Prince, Paris, Blanket, Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, LaToya, Marlon, Randy, Janet, 3T, Joseph, Katherine i pozostali członkowie rodziny Jackson - wiadomości i rozmowy luźne.
Takich informacji mamy jeszcze wiecej i wszystko bedzie na naszej stronie o 3T. I to byli mlodzi 3T na Victory Tour. 3T bylo razem z Wujkiem podczas Bad Tour, Dangerous a na History Tour tyko na czesci europejskiej.
A to zjdecie 3T jak nasladuje Jackson 5,ten w srodku to ich ojciec Tito ;)
A tu Jackson 5 za czasow Victory Tour :)
Ostatnio zmieniony śr, 26 kwie 2006, 20:19 przez 3T, łącznie zmieniany 2 razy.
Ale zdjecie super:) Dzieki, tego jeszcze nie widzialem :))) Mozesz poszukac jeszcze Janet ?:) Dziekuje Kaem :) Nie wiedzialem ze jest taki dzial ;))) Wielkie dzieki :) A to 3T za czasow dangerous tour z wujaszkiem MJ
Jak sie jeszcze na nia natkne, to wrzuce. Poki co, to nici z szukania
Ale ta fotka Janet (co wrzuciles) jest bardzo sympatyczna
Dla rownowagi (znana?) fotka chlopakow z tata.
Zachowala mi sie jeszcze taka fotka. Szczegolow z tej imprezy nie pamietam
B. Olewicz (...) co tak cenne jest, że ta nienazwana myśl rysą jest na szkle? (...)
E. Bodo To nie ty...
We are extremely excited about the Show. If you enjoyed "Winter Wonderland", then I think you are going to be really happy. For those of you who wanted to know if the show will air in your country, that is our primary goal.
As for music, we are still writing and recording for the new 3T album. We are also simultaneously working on our Dad's (Tito) album. The new 3T album and Tito's album will be one of the main focuses of the show. We will also have some guest producers on this album. Sorry, can't reveal any names yet.
Many of you don't know this yet, but I will be directing a horror movie soon. Right now, I am in the process of finalizing the script for production. I plan on shooting the movie in the summer for a release early next year.
My achilles tendon is doing better. It is still not a 100 percent, but that is to be expected. This sort of injury takes 6 months to a year to heal correctly. I can exercise my foot but I have to take it easy. That means no sports for me.
Things are great in this area. Over a year and still going strong. I can't wait for most of you guys to meet her. That is if you haven't
I just found out last month that my mom's dad was Puerto Rican. That makes me officially:
1/2 Black, 1/4 Dominican 1/4 Puerto Rican