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Tinman:The genius who created me only took care of my dashing good looks, my razor sharp wit and my irresistible attraction to the wrong women.
Lion: [singing after Tinman revives him from the Poppy's spell] How high the moon, zo za zo zo zay.
Lion: [snorts] W'us han'in', babe?
Scarecrow: Stay right there.
Tinman: [stuck underneath a big heavy round tin-woman] Don't worry, I wasn't planning any promenades.
The Munchkins: [after the Witch is killed, the Munchkins turn from graffiti back into children] 2, 4, 6, 8! Who do we appreciate?
Dorothy: [terrified] No! No!
Scarecrow: [after Tinman's crying] He rusted himself cryin'.
Aunt Em: Girl, do you know that you're 24 years old, and you've never been south of 125th Street? Well, you haven't!
Aunt Em: Oh, here we go again. You get me so worked up that I'm beginning to sound like a Jewish mother.
Scarecrow: Public office is the last refuge of the incompetent!
Cheetah, Head of the Flying Monkeys: [giving orders to get Dorothy and her friends] White bread or wheat?
Scarecrow: Success, fame, and fortune, they're all illusions. All there is that is real is the friendship that two can share.
Dorothy: That's beautiful! Who said that?
Scarecrow: [modestly] I did.
Scarecrow: Barnum said there's a sucker born every minute.
Tinman: I was there when he said it, but I never thought I'd be one of them.
Scarecrow: I'll think about you all the time, Dorothy!
Tinman: And I'll miss you... every day. Even if I had to go back to that junk pile... even as teeny's seat cushion... I wouldn't mind... because I have known... real love.
Dorothy: Aww... don't rust yourself now.
[wipes away the tears]
Scarecrow: Now I'll never get my brain!
Tinman: Nor my heart.
Lion: Or my courage
Dorothy: But you don't need them now because you've had them all the time. Scarecrow, you're the one who figured out how to find the yellow brick road and how to destroy Evillene, and every smart move we've made, didn't you? Lion, you wouldn't even give up when Evillene strung you up by your tail. And, Tin Man, you have more heart than anyone I've ever known.
Tinman: [hopeful] Honest?
Dorothy: Yeah, you never needed anything from the fake wizard, anyway.
Dorothy: You mean, you sent us to kill Evillene, knowing we might never come back?
The Wiz: She would have killed me, she would have found out I had no power, and took over Oz.
Dorothy: That's no excuse.
Dorothy: He must really be in shock!
Tinman: Oh, what I wouldn't give to be in shock! Just Once!
Dorothy: They've had what they've been searching for in them all along. I don't know what's in you, but I do know you'll never find it in the safety of this room. I tried that all my life; it doesn't work. There's a whole world out there and you have to begin by letting people see who you really are.
Glinda the Good: Hello, Dorothy.
Dorothy: Please, is there a way for me to get back home?
Glinda the Good: Well, Dorothy, you were wise and good enough to help your friends to come here and find what was inside them all the time. That's true for you, also.
Dorothy: Home? Inside of me? I don't understand.
Glinda the Good: Home is a place we all must find, child. It's not just a place where you eat or sleep. Home is knowing. Knowing your mind, knowing your heart, knowing your courage. If we know ourselves, we're always home, anywhere.
Scarecrow: [quoting] "Heavy is the head that wears a crown." - W. Shakespeare.
Tinman: There is nothing amusing about the closing down of an amusement park.
Dorothy: [Attempting to make the Tinman cry] Quick! Find a really sad saying!
Scarecrow: [Reaches into his hair and pulls out a piece of paper] Uh... showers this morning, clearing by tonight!
Tinman: [Whenever he cries] TINNY! TINNY!
Lion: [Strung up by his tail in Evilene's lair] Don't give her the slippers, Dorothy!
Evillene: Is this enough for you? No? Well, how about your metal friend over there?
Tinman: [a giant piledriver begins to flatten him] Don't worry, Dorothy! I'm just an empty shell! This doesn't hurt me!
Tinman: Hurry hurry hurry, step on up and save a life!
Scarecrow: But Bacon said...
The Four Crows: Bacon? Once over lightly, please.
Scarecrow: "Knowledge is power", and Cicero says...
The Four Crows: Cicero row row your boat...