Reklama na Superbowl nawiązująca do 'Thrillera' [koment.]
Moderatorzy: DaX, Sephiroth820, MJowitek, majkelzawszespoko, Mafia
Ale było by bosko gdyby Michael zaspiewał i pokazał na co go teraz stac mój występ z okazji dnia nauczyciela :)
Król popu nie odszedł, zmienił tylko scenę
- Posty: 70
- Rejestracja: pt, 04 sty 2008, 22:13
Z Tabloida NYpost
January 27, 2008 -- Wacko ***** wants to kick off a "Thriller" comeback on the Super Bowl stage, The Post has learned.
As part of a marketing plan for the 25th anniversary of the hit Michael Jackson album, a TV spot for SoBe Life Water, a vitamin-enhanced beverage from PepsiCo, will air during the big game next Sunday with a "Thriller" theme, according to documents.
An internal memo from *****'s former label Sony, written by marketing director Andrew Feigenbaum, prominently mentions the TV spot as "confirmed."
PepsiCo has refused to acknowledge collaborating with The Gloved One on the super-secret project. There was no immediate comment from a Jackson spokeswoman.
The week of Feb. 8 will deliver what the internal memo describes as a "major TV, radio, online and outdoor advertising campaign."
It's likely the covers of the anniversary edition of the album - called "Thriller 25" - which feature photographs of a much younger Jackson with a much darker complexion and a different facial structure, will be seen on billboards around the country.
The official Jackson Web site has been completely redone to resemble a one-stop shop for all things *****. Links to the social-networking Web sites MySpace and Facebook are new. Lucrative ringtones have been created for all of the songs from the original album as well as for all the remixes and previously unreleased tracks.
There are also plans under way for Jackson to appear at the Grammy Awards on Feb.10 with young hip-hop artists Fergie, and Akon, who also accompany him on remixed or new versions of "Thriller" album tracks.
Blockbuster "Beat It" will now feature Fergie, while Akon joins "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" and provides vocals for "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)" and "The Girl is Mine."
Meanwhile, the classic "The Girl is Mine," which featured Paul McCartney, has been completely re-recorded, erasing all traces of the former Beatle.
Next month's Black Entertainment Television Honors program is set to include a tribute to Jackson.
Jackson is scheduled to appear at both events, but not perform.
***** has spent the last year bumming around Las Vegas after a year and a half of globetrotting - including stays in Europe and the Middle East, sleeping on the couches of rich pals in the wake of beating kiddie-sex charges in California.
While no specific figures were mentioned, it's clear that the "Thriller" campaign is a multimillion-dollar effort and that the Sony-designed p.r. blitz could be a major boost to Jackson's flagging career. Ironically, the record company dumped the star in 2006.
He hasn't released an original album since "HIStory" in 1995 and hasn't toured since October 1997.
The Gloved One is trying to revive his flagging career with the release of a 25th anniversary ''Thriller'' edition and a flurry of high-profile appearances
* "Thriller"-themed Super Bowl soft-drink commercial
* Re-mixed songs on "Thriller 25" with vocals by hip-hop artists Fergie, Akon and
* New track based on "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin"
* Erased any trace of Paul McCartney vocals on "The Girl Is Mine"
* Album will include never-released 1982 tune, "For All Time"
* Grammy Awards appearance scheduled
* BET will host special honoring him
* Launching major TV, radio, online and outdoor ad campaign around Feb. 8
* Negotiating ringtone and other download deals with Sprint and other carriers ... 997475.htm
January 27, 2008 -- Wacko ***** wants to kick off a "Thriller" comeback on the Super Bowl stage, The Post has learned.
As part of a marketing plan for the 25th anniversary of the hit Michael Jackson album, a TV spot for SoBe Life Water, a vitamin-enhanced beverage from PepsiCo, will air during the big game next Sunday with a "Thriller" theme, according to documents.
An internal memo from *****'s former label Sony, written by marketing director Andrew Feigenbaum, prominently mentions the TV spot as "confirmed."
PepsiCo has refused to acknowledge collaborating with The Gloved One on the super-secret project. There was no immediate comment from a Jackson spokeswoman.
The week of Feb. 8 will deliver what the internal memo describes as a "major TV, radio, online and outdoor advertising campaign."
It's likely the covers of the anniversary edition of the album - called "Thriller 25" - which feature photographs of a much younger Jackson with a much darker complexion and a different facial structure, will be seen on billboards around the country.
The official Jackson Web site has been completely redone to resemble a one-stop shop for all things *****. Links to the social-networking Web sites MySpace and Facebook are new. Lucrative ringtones have been created for all of the songs from the original album as well as for all the remixes and previously unreleased tracks.
There are also plans under way for Jackson to appear at the Grammy Awards on Feb.10 with young hip-hop artists Fergie, and Akon, who also accompany him on remixed or new versions of "Thriller" album tracks.
Blockbuster "Beat It" will now feature Fergie, while Akon joins "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" and provides vocals for "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)" and "The Girl is Mine."
Meanwhile, the classic "The Girl is Mine," which featured Paul McCartney, has been completely re-recorded, erasing all traces of the former Beatle.
Next month's Black Entertainment Television Honors program is set to include a tribute to Jackson.
Jackson is scheduled to appear at both events, but not perform.
***** has spent the last year bumming around Las Vegas after a year and a half of globetrotting - including stays in Europe and the Middle East, sleeping on the couches of rich pals in the wake of beating kiddie-sex charges in California.
While no specific figures were mentioned, it's clear that the "Thriller" campaign is a multimillion-dollar effort and that the Sony-designed p.r. blitz could be a major boost to Jackson's flagging career. Ironically, the record company dumped the star in 2006.
He hasn't released an original album since "HIStory" in 1995 and hasn't toured since October 1997.
The Gloved One is trying to revive his flagging career with the release of a 25th anniversary ''Thriller'' edition and a flurry of high-profile appearances
* "Thriller"-themed Super Bowl soft-drink commercial
* Re-mixed songs on "Thriller 25" with vocals by hip-hop artists Fergie, Akon and
* New track based on "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin"
* Erased any trace of Paul McCartney vocals on "The Girl Is Mine"
* Album will include never-released 1982 tune, "For All Time"
* Grammy Awards appearance scheduled
* BET will host special honoring him
* Launching major TV, radio, online and outdoor ad campaign around Feb. 8
* Negotiating ringtone and other download deals with Sprint and other carriers ... 997475.htm
"Don't know what I've done,everything you've got,things you've done to me are coming back to you" I'm the Blue Gangster
Jackson eyeing Super Bowl comeback
Published: Jan. 27, 2008 at 12:26 PM
NEW YORK, Jan. 27 (UPI) -- This year's Super Bowl may serve as a launch pad for a comeback campaign by fading U.S. pop music icon Michael Jackson, it was reported Sunday.
The New York Post reported Sunday that as part of a rumored comeback attempt by Jackson and to honor the 25th anniversary of the singer's hit album "Thriller," SoBe Life Water will air an advertisement modeled after the famed album during the Super Bowl.
While PepsiCo has not confirmed Jackson's involvement in the advertising campaign for the company's vitamin-enhanced beverage, an internal music from Sony Music said the TV spot next Sunday has been "confirmed."
The Post said that memo also referred to a "major TV, radio, online and outdoor advertising campaign" during the week of Feb. 8 that likely will be coordinated with the launch of Jackson's "Thriller 25" album.
Jackson's comeback also may include an appearance at the annual Grammy Awards Feb. 10, where the music star is expected to perform new or remixed versions of "Thriller" tracks.
© 2008 United Press International.
Soucre: ... back/6846/
Published: Jan. 27, 2008 at 12:26 PM
NEW YORK, Jan. 27 (UPI) -- This year's Super Bowl may serve as a launch pad for a comeback campaign by fading U.S. pop music icon Michael Jackson, it was reported Sunday.
The New York Post reported Sunday that as part of a rumored comeback attempt by Jackson and to honor the 25th anniversary of the singer's hit album "Thriller," SoBe Life Water will air an advertisement modeled after the famed album during the Super Bowl.
While PepsiCo has not confirmed Jackson's involvement in the advertising campaign for the company's vitamin-enhanced beverage, an internal music from Sony Music said the TV spot next Sunday has been "confirmed."
The Post said that memo also referred to a "major TV, radio, online and outdoor advertising campaign" during the week of Feb. 8 that likely will be coordinated with the launch of Jackson's "Thriller 25" album.
Jackson's comeback also may include an appearance at the annual Grammy Awards Feb. 10, where the music star is expected to perform new or remixed versions of "Thriller" tracks.
© 2008 United Press International.
Soucre: ... back/6846/
"Don't know what I've done,everything you've got,things you've done to me are coming back to you" I'm the Blue Gangster
- Posty: 70
- Rejestracja: pt, 04 sty 2008, 22:13
hmm,no ja na 90%jestem przkonany ,że MJ nie zaśpiewa na SUPER BOWL,mial okazje dać serie występow w WMA2006,ostatnio we Francji,teaz ma szanse dac naGrammy,ale znajac życie nie da...tym bardziej za czssów bad,dangerous...itd...zawsze było wiadomo,że MJ wystąpi,a teraz nic tylko cisza i jakieś niepotwierdzone plotki.a reklamowka pepsi jakoś mnie nie usatysfakcjonuje:)
Jeśli juz ma wystąpić to lepiej ,zeby sie dobrze przygotował i wystapił na Grammy.A reklama na Super Bowl nie jest złym pomysłemSHADOWangel pisze:hmm,no ja na 90%jestem przkonany ,że MJ nie zaśpiewa na SUPER BOWL,mial okazje dać serie występow w WMA2006,ostatnio we Francji,teaz ma szanse dac naGrammy,ale znajac życie nie da...tym bardziej za czssów bad,dangerous...itd...zawsze było wiadomo,że MJ wystąpi,a teraz nic tylko cisza i jakieś niepotwierdzone plotki.a reklamowka pepsi jakoś mnie nie usatysfakcjonuje:)
Tylko jestem ciekawa czy wystąpi tam ten współczesny MJ ,czy może zrobią jakiś montaż z teledysku Thriiler???
Tylko ze te reklamy w przerwie meczu finalu SuperBowl to sa najdrozsze reklamy w calym roku jakie reklamodawcy musza placic telewizji w USA bo finaly oglada cala Ameryka. To mozna przyrownac do mistrzostw swiata w pilce noznej. Wyobrazcie sobie (wiem ze to jest trudne ) ze Polska jest w finale i gra mecz z Brazylia. To wlasnie tej rangi jest to wydarzenie w USA.
Ostatnio zmieniony pt, 01 lut 2008, 20:26 przez Canario, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
I nie tylko,dziś kumpel w pracy mi mówił że w UK też będą pokazywać na żywo z niedzieli na poniedziałek w nocy,muszę się dowiedzieć jaki kanał.Canario pisze:Tylko ze te reklamy w przerwie meczu finalu SuperBowl to sa najdrozsze reklamy w calym roku jakie reklamodawcy musza placic telewizji w USA bo finaly oglada cala Ameryka.
"Don't know what I've done,everything you've got,things you've done to me are coming back to you" I'm the Blue Gangster
Jeśli w niej będzie teraźniejszy Michael to czemu nie a i tak zapewne pójdę spać bo do pracy na rano,a ja nie lubię ostatnio poniedziałkówSILENTIUM pisze:Chce Ci sie zarywac noc dla jednej reklamy?Maro pisze: I nie tylko,dziś kumpel w pracy mi mówił że w UK też będą pokazywać na żywo z niedzieli na poniedziałek w nocy,muszę się dowiedzieć jaki kanał.
A i coś tam czytałem o napoju Thrillicious:
MOże to MJ będzie reklamował?
"Don't know what I've done,everything you've got,things you've done to me are coming back to you" I'm the Blue Gangster
Reklamy w przerwie Superbowl. Bedzie z cyklu "moje doswiadczenie w Ameryce"
Moj chlopak gdy zapytalam sie o co chodzi z ta mania Superbowl naprawde powaznie mi odpowiedzial: "Jak to o co, o reklamy". Zdebialam, a potem doswiadczylam na wlasnej skorze i dopiero zrozumialam...
Do rzeczy - w zeszlym roku ogladalam transmisje meczu w US. Wszyscy podniecali sie reklamami, nie sama rozgrywka. Powaznie, tam postaja specjalne rankingi najlepszych reklam na Superbowl, ludzie komentuja je potem przez kilka dni, prasa sie rozpisuje. Pub w ktorym bylam na meczu rozkrecal sie najbardziej w przerwach reklamowych. To dosc trudno wytlumaczyc, stanowi jakis fenomen. Poniewaz ten czas reklamowy jest zawsze najdrozszy, producenci reklam staja na glowie by byly one zabawne. Jednoczesnie nakrecaja machine zainteresowania tymi reklamami i dzieki temu wszyscy z uwaga je ogladaja. Ot, zmanipulowani do potegi widzowie mysla, ze patrza na cos wielkiego, takie wielkie halo jest wokol tego rozpetane. Dlatego tez reklama Thrillera na pewno puszczona w takim czasie antenowym bedzie zauwazona.
Swoja droga w polskiej tv ida zdecydowanie lepsze, dowcipniejsze,zabawniejsze i inteligentniejsze reklamy niz te niby cuda, ktorymi wszyscy sie zachwycaja podczas transmisji Superbowl.
Moj chlopak gdy zapytalam sie o co chodzi z ta mania Superbowl naprawde powaznie mi odpowiedzial: "Jak to o co, o reklamy". Zdebialam, a potem doswiadczylam na wlasnej skorze i dopiero zrozumialam...
Do rzeczy - w zeszlym roku ogladalam transmisje meczu w US. Wszyscy podniecali sie reklamami, nie sama rozgrywka. Powaznie, tam postaja specjalne rankingi najlepszych reklam na Superbowl, ludzie komentuja je potem przez kilka dni, prasa sie rozpisuje. Pub w ktorym bylam na meczu rozkrecal sie najbardziej w przerwach reklamowych. To dosc trudno wytlumaczyc, stanowi jakis fenomen. Poniewaz ten czas reklamowy jest zawsze najdrozszy, producenci reklam staja na glowie by byly one zabawne. Jednoczesnie nakrecaja machine zainteresowania tymi reklamami i dzieki temu wszyscy z uwaga je ogladaja. Ot, zmanipulowani do potegi widzowie mysla, ze patrza na cos wielkiego, takie wielkie halo jest wokol tego rozpetane. Dlatego tez reklama Thrillera na pewno puszczona w takim czasie antenowym bedzie zauwazona.
Swoja droga w polskiej tv ida zdecydowanie lepsze, dowcipniejsze,zabawniejsze i inteligentniejsze reklamy niz te niby cuda, ktorymi wszyscy sie zachwycaja podczas transmisji Superbowl.