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Premiera płyty "Michael" 14 XII 2010r.

: czw, 04 lis 2010, 21:20
autor: anialim
Premiera nowej płyty pt. Michael 14 grudnia!
14 grudzień - premiera długo oczekiwanej płyty Króla Popu. Ekskluzywny teaser i piosenka pojawią się na

Długo oczekiwany album nowych nagrań Michaela Jacksona pt. Michael, wydany przez Epic Records we współpracy z MJ Estate w sprzedaży pojawi się 14 grudnia. Jutro na stronie pojawi się teaser; w poniedziałek, 8 listopada światowa premiera "Breaking News" - piosenki z nowego albumu. Utwór będzie dostępny na stronie tylko przez tydzień.

Król Popu nigdy nie przestał tworzyć, wciąż planował wydanie nowej pyty; wielu fanów na całym świecie mogło nawet nie wiedzieć, że Michael Jackson stale pisał i nagrywał piosenki i to gdzie tylko mógł - w domu przyjaciela w New Jersey czy przy współudziale niewielu osób w studiach w Las Vegas i Los Angeles. Teraz fani będą mogli zobaczyć to, nad czym pracował, będą mieli szansę usłyszeć dzieła, nad którymi pracował w ostatnim czasie wraz z piosenkami, które pragnął ukończyć.

"Breaking News", nigdy wcześniej niepublikowana piosenka Michaela, która pojawi się na nowym albumie, została nagrana w New Jersey w 2007 roku i dopiero w ostatnim czasie dołączono ją do listy utworów. W ciągu kolejnych 24 godzin fani mogą zacząć składać zamówienia na płytę.

Załączony obraz to projekt okładki płyty Michael, autorstwa Kadira Nelsona z 2009 roku. Na tym olejnym obrazie Kadir ukazuje ważne momenty i ludzi, którzy odegrali ważną rolę w życiu Michaela.

Informacje nt. oficjalnej premiery pierwszego singla z płyty pojawią się w tym miesiącu Michael jeszcze w tym miesiącu.

Exclusive Teaser and Song to be Unveiled on

New York, NY – The much anticipated album of newly completed recordings from Michael Jackson entitled MICHAEL will be released on December 14 by Epic Records in conjunction with the Estate of Michael Jackson. Tomorrow, an exclusive teaser for the project will appear on; on Monday, November 8th the world premiere of “Breaking News,” a full track from the album, will stream on the site for one week only.

The creative process never stopped for the King of Pop who was always planning for his next album; unbeknownst to many fans around the world Michael Jackson was writing and recording songs continuously everywhere from a friend’s home in New Jersey to studios in Las Vegas and Los Angeles with a small group of handpicked collaborators. Now, through the unique stories that will be told about the songs that comprise MICHAEL, fans will get mind-blowing insight into how this artist worked and a chance to hear the songs he most recently created along with tracks that Michael had a desire to bring to fruition.

“Breaking News,” a never heard before song by Michael that appears on the new album was recorded in New Jersey in 2007 and recently brought to completion. Fans can begin pre-ordering the album on in the next 24 hours.

The attached image of the album cover of MICHAEL was created by painter Kadir Nelson in 2009. In the oil painting, Kadir – who is known for story telling through his art – takes us on a journey through some key moments and important people in Michael Jackson’s life.

Stay tuned for the worldwide launch of the official first single from MICHAEL later this month.
oficjalny preorder


: czw, 04 lis 2010, 23:12
autor: ioreta
Wiadomości ze strony ... s/5709473/ dotyczące pre-orderu:

MICHAEL CD + Exclusive T-Shirt Package - 79,95 PLN ($27,99)

MICHAEL CD + Exclusive T-Shirt Package +DVD Vision - 154,22 PLN ($53,99)

MICHAEL CD - 48,50 PLN ($16,98)

MICHAEL MP3 Download - 31,39 PLN ($10,99)

: pt, 05 lis 2010, 17:13
autor: anialim
Polska premiera (wg aktualnego info na, to 13.12

Oficjalny teaser "Breaking News"

: pt, 05 lis 2010, 18:03
autor: tancerz

: wt, 09 lis 2010, 4:20
autor: elektron
Sklejona okładka albumu w wysokiej rozdzielczości z serwisu Amazon.

Waga 23.25MB

Przejścia widoczne w niektórych miejscach to wina jakiegoś analfabety graficznego z tegoż serwisu, który nie potrafił nawet dokładnie posklejać fotek.

edycja: zu

: czw, 11 lis 2010, 15:23
autor: drewno23


: czw, 11 lis 2010, 23:25
autor: Justine1304

Uploaded with

: pt, 12 lis 2010, 6:45
autor: Mandey
15 listopada premierę mieć będzie singiel "Hold My Hand" oficjalnie promujący nowy album.

Kod: Zaznacz cały

“Hold My Hand”, a duet with Akon, is a song they recorded in 2007. A handwritten note from Michael belonging to his Estate indicated his desire that “Hold My Hand” be the first single on his next project. However, in its unfinished state, the song leaked out in 2008. Akon recently completed the new and final production of “Hold My Hand.”

Akon comments, “The world was not ready to hear ‘Hold My Hand’ when it leaked a couple years ago. We were devastated about it. But its time has definitely come; now in its final state, it has become an incredible, beautiful, anthemic song. I’m so proud to have had the chance to work with Michael, one of my all time idols.”

Znana jest już także oficjalna traclista nowej płyty:[/color][/size][/b]

01. Hold My Hand (Duet With Akon)
02. Hollywood Tonight
03. Keep Your Head Up
04. (I Like) The Way You Love Me
05. Monster
(Feat: 50 Cent)
06. Best Of Joy
07. Breaking News
08. (I Can't Make It) Another Day
(Feat: Lenny Kravitz)
09. Behind The Mask
10. Much Too Soon

Tym samym słowa Marka Ronsona o tym, że na nowej płycie ma być utwór "Lovely Way" przez niego wyprodukowany można włożyć między bajki.

komentarze: TUTAJ <<<

"Breaking News" numerem 1 na liście Billboardu!

: pt, 12 lis 2010, 11:00
autor: anialim
Breaking News na liście R&B/Hip-Hop Billboardu. Na szczycie.
'NEWS' REPORT: After two days of radio airplay, Michael Jackson's "Breaking News" scores a No. 1 Billboard ranking.

The controversial preview track from "Michael," due Dec. 14, debuts atop the R&B/Hip-Hop Songs' Bubbling Under chart, which showcases the top 25 titles that have yet to reach the 100-position R&B/Hip-Hop Songs survey.

"Breaking News" logged 1.1 million impressions on 52 R&B/hip-hop stations after just two days of airplay, according to Nielsen BDS. Among all stations monitored by BDS, "Breaking News" registered 302 plays on 177 stations, amounting to an audience of 2.6 million, since its arrival Monday (Nov. 8).

Despite its rising chart status, "Breaking News" logged 94% of its two-day audience among R&B/Hip-Hop Songs panelists in its first day of availability. Fifty R&B/hip-hop stations played the song Monday, but just four programmed it Tuesday.

Adult R&B reporter WBLS/New York spun "Breaking News" once Monday. "Listeners seemed to think that 'Breaking News' sounds 'unfinished' and is not a representation of the level of perfection that Michael sought in his music," says WBLS program director Skip Dillard.

"Many listeners who responded asked to hear other tracks and said that they'll be interested to hear what else is on the upcoming album."


: wt, 30 lis 2010, 16:55
autor: Abe
Sony Music & Sony

zapraszają na:

Oficjalną przedsprzedaż najnowszej płyty
...Michaela Jacksona ‘MICHAEL’.

Przyjdź i jako pierwszy w Polsce kup album ‘Michael’, którego ogólnopolska premiera odbędzie się 13 grudnia 2010

9 grudnia (czwartek) 2010 roku,
Salon Sony Style, C.H.Arkadia
Ul. Aleja Jana Pawła II 82
Start 18:00

Więcej info na:

Much Too Soon - debiut na iTunes

: wt, 30 lis 2010, 23:02
autor: huczek
Przez tydzień można wysłuchać za darmo Much Too Soon na iTunes ... n/id-13007
Jest to trzecia piosenka z albumu MICHAEL dostępna w sieci.

: pt, 03 gru 2010, 8:24
autor: Elen
Nowe promo płyty:

Enjoy :)

: pt, 03 gru 2010, 11:12
autor: anialim
1. Hold My Hand (Duet with Akon)
Written by Aliaune Thiam, Giorgio Tuinfort, Claude Kelly
Produced by Akon, Giorgio Tuinfort & Michael Jackson

“Hold My Hand” debuted as the first single. Recorded with Akon in 2008 in Las Vegas, it leaked out and was never released. Akon completed the song, with a music video to premiere December 9. “Hold My Hand” was written by Akon, Giorgio Tuinfort, Claude Kelly and produced by Akon, Giorgio Tuinfort and Michael Jackson.

2. Hollywood Tonight
Written by Michael Jackson, Brad Buxer/Spoken Bridge Written by Teddy Riley
Produced by Teddy Riley, Michael Jackson/Co-Produced by Theron “Neff-U” Feemster

Written by Michael during the time of the Invincible album, Michael pulled the track out of the archives in 2007 to work on the song with producer Ron “Neff-U” Feemster, Hollywood Tonight was written by Michael Jackson; the spoken bridge was written by Teddy Riley and the track was produced by Teddy Riley, Michael Jackson with co-producer by Theron “Neff-U” Feemster.

3. Keep Your Head Up
Written by Michael Jackson, Eddie Cascio, James Porte
Produced by C “Tricky” Stewart, Angelikson, Michael Jackson

In 2007, Michael wrote that inspirational ode with Eddie Cascio and James Porte in New Jersey. Keep Your Head Up was produced by Tricky Stewart, Angelikson, and Michael Jackson.

4. (I Like) The Way You Love Me
Written by Michael Jackson
Produced by Theron “Neff-U” Feemster, Michael Jackson

This song was originally released in its early stages of development as a demo on Ultimate Collection in 2004; it was song that Michael loved and was finishing in Los Angeles. The Way You Love Me was written by Michael Jackson and produced by Theron “Neff-U” Feemster and Michael Jackson.

5. Monster (Featuring 50 Cent)
Written by Michael Jackson, Eddie Cascio, James Porte/Rap Lyrics Written by Curtis Jackson
Produced by Teddy Riley, Angelikson, Michael Jackson

Recorded in New Jersey in 2007 at the Cascio home, Michael actually recorded some of his background vocals through a PVC pipe for the song. The song also features the rap of 50 Cent, who Michael had contacted about the collaboration. Monster was written by Michael Jackson, Eddie Cascio and James Porte with Rap Lyrics Written by Curtis Jackson. It was produced by Teddy Riley, Angelikson and Michael Jackson.

6. Best Of Joy
Written by Michael Jackson
Produced by Theron “Neff-U” Feemster, Michael Jackson
Co-Produced by Brad Buxer

“Best of Joy” is one of the very last songs Michael was working on and had planned to continue to work on while in London for the O2 arena shows in Summer 2009. The song was written by Michael Jackson and produced by Theron “Neff-U” Feemster, Michael Jackson and co-producer by Brad Buxer.

7. Breaking News
Written by Michael Jackson, Eddie Cascio, James Porte
Produced by Teddy Riley, Angelikson, Michael Jackson

“Breaking News” recorded the song in 2007 in the New Jersey home of the Cascio family. Writers on the song are Michael Jackson as well as Eddie Cascio and James Porte. The song was produced by Teddy Riley, (Eddie Cascio & James Porte) Angelikson and Michael Jackson.

8. (I Can’t Make It) Another Day (Featuring Lenny Kravitz)
Written by Lenny Kravitz
Produced by Lenny Kravitz
Co-Produced by Michael Jackson

Recorded as a demo with Lenny Kravitz during the Invincible era, the song unexpectedly leaked in 2008 prompting Lenny to finish the song. Dave Grohl is the featured drummer on the track. Written by Lenny Kravitz and produced Lenny Kravitz and Michael Jackson.

9. Behind The Mask
Written by Michael Jackson, Chris Mosdell, Ryuichi Sakamoto
Produced by Michael Jackson, John McClain

After hearing "Behind The Mask" as performed by Yellow Magic Orchestra, Michael contacted Ryiuchi Sakamoto asking for permission to add his lyrics on the track. It was recently completed by John McClain. The song is written by Michael Jackson, Chris Mosdell and Ryuichi Sakamoto and produced by Michael Jackson and John McClain. “Behind The Mask” contains a sample of the recording "Behind The Mask" as performed by Yellow Magic Orchestra.

10. Much Too Soon
Written by Michael Jackson
Produced by Michael Jackson, John McClain

“Much Too Soon” was written at time of Thriller. But never found the right home on an album. The song was written by Michael Jackson and produced by Michael Jackson and John McClain. David Campbell is featured on the strings.

: sob, 04 gru 2010, 18:06
autor: Abe
Wyciekło pierwsze zdjęcie "Michael"
Źródło: MJJC

: wt, 07 gru 2010, 18:49
autor: Abe
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