Jermaine Jackson - wypowiedzi, wywiady, pomysły [koment.]

Prince, Paris, Blanket, Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, LaToya, Marlon, Randy, Janet, 3T, Joseph, Katherine i pozostali członkowie rodziny Jackson - wiadomości i rozmowy luźne.

Moderatorzy: DaX, Sephiroth820, MJowitek, majkelzawszespoko, kaem, @neta, anialim, Mariurzka, Mafia

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Posty: 1611
Rejestracja: pt, 11 mar 2005, 8:21
Skąd: silent world

Post autor: cicha »

B. Olewicz (...) co tak cenne jest, że ta nienazwana myśl rysą jest na szkle? (...)
E. Bodo To nie ty...
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Posty: 743
Rejestracja: sob, 02 gru 2006, 2:16
Skąd: Michael's Bed ocasionally

Post autor: BillieJean »

cicha pisze:Wywiad z Jermainem :]
Woah! Cicha - nie wiem czy jesteś świadoma jak ważny wywiad rzuciłaś na forum!
Jermaine powiedział że Jackson 5 nagrywa ponownie i że Big Brother był dla niego "urlopem" :wariat:
poza tym wspomniał kilka razy wspomnial o Michaelu...
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Posty: 515
Rejestracja: sob, 27 cze 2009, 11:02
Skąd: Planet Earth

Post autor: Marie »

Bardzo wzruszające.
Wzruszające jak on mówi o Michaelu.
Że Michael był darem, że on dał swoim dzieciom coś najważniejszego - MIŁOŚĆ.
Przy pożegnaniu pocałował go w czoło..
Cóż więcej rzec, po prostu wywiad bardzo warty obejrzenia.
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Posty: 45
Rejestracja: sob, 27 cze 2009, 11:31
Skąd: Gdańsk

Post autor: SpookyMeg »

Bardzo mną poruszyły słowa Jermaina. To co opowiadał bylo niesamowicie miłe ale tez przykre dla kazdego z nas , między innymi słowa " świat nie jest jeszcze gotowy na Michaela , dlatego Allah zabrał go do siebie" , hmmm....może go jeszcze odzyskamy ? Tyko jedno nie daje mi spokoju , bo nie wiem czy dobrze zrozumiałam jego slowa...czy to co śpiewał w pewnym momencie to był fragment nowej pisoenki Michaela ? Wpadło jakoś w ucho.....
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Posty: 646
Rejestracja: wt, 26 gru 2006, 16:19
Skąd: Starachowice,

Jearmaine Jackson - wypowiedzi, wywiady pomysły

Post autor: editt »

The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait
The Largest Michael Jackson Tribute in the World!
Millions of Fans from more than 165 Countries Are Coming Together to Become Part of
Michael Jackson’s Legacy
Celebrity artist David Ilan is creating an original portrait of Michael Jackson using only dots. Each dot in the drawing represents a real fan. Everyone who signs up gets a free hand-drawn dot in their honor added to the portrait.
1 Dot = 1 Fan

Jermaine Jackson supports the Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait, special 'This Is It' screening ... -screening

The Michael Jackson tribute portrait is the largest tribute that pays homage to the King of Pop in an extraordinary way and MJ's brother Jermaine Jackson has now announced his support for the tribute.

The Michael Jackson tribute portrait was created and organized by Jerry Biederman and David Ilan the artist who has embarked upon a phenomenal homage to Michael Jackson in the form of a portrait. The King of Pop is arguably the greatest entertainer the world has ever known. David Ilan uses a technique called pointillism. This tribute allows the fans to give back to MJ, for the wonderful music, and love that he imparted on the world. Each dot in the portrait represents an actual fan who has signed up to be a part of the tribute (read the interview with David Ilan here).

Today, 60 students from three inner city public schools will walk down the red carpet with Jermaine Jackson and other celebrity guests. They will have the opportunity to have a dot placed in the Michael Jackson portrait. According to the latest press release, 'Jermaine Jackson will be making a special announcement and his presence at the event will be a surprise for the children. Jermaine says, “It’s all for love.”' The red carpet event starts at 9:30 a.m. at the AMC Magic Johnson Theatres at 4020 Marlton Avenue in Los Angeles. This event is organized in association with May May Ali (daughter of Muhammad Ali) and Torré Reese of FAMLI, INC. (a nonprofit after school enrichment/mentoring program). The “dot ceremony” begins at 10 a.m.; Jermaine Jackson will be available for interviews at 11 a.m.

Executive producer and tribute organizer, Jerry Biederman says of the tribute, "We see Michael’s Tribute Portrait as an opportunity to carry on Michael’s work. This is our mission.”

If you have not yet become a part of this amazing new tribute, you may do so by signing up for your dot at

Jermaine Jackson: Lawyers, money can't divide family

(filmik na stronie)

Michael Jackson's family gathered Tuesday for an early Thanksgiving dinner, determined not to let money and fame pull it apart, the pop icon's older brother said.

"That's really, really important because we're a family and throughout the years, the managers, the agents and Hollywood have tried to come between that," Jermaine Jackson said. "What they don't know is we were together before we came out here and we're going to continue to be together."

Jackson spoke to CNN at a Tuesday morning screening of his brother's "This Is It" movie for inner-city students in Los Angeles.

He said he has stayed away from the Michael Jackson estate legal battle, which pitted his mother's lawyer against his father's lawyer earlier this month.

"When there's a lot of fame and fortune and attorneys, accountants and advisers and managers and agents, it gets like this," Jermaine Jackson said. "But at the same time, my mother is the boss and regardless of what the executors want to do at the end of the day, she has the say."

When family matriarch Katherine Jackson dropped her legal challenge of the men named in Michael Jackson's will to run his estate, family patriarch Joe Jackson's lawyer was launching his own challenge. This set off a bitter courtroom battle between the lawyers for the Jackson parents.

"She has now reneged on her obligation to her family," Joe Jackson's lawyer, Brian Oxman, told the judge. He said Katherine Jackson's reversal was "one of the most despicable displays" he's ever seen in court.

Oxman accused her of reaching a secret deal -- behind Joe Jackson's back -- with the men who control their son's estate.

Jermaine Jackson said despite what you may read, the Jackson family will "pull together."

"There's strength in numbers, and when there's a family like ours, we pull together," he said. "We find strength within each other."

Katherine Jackson does not celebrate holidays because of her religion -- she a Jehovah's Witness -- but the Jackson brothers, sisters, and their children do traditionally gather for one day Thanksgiving week, he said. Tuesday is the day, he said.

"And it's really tough because Michael's no longer with us, but he'll always be with us in spirit, but you just continue to move on," he said.

Michael Jackson's three children -- Prince, 12, Paris, 11, and Blanket, 7 -- are "doing great" and are "best friends" with his children, Jermaine Jackson said.

"They're doing well," he said. "They're getting their lessons done. They have wonderful tutors and programs, they're getting a chance to go out and do things. They're getting a chance to travel."

An A&E network reality TV series that focuses on the lives of four of the Jackson brothers -- Jackie, Jermaine, Tito and Marlon -- debuts next month.

Filming of "The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty" -- in the works before Michael Jackson's June 25 death -- is about to wrap, he said.

He said his main job now is to promote his brother's legacy.

Jermaine Jackson walked down the red carpet with dozens of students before the "This Is It" screening. Michael Jackson's vocal coach and several musicians featured in show also were there.

Los Angeles artist David Ilan, who is creating a Michael Jackson tribute portrait with 1 million hand-drawn dots, added a dot on his artwork for each of them.

The technique, "pointillism," allows Jackson fans worldwide to sign up online to have a dot added in their name. The charity project's Web site is

JERMAINE JACKSON has dismissed rumours of an ongoing feud between his famous siblings - insisting they have settled their differences since the tragic death of their beloved brother MICHAEL JACKSON.
The clan was introduced to the world by Motown Records in the 1960s as The Jackson Five, but when the group parted ways with the label in 1976, Jermaine chose to remain loyal to the company and stay put as a solo artist.
Jermaine admits his decision caused tension among his brothers and led to a family feud - but he insists they have all moved on since the fall out.
He explains, "We've had a long history and I guess it started when I stayed at Motown and they moved on (to Epic Records) and we all have our own reasons why we do things. I thought it was the most honourable thing to do at the time, because we were introduced to the world asthe Jackson Five at Motown."
The surviving Jackson Five brothers - Jermaine, Marlon, Tito and Jackie - hope their upcoming TV show, The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty, will prove they are just a "normal family".
His brother Tito echoes, "The reality show will express that we're a normal family, that we love each other dearly. Regardless of what people may say, he has my back and I have his back."
The programme was filmed all year as they mourned Michael's death in June (09) and prepared for a group reunion.
Ostatnio zmieniony pt, 04 gru 2009, 7:43 przez editt, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
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Posty: 646
Rejestracja: wt, 26 gru 2006, 16:19
Skąd: Starachowice,

Post autor: editt »

wywiad Jeremaine dla jakiejś stacji radiowej

-> link skrócony. polecam tę stronę:
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Posty: 1460
Rejestracja: wt, 18 wrz 2007, 2:54
Skąd: z Guadalupe

Post autor: anialim »

a, to może tu, do pomysłów.
Kolejny projekt JJa - koncert w Gambii
Oczywiście wszystko w imię czczenia pamięci Michaela i kontynuowania Jego dzieła i w ogóle - Tribute by Jermaine.
... On why the tribute of his late brother in The Gambia, the American celebrity said the tribute is part of his family's legacy, saying "it is very important not to let Michael Jackson's music die, but to continue to honour him". He stated that organisiing a tribute for his late brother, whose untimely death shocked the entire world, "is a way of keeping his legacy alive in a dignified way" (...)
"We are very happy and overjoyed because coming to The Gambia is coming home. We want to have a tribute for my brother Michael Jackson during the 5th Kanilai International Festival. What is going to happen is that I am going to perform and I want all Gambians to know that I am going to bring 40 years of music from the Jackson Family"
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Posty: 662
Rejestracja: pn, 29 gru 2008, 20:39
Skąd: Piotrków Trybunalski

Post autor: Moscan »

Wg doniesień Jermaine Jackson chce zorganizować koncert w hołdzie dla zmarłego brata. Jak zapowiedział na konferencji, która odbyła się w hotelu Coco Ozone w Bijilo, koncert miałby odbyć się 29 Maja 2010 r. w afrykańskiej Gambii na Independence Stadium w Bakau.
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Posty: 1460
Rejestracja: wt, 18 wrz 2007, 2:54
Skąd: z Guadalupe

Post autor: anialim »

boskar2007 pisze:A czy Larry King będzie miał jakiegoś ciekawego gościa w tym tygodniu?
Czy ciekawy... Jermaine Jackson będze, 25.06.

Michael Jackson’s brother, Jermaine, and Larry visit the “King of Pop’s” final resting place at Forest Lawn. How’s the Jackson family doing? Find out!
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Posty: 429
Rejestracja: sob, 28 maja 2005, 18:16

Post autor: SILENTIUM »

W pierwszą rocznicę śmierci Jermaine będzie udzielał wywiadu przy grobie brata? Bez komentarza.
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Posty: 1460
Rejestracja: wt, 18 wrz 2007, 2:54
Skąd: z Guadalupe

Post autor: anialim »

SILENTIUM pisze:W pierwszą rocznicę śmierci Jermaine będzie udzielał wywiadu przy grobie brata? Bez komentarza.
Program został już nagrany. Wszelki komentarz jest chyba zbędny...
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Posty: 323
Rejestracja: śr, 04 mar 2009, 14:33
Skąd: Starachowice

Post autor: Jeanne »

To Larry'emu Jermaine powiedział, że "Islam could've saved Michael Jackson"?
Posty: 117
Rejestracja: śr, 29 lip 2009, 10:02
Skąd: Drawsko

Post autor: Urszula »

Nawet białe skarpetki założył......przeciwnik takowych przecież. Szkoda słów.

-> temat posprzątany 15 lipca 2010.
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Posty: 1460
Rejestracja: wt, 18 wrz 2007, 2:54
Skąd: z Guadalupe

Post autor: anialim »

Z okazji 40-lecia pracy scenicznej Jermaine dał koncert w Las Vegas. Wg źródeł na twitterze, bilety nie sprzedały się dobrze. Rodzina nie zawiodła - była Katherine wraz z MJ3, którym - również za relacją z twittera - towarzyszyła ekipa filmowa.
Jermaine zaśpiewał Smile, Human Nature, Man in the Mirror.
Video: Michael, tyle dla nas zrobiłeś, teraz ja zrobię coś dla Ciebie... zaśpiewam

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Posty: 1017
Rejestracja: sob, 22 sie 2009, 15:54
Skąd: południe kraju nad Wisłą

Post autor: Margareta »

Ten wywiad utwierdził mnie w przekonaniu, że rodzina ukrywa Michaela i że dobrze wie co się z nim dzieje. Jermainowi jak na tak krótki czas od śmierci (czy też może "śmierci") sławniejszego brata i jak na takie miejsce, to coś podejrzanie za wesoło było.
Niektórzy zarzucają mu lans na sławie brata - ja uważam, że jeżeli nie żyje to nie powinien w taki sposób jaki to robi, przypomnieć ludziom o sobie i nie powinien robić tego właśnie teraz - tym bardziej, że nie ma powodów do kompleksów jeśli chodzi o talent.
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