Strona 8 z 16

: wt, 26 sie 2008, 16:49
autor: DirtyDiana94
W najnowszym popcornie, wywiad z Izą Lech:

POPCORN: Słuchając swoich idoli, analizujesz jak śpiewają, czy odbierasz muzykę emocjami?
IZA LECH: Jestem wielką fanką Michaela Jacksona, i choć starałam się analizować jego muzykę, to on mnie tak hipnotyzuje, że zapominam się, wpadam w trans (śmiech).

: wt, 26 sie 2008, 22:44
autor: invincible_girl ;)
przeczesując youtube w poszukiwaniu czegoś o Princ'ie i Mju..natknęłam się na to... nie wiem o co chodzi..ale może ktoś łaskawy mógłby to przetłumaczyć?? proooooszę.... link >>>

: śr, 27 sie 2008, 17:34
autor: Jako
Na festiwalu w Sopocie Magda Mołek (prowadząca) powiedziała że Danny jest fanem Justina i Michaela Jacksona.

: śr, 03 wrz 2008, 15:11
autor: Maverick
Wywiad z Davidem Gestem dla SkyNews:

Powiedział, że:
- to bzdura że Michael nagrywa album z poezją
- słyszał 3 piosenki z nowego albumu i uznał że są genialne i że ten album będzie równie wielki jak Thriller
- Michael dużo pracuje nad tańcem, jest zdrowy i w świetnej kondycji
- plotki o koncertach w halo 02 po prostu sobie są, Michael jest skoncentrowany na razie na muzyce i płycie a nie na gadaniu o koncertach w Londynie

Wywiad można obejrzeć na SkyNews.

David Gest did an interview for Sky News.
He said that the whole Poetry album is rubbish saying he had said in an interview that YEARS ago Michael put the poetry to music for a show Gest was working on.
Gest said he spoke to Michael 2 days ago and said your going to be reading that your doing an album of poems, to which Michael apparantly laughed and joked about it.
Gest said that he has heard 3 tracks off Mikes new album and says they are amazing, and that the album is going to be as big as Thriller (That i doubt but still great for him to say)
He also said Mike is getting himself into shape and dancing and working lots. and that he is in very good health (unlike articlles released yesterday saying he could no longer dance)
He also said the Vegas and O2 rumours are just that, he said Mike is focused on just getting his record done and getting it out there for everyone to hear
You can watch the interview if you press the red button on SkyNews and then go to the Showbiz Section .

: pt, 12 wrz 2008, 22:20
autor: Maro
Chyba nikt tego nie postował tutaj,Hirek Wrona o Michaelu(filmiki),92325,5640034.html

: sob, 13 wrz 2008, 17:10
autor: Damian
Maro pisze:Chyba nikt tego nie postował tutaj,Hirek Wrona o Michaelu(filmiki),92325,5640034.html
dzieki, cieszy mnie ze experci maja takie zdanie o MJ. Mam tez fajny 30 minutowy wywiad z redaktorem naczelnym Bravo, ale niestety po niemiecku, i jak byscie tego posluchali to dopiero by was ucieszylo.

: wt, 23 wrz 2008, 15:07
autor: MJwodzuMJ
Raczej nie było więc umieszczam:
Marek Niedźwiecki dla magazynu MoVe (wszystkie numery oprócz dwóch ostatnich do bezpłatnego pobrania na tej stronie - wystarczy kliknąć na okładkę):

Na początku lat 80. miałem pięciu bohaterów muzyki soul. Byli to: Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson, Maurice White (lider Earth Wind & Fire) i Prince. Minęło 25 lat i to się prawie nie zmieniło.
Jackson ma kłopoty. To fakt. Na własne życzenie. Może za szybko zaczął pracować, został gwiazdą, przewróciło mu się w głowie… Trochę żal, bo napisał i zaśpiewał kilka z najważniejszych hitów lat 80. Lubię do nich wracać. „Billie Jean”, czy „Give In To Me” tak czy siak zostaną w historii muzyki.
Source: MoVe: Magazyn dla aktywnych,
numer 04 \ JESIEŃ \ 2007,

: wt, 23 wrz 2008, 23:51
autor: Maro
Dość stary wywiad wyciągnięty przez jednego z użytkowników gdzie,Roger Taylor perkusista zespołu Queen opowiada że MJ miał wystąpić razem na scenie z nimi i zaśpiewać We Are The Champions ale stchórzył.

Sounds: What sort of musical differences are there between you all?

Roger: "Well, John (Deacon) is into funk and pure pop while I prefer more abrasive things. Freddie likes all sorts of weird things and at the moment he's really into Michael Jackson. Michael was going to come on stage for an encore at one of our shows to do 'We Are The Champions' because it's apparently his favourite song, but he
chickened out. Brian (May) just likes heavy metal.

© Sounds Magazine - 1980

: wt, 30 wrz 2008, 15:58
autor: Maverick
Wywiad z Frankiem Dileo z 2007 roku ... &Itemid=59

(21-11-2007) Nashville Scene has published a cover story on and interview with Frank Dileo, Michael's former manager. During the interview, Frank Dileo also talked about his time working with Michael. Below follow some excerpts.

Michael, who had been without a manager for eight months, asked Dileo to fill the position in March 1984 at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Dileo accepted two days later and started managing Michael three months before the start of the Victory Tour. He recalls:

“Believe me, that was work. Every brother had a lawyer and an accountant. We had to have white promoters and black promoters. It was quite a complicated fiasco. But I got Michael through it safely.” Among the three black promoters were Don King and the Reverend Al Sharpton. “That was before Rev. Al Sharpton owned a suit. He was still in sweats.”

Bill Bennett, head of Warner Nashville and a friend of Dileo’s since the late ’70s, has one particularly fond memory of the Victory Tour’s opening night:

“We were in Kansas City and I said, ‘Frank, I’m going to Arthur Bryant’s,’ which is one of the most famous homes of barbecue in the world. And Michael looked at me and said, ‘Oh no, Bill, Frank’s a vegetarian now.’ So Frank goes, ‘Yeah, Michael’s looking out for my health.’ As he walks me out the door, he gives me a key and says, ‘Meet me in this room when you get back, and bring some barbecue.’ ”

Dileo recalls:

“Michael used to moderate everything I ate. It’s amazing—when I started with him I was 210; when I ended with him, I was 265. So that’s what eating healthy does to you.”

The article also mentions, that Dileo convinced Michael to do the video for “Thriller”. He recollects:

“Actually, he only wanted to do two videos—‘Billie Jean’ and ‘Beat It,’ So while I was still working for Epic, [product manager] Larry Stessel asked me to fly out there and talk him into doing ‘Thriller,’ because he was pretty adamant that he wouldn’t do it.”

To outsiders Michael Jackson may look naive, but when it comes to business, he’s not. Walter Yetnikoff once said about him:

“He has made observations to me about things like promotion which indicate he would be totally qualified to run a record label if he so desired.” Dannen himself describes Jackson as “an ambitious man with extensive knowledge of the record industry’s workings.”

In September 1987, Jackson embarked on the BAD Tour - his first tour as a solo performer, which Dileo produced. Dileo recalls:

“It was a headache. You were moving 213 people every three days. In London, we played Wembley Stadium seven times in a row, 72,000 people a night. And we could have probably played it 10 or 12 nights, but at the time they only had seven available.”

Of course, there was a lot more to managing Michael Jackson than producing world tours. Dileo says fondly:

“We did a lot of things, Michael and I. I got to executive produce all the videos of the Bad album. I did Moonwalker. I got nominated for two Grammys: for ‘Smooth Criminal’ and ‘Leave Me Alone.’ And I won a Grammy for ‘Leave Me Alone’—as the producer of the video, not the record.”

Another managerial coup from Dileo’s Jackson stint was his negotiation for the Pepsi commercial:

“I got [Pepsi CEO] Roger Enrico to pay me up front, which was never done before. In fact, we cut the deal on the Pepsi jet. Once we agreed upon a price, I said to Roger, ‘OK, there’s just one more thing. You’ve got to pay it all up front.’ He says, ‘I don’t know.’ And I said, ‘Roger, did Elvis Presley ever do a commercial for Pepsi?’ He said no. I said, ‘Did The Beatles?’ He said no. I said, ‘What do you want to be—0 for 3?’ He shook his head and went into the men’s room and came back and said, ‘OK, you got a deal.’ ”

Dileo harbors no ill will toward Michael over his firing in February 1989:

“It’s a shame it ended. I really like Michael. It ended for a lot of reasons. First of all, Michael and I spent every day together for five-and-a-half years. A lot of people were jealous of that. And at that point in time, we had a lot of power between us. There was one or two record executives, and a lawyer, possibly two lawyers, that sort of needed me to get out of the way, so that they had more control with Michael. And it also was a way for them to get rid of Yetnikoff, who had a lot of power and was my friend.”

But how was Jackson convinced?

“Unfortunately, they talked Michael into it by promising him—now this is according to Michael, and I believe this—by promising him that if he fired me and hired Sandy Gallin, that he’d be able to make movies in Hollywood. Now the truth be told, Michael never made a movie. The only movie [besides 1978’s The Wiz] he’s ever made was with me, and that was Moonwalker.”

When Jackson went on trial in 2005, Frank stayed in Los Angeles for over three months, on his own dime:

“I know that he is innocent. A lot of people attack him for a lot of different reasons. One is, everybody would love to get their hands on the Beatles’ publishing. And he’s just one of those guys, he’s real kind and real nice and he can easily be taken advantage of.

In this particular case, this kid had cancer, he found him a doctor, they didn’t have any money, he allowed them to live on his ranch. And when it was over, they didn’t want to leave. It was like blackmail. That’s all it was.

We talked at each and every break. I wanted to let him know that I know he didn’t do it. In fact, when I went there, he didn’t know I was coming. It was very emotional.

He went, ‘Frank, I can’t believe you’re here.’ And he started to cry. And I went over and I hugged him and we got on the elevator and he told [defense attorney] Tom Mesereau, ‘This is Frank Dileo. He used to manage me. I’ve had nine managers since then. He’s the only guy that showed up, or even called to see how I’m doing.’ That was a very rough thing on him, a very emotional thing.”

Since the mid-’90s, Dileo’s been keeping a low profile. He’s a family man—he’s been married to his wife Linda for 31 years and wanted to be near his children. Shortly thereafter, Dileo started to lose his eyesight. By 2004, he was blind, a result of diabetic retinopathy. But a series of four operations over the next couple of years restored much of his sight.

Meanwhile, Dileo started a management company, where he’s working with singer-songwriter Galen Griffin. And he’s about to pen a deal to start a publishing company with a successful songwriter/producer he doesn’t want to name yet.

Contrary to what you might expect, his office is a humble space in a nondescript building. But hanging on those office walls are enough gold and platinum records to make your head spin. And there is also a framed photograph of Frank Dileo and Michael Jackson, from behind, standing at urinals in a public restroom. Above Michael’s head, in Michael’s handwriting, are the words:

“This water sure is cold.” Above Frank’s head, he wrote, “It’s deep too.”

: czw, 23 paź 2008, 21:28
autor: Jacksonfanka
BRAVO:OK. To poproszę o nazwiska innych Waszych idoli?

JAY:Moi rodzice! A muzycznie to George Michael, Michael Jackson, Bee Gees....

CHRIS:Tak muzycznie to zdecydowanie Michael Jackson.

MIKEL:Nie zapomnijcie o Justinie Timberlake'u.

RICHIE:A ja mam jednego idola. To Jezus.

: czw, 30 paź 2008, 20:16
autor: malakonserwa
Team Q was on the scene at the “Thriller” dance celebration today (Oct. 30) at Madame Tussauds in New York City’s Times Square. According to our man on the spot, there were 73 dancers participating. That broke the record set in 2006 in Toronto, Canada by Thrill the World founder, Ines Markeljevic, with a total of 62 dancing zombies.

However, today’s tally of 73 fell short of the dance earlier this year at Highlands School in Grange Park, Enfield, U.K., which staged a “Thriller” with 147 dancers and 500-plus zombies as extras. Students and staff from three other local primary schools also took part.

Whether a world record was set or not, a thrilling time was had by nearly all at today’s event.

Więcej :

: ndz, 02 lis 2008, 21:16
autor: Maverick
Jermaine, wywiad z 2 listopada 2008 ... 24,00.html

JERMAINE Jackson says his superstar brother, Michael, is a strict parent - like their controversial father, Joseph.
"Michael is not one of those fathers that lets them do what they want and give(s) them everything they want," Jackson said.
"He is raising them the way he was raised. I think it's great because he wants them to be good people."
Michael Jackson has spoken of fearing his father's abusive ways as a child, but said he still loved him.
In a candid interview with the Sunday Herald Sun, Jermaine Jackon revealed:
DETAILS of a Jackson 5 reunion.
MICHAEL'S molestation accusations in 1993 and 2004 were a "conspiracy".
JOSEPH'S strict ways were for the good of the family.
Jackson rejected perceptions of Michael's so-called eccentric behaviour.
"They (the media) say, '***** *****'. But he is a human being. He has children. They hear this and they hurt," he said.
Jackson said an incident where his brother appeared to dangle his son from a balcony was misconstrued.
"Michael was excited. He was showing fans his child. He wasn't tossing his baby over the rails. He loves his kids," he said.
He said Michael's children, Prince Michael I, aged 11, Paris, 10, and Prince Michael II, also known as Blanket, 5, were "wonderful".
"Prince is funny. He makes jokes. Paris is like a tomboy, but still a little lady. Blanket is adorable, cuddly and sweet," he said.
Jackson said the family supergroup, the Jackson 5, was in talks about recording and touring.
He hoped a planned tour would include Michael, superstar sister Janet, Tito's sons, R&B group 3T, and Jackie's son, rapper Dealz.

Mógłby się wreszcie zamknąć... irytujący mitoman :/

: pt, 14 lis 2008, 15:00
autor: Maverick
Samantha Mumba opisuje spotkanie z Michaelem w 2007 roku

Samantha Mumba Describes Meeting Michael Jackson

Singer Samantha Mumba has once again spoken about one of her visits with Michael Jackson, this time while reportedly in Dubai (believed to have been back in 2006). In 2007, Samantha Mumba also explained how she and Michael had conversed for a couple of hours at one point while in Los Angeles and how they talked about music, dancing, and recording music. At the time, Michael purportedly told her that he would love to help Mumba's musical career out and that he had written several songs that he would be willing to give to her. Mumba now balances her time living in both Los Angeles and Dublin, Ireland. Speaking about the Dubai experience, Mumba says:

"Meeting Michael was like the closest thing I will ever get to meeting a saint. He had this amazing aura to him. He was very spiritual and magical, even mythical. I was just in awe of him. The guy doesn't have a bad bone in his body. He was so kind and had this incredible way with him.

"I didn't know what to expect to be honest because you read and hear so much about him. When I walked into the room he was the most humble, warm, friendly person you could ever wish to meet. He also had a hilarious sense of humour. He kept cracking these jokes that had me in fits of laughter. It was weird because I was thinking, 'I'm standing in a room having a hoot with Michael Jackson. Nobody is ever going to believe this'.

"Everyone in the music business knows he has made history. But I can still see him making another great album. I would love to see him perform. He's a perfectionist so that's why it takes him so long to release material. But I'd definitely be going along to see him in concert if he did a gig in Ireland."


: pt, 14 lis 2008, 19:11
autor: cicha
ABC—easy as 1-2-3. —“ABC,” the Jackson 5.

The Jackson 5 were five brothers—Jackie, Jermaine, Tito, Marlon, and lead singer Michael, who was nine years old at the time—from Gary, Indiana, who had been seen at the Apollo Amateur Night in New York City by Motown musician Bobby Taylor [of the Vancouvers] and drove with their father, Joe Jackson, to Detroit to try to get an audition with Berry Gordy.

Suzanne De Passe: I was in my apartment at 1300 East Lafayette Street in Detroit—where many of the Motown artists lived—and Bobby Taylor called up and asked me to come down to his apartment, he wanted me to see something. I said no; I wasn’t about to go to a man’s apartment. But he said, “Come on,” so I did, and he opened the door and there were all these kids sort of strewn across his living room. He clapped his hands and went, “O.K., everybody, this is Suzanne de Passe and she works for Berry Gordy and you need to sing for her because she can get you the audition.” They sang and I was blown away. So the next day I told Mr. Gordy on the phone what I’d seen. And I said, “I think you should sign them. These kids—” And he said, “Kids? I don’t want any kids. You know how much trouble it is with Stevie Wonder and the teachers, and when you’re a minor you have to have a special chaperone, and court approval of the contract, and it is a problem.” So he said no. I had to really muster up all my courage to go back to him and say, “Really, I don’t think you can afford not to see these kids.” Finally he agreed to see them.

Lionel Richie: Suzanne’s assignment was to take this new group called the Jackson 5 out on tour, and she was looking for an opening act. They set up an audition at Lloyd Price’s Turntable, and she came in and basically saw the Commodores play. I was the novelty singer—I only did two songs: “Wichita Lineman” and “Little Green Apples.” We got the gig, but what helped us tremendously was they allowed us to be in the room with them while Suzanne was briefing them on how to deliver their stage show; it was the education of life. She had to teach them how to put their place settings on the table so when they ate with royalty they would know how to do the silverware. You got the etiquette course while you got the singing and dancing. What I learned most was whatever you do, if you sing, dance, juggle, whatever it is, you do it in the first song. Because they may not stick around for the second one.

Suzanne De Passe: The extraordinary part for me was to be a witness to the incredible impact that the Jackson 5 had on the public and the public had on them. When we started out we could go everywhere—we could go shopping, we could go get hamburgers, we could go to rehearsal. And within a very short time we were mobbed and could go nowhere.

Lionel Richie: This little kid [Michael] did everything in the first song. I kept waiting for Suzanne to tell me what the real secret was, that Michael was a midget, because it couldn’t be anything else. Then I realized, That’s a real 12-year-old kid. I would watch him play with water balloons backstage, anything that kids do, and then he’d walk onstage and turn into this full-grown entertaining monster.

Suzanne De Passe: I had no mechanism to measure the magnitude of what I was doing. I was killing myself working, but I was responsible for everything with the Jackson 5—except the records—for what was to become one of the most seminal groups to influence young black kids ever.

Smokey Robinson: I’ve known Michael since he was 10 or 11. He is the best who ever did it. The singing and the dancing and the records—the whole package. But somewhere … he just got lost. It’s easy to do.

When we were very young: Michael Jackson and de Passe in a concert hall, circa 1970. From Motown Museum.


: ndz, 16 lis 2008, 17:17
autor: Maverick
Amy Winehouse, zapytana w wywiadzie 16 listopada kto jest jej ulubionym artystą: "[Michael Jackson is] the one person I truly believe, musician wise, who I truly believe is magical."