Koncerty "THIS IS IT" [koment.]
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Ogółem chodzi o DVD z This is It ze sławnym reżyserem Humberto Gatica Nie mam czasu przetłumaczyć jeśli jakaś dobra duszyczka by była skłonna to by było fajnie dla tych co nie rozumieją po ang;-).
Humberto Gatica
Chilean newspaper "El Mercurio" publish today this interesting news.
Michael Jackson gathers chilean Humberto Gatica for his new album and DVD
The singer did contact Humberto Gatica, nephew of singer Lucho Gatica and famous international producer, to be part of the staff for his comeback.
While half of the planet want to find out how many shows will do Michael Jackson in his London comeback, Humberto Gatica has other worries with the singer. Almost the opposite: the trust, the friendship, the future and the sons. This is what they speak each other about three weeks ago, when the artist phoned the most powerfull chilean producer to his personal phone number, the man who works in the thecnical staff headed by Quincy
Jones and the staff who worked in the essentials "Thriller" (1982) and "Bad" (1987).
The Jackson phone call has another plan for him. The most personal and secret projetc about his comeback, which nobody knows muchs at this stage: to go back to the recording studio for his new album and to film some of the London shows for a new DVD.
"He called because we know each other and because he trust me. He want me to go back to work with him and to be part of his team. Today everybody have doubts about him; at the same time, he doesn't trust nobody and he's in contact again with his circle of partners which he felt safe, with the ones which he spent his best time in the old scholl, altough there's no much left. He wants to feel protected again" says Gatica, in our phone conversation from Capitol Records studios in Los Angeles, where he's working on Michael Bublé's new album.
Gatica adds: "We have to see how everything is going forward, because Jackson's new album will be amazing, but is also an work that takes so much for him and perhaps a pretentious work. He had worked for a long time in songs and he doesn't know if spend his free days between the shows re-worked them or to wait for the fresh popular image he will regain with his comeback".
Gatica will travel to London to see some of the shows and he's thinking about to spend some weeks there to work in the recording of the shows. "His entire team, dancers, chorus, and sound engineers has rented houses to live in London. Nobody will stay at hotels. Maybe I will join them", said.
He also has worked for Celine Dion or Andrea Bocelli and has defend the amercian singer. Indeed he did accept to work in his last fiascos: "Invincible" (2001), his last album, and the never released song for the victims of Katrina hurricane back in 2005.
That's why he has a unique privilege: to know from the own words of the singer his feelings about the 50 shows. Gatica reveals: "I find him really fast, very clear, very sharp, really focused on the shows. I have no doubt he's algo phisically fit, because he's a perfectionist. He wants to tour in Europe after that. We also talk about sons, family and hollidays. I felt him relaxed".
Gatica has it clear: while everyone thinks in another letdown, the former king of pop is convinced in the vitory.
Źródło: www.mjstar.com
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Humberto Gatica
Chilean newspaper "El Mercurio" publish today this interesting news.
Michael Jackson gathers chilean Humberto Gatica for his new album and DVD
The singer did contact Humberto Gatica, nephew of singer Lucho Gatica and famous international producer, to be part of the staff for his comeback.
While half of the planet want to find out how many shows will do Michael Jackson in his London comeback, Humberto Gatica has other worries with the singer. Almost the opposite: the trust, the friendship, the future and the sons. This is what they speak each other about three weeks ago, when the artist phoned the most powerfull chilean producer to his personal phone number, the man who works in the thecnical staff headed by Quincy
Jones and the staff who worked in the essentials "Thriller" (1982) and "Bad" (1987).
The Jackson phone call has another plan for him. The most personal and secret projetc about his comeback, which nobody knows muchs at this stage: to go back to the recording studio for his new album and to film some of the London shows for a new DVD.
"He called because we know each other and because he trust me. He want me to go back to work with him and to be part of his team. Today everybody have doubts about him; at the same time, he doesn't trust nobody and he's in contact again with his circle of partners which he felt safe, with the ones which he spent his best time in the old scholl, altough there's no much left. He wants to feel protected again" says Gatica, in our phone conversation from Capitol Records studios in Los Angeles, where he's working on Michael Bublé's new album.
Gatica adds: "We have to see how everything is going forward, because Jackson's new album will be amazing, but is also an work that takes so much for him and perhaps a pretentious work. He had worked for a long time in songs and he doesn't know if spend his free days between the shows re-worked them or to wait for the fresh popular image he will regain with his comeback".
Gatica will travel to London to see some of the shows and he's thinking about to spend some weeks there to work in the recording of the shows. "His entire team, dancers, chorus, and sound engineers has rented houses to live in London. Nobody will stay at hotels. Maybe I will join them", said.
He also has worked for Celine Dion or Andrea Bocelli and has defend the amercian singer. Indeed he did accept to work in his last fiascos: "Invincible" (2001), his last album, and the never released song for the victims of Katrina hurricane back in 2005.
That's why he has a unique privilege: to know from the own words of the singer his feelings about the 50 shows. Gatica reveals: "I find him really fast, very clear, very sharp, really focused on the shows. I have no doubt he's algo phisically fit, because he's a perfectionist. He wants to tour in Europe after that. We also talk about sons, family and hollidays. I felt him relaxed".
Gatica has it clear: while everyone thinks in another letdown, the former king of pop is convinced in the vitory.
Źródło: www.mjstar.com
-> przenoszę do komentarzy, na raze nic oficjalnego na ten temat nie wiadomo, plus podejrzane źródło.
It's all for love L.O.V.E
It's all for love L.O.V.E
Wkleiłem taki news mówiący o Współpracy Humberto Gatica z MJ w sprawie wydania DVD z THIS IS IT . Więc pewności coraz więcej.kaem pisze: sito, jestem prawie na stówę pewien, że koncerty posłużą Michaelowi na stworzenie jakiegoś wypasionego DVD. Robi, co zrobić może najlepiej- trafić ponownie do muzyki poprzez... Muzykę. Taniec, rozrywkę. To, co potrafi najlepiej.
Koncert, wzbogacony o dokument z przygotowań i pokazujący atmosferę współpracy między całą ekipą i nim może w najlepszy sposób odświeżyć jego image i zatrzeć nieprzyjemne wrażenie po historiach z sal sądowych. Przypomnieć, że to przede wszystkim artysta i największa postać rozrywki naszych czasów.
-> w związku z powyższym link edytowany.
It's all for love L.O.V.E
It's all for love L.O.V.E
- giovanedonore
- Posty: 103
- Rejestracja: śr, 11 mar 2009, 23:00
According to a poster on [.....] an inside scoop has been given on some show details, yet they are unconfirmed at this stage, ofcourse.
The poster's friend was dropped from the This Is It auditions but has details on what may be expected at the shows coming up. The following details were posted:
1. "Smooth Criminal" will be on the set list, and will be performed like the short film; stage set will be like the short film.
2. "Billie Jean" is on the set list, but will be performed differently, but still has the break down at the end.
3. Certain songs will be switched and taken off (switched on different nights, so some shows will be different from each other).
4. The track "Dangerous" will be performed, but in a new way to previous performances.
5. Michael still has "it" - poster's friend states that he is as good as he was during the Dangerous Tour.
6. Some songs from Invincible will be performed - "Whatever Happens" is most likely to make the cut. "Butterflies" and "YRMW" are possibilities.
7. "Dirty Diana" was practised but unsure if it will make the final cut.
8. "Ghosts" might be mixed in with Thriller; they have been rehearsed together.
9. There won't be too much magic, besides some lighting/disappearing tricks. There will be explosions though.
10. Most songs performed will be sung live.
*11. New material is mentioned.
The poster's friend was dropped from the This Is It auditions but has details on what may be expected at the shows coming up. The following details were posted:
1. "Smooth Criminal" will be on the set list, and will be performed like the short film; stage set will be like the short film.
2. "Billie Jean" is on the set list, but will be performed differently, but still has the break down at the end.
3. Certain songs will be switched and taken off (switched on different nights, so some shows will be different from each other).
4. The track "Dangerous" will be performed, but in a new way to previous performances.
5. Michael still has "it" - poster's friend states that he is as good as he was during the Dangerous Tour.
6. Some songs from Invincible will be performed - "Whatever Happens" is most likely to make the cut. "Butterflies" and "YRMW" are possibilities.
7. "Dirty Diana" was practised but unsure if it will make the final cut.
8. "Ghosts" might be mixed in with Thriller; they have been rehearsed together.
9. There won't be too much magic, besides some lighting/disappearing tricks. There will be explosions though.
10. Most songs performed will be sung live.
*11. New material is mentioned.
in short, tłumacząc po Oli:
Smooth Criminal jest na setliście i będzie przedstawiony jako krótki film, tak też będzie dobrana scenografia
Billie Jean będzie, ale inaczej, z tym że też z breakiem muzycznym (jak na wszystkich koncertówkach-przyp,mój)
Różne piosenki będą na różnych koncertach, każde show będzie inne niż poprzednie.
Dangerous będzie przedstawiane w inny sposób niż do tej pory było
Michael ciągle ma "TO COŚ", jest tak samo dobry jak podczas Dangerous Tour
Z Invincible będą chyba You Rock My World i Butterflies na setliście
Dirty Diana była trenowana, ale nie jest pewne,czy ostatecznie będzie grana na koncertacg
Ghosts będą pomieszane z Thrillerem -przynajmniej na próbach tak jest
Nie będzie zbyt dużo magiki, tylko coś ze znikaniem i światłami, będą też explozje
Większość piosenek będzie LIVE
Będzie też jakiś nowy materiał
* * *
Smooth Criminal jest na setliście i będzie przedstawiony jako krótki film, tak też będzie dobrana scenografia
Billie Jean będzie, ale inaczej, z tym że też z breakiem muzycznym (jak na wszystkich koncertówkach-przyp,mój)
Różne piosenki będą na różnych koncertach, każde show będzie inne niż poprzednie.
Dangerous będzie przedstawiane w inny sposób niż do tej pory było
Michael ciągle ma "TO COŚ", jest tak samo dobry jak podczas Dangerous Tour
Z Invincible będą chyba You Rock My World i Butterflies na setliście
Dirty Diana była trenowana, ale nie jest pewne,czy ostatecznie będzie grana na koncertacg
Ghosts będą pomieszane z Thrillerem -przynajmniej na próbach tak jest
Nie będzie zbyt dużo magiki, tylko coś ze znikaniem i światłami, będą też explozje
Większość piosenek będzie LIVE
Będzie też jakiś nowy materiał
* * *
Brzmi wspaniale !!! I tak dużo tego, na każdym koncercie inne piosenki . Az trudno uwierzyć i chciałoby sie teraz zobaczyć każdy koncert.akaagnes pisze:in short, tłumacząc po Oli:
Smooth Criminal jest na setliście i będzie przedstawiony jako krótki film, tak też będzie dobrana scenografia
Billie Jean będzie, ale inaczej, z tym że też z breakiem muzycznym (jak na wszystkich koncertówkach-przyp,mój)
Różne piosenki będą na różnych koncertach, każde show będzie inne niż poprzednie.
Dangerous będzie przedstawiane w inny sposób niż do tej pory było
Michael ciągle ma "TO COŚ", jest tak samo dobry jak podczas Dangerous Tour
Z Invincible będą chyba You Rock My World i Butterflies na setliście
Dirty Diana była trenowana, ale nie jest pewne,czy ostatecznie będzie grana na koncertacg
Ghosts będą pomieszane z Thrillerem -przynajmniej na próbach tak jest
Nie będzie zbyt dużo magiki, tylko coś ze znikaniem i światłami, będą też explozje
Większość piosenek będzie LIVE
Będzie też jakiś nowy materiał
* * *
No i Dirty Diana mogłaby być . Mam do tej piosenki okropny sentyment.
A co to tam ma byc z "Whatever Happens" ? Uwielbiam tę balldadę. To wszystko zapowiada się cudownie i oby zostało to docenione i oby jak najwiecej osób mogło to zobaczyc.
- Dirty_Diana_
- Posty: 132
- Rejestracja: wt, 26 maja 2009, 13:06
- Skąd: Z Kostrzyna (tam gdzie woodstok ;P)
ej halo halo skąd ten news ? Heh ciężko będzie zaśpiewać THriller-Ghost na żywo, no cóż zobaczymy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GMyqvkCmgk mój występ z okazji dnia nauczyciela :)
Król popu nie odszedł, zmienił tylko scenę
chyba z forum maximum-jackson (amerykańska strona)Wiśnia pisze:skąd ten news ?
może powinnam była też i to z początku przetłumaczyć
Według jednego z użytkowników na [....] wewnętrzny szpieg podał trochę szczegółów dotyczących show, jeszcze nie są potwierdzone w tym momencie, oczywiście.According to a poster on [.....] an inside scoop has been given on some show details, yet they are unconfirmed at this stage, ofcourse.
The poster's friend was dropped from the This Is It auditions but has details on what may be expected at the shows coming up. The following details were posted:
Kolega użytkownika odpadł z prób This Is It, ale posiada informacje na temat tego, czego można się spodziewać na koncertach. ......
aha, czyli nic pewnego ;) Niestety nie wierzę temu newsowi , zadługo żyję na tym świecie
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GMyqvkCmgk mój występ z okazji dnia nauczyciela :)
Król popu nie odszedł, zmienił tylko scenę
- Posty: 396
- Rejestracja: czw, 13 mar 2008, 9:26
- Skąd: Rzym