Strona 9 z 16

: pt, 21 lis 2008, 11:15
autor: Maverick
20 listopada 2008, Quincy Jones, sprostowanie dotyczące wywiadu, w którym zacytowano, że powiedział, "nie chcę pracować z Michaelem Jacksonem":

When speaking with Quincy Jones, make sure all your facts are 100% true, “I didn’t state that I didn’t want to work with Michael Jackson, I stated that I have too many projects to work with Michael, big difference.” Quincy told on Tuesday afternoon.
The mogul, who’s responsible for constructing countless amounts of hits with the likes of Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Duke Ellington, Paul Simon Frank Sinatra and a plethora of others, not only expressed his love for the King of Pop, but also noted a hectic schedule would prohibit complete focus on MJ’s comeback set.

Said Jones, “I love Michael; he’s part of my soul, but I got nine movies, three albums I’m in the middle of, my foundation and my kids; I have a lot to do. You have to focus on everything you do or you don’t do it well.”

With his new memoir, "The Complete Quincy Jones: My Journey & Passions", an intimate view inside the life of the legendary producer in stores now, Quincy’s accounts and reflections are easily viewed as some of the greatest memories in music history. When asked to recount his favorite, Jones had no intentions on naming just one, “That would be impossible when you’re talking Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Ray Charles, Duke Ellington, Aretha Franklin, Melly Mel, Heavy D, Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Kool Moe Dee, Paul Simon; it’s impossible because they’re all different. That’s like picking a favorite child…no way.”

"The Complete Quincy Jones: My Journey & Passions" can be purchased at your local Barnes & Nobles.

: śr, 26 lis 2008, 12:54
autor: Maverick
Paul McCartney wzywa Michaela Jacksona do wypuszczenia na rynek nowej płyty. 25 listopada 2008.

Paul McCartney Calls On Michael Jackson To Release New Album

Sir Paul McCartney has called on Michael Jackson to release another studio album following his recent out-of-court settlement with an Arab Sheik.

The former Beatle, who appeared on Jackson's 1982 single 'The Girls Is Mine', described Jackson as “awfully good”.

Asked what the King of Pop's next career move should be, McCartney replied: “I don’t know, make another album, that’d be great.” ... -New-Album

: pt, 28 lis 2008, 12:20
autor: malakonserwa
Matt Pokora o zainspirowaniu przez Jacksona.
[Końcówka pierwszej części wywiadu.],93125,59 ... olske.html

: pn, 01 gru 2008, 20:42
autor: Maverick
Akon - fragment wywiadu dla People Magazine.

What surprised you the most about him?

Akon: How humble and how smart he was. Sometimes you get a certain perception from how the media portrays him, but [working with him] was completely opposite. An artist of that caliber and as big as he is, you would think he would have certain qualities that you probably wouldn’t like, such as being very arrogant or stuck up. With him, it was like he had never put out a record before – he still had that hunger.

: ndz, 07 gru 2008, 19:02
autor: Maverick
Akon, 7.12.2008:

R&B singer Akon says meeting pop king Michael Jackson was the "weirdest experience" for him and claimed he was eager to get back with Jackson.
The pair had teamed up on the track 'Hold My Hand' but the song was pulled from Akon's new LP after it leaked online, the Contactmusic reported on Sunday.
However, Akon is keen to team up with pop legend once again, but the collaboration can't come soon enough as meeting Jackson was the high point of his career.
"I thought I was going to be (starstruck) on my way there but as soon as we met it was like we knew each other for years. It was the weirdest experience because he knew everything about me, and I knew everything about him. So when we met each other, it was like we knew each other forever... That was the epitome of my collaboration," Akon told 'Wenn' in an interview. "He only works at a certain time and keeps a lot of stuff hidden. He'll launch it off a certain way and wants to surprise people," the singer added.


: wt, 09 gru 2008, 16:54
autor: Maverick
Oprah Winfrey, wywiad z 8 grudnia dla E! News: ... space.html

So who's the only male celeb Oprah ever got nervous about interviewing?

'Michael Jackson, during a live round-the-world broadcast way back in 1992' says the big O.

: ndz, 14 gru 2008, 16:30
autor: dzina
Jesse McCartney i jego marzenie o współpracy z Królem - 12.12.2008

He also said he'd love to get in the studio with artists like Rihanna, Chris Brown and Michael Jackson in the near future. "Whenever I have time, I try to get in the studio and write, whether it's for me or other artists or my catalog of music. It's definitely one of my favorite parts of the music industry. I know a lot of people who are writing and producing Michael Jackson's new album. That would be a dream come true.

Source: ... esse.jhtml

: pt, 19 gru 2008, 12:53
autor: Maverick
Uri Geller, Evening Post, 18 grudnia 2008.

"I do not speak to Michael Jackson anymore. I have not spoken to him for three years." Asked why his friendship with the Thriller star ended, he said: "It is a long story but our friendship is done and finished." ... rom_crisis

: ndz, 28 gru 2008, 11:24
autor: Maro
Tego newsa czytałem już przed świętami,ale nie miałem czasu przetłumaczyć bo byłem przed wyjazdem itp.

Akon: Michael Jackson nie będzie koncertować

Akon, który miał okazję niedawno współpracować z Michaelem Jacksonem, jest zdania, że króla popu może już nigdy nie wyruszyć w trasę.

- Jeśli chcecie dobrego show, media muszą odpuścić - wyjaśnia kolega z Senegalu. - To wspaniały gwiazdor, ale przez ten cały szum, nie może się skupić. Nie będzie koncertować. Rola mediów jest ogromna. W dużej mierze dlatego Michael nie wychodzi i nie jest kontaktowy.

Muzyk dodał, że gdyby udało mu się nagrać i wydać dobrą płytę, odzyskałby pewność siebie.

20 października na polski rynek trafiła kompilacja "King Of Pop", będąca zbiorem największych przebojów Michaela Jacksona. Wyboru hitów dokonali polscy sympatycy wokalisty. Regularną dyskografię piosenkarza wieńczy longplay "Invincible" z 2001 roku.

Najnowszy album Akona, "Freedom", ukazał się 2 grudnia. ... rtowac.htm

: sob, 03 sty 2009, 11:04
autor: SHADOWangel
Wczoraj w DZień dobry tvn,rozmawiali o go czeka w trym roku.Fiolka Najdemowicz odpowiedziala,ze odrodzi się jak feniks z popiołu ,gdyź świat nadal kocha MJa , i uwielbia spektakularne powroty gwiazd,których życie zamianiło sie w horror:)

: wt, 13 sty 2009, 15:20
autor: Maverick
Wywiad z Bernardem Belle, współpracownikiem Teddy'ego Riley, współautorem "Remember The Time":

Could you share with us what it was like to work with Michael Jackson?

B. Belle: Absolutely. It was, as you can imagine, an amazing experience. Somewhere around early 1991 was when we started with MJ. Mike had rented out the whole studio – this was Larrabee in North Hollywood. It had four studios in there. The smallest one he had turned into a listening office where after he recorded, he could listen. He had the whole room transformed into a more cozy kind of place. He had statues put in, and pictures put in, and these great big loudspeakers.

I walked into the listening office thinking it was empty, and there he was, sitting while talking on the phone. I couldn’t believe it. I apologized and I walked back out. But he came out and introduced himself. I introduced myself, and then he said he was a big fan of my work and I couldn’t believe it. I was floored, and I wanted to pass out. I was actually shaking this guy’s hand, and I’d literally grown up listening to his music! It took about ten days for me to adjust to being with him every day. But he made us feel so comfortable. He wanted to take that whole "icon" thing away. He just wanted to be Mike in the studio, and that’s what he was. We ate together, we talked, we laughed, we had a ball, and it was great.

cały wywiad:

: wt, 13 sty 2009, 18:08
autor: Pank
Maryla Rodowicz wystąpiła w koszulce z Michael Jacksonem podczas występu dla Infomuzyka 'prawie unplugged'. :']



: pn, 26 sty 2009, 11:25
autor: Megi1975

: pt, 06 lut 2009, 17:27
autor: Mandey
Pod koniec stycznia w holenderskiej telewizji NPS emitowany był
wywiad którego udzielił Bruce Swedien. Opowiadał o procesie tworzenia
najlepiej sprzedającej się płyty wszech czasów oraz o współpracy z Michaelem.

Oglądnij Wywiad sponsorowany przez You Tube. ;-)

ps. zwróćcie uwagę jak opowiada o demo do Thrillera... ile on tego tam ma! :-o

Komentarze umieszczamy >>> tutaj.

: pt, 13 lut 2009, 23:47
autor: zu
Marcin Świetlicki w wywiadzie dla Andrzeja Sosnowskiego z 2002 roku:

"Ale z drugiej strony poeta, jak nie piszą o nim, to się nie liczy. Poeta, który nie ma nazwiska mógłby napisać najcudowniejsze wiersze i po prostu nikogo to nie zainteresuje. To nie jest tak, że jakoś specjalnie taką taktykę przyjąłem, tylko tak mi się w życiu wydarzyło, po prostu. Że przynajmniej jakieś tam pięć tysięcy wie, jak się nazywam. Gdyby wiedziało tylko sześćdziesiąt osób, to nie pisałbym wierszy. Czasami sobie myślę, że Michael Jackson myśli tak samo jak ja właśnie. Ale z drugiej strony, jakbym wierszy nie pisał... Ale z drugiej strony przecież - jak się nie ma publiczności, to jest się nikim, tak naprawdę. Musi być jakaś publiczność. Nie wiem, czy po to się żyje, ale tak jest."

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