi o videoklipach. Wiem, że ludzie mogą łatwo powiedzieć: Cóż, nie mam budżetu Michaela Jacksona. Błąd. Możesz być twórczym, nie mając prawie nic. Zgadzam się z tym twierdzeniem. Znam sporo klipów, które po prostu wymiatają, a nie widać w nich dużo pieniędzy. Jak mi fajnie z tym, że Michael myśli podobnie. Może dzięki temu będzie szansa, że MJ postawi właśnie na bardziej eksperymentalne formy, niekoniecznie nastawione na efekty specjalne, a bardziej na coś, czego jeszcze nie było i nie musi być drogie.
Ładnie James Ingram mówi o Michaelu- że większość ludzi, których widział w studiu, lokuje całą swoją energię w mikrofon, a Michael jeszcze potrafi przy tym tańczyć równocześnie i że to niespotykane. Zobaczyłem wtedy w Michaelu to fajne, spontaniczne dziecko, za które chyba większość z nas go pokochała.
Michael też wspomina o tym, że od czasów, jak Rod Temperton przyniósł do studia Rock With You, zaczęli ze sobą rywalizować na kompozycje.
Fajnie mówi o rapie- że potrzebuje on melodii, która powoduje że muzyka rap, bogata w słowa, staje się uniwersalna. Same słowa są po angielsku, a angielski nie każdy zna.
Jest jedna rzecz, która, myślę jest szczególnie ważna i w tym wywiadzie została przypomniana. Wcześniej wspominała o tym LaToya w swojej książce. Taka ciekawostka. Thrillera znamy jako najlepiej sprzedajacy się album w historii, ale czas kiedy się pojawił w sklepach, był okresem w którym muzyka sprzedawała się kiepsko. Rynek fonograficzny przeżywał potężny kryzys. Muzyka nie była zbyt dochodowa. Wtedy Michael wstrzelił się ze swoim dreszczowcem i ludzie znów zaczęłi masowo kupować płyty.
Ważne jest to o tyle, że obecnie mamy podobne czasy. Wtedy to był schyłek dominacji winyla na rzez CD, teraz muzyka z sieci staje się coraz bardziej ekspansywna. Obecnie też rynek fonograficzny przeżywa kryzys.
A Michael lubi być pionierem. I szykuje nową muzykę...
Bitter you'll be if you don't change your ways
When you hate you, you hate everyone that day
Unleash this scared child that you've grown into
You cannot run for you can't hide from you
When you hate you, you hate everyone that day
Unleash this scared child that you've grown into
You cannot run for you can't hide from you
Pod poniższy adresem można obejrzeć wywiad z panią Harriette Cole dyrektorem magazynu Ebony.
- BillieJean
- Posty: 743
- Rejestracja: sob, 02 gru 2006, 2:16
- Skąd: Michael's Bed ocasionally
ASK THE EDITORS: The Michael Jackson interview
Michael Jackson granted Ebony Magazine exclusive access for the first interview he's done with a national magazine in several years. The response has been phenomenal.
Now, go beyond the headlines and talk with the team that made it happen -- editorial director Bryan Monroe, creative director Harriette Cole and senior editor Joy Bennett. What would you want to know about the time Ebony spent with MJ? Send your questions in advance to and on Wednesday, Nov. 13 at 12 p.m. ET, will reveal exclusive behind the scenes comments and fresh insights from the editors that you haven’t seen before. And there may even be a few surprises...
Also, if you are looking for the December issue of EBONY and can’t find it at your local news stand, you may order quantities direct from . Prices are $6 USD within the United States and $8 USD for international orders. The price includes shipping
Szykuje się kolejna niespodzianka !
Na podany adres mailowy, fani (i nie tylko) mogą wysyłać swoje pytania na temat sesji. W środę o godzinie 12, na stronie zostaną opublikowane odpowiedzi, komentarze itd.
Poza tym osoby które mają trudności ze znalezieniem grudniowego wydania, mogą złożyć za mówienie na stronie:
Cena która nas obowiązuje to 8 $ (łącznie z kosztem wysyłki)
PLIK MP3 z kawałkiem wywiadu z Michaelem dla EBONY kiedy mówi o współpracy z Quincy Jonesem, przy nagrywaniu BILLIE JEAN ... smelly.wma ... smelly.wma
- BillieJean
- Posty: 743
- Rejestracja: sob, 02 gru 2006, 2:16
- Skąd: Michael's Bed ocasionally
Hella pisze, że ma już Ebony z Majkelem: ... c&start=75
kobieto zrób jakieś skany, albo foto przynajmniej :D ... c&start=75
kobieto zrób jakieś skany, albo foto przynajmniej :D
Audio z wywiadu,i pytania i odpowiedzi do redaktorów Ebony Jet.
Audio Downloads
Michael Jackson talks about hits
Michael Jackson talks about MTV
Behind the scenes at Michael Jackson/Ebony Magazine cover shoot
Nearly a year in the making, Ebony magazine debuted this week the special collector's edition featuring Michael Jackson, celebrating the 25 th anniversary of Thriller. Early response in America and around the world has been tremendous, with copies of the magazine flying off shelves and requests for additional copies coming in from as far as Italy, Finland, Australia and Japan.
As a bonus for readers online, the editors of Ebony have agreed to answer a few of your questions and offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the making of the cover. Here are their thoughts:
Ebony magazine had been working with Michael and his staff for the past eight months on the details of the shoot and interview. Originally, we had tried to get together in early August, but schedules collided. The final date, Monday, September 24, 2007, was set and the teams were mobilized.
The night before, Sunday, Michael and his son Prince Michael, II, fondly known as "Blanket," arrived at the hotel suite-turned dressing room to look at the clothes selected by renowned stylist Phillip Bloch. Italian designer Roberto Cavalli provided clothing, as well as such designers as Valentino, Yohji Yamamoto, Hugo Boss, Cesare Paciotti, and more. Plus we had more than $2 million worth of diamond jewelry on set from the likes of Jacob the Jeweler, H. Stern and Lorraine Schwartz.
The next morning, we arrived around 9 a.m. at the Brooklyn Museum. Normally, the museum is closed to the public on Mondays, but the staff allowed us to use the location for the historic shoot. Celebrity photographer Matthew Rolston, Ebony creative director Harriette Cole and Ebony photo director Dudley Brooks had already scouted several locations including the grand Beaux-Arts Court, Egyptian gallery and sculpture garden. Then, around 3 p.m., the shoot began.
During the session, a relaxed Michael grooved to his own music - PYT, Billie Jean, Human Nature - booming from a sound system and even showed off a few of his trademark dance moves. After five wardrobe changes and six hours of memorable photography, he thanked the crew and was on his way back to the hotel, just in time to put the kids to bed.
The next day, we arrived at his hotel around noon for what would be Michael Jackson's first sit down interview in years. For the next hour and a half, Jackson shared his thoughts and passions on the making of Thriller , MTV and music videos, God, fatherhood and the state of the music industry today. You will find that interview and more in the pages of the December issue of Ebony magazine.
Meanwhile, more than 200 readers from around the world have already written in over the past few days with questions about the shoot, the interview and the star. Here are a few of those questions, along with comments from the Ebony team -- vice president and editorial director Bryan Monroe, creative director Cole and senior editor Joy Bennett -- who were with him over those three days...
Q: How did you get the interview with Michael? Was it easy?
-- Marni in Australia
A. (Bryan Monroe) | Because of the nearly 40-year relationship between Johnson Publishing Company -- the owner of Ebony and Jet magazines in Chicago -- and the Jackson family, a relationship that began when Michael was part of the Jackson Five, we knew that, when and if Michael was ready to re-emerge back onto the world stage, who better to do it with than Ebony. We had been talking with his team in Washington, D.C. for the past eight months and Michael himself requested that it be Ebony and Jet magazines to have his first U.S. cover and interview in years.
Q: Will Michael Jackson do another world tour?
-- Dusty in Dublin, Ireland
A. (Bryan Monroe) | Michael didn't say specifically when or if he would tour, but was hesitant about taking on another global concert series. " I don't care about long tours," he told us in the interview. He doesn't want to grow old doing concert after concert, flying from one mega-stadium to the next. "Not the way James Brown did and or Jackie Wilson did," he said in the article. "They just kept going, running, killing themselves. In my opinion, I wish [Brown] could have slowed down and relaxed and enjoyed his hard work."
Q: What was one of the more memorable moments during the interview?
-- Carl in Florida
A. (Bryan Monroe) | It was very interesting to watch him react when we played a digital video of the famous Motown 25 performance for him on my MacBook Pro, and later when he listened to and talked about an early demo version of Billie Jean on my iPhone. He was both excited to be back in the moment and equally uncomfortable talking about his performances. (And he is clearly fascinated by new technology.)
Q: Can he still dance as amazingly as he did before?
-- Gabriella in England
A. (Bryan Monroe) | For a man nearly 50, he was still incredibly limber. He showed of a few of his classic moves during the photo shoot - the leg twist/kick move in particular. Yes, he's still got it.
Q: When is a new CD coming out?
-- K. Hall in Alabama
A. (Joy Bennett) | Not sure. Michael told us repeatedly that he was writing every day and recording in the studio. He also says that he thinks he's got more blockbuster hits coming out (see the story for more on his writing process). Neither he nor his staff will confirm a date but we'll be on the lookout for an early 2008 new release.
Q: Is he very shy in person?
-- Stacie in New York
A. (Joy Bennett) | No, surprisingly he was not very shy. He wasn't shrouded, masked or gloved and he answered questions directly, and at great length.
Q: There has been talk about his skin color. Is he the whitest person to be on the cover of Ebony?
-- Mae in Southeast Asia
A. (Joy Bennett) | Not at all, the actor Carroll O'Connor was on Ebony's cover as his character, Archie Bunker in June 1972. But make no mistake, despite his unusually light skin, he has said it is due to a skin condition called vitiligo, Michael is still 100 percent African American.
Q: I think America still has yet to grasp the influence and position Michael has internationally. You can ask a woman who grew up in a small community in Norway, and a woman who grew up in Africa, and they will know his name, and his music. I have some questions: Who decided on the clothing? Was it picked by the stylist, and approved by Michael Jackson beforehand? Why this particular museum? Was the location picked by Michael Jackson?
-- Annette in Norway
A: (Harriette Cole) | Michael wanted to be photographed in an artistic setting and the Brooklyn Museum gladly accommodated us all. We shot in the midst of ancient and contemporary history, and it was powerful to be in that space. Regarding the wardrobe, we worked with celebrity fashion stylist Phillip Bloch to develop concepts for wardrobe and then he and his team went shopping. We really wanted him to look elegant and timeless on the cover. We found a number of looks that would achieve that and presented them to Michael. He ultimately chose what he would be happy to wear--which turned out to be far more outfits than we had time to shoot! Michael Jackson was the perfect fit for everything we put on him. It was a lot of fun to work with someone who looks great in clothes, who knows how to move his body and who understands the camera. It was magic!
Q: Could you give us some insights on what went into the thought process of Michael's choice of fashion accessories that complemented each outfit?
-- Michelle
A: (Harriette Cole) We learned before the shoot that Michael loves jewelry, especially diamonds, more particularly diamond brooches. So Phillip and his team went diamond shopping, calling upon some of the most well known jewelers in the world. And sure enough we ended up with more than $2 million worth of jewelry at the shoot for Michael's consideration.
Q: Did most of the people who worked with Michael, during the interview or photo shoot feel intimated by him? How did he interact with the crew?
-- Samantha and Michele
A: (Harriette Cole) What I loved the most about working with Michael Jackson is how kind he was to everyone. He was gracious to the elevator operator, the guard and the executives in the museum. He made sure to thank each person who was in ear shot when the shoot was over. He was generous and kind. Did some people feel intimidated by him? I don't know if that's the right word. More, I think some people were mesmerized. Some were pinching themselves wondering if they actually were in the presence of the King of Pop.
Q: Michael looks healthier and happier than he's been in years (not just in the photo shoot but in paparazzi pictures even). In your time spent with Michael, did you get a sense that he really wants to make a comeback and reinvent the music industry again? The world is awaiting his next move, but I get the feeling he doesn't even realize how much he is missed in the music scene.
-- Robert
A: (Harriette Cole) Michael certainly seemed healthy and happy--and more, content. He had a peace about him that was palpable. He seemed comfortable in his own skin. Never mind, he's got the body that any woman or man would die for! At 49 years old, he's got a slim dancer's body, evidence of consistent, disciplined exercise. So, could he make a comeback? He certainly seems strong enough. We also know that he is actively in the studio creating. He told us that he travels with a tape recorder so that whenever he gets the inspiration to make music he can capture it for later reflection. He also noted that many artists today are not reaching inside to create their own unique music. He thinks it's breakthrough time. That certainly could include a Michael Jackson breakthrough--or should I say another one!
Q: Tell us about BLANKET! That little mysterious baby! How did you find the little boy? Was he a well-behaved kid? How are both father and son to each other? Do you get a real sense of how Michael is as a father to his children from what you've seen so far?
-- Melissa in Manila, Philippines
A: (Harriette Cole) | We didn't meet Michael's two other children. His daughter, Paris, is 9 and he has another son, Michael Joseph, 10. Blanket was incredibly well-behaved while he was in our company, which is saying a lot for a 5-year-old. He is obviously very close to his dad. They walked into the fitting holding hands and only separated when both of them became at ease. Michael's parenting skills were to be commended. Without many words, with very subtle gestures he offered discipline, guidance and support. Michael also obviously wants Blanket to learn good manners, so when the Ebony team came into the room for the interview, Michael coached Blanket on the proper way to shake hands and say hello. Small things, but isn't it the small things that show the measure of one's true self?
Q: Are there plans for another Ebony/Jet/Michael Jackson collaboration in the near future?
-- Jamison
A. (Bryan Monroe) | As they say, "stay tuned." We are planning one more cover, this time on our sister publication, Jet magazine, to come out in mid-December. It is a weekly magazine, so keep an eye out for it on your newsstand. We may even have some breaking news in it, too!
Watch video of Michael back in the day and check more exclusives
Thanks to TSCM z MJNO i MJJF
Audio z wywiadu,i pytania i odpowiedzi do redaktorów Ebony Jet.
Audio Downloads
Michael Jackson talks about hits
Michael Jackson talks about MTV
Behind the scenes at Michael Jackson/Ebony Magazine cover shoot
Nearly a year in the making, Ebony magazine debuted this week the special collector's edition featuring Michael Jackson, celebrating the 25 th anniversary of Thriller. Early response in America and around the world has been tremendous, with copies of the magazine flying off shelves and requests for additional copies coming in from as far as Italy, Finland, Australia and Japan.
As a bonus for readers online, the editors of Ebony have agreed to answer a few of your questions and offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the making of the cover. Here are their thoughts:
Ebony magazine had been working with Michael and his staff for the past eight months on the details of the shoot and interview. Originally, we had tried to get together in early August, but schedules collided. The final date, Monday, September 24, 2007, was set and the teams were mobilized.
The night before, Sunday, Michael and his son Prince Michael, II, fondly known as "Blanket," arrived at the hotel suite-turned dressing room to look at the clothes selected by renowned stylist Phillip Bloch. Italian designer Roberto Cavalli provided clothing, as well as such designers as Valentino, Yohji Yamamoto, Hugo Boss, Cesare Paciotti, and more. Plus we had more than $2 million worth of diamond jewelry on set from the likes of Jacob the Jeweler, H. Stern and Lorraine Schwartz.
The next morning, we arrived around 9 a.m. at the Brooklyn Museum. Normally, the museum is closed to the public on Mondays, but the staff allowed us to use the location for the historic shoot. Celebrity photographer Matthew Rolston, Ebony creative director Harriette Cole and Ebony photo director Dudley Brooks had already scouted several locations including the grand Beaux-Arts Court, Egyptian gallery and sculpture garden. Then, around 3 p.m., the shoot began.
During the session, a relaxed Michael grooved to his own music - PYT, Billie Jean, Human Nature - booming from a sound system and even showed off a few of his trademark dance moves. After five wardrobe changes and six hours of memorable photography, he thanked the crew and was on his way back to the hotel, just in time to put the kids to bed.
The next day, we arrived at his hotel around noon for what would be Michael Jackson's first sit down interview in years. For the next hour and a half, Jackson shared his thoughts and passions on the making of Thriller , MTV and music videos, God, fatherhood and the state of the music industry today. You will find that interview and more in the pages of the December issue of Ebony magazine.
Meanwhile, more than 200 readers from around the world have already written in over the past few days with questions about the shoot, the interview and the star. Here are a few of those questions, along with comments from the Ebony team -- vice president and editorial director Bryan Monroe, creative director Cole and senior editor Joy Bennett -- who were with him over those three days...
Q: How did you get the interview with Michael? Was it easy?
-- Marni in Australia
A. (Bryan Monroe) | Because of the nearly 40-year relationship between Johnson Publishing Company -- the owner of Ebony and Jet magazines in Chicago -- and the Jackson family, a relationship that began when Michael was part of the Jackson Five, we knew that, when and if Michael was ready to re-emerge back onto the world stage, who better to do it with than Ebony. We had been talking with his team in Washington, D.C. for the past eight months and Michael himself requested that it be Ebony and Jet magazines to have his first U.S. cover and interview in years.
Q: Will Michael Jackson do another world tour?
-- Dusty in Dublin, Ireland
A. (Bryan Monroe) | Michael didn't say specifically when or if he would tour, but was hesitant about taking on another global concert series. " I don't care about long tours," he told us in the interview. He doesn't want to grow old doing concert after concert, flying from one mega-stadium to the next. "Not the way James Brown did and or Jackie Wilson did," he said in the article. "They just kept going, running, killing themselves. In my opinion, I wish [Brown] could have slowed down and relaxed and enjoyed his hard work."
Q: What was one of the more memorable moments during the interview?
-- Carl in Florida
A. (Bryan Monroe) | It was very interesting to watch him react when we played a digital video of the famous Motown 25 performance for him on my MacBook Pro, and later when he listened to and talked about an early demo version of Billie Jean on my iPhone. He was both excited to be back in the moment and equally uncomfortable talking about his performances. (And he is clearly fascinated by new technology.)
Q: Can he still dance as amazingly as he did before?
-- Gabriella in England
A. (Bryan Monroe) | For a man nearly 50, he was still incredibly limber. He showed of a few of his classic moves during the photo shoot - the leg twist/kick move in particular. Yes, he's still got it.
Q: When is a new CD coming out?
-- K. Hall in Alabama
A. (Joy Bennett) | Not sure. Michael told us repeatedly that he was writing every day and recording in the studio. He also says that he thinks he's got more blockbuster hits coming out (see the story for more on his writing process). Neither he nor his staff will confirm a date but we'll be on the lookout for an early 2008 new release.
Q: Is he very shy in person?
-- Stacie in New York
A. (Joy Bennett) | No, surprisingly he was not very shy. He wasn't shrouded, masked or gloved and he answered questions directly, and at great length.
Q: There has been talk about his skin color. Is he the whitest person to be on the cover of Ebony?
-- Mae in Southeast Asia
A. (Joy Bennett) | Not at all, the actor Carroll O'Connor was on Ebony's cover as his character, Archie Bunker in June 1972. But make no mistake, despite his unusually light skin, he has said it is due to a skin condition called vitiligo, Michael is still 100 percent African American.
Q: I think America still has yet to grasp the influence and position Michael has internationally. You can ask a woman who grew up in a small community in Norway, and a woman who grew up in Africa, and they will know his name, and his music. I have some questions: Who decided on the clothing? Was it picked by the stylist, and approved by Michael Jackson beforehand? Why this particular museum? Was the location picked by Michael Jackson?
-- Annette in Norway
A: (Harriette Cole) | Michael wanted to be photographed in an artistic setting and the Brooklyn Museum gladly accommodated us all. We shot in the midst of ancient and contemporary history, and it was powerful to be in that space. Regarding the wardrobe, we worked with celebrity fashion stylist Phillip Bloch to develop concepts for wardrobe and then he and his team went shopping. We really wanted him to look elegant and timeless on the cover. We found a number of looks that would achieve that and presented them to Michael. He ultimately chose what he would be happy to wear--which turned out to be far more outfits than we had time to shoot! Michael Jackson was the perfect fit for everything we put on him. It was a lot of fun to work with someone who looks great in clothes, who knows how to move his body and who understands the camera. It was magic!
Q: Could you give us some insights on what went into the thought process of Michael's choice of fashion accessories that complemented each outfit?
-- Michelle
A: (Harriette Cole) We learned before the shoot that Michael loves jewelry, especially diamonds, more particularly diamond brooches. So Phillip and his team went diamond shopping, calling upon some of the most well known jewelers in the world. And sure enough we ended up with more than $2 million worth of jewelry at the shoot for Michael's consideration.
Q: Did most of the people who worked with Michael, during the interview or photo shoot feel intimated by him? How did he interact with the crew?
-- Samantha and Michele
A: (Harriette Cole) What I loved the most about working with Michael Jackson is how kind he was to everyone. He was gracious to the elevator operator, the guard and the executives in the museum. He made sure to thank each person who was in ear shot when the shoot was over. He was generous and kind. Did some people feel intimidated by him? I don't know if that's the right word. More, I think some people were mesmerized. Some were pinching themselves wondering if they actually were in the presence of the King of Pop.
Q: Michael looks healthier and happier than he's been in years (not just in the photo shoot but in paparazzi pictures even). In your time spent with Michael, did you get a sense that he really wants to make a comeback and reinvent the music industry again? The world is awaiting his next move, but I get the feeling he doesn't even realize how much he is missed in the music scene.
-- Robert
A: (Harriette Cole) Michael certainly seemed healthy and happy--and more, content. He had a peace about him that was palpable. He seemed comfortable in his own skin. Never mind, he's got the body that any woman or man would die for! At 49 years old, he's got a slim dancer's body, evidence of consistent, disciplined exercise. So, could he make a comeback? He certainly seems strong enough. We also know that he is actively in the studio creating. He told us that he travels with a tape recorder so that whenever he gets the inspiration to make music he can capture it for later reflection. He also noted that many artists today are not reaching inside to create their own unique music. He thinks it's breakthrough time. That certainly could include a Michael Jackson breakthrough--or should I say another one!
Q: Tell us about BLANKET! That little mysterious baby! How did you find the little boy? Was he a well-behaved kid? How are both father and son to each other? Do you get a real sense of how Michael is as a father to his children from what you've seen so far?
-- Melissa in Manila, Philippines
A: (Harriette Cole) | We didn't meet Michael's two other children. His daughter, Paris, is 9 and he has another son, Michael Joseph, 10. Blanket was incredibly well-behaved while he was in our company, which is saying a lot for a 5-year-old. He is obviously very close to his dad. They walked into the fitting holding hands and only separated when both of them became at ease. Michael's parenting skills were to be commended. Without many words, with very subtle gestures he offered discipline, guidance and support. Michael also obviously wants Blanket to learn good manners, so when the Ebony team came into the room for the interview, Michael coached Blanket on the proper way to shake hands and say hello. Small things, but isn't it the small things that show the measure of one's true self?
Q: Are there plans for another Ebony/Jet/Michael Jackson collaboration in the near future?
-- Jamison
A. (Bryan Monroe) | As they say, "stay tuned." We are planning one more cover, this time on our sister publication, Jet magazine, to come out in mid-December. It is a weekly magazine, so keep an eye out for it on your newsstand. We may even have some breaking news in it, too!
Watch video of Michael back in the day and check more exclusives
Thanks to TSCM z MJNO i MJJF
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