Użytkownik z MJJC KOPV,rozmawiał przez telefon z kimś z ze studia Palms.
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First I gotta tell you I am kida nervise shacky, cuz.. we'll you'll see. I tried to hold it together. When I called I tried to feel out the person, see if I needed to be really professional or just me. The front dest clerk was really, cool so I was just myself.. The MJ fan that I am.. lol!
So in Q&A formate this is how it went down.. I wanted to record the phone conversation but did not want to take ANY chances of getting in trouble for it.. LEGALLY.
I talked to her for about 2 minutes prior to the MJ mentioning, just to feel her out, asking questions about the studio, booking costs, etc.. Then when she was just really nice.. I brought out the real me.. lol!
Q: How long has Michael Jackson been recording at the Palms?
A: For several months now, off and on, it goes in spirts depending on where he is, It was before I started here.
Q: Would you know any information on the album?
A: As far as?
Q: Well anything that you would run home and tell your friends.
A: Well I'm not at liberty to say.
Q: I mean, we know he's worked with Will.i.am and Akon, and have an idea of where things are headed.
A: Well ya, I have seen Akon come in with him, Will.i.am no, but then again I have only worked here for four months. He spends a lot of time alone in the studio, hours on end. He's a nice guy and his children are sweet.
Q: SO when was the last time he was in recording?
A: He's here now
Q: Now? As in as we speak now??
A: (giggles) yes now, as in as we speak..
Q: Oh wow, um!... That's exciting.. I can't talk to him can I?
A: No, nice try though
Q: I had to give it a shot..
A: It was a good one
Q: Have you heard any of the music?
A: No, I have seen music files sent over through the computure so I know some titles and things, but I can't tell you any of them.
Q: I figure that, he's not letting anyone say anything about anything
A: Ya, he's even added things to the conscience agreement all our staff and musicians have to sign with every artist... You know, I'm going to have to let you go, I'm not really supposed to be on the phone much. To be honest I have gotten in trouble talking to my boyfriend lately so...
Q: Well OK then.. It's been a pleasure, and you'll hear from me again.. Just not too soon. Don't want to get you fired.. Your my best friend now
A: (gigles a little) O.K. Bye friend.
Q: Bye..
P.S. when to the Palms Recording studio website they FINALLY added MICHAEL JACKSON in the list of artist that have worked there.. I went on there months back and they did not have him on there..
http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showt ... 9&page=137
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