Fan opowiada o udziale PP&B wraz z babcią, TJ i jego synem w piątkowym koncercie wujków.
Ponieważ tłumaczenia nie są moją mocną stroną a tekst jest bardzo długi, może ktoś mógłby go przetłumaczyć?
Ok here is all that happened last night:When I get to the top of the venue(it's on a mountain.) after buying merchandise, me and MJ fans are walking to go be seated and here comes Halima(Jermaine's wife) walking past us. Now I thought she was gonna be the only big person I would see at the show besides the actual Jackson brothers. Little did I know... So anyways, I am seated on the right side about 10 rows back from the stage 7 seats in from the very end. About 3-5 minutes before the show starts I hear all this cheering coming from near where I am seated so I look to my right and see a crowd of people. I think "Ah, probably some celebrity." So I turn away not interested. Then the cheers get louder and I see people standing up, I look again and BAM! There's Katherine Jackson heading toward her seat! 2 rows in front of me 2 seats in from the end of her row! She is waving and smiling at everyone and is figuring out which seat to sit in. Some people are snapping pics and one bodyguard was yelling "Put your camera's away! No pictures!" Well Katherine didn't seem to care at all about people taking pics. In fact I think she posed for a pic for a fan. I took 3 pics myself, one she is facing in my direction talking to a security guy near me. Anyways, I was shocked to see her and began wondering what was she doing all the way in NorCal when all this family drama happened and she hadn't seen the kids for nearly 2 weeks. I was confused and kinda disappointed in her, thinking she once again left MJ3 at home. So the show starts with "Can You Feel It"! YEAH! Me and the 2 men on each side of me are dancing and cheering and right up against the row of seats in front of us that were completely empty! I didn't think much of it, since the show was not sold out and there were seats scattered in the back sections that were empty. And I also figured people were late. Little did I know! About 4 minutes into the song that same security guy that Katherine had signaled to earlier came up to me and the 2 guys next to me and asked us to back up because people were going to be sitting in front of us. I said ok and backed up a bit. I didn't think anything of it. I thought he was a security guy at the Winery venue and me and the 2 guys were practically over the seats in front of us enjoying the show. So about 2 minutes later I see the security guy(Who turned out to be a bodyguard for the Jackson children, not a security guard for Mountain Winery!) signaling to my right I look over and see a guy who looks familiar. I kinda look away, then snap my head in that direction and look again and think to myself "Gee that guy looks like TJ Jackson." DUH!!! IT WAS HIM! I realized 2 seconds after that thought! Then I see behind him his son(?) then BLANKET, PRINCE, and PARIS!!!!!!! I was stunned and dumbfounded! Seriously! MJ's kids here in NorCal!?!? AND sitting in front of me! WHAT!?!?!?!? So I watch them walk toward me, and Prince looks up at me as he is coming to sit RIGHT in front of me! I smile and wave saying "Hi". He shyly smiles back and says "Hi" and waves back. Then I put my arms out and mouth the words "Hug?" all of a sudden he lights up and gets this FREAKIN ADORABLE smile on his face and says "Sure ok!" and he gives me a buddy type hug, like I'm a buddy of his! It was awesome! And as we are hugging I say "God bless you!" into his right ear and as we separate he still has that FREAKIN ADORABLE smile. Omg I wanted to squeeze him and pinch his cheeks! SO SO ADORABLE! I will try to find a pic of him with that same smile so you all have a better idea of what I saw! And he looks so much like Michael! I wanted to say more to him but didn't want to scare him, since he doesn't know me and he came to watch the show. I look over at Paris and she seems distant and upset with a bit of that teenage attitude. So I was intimidated by her and decide not to bother her. So mostly throughout the show the kids are enjoying the show, leaning over to talk to each other and laughing at each other. Paris was on her white iPhone 4(could've been an iPhone 4S) texting someone. And Paris played with her hair a bunch, like twirling it, and twisting it and if it fell on her back she would grab her hair with both hands and pull it forward evenly to the front of her body. I tried to take as much pics as possible, but the bodyguard to Paris' right looked at me and said something like "You need to please stop taking pictures!" He was rather scary looking! So I stopped. The first 2 songs Paris didn't seem much into the show. And watched with a deadpan face. But she lightened up soon after and was dancing a bit and clapping along to the songs. Prince was swaying to some songs, and Blanket just stood trying to see as best as possible(everyone was standing and the poor kid is tiny and had adults in front of him) with his cousin that's close to his age. Somewhere in the middle of the show Blanket says something to Prince and him, TJ and his son are clearing off the 2 youngest kids seats and looking like they are trying to figure out how Blanket can see better. It looks like they are thinking of having Blanket stand on the seat(the seats are the kind that are flipped up automatically, like movie theatre seats and you have to pull them down to sit). And I swear I heard TJ say "What about the girl behind him?" and Prince said something along the lines of "The girl behind us might not be able to see or might get annoyed with him in her view." Suddenly they look up at me with this somewhat startled unsure face. I smile and say "It's ok if you want him to stand on the chair so he can see the show better". Blanket turned away and was whispering something to TJ's son and giggling. SO CUTE! Prince smiles shyly and ask "Are you sure?" and I get enthusiastic and smile bigger and say "Yeah it's totally ok with me!" then Prince does that FREAKIN ADORABLE smile again and laughs a bit and says "Ok thank you." Then they fiddle with the seat and it seems they decided it wasn't a good idea since the seat isn't very stable. So they just remain standing as is. Then Jermaine sings "Gone Too Soon." the audience goes quiet except for a few "Awwws" and cheers when certain pics of MJ are shown on the screen. I looked at MJ's kids who were sitting still. Paris had her arms crossed with her right hand up to her chin kinda resting under it. Toward the end Paris starts texting. And looks a bit upset(Can't blame her at all!). Prince checks on Blanket every so often during the song. And checks on Paris once or twice. Prince leaned over to Paris and says something and she nods in agreement. I think after that song the Jackson's start singing the first hit songs like "I Want You Back", "ABC" etc. The kids start enjoying the show again. And I believe during this point Blanket and TJ's son are pulling each other's hoods and hats over their heads and laughing a lot. Prince looks over at them and starts laughing and they either pulled Prince's hood over his head or he did it himself to make them laugh(I looked away for a second and didn't see what happened exactly). It was a SUPER cute moment!!! Then the Jackson's start singing "I'll Be There"... 30 seconds into the song, Paris grabs onto Prince's right arm and rest her head on his shoulder. Then 1-2 minutes later she lets go and stands up straight wiping tears from her eyes and cheeks! I was so heartbroken for her! I really wanted to reach out to her and ask her if she was ok or give her a hug or something. But decided it was best not to. I wanted to let her have some privacy with memories of her father without disruptions. I noticed that nobody consoled her while she was crying. They would look at her for a sec then back to the Jackson brothers and watch them mostly. During the last minute or so of the song she joined in with the audience and was swaying with her right arm up. As soon as the song ended and she finished wiping away more tears, she started texting someone again. She was upset(Sad, not angry) for quite a while after that and just stood still through about 4 more songs. I might add, it was obvious the kids had seen the show before or something, cause I remember when the first slow song came on Paris leaned in to Prince and Blanket said something and signaled with her hand to sit down. They all sat before the rest of the audience did. They always knew when to sit at the slow songs. But "I'll Be There" everyone stood. Also when Jermaine was doing his solo songs, TJ's son, Blanket, and Prince sat down. Paris remained standing and was somewhat dancing and clapping to the upbeat songs like "Dynamite", but had a blah look on her face. After Jermaine's solo moments, they started playing MJ songs! The first was "Can't Let Her Get Away" which was such a random odd choice, but I was glad to see that song get more recognition! But unfortunately Jermaine sang lead on every MJ solo song! During that song Paris put her hands to her mouth as if she was gonna cry! At first the children were into the first MJ song, then they got like upset in a way and kinda tuned out for all the rest. They performed "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough", and "Wanna Be Startin' Something"(I think they did 1 more MJ song, but for the life of me I cannot remember!!!)... during "Wanna Be Startin' Something" when it came to the "You're a vegetable..." part, the 3 brothers were saying it to Jermaine as he walked past them and he kinda gave them the hand! LOL! You decide whether that's just how they decided to perform it, or if it was a jab at him for the recent drama. And somewhere in the middle of the show Jermaine was alone on the stage seated on a stool and said something along the lines that despite what happens, they are a family, they are one, and will get through anything. Paris nodded in agreement but had a stern look on her face. Prince seemed not really interested in what Jermaine had to say. Also during "Wanna Be Startin' Something" Blanket and his cousin turned around to look at the people behind them and they were kinda giggling at everyone dancing and singing along. Then they looked at me, I smiled at them and then they had this look on their face like "Oh crap! Someone saw us looking at them!" and quickly turned around and burst into giggles! OMG BLANKET IS TOO CUTE WITH HIS SHYNESS!!!!!!!!!!! He kinda turned to look back at me real quick but was trying to do it in a way where he thought I wouldn't notice and when he saw I was looking at him he quickly turned around again. LOL! Omg that child is too cute for words!!!! After MJ's solo songs, the Jackson's performed their hits when they were no longer the Jackson 5, but the Jacksons. So "Lovely One", "Heartbreak Hotel" etc were performed. The kids weren't as energetic anymore, and just kinda stood and watched the show. Paris seemed upset when "Heartbreak Hotel" was performed. :*( She had turned around for a quick second to look at people behind her and I could see her eyes were glistening, so she had tears in her eyes. :*( It was obvious she was thinking of her father. She is definitely daddy's little girl! So the Jackson brothers went into "Shake Your Body(Down To The Ground)" and right as it started I saw TJ turn to the kids and say something, they all started to gather their belongings(Blanket was holding an action figure! LOL! SO CUTE! It wasn't of his daddy. It was some hard plastic action figure with some grass green outfit, lol.), and I realized they were gonna leave! It must be the last song of the night. So I was like Nooooo! And then I remembered Erin asked me through text(I was texting her throughout the show and sent her 2 pics, but apparently only 1 went through) to try to tell the kids that we the fans will always watch over them. So I was like this is my final last chance to make contact with them and I took it! Paris was standing still watching the show by her seat, so I tapped her on her left shoulder. She turned to her right and looked around confused and the scary bodyguard pointed toward me. She turned and our eyes met. My God, her blue eyes are so striking and radiant! Even in a dark place with not much light! They seriously had me awe and penetrated my soul! It took me a second to snap out of it and get to the point! I leaned toward her and she leaned in toward me and I told her near her right ear "The fans are with you." I leaned back and she smiled, nodded and said thank you. Then I put my arms out kinda shyly in a hugging manner and made a cute kinda face that was asking shyly for a hug and she leaned in and gave me a hug and I said to her "We love you and God bless!" then I kissed her right cheek(Her skin is very soft! And she smelled good, I also smelled foundation, and yeah got a bit of a taste of it from when I kissed her cheek, eh. :/ ) and she nodded again and smiled. Then the scary bodyguard tapped my right shoulder and said something like "Ok, you've had enough time.". Paris started walking and waved to me while saying "Bye". Then Prince followed and he looked at me and did the FREAKIN ADORABLE smile once again and he waved and said goodbye and I waved and said goodbye back smiling and we both kinda chuckled. Omg I WANT TO PINCH HIS CHEEKS! He still has baby fat on his face, so when he smiles, he has these pudgy adorable cheeks that make you want to pinch them! LOL!!! Blanket followed closely and looked at me with a shy half smile and quickly looked away when our eyes met. CUTE!!!! Then TJ's son followed as did TJ and the other bodyguard. Me and TJ smiled for a quick second at each other and I nodded at him as he walked by. I tried to take a pic of them leaving, but I'm not sure if they are visible in the pic, and my camera was at first on record, so I recorded like a second of them leaving but the scary bodyguard(who was singing to just about every song through the whole show, when he wasn't glaring at me or other people around PPB! lol) looked at me so I stopped and put my phone down asap! Lol. And then they were gone. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! DID THIS REALLY HAPPEN!?!? It's like a dream! So that is what happened to me last night. I am sad though, I was the only MJ fan from our group that was near them and had this experience. I wish like heck everyone was there to experience it! :( I am very happy I was able to tell Paris to her face that We the fans are with them and love them! Oh almost forgot a few funny tidbits. The guy to my right left after 5-10 minutes after the kids arrived. He took a bunch of pics of the children, then he was gone... Oookay. He didn't know the children were coming and was surprised to see them. I think he got abducted by bodyguards for taking pics. o__O So then I had an empty seat to my right and the guy next to that seat was all excited to see the children come. He was praising TJ and gave him a friendly pat on the back as he came in, then during the middle of the show, TJ went on Paris' side of the row and the guy again was trying to talk with him and stuff. It was funny. And TJ was super funny when it came to his dad! Every time Tito had a moment of attention, whether he was talking or playing the guitar, TJ would snap his head up and lean forward in amazement! Lol! And one funny moment with TJ was, Tommy Organ came out and was playing the guitar, and TJ jumped up thinking it was Tito! And then he kinda calmed down and went back to looking at his phone once he realized it wasn't his dad. LMAO! He is too funny!