: śr, 01 lip 2009, 16:31
Mick Hucknall o śmierci Michael'a: http://www.youtube.com/simplyred#play/a ... n3AYcOHikM
od 3:30.
od 3:30.
Man In The Mirror 3:50dzina pisze:(...)Ponad to zagrali kawałek Man In The Mirror i Don't Stop Till You Get Enough.
U2 Barcelona 2009-06-30 Angel Of Harlem
Nie oglądałem, ale słyszałem, że zakrzyknęła "Królu królu, cóżeś narobił?" i że widownia zamilkła, oddając hołd MJ. Jak cytat niedokładny, proszę o sprostowanie.Morphine pisze:Nie wiem czy oglądaliście wczoraj na polsacie festiwal Top trendy w Sopocie. Ja nie oglądałam, ale siostra mi doniosła, że Maryla Rodowicz wspomniała Michaela i zaśpiewała refren "Bad".
Jennifer Batten była gitarzystką podczas światowych tras koncertowych Michaela Jacksona: Bad, Dangerous, HIStory. Najbardziej znanymi numerami na żywo MJ z Jennifer były: Dirty Diana i Beat It - gdzie Jennifer grała solo na gitarze elektrycznej. Jennifer na scenie nosiła blond fryzurę przypominającą irokeza.I'll be on twitter live this Sunday eve July 5 at 8 PM Pacific time answering your questions. Please join me
Będę na twitterze na żywo w tę niedzielę 5 lipca o 8 wieczorem pacific time (4 rano 6 lipca czasu polskiego). Odpowiem na Wasze pytania. Zapraszam.
Just listened to an MJ tribute track. I'll call this "R.I.P. Hop" Check er out. Free download
MJ was one of those rare souls that could stay on all those pukey amusement park rides all day long without getting sick.
One time during Bad rehearsals MJ was singing and walked right up to me dancing. He then turned around singing a completely different song.
Heard the B52's dedicated their last Thurs show to MJ. The band began with a bow in his honor.
Dirty Diana live po raz drugi
MJ and I were WAY off the stage when we witnessed the demo of the pyro that would go off for Beat It. The heat scared the crap out of me!
Jon Clark once did the "freeze" @ end of song, split his pants wide open and had to stay there until MJ's cue, 4 60,000 people 2 C. Got BVD?
Sharpton at the Apollo on MJ http://bit.ly/9Bjlp
MJ does James Brown moves http://bit.ly/1a1yw6
No folks it was not me in the recent rehearsal videos. It was www.myspace.com/orianthi. Check er out--great stuff
Just spoke with MJ drummer Ricky Lawson. There is a ? about who pays for police security for viewing Tues. Please help to get the word out..
to LAPD. After all MJ has given the world, can't they just volunteer one day of their lives for free? Not to much to ask!
LAPD Chief of Police: William J. Bratton contact@lapdonline.org
Napiszcie (najlepiej po angielsku) do Williama J Bratton'a, aby zorganizował ochronę imprezy pozegnalnej MJ przez policję z Los Angeles. Chodzi o bezpieczeństwo w dzielnicy, w której odbędzie się uroczystość we wtorek.
Dokładnie było: "Michael królu, czemu nam to zrobiłeś?"kaem pisze:Nie oglądałem, ale słyszałem, że zakrzyknęła "Królu królu, cóżeś narobił?" i że widownia zamilkła, oddając hołd MJ. Jak cytat niedokładny, proszę o sprostowanie.Morphine pisze:Nie wiem czy oglądaliście wczoraj na polsacie festiwal Top trendy w Sopocie. Ja nie oglądałam, ale siostra mi doniosła, że Maryla Rodowicz wspomniała Michaela i zaśpiewała refren "Bad".
Przypomnę tylko, iż Waldemar Dąbrowski to jeden ze szczęśliwców, którym udało się być naprawdę blisko króla!SILENTIUM pisze:Przed 23 w TVPInfo gosciem byl Waldemar Dąbrowski, ktory poznal Michaela przy okazji wizyt w Polsce. Wypowiadal sie znakomicie o Michaelu, ze nalezy mu sie caly splendor i krolewskie pozegnanie, ze musial sie chronic przed swiatem, bo swiat na niego reagowal w sposob niezwykly. Michael byl czlowiekiem niezwykle inteligentnym i ciekawym wszystkiego w niepowierzchowny sposób. Na pytanie dziennikarza czy media poswiecaja teraz Michaelowi za duzo czasu powiedzial, ze pokazywanie jego wielkosci jako artysty jest zupelnie zrozumiale, ale on sam byl zniemaczony jak media rozdrapuja rany, spekuluja i przywoluja rozne niepotrzebne tematy. Powiedzial, ze byl z Michaelem w domu dziecka i widzial jak on sie do tej wizyty przygotowywal, jaki mial kontakt z dziecmi i nigdy nie uwierzy w oskarżenia.
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Bill Clinton paused during an aid mission to Haiti on Tuesday to honour Michael Jackson for helping the Democratic Party raise cash at a crucial time.
The former US president, now a special UN envoy to Haiti, recalled Jackson's performance at a 2002 fundraiser at New York's Apollo theatre.
"He basically helped save my party from terrible financial distress, so he was very kind to me personally," Clinton said during a stop on his tour of a still-struggling northern Haiti, where floods killed several hundred people last year.
Clinton, his face bright red under a scorching summertime Caribbean sun, spoke fondly of Jackson, recalling that the singer performed at his first inauguration in 1993.
He also said Jackson had struggled with the burden of early fame.
"He was an immensely gifted man and I think he basically meant well," Clinton said.
"I know about all the trouble he had in his life and I hope he will be remembered for his contribution as an artist. I hope his children turn out well. That would be the greatest tribute you could have."
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I bet Michael Jackson
signed up with those producers because they had the lab that made that diprivan shit. That is supposed to be the one drug no body who is just anybody can get. You have to have five doctors worth of speed in you and anti depressants too in order to get injected and put into a coma with that stuff! That is the stuff they gave to fritzl's granddaughter that shut down all of her organs so that she could heal while asleep. Michael freaks me out in that haunting video of his last rehearsal, he can hardly move at all, but he is giving it everything he's got. He knows this is his very last video, and that there will never be a concert. He knows that the producers will tour it around the world and break several of his never heard songs out this way---he brilliantly leaves this world in his own way. I was given his cell phone number the night before he died and asked to call him and I didn't, I was too afraid--i thought I would wait until shabbat to call him and then he was dead. He needed to know about meditation, about getting out from under the DID. Michael, I am sorry I didnt call you but I will try to help your kids out by talking about them all the time. Debbie Rowe is welcome to call me and I will help her all I can!
source: http://www.samiyusufofficial.com/?p=1301"Q: Have you been influenced by MJ?
Sami Yusuf: Michael Jackson has influenced EVERY single Artist in the 20th and 21st Century - at least on some level. Those who deny are simply being unfair!"