: pn, 12 gru 2005, 17:56
To jeszcze nie koniec!
Get the point? Good! Let's dance
1) ...And there is another time where the dancers were trying to mess with him and make him miss a step.( i remember reading an article in KING years ago about how they always do that to Mike) and they added a an extra count in the dance and Michael gets thrown out of the seqeunce, turns his head and tries to catch up!!! heheheheh
Tancerze MJ'a bardzo czesto wyglupiali sie z Michaela i robili mu takie wykrety, zeby Michael zgubil kroki. Np. Dodawali jakies dodatkowe elementy taneczne i Michael wypadal z rytmu/sekwencji ruchow. Odwracal glowe za siebie i staral sie ich nadgonic. [Oczywiscie takie historie dzialy sie tylko na probach].
2) Then there was another time when he was doing Billie Jean and some kind of rope swung by while he was performing and he stops and sarcastically goes 'That was interesting'.
Proby do Danger Tour.
MJ spiewa poczatkowe takty Billie Jean i ktos rozbujal sznur, ktory prawie uderzyl w MJ'a. MJ przestal spiewac i spogladajac na hustajacy sie sznur powiedzial sarkastycznie: To bylo interesujace....
3) I think it was a TV Guide interview....2001? I think. Anyway, during the interview, his kids were in the room. And while MJ was answering questions, Prince is just staring right at Michael, like he had 3 heads or something, for a long time. So Michael said "Stop staring at me." So Prince leaves, and comes back, started staring at him again. Michael, again, is like "Stop staring at me." Like he's all paranoid and stuff And then finally, Prince does it again, and MJ's like "Stop staring, you not making this interview any easier". I dunno I just thought that was just sooooo cute. MJ trying to do an interview and he sees Prince in the corner of his eyes looking like ...lol
Wywiad dla TV Guide z 2001?
Podczas wywiadu w pokoju byly dzieci Michaela. Gdy MJ udzielal odpowiedzi na pytania, Prince caly czas wpatrywal sie w tate. No i Michael do Princa: 'przestan sie we mnie wpatrywac'. Prince odszedl ale wkrotce powrocil i znowu zaczal sie uporczywie spogladac na tate. Michael znowu zwrocil uwage Princowi: 'przestan sie we mnie wpatrywac'. I po jakims czasie znowu to samo! Michael spoglada na syna i mowi: 'Przestan sie wreszcie we mnie wpatrywac. Sprawiasz, ze nie jest mi wcale latwiej udzielac ten wywiad"...
4)...from an interview that MJ did during The Jackson days.
Michael's driving his Rolls Royce in Los Angeles. He gets pulled over by this policeman who didn't recognize him. The policeman walks up to Michael's window and says, "This looks like it could be a stolen car." And Michael goes, "Is that right? What does a stolen car look like?"
Now, I know Michael wasn't trying to be comical, because the policeman was stereotyping him and he didn't like it.
But man!!
That was a good one Mike!! That was a real brain buster!!
Z wywiadu udzielonego podczas The Jackson Days.
MJ jedzie swoim Rolls Roycem po Los Angeles. Zatrzymuje go policjant, a ten zjezdza na pobocze. Policjant [nie poznajac, ze to Michael] podchodzi do okna samochodu i mowi: "Samochod wyglada mi na kradzionego". MJ odp: "Czy to w porzadku? A jak wyglada kradziony samochod?"....
Get the point? Good! Let's dance
1) ...And there is another time where the dancers were trying to mess with him and make him miss a step.( i remember reading an article in KING years ago about how they always do that to Mike) and they added a an extra count in the dance and Michael gets thrown out of the seqeunce, turns his head and tries to catch up!!! heheheheh
Tancerze MJ'a bardzo czesto wyglupiali sie z Michaela i robili mu takie wykrety, zeby Michael zgubil kroki. Np. Dodawali jakies dodatkowe elementy taneczne i Michael wypadal z rytmu/sekwencji ruchow. Odwracal glowe za siebie i staral sie ich nadgonic. [Oczywiscie takie historie dzialy sie tylko na probach].
2) Then there was another time when he was doing Billie Jean and some kind of rope swung by while he was performing and he stops and sarcastically goes 'That was interesting'.
Proby do Danger Tour.
MJ spiewa poczatkowe takty Billie Jean i ktos rozbujal sznur, ktory prawie uderzyl w MJ'a. MJ przestal spiewac i spogladajac na hustajacy sie sznur powiedzial sarkastycznie: To bylo interesujace....
3) I think it was a TV Guide interview....2001? I think. Anyway, during the interview, his kids were in the room. And while MJ was answering questions, Prince is just staring right at Michael, like he had 3 heads or something, for a long time. So Michael said "Stop staring at me." So Prince leaves, and comes back, started staring at him again. Michael, again, is like "Stop staring at me." Like he's all paranoid and stuff And then finally, Prince does it again, and MJ's like "Stop staring, you not making this interview any easier". I dunno I just thought that was just sooooo cute. MJ trying to do an interview and he sees Prince in the corner of his eyes looking like ...lol
Wywiad dla TV Guide z 2001?
Podczas wywiadu w pokoju byly dzieci Michaela. Gdy MJ udzielal odpowiedzi na pytania, Prince caly czas wpatrywal sie w tate. No i Michael do Princa: 'przestan sie we mnie wpatrywac'. Prince odszedl ale wkrotce powrocil i znowu zaczal sie uporczywie spogladac na tate. Michael znowu zwrocil uwage Princowi: 'przestan sie we mnie wpatrywac'. I po jakims czasie znowu to samo! Michael spoglada na syna i mowi: 'Przestan sie wreszcie we mnie wpatrywac. Sprawiasz, ze nie jest mi wcale latwiej udzielac ten wywiad"...
4)...from an interview that MJ did during The Jackson days.
Michael's driving his Rolls Royce in Los Angeles. He gets pulled over by this policeman who didn't recognize him. The policeman walks up to Michael's window and says, "This looks like it could be a stolen car." And Michael goes, "Is that right? What does a stolen car look like?"
Now, I know Michael wasn't trying to be comical, because the policeman was stereotyping him and he didn't like it.
But man!!
That was a good one Mike!! That was a real brain buster!!
Z wywiadu udzielonego podczas The Jackson Days.
MJ jedzie swoim Rolls Roycem po Los Angeles. Zatrzymuje go policjant, a ten zjezdza na pobocze. Policjant [nie poznajac, ze to Michael] podchodzi do okna samochodu i mowi: "Samochod wyglada mi na kradzionego". MJ odp: "Czy to w porzadku? A jak wyglada kradziony samochod?"....