Kolejny etap promocji Thrillera 25th?
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MTV Italia contest for celebrate Thriller 25 (prizes: flights to LA for Grammys, Ipod with T25)!!!
MTV joins celebrations for Thriller 25th Anniversay with a contest, starting January 22th until January 31th, on TRL.
Contest is intende for all viewers of TRL:
1) own "Thriller" album
2) own Michael Jackson memorabilia like t-shirts, concerts' tickets, ecc...will be taken in consideration the most prestigious ones will increase the possibility to win the contest)
3) are able to faithfully reproduce a Michael Jackson's move
Participation in the competition will be via e-mail: competitors must write an e-mail stating that they fulfil the conditions set out above, as well as to highlight the reasons why should be preferred the other competitors.
The winner and a companion will fly to Los Angeles to attend the Grammy Awards ceremony and walk on the Red Carpet immediately before the Show. Everything will be filmed and broadcast later on TRL.
I-Pod limited edition containing "Thriller: 25th Anniversary" in digital format will be consolation prizes awarded in date subsequent to February 1.
From February 4 to 8 on TRL will be given away 10 T-shirts, posters, magnets, Mouse Pad "Thriller: 25th Anniversary"
But that's not all: MTV Italy and Gold will host MTV special programming dedicated to the King dl Pop: Live In Bucharest in 1992, "Ghost", a 38 minutes movie made in 1997 with Michael Jackson as main character. On MTV Gold (channel 705 of SKy) - from 10 to 14 March at 14.30 and 22.30 and March 16, 8:00 - Michael Jackson will Artist Of The Week.
MTV The Most Icon instead will devote to Michael Jackson a single episode of the series.
Even Mtv.it will do its part with specials and exclusives.
So back here to find out all appointments and addresses relevant to participate in the competition.
Meanwhile, long live the King of Pop
source: MTV Italy/MJJC News