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ARTYKUŁ z 20 lipca 2010 r.: ... &Itemid=82
Ne-Yo Torn Over Songs He Wrote For MJ
(28-7-2010) Singer-songwriter, Ne-Yo says that he is torn over what to do with a collection of songs that he wrote specifically for the King of Pop. In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, the singer says that at the time of Jackson's death, he was sending three or four drafts a week to him for review. He talked about the songs saying,
“The songs are sitting in archives but I really don’t know what to do with them. I can’t sell them on to someone else as that would be disrespectful but I also think it might be disrespectful to bring them out myself. So I don’t know, I’ll sit on them and wait. It’s definitely quality music but they were songs written absolutely for Michael Jackson.”
He went on to talk about conversations he and Jackson had about music saying,
“We talked about the state of music, what he liked and didn’t like. One thing that was interesting is that he views music in shapes and colours and that’s how I think. Melodic and meaningful. Those were the two words which kept coming back to me. Michael told me the melodies needed to be the ones you heard once and could sing back, and the lyrics needed to have meaning and depth. He believed what was wrong with a lot of music today is that people aren’t singing about anything. If it’s not about a party or sex then it’s about money, and there’s not really much to that. Michael told me, ‘I need songs that mean something to somebody and that’s what I need you for.’ I was honoured.”
Source: MJFC / /
NE-YO zastanawia się, co zrobić z utworami, które napisał dla Michaela. Czuje się rozdarty...ale uważa, ze coś z tym trzeba zrobić. Przy okazji pieknie opisuje rozmowę z Michaelem. Michael widział muzykę poprzez kształty i kolory. Melodyjny i pełny znaczenia. Melodia dobra to taka, którą można od razu zapamiętać i odtworzyć. Liryki muszą mieć głębię i znaczenie.
ARTYKUŁ z 26 lipca 2010 r. ... cks-video/
Jerkins Releasing New MJ Album
(26-7-2010) Superstar producer, Rodney "Dark Child" Jerkins, who worked with the King of Pop on his last studio album 'Invincible,' reveals that he will be releasing a new Michael Jackson album containing un-released traks.
In a recent interview with, Jerkins said that he has a lot of unreleased tracks and he plans to release them as a tribute to Jackson. The tracks are presumably songs that were cut from the 'Invincible' CD. Jerkins indicated that he has not recieved official clearance yet but that the project will be coming soon saying,
“You know there is a lot of red tape, but it's definitely going to happen.”
In the interview Jerkins talked about what it was like to work with Jackson and said that the King of Pop actually had a huge role in teaching him about music publishing, saying,
“It was a blessing and a dream of mine since I was a kid. Ever since I was 11-years old, I knew I wanted to be a producer and I knew I wanted to work with him.”
“[Michael] played a big part in me learning how to publish my music,” Jerkins continued. “I knew a little about publishing when I came into the game at 16, but when I started working with Michael I was 20 and he taught me about buying publishing and acquiring a catalogue at a young age. So I started buying other people's catalogues and I am still buying people's catalogues and it was because Michael taught me the system.”
Jerkins also said that Jackson was a lot more down to earth than most people thought.
“Michael was quiet with people he didn't know,” Jerkins said. “But Michael and I used to kick it in Miami and we kicked it in New York all the time. When “Rock My World” came out, he actually let me test the single at the Ruckers in New York before the single was released; that's how cool he was.”
It is unclear whether Jerkins' MJ material will be part of the new album of unreleased MJ songs rumored to be in the works for November, 2010.
Jerkins 26 lipca oświadczył, ze będzie producentem nowego albumu...
ARTYKUŁ Z 31 LIPCA 2010 ... kson-album
New Michael Jackson Album
Ten unreleased tracks before Christmas...
08:48, Saturday, 31 July 2010
A Michael Jackson album featuring 10 previously unreleased tracks will be released in November.
The as-yet-untitled LP will include songs that Michael recorded with Will.I.Am in 2006, as well as several tracks recorded in the eighties that didn’t make the final cut for Bad.
Jackson’s former manager, Frank DiLeo, told Rolling Stone there are over 100 completed tracks in the vault, including collaborations with Ne-Yo and Akon, and dozens of potential hits from the eighties when the star was at his peak. "There are a couple of songs we recorded for the Bad album that we had to cut that are just sensational," he revealed.
Uber-producer Rodney Jerkins, who produced MJ’s 2001 album Invincible, is pulling the tracklisting together.
The LP is the first release in a 10-album, seven-year deal that the Jackson estate signed with Sony BMG back in March. According to Rolling Stone, the $250 million deal is also likely to include a music video DVD collection, reissues of all of Michael’s albums, a new greatest hits LP and even a Cirque du Soleil show.
A Michael Jackson video game - a karaoke and dance simulator - is expected to hit stores before the end of the year.
Album miał zawierać utwory nagrane z Will.I.Am z 2006r. , kilka utworów z l. 80-tych (odrzuty z albumu Bad). Dileo powiedział Roling Stone, że jest ok 100 kompletnych utworów powstałych w wyniku współpracy z Akonem i Ne-Yo, jak również hity z l. 80 tych, kiedy Michael był u szczytu swych możliwości.
Rodney Jerkins miał kompletować traklistę.
W ARTYKULE Z 3 SIERPNIA Will.I.Am. ... lliam.html
NEW YORK – A new Michael Jackson album is expected by the end of the year, culled from unreleased material in his vaults. But Jackson collaborator and Black Eyed Peas frontman is vehemently opposed to the idea.
"I don't think that should ever come out. That's bad," he said. "He was a perfectionist and he wouldn't have wanted it that way. How you gonna release Michael Jackson when Michael Jackson ain't here to bless it?" collaborated with Jackson on the rerelease of "Thriller" in 2008 with remixed versions of some of the album's classic songs. He said Jackson was very particular about all aspects of his musical productions, from his vocals to arrangements to instrumentation.
"Now that he is not part of the process, what are they doing? Why would you put a record out like that? Because he was a friend of mine, I just think that's disrespectful," he said. "What's wrong with what he already contributed to the world?"
The Jackson estate did not respond to a request for comment.
When asked about the high demand for any new Jackson music, replied: "So what? You don't disrespect someone when they're gone. ... How much can you suck from his energy? ... Freaking parasites!"
Not much is known about what will be on the album, but Michael's brother Jackie has said he and brother Marlon were working on the record with John McClain, Jackson's former manager and executor of his estate.
Will I.Am. wyraża swoje oburzenie i stwierdza, że nie należy dotykać nie ukończonych dzieł Michale Jackosna. Tym samym daje do zrozumienia, że Jego utwory nie ukażą na nowej płycie, lecz nie mówi tego wprost...
ARTYKUŁ z 6 września 2010 ... o-far-away
Michael Jackson’s New Album: So Close And Yet, So Far Away
By: Roger Friedman in Music // September 6th, 2010 at 11:15 PM UTC
An album of Michael Jackson‘s unreleased music is still for a November release from Sony.
But really, among the insiders, no one knows what’s going to be on it. Or if it will be ready in time. The word is that Sony/Columbia Records chief Rob Stringer recently made a trip west to see what the heck is going on. It’s unclear what he found.
In the Jackson world, things are vaguer than ever on this subject.
My sources say there are different camps working on different tracks, and that at some point someone is going to have to make some decisions. One thing is for certain: no one is talking to Jackson’s long time engineer, Bruce Swedien, the man who actually knows what music is available from all his different sessions.
So producer Rodney Jerkins is working on a few tracks, I am told. Some of them may be from that group of songs Michael recorded with Eddie Cascio in his New Jersey home studio three summers ago.
On the other side, John McClain – Jackson’s co-executor and long time family friend– is said to be working on some songs with Michael’s brother Jackie Jackson. Jackie was recently put on the estate’s payroll as a family liaison. He’s said to be the “most reasonable” of the Jackson brothers, and the one with whom everyone gets along. Akon is also said to be working on one or two tracks.
But McClain is another issue. It was under his aegis that the unearthed song, “This Is It,” was produced and released as part of the movie and soundtrack of the same name. But the song wasn’t a hit. One listen to Paul Anka‘s version of it, live, and you see what could have been. Anka has another unreleased track in the Jackson archives.
But the clock is ticking: two months from a release date, and there’s no concept, title, artwork or marketing plan.
Jeszcze we wrześniu niewiele było widomo. Kilka grup pracowało jednocześnie nad albumem, w tym Rodney Jerkins nad utworami Cascio. Jerkins 26 lipca potwierdził swój współudział w pracy nad albumem. Jackie Jackson i John McClain pracowali nad innymi utworami.
Teddy Riley nawet nie został wspomniany. Natomiast wynika z artykułu, że
Bruce Swedien, który ma najrozleglejszą wiedzę co kryją archiwa Jacksona, nie był brany pod uwagę...
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TWITT RILEYA z 5 września
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