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"Michael McKellar" - niewydana piosenka (tekst)

: pt, 21 paź 2011, 18:27
autor: Xander
O to słowa do niewydanej przez Michaela piosenki pt. Michael McKellar, napisane ręcznie przez niego samego:


: pt, 21 paź 2011, 22:42
autor: kamiledi15
Znalezione na jakiejś stronie:
About child neglet
Pain children feel when there ignored
Michael Mckeller
lives in a different world
Oh what a different
Nobody seems to care.
Waits at the windom
Look how he is lying there
pretends he is dying there
Nobody seems to care.
Isn't it Queer look and you'll notice serving
isn't it dear Nobody noticed serving his heart on a tray now.
Isn't it Queer look and you'll Noticed Bowing His head
"To pray now
Away now
Nothing for Christmas fighting
Trying to hide his fears
crying but no one hears
inside he hides his tears.
Michael Mckeller
feel the music get away
he's left alone today
Nobodycares to stay."

Talks to the mirror himself he enter think or: His standing in the rain
tries to escape the pain
But all things Remain the same
His pain Remains the same
Michael Mckeller says feels
He must get away.
His left alone Today
Nobody cares to stay
Talks to the mirror feels
He must Runaway
Nobody home today.
Kolejna strona:

: sob, 22 paź 2011, 10:49
autor: marcinokor
No ładnie, na myśl mi przychodzi Little Susie. Ciekawe czy Michael nagrał kiedykolwiek demo tego utworu.

: sob, 22 paź 2011, 13:25
autor: Jeanne
About child neglet
Pain children feel when there ignored

... bardzo autobiograficzny tekst też, według mnie. Ponadto chyba tylko mi kojarzy się z czerwcem...

For the record: MICHAEL McKELLAR
Song Michael cited he had written in his court disposition in November
1993 – remains unreleased.

: sob, 22 paź 2011, 14:25
autor: triniti
Jeanne pisze:About child neglet
Pain children feel when there ignored

... bardzo autobiograficzny tekst też, według mnie.
profetyczny…to słowo bardziej mi pasuje w tym przypadku…
smutne ;(
