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News 20.01.2006 / Raymone Bain rozmawia z Geraldo Rivera!
: pt, 20 sty 2006, 23:47
autor: MJPTNewsTeam
Dziś jednym z gości programu "Geraldo at Large" była rzeczniczka prasowa Michaela Jacksona. Według źródeł Raymone Bain powiedziała, że u MJ wszystko jest OK., zaprzeczyła wszelkim spekulacjom na temat rzekomego uzależnienia od narkotyków, również zdementowała plotki jakoby zwierzęta w Neverland były źle traktowane i fałszywe doniesienia o desperackim poszukiwaniu pracy w Bahrajnie. Co najważniejsze, R. Bain powiedziała, że piosenka charytatywna „I Have This Dream” zostanie wydana w połowie lutego a najpóźniej pod koniec tego miesiąca (luty 2006)! Podczas wywiadu podobno pokazano fragmenty jak MJ pracuje w studiu.
Uwaga informacje te pochodzą z relacji fanów, którzy mieli już okazje obejrzeć At Large z Geraldgo Rivera.
Wkrótce powinien pojawić się transkrypt oraz nagranie video.
Źródło: MJJForum
Re: News 20.01.2006 / Raymone Bain rozmawia z Geraldo Rivera
: sob, 21 sty 2006, 1:45
autor: Willy
MJPTNewsTeam pisze:
Wkrótce powinien pojawić się transkrypt oraz nagranie video.
Re: News 20.01.2006 / Raymone Bain rozmawia z Geraldo Rivera
: sob, 21 sty 2006, 3:17
autor: Xscape
MJPTNewsTeam pisze:
Wkrótce powinien pojawić się transkrypt oraz nagranie video.
Mam wierzyć w to??Staram sie choc nie mogę.Chodzi mi o samo wydanie piosenki.Połowa lutego albo pod koniec tego miesiaca.Szczerze chcialbym w to wierzyc jednak pewne fakty mi na to nie pozwalja.TA pani już nie raz zapoewniała ze song będzie very soon.A czekamy już pieknych kilka miesiecy.Przy tym całym czekaniu trzyma mnie jeszcze nadzieja ze piosenka będzie warta tego czekania.Żeby ona choc w połowie była tak dobra jak we are the world choc trudno to sobie wyobrazić.Staram się jednak wierzyć iz tak bedzie.Nie wierze że kilkoro artystów zaangazowało by sie w jakas piosenke która ma mało do powiedzenia na rynku,bynajmniej po takim czasie jakim na nia czekamy.Dlatego bądźmy pełni nadziei że jednak sie bardzo ale to bardzo zaskoczymy .No i licze na to ze w piesni bedzie jedank sporo wokalu michasia niż reszty zaproszonych gości.Najbardziej intryguje mnie jaka role w tej piesni ma snoop dog..........dobra niewazne poczekamy usłyszmy.
: sob, 21 sty 2006, 14:11
autor: starafanka
a ja sie ciesze i wierze ;)
: sob, 21 sty 2006, 15:23
autor: ghoust
No ja tesh sie ciesze chociaz niewiem czy nie przedwczesnie pozyjemy zobaczymy mam nadzieje ze to okaze sie prawda :)
Re: News 20.01.2006 / Raymone Bain rozmawia z Geraldo Rivera
: sob, 21 sty 2006, 15:29
autor: Pank
MJPTNewsTeam pisze:Podczas wywiadu podobno pokazano fragmenty jak MJ pracuje w studiu.
Nad piosenką "Beautiful girl", ech. :]
Przekładania terminów nie skomentuję.
Dzięki Dzina za wiadomość i Willy za plik wideo :)
: sob, 21 sty 2006, 20:19
autor: DirtyDiana
prosze bardzo...transkrypt:
Raymone Bain speaks to Geraldo
2006-01-21 Fox News
Raymone Bain speaks to Geraldo
Saturday, 21 January 2006
Friday, January 20th, 2006, Raymone Bain sat down with Geraldo Reviera to talk about Michael Jackson, and dispell some of the current rumours.
Following is a transcript, kindly provided by MJJF staff-member mello1, of the piece entitled "Truth About Jackson"
Geraldo: Ever since his June accquital on child molestation charges, Michael Jackson as you know has been engulfed in controversy, ranging from the bizarre to the comic, everything from reports on his being broke to his begging for a job to mistreatment of his exotic animals back on his Neverland Valley Ranch.
But forget the rumors because today we set the record straight about the rumors about the once King of Pop Michael Jackson.
MJ video clip from the Feb 2005 interview with Geraldo: Summary comments: Celebrities are always a target -- the bigger the star, the bigger the target -- They come after celebrities -- we are targets....
Geraldo: Living on the other side of the world in the tiny Persian Gulf country of Bahrain has not kept the pop star out of the crosshairs. Court filings and claims against him continue to plague the beleagued idol, perhaps straining his legendary forture and his health.
showing pics of MJ with the Prince, MJ with Bain in London, video clip of MJ coming and going to court along with the pjs clip...
Just a shortlist of recently published claims include Jackson on the edge of financial ruin, Jackson's ex-wife wanting her kids rescued from the middle east and another that he owes $48 million in fees related to his rights to the Beatles musical catalog. Then there's the claim regarding Michael's Neverland Ranch, where if the claims? by animal activists, federal inspectors found his exotic animals in good health after a surpirse inspection.
video clip of NLVR and animals; video clip of MJ in studio wearing black (clip does not appear to be a new one -- I've seen it before). MJ is wearing all black.
Trying to remain out of the eye of the storm in the US, the KOP remains living in Bahrain with his children, where he is putting the final touches on his long awaited hurricane relief song which features artists like Snoop Dogg, Babyface and R. Kelly among many others and is due now for release next month.
Joining me now to sort fact from fiction is Michael Jackson's spokesperson, my friend, Raymone K. Bain.
G: Hi Raymone!
RB: Hi Geraldo (she was wearing a black suit with white piping and a three string pearl necklace)
G: First of all Raymone, you know the rumor that swept the world that he is on prescription drugs, on Demoral, that he is abusing these drugs and he's very, very ill ---
RB: Hmm -- Not true. I've seen him, I've spent time with him, we've been on the phone and there's so many other people who have been speaking to him recently -- there's so many people who have spoken to Michael in the last several months, that can verify the fact that he is not drowning in drugs. It is unbelievable how some of these reports are dissiminated.
G: But how often do you speak with him?
RB: I have been speaking to him quite a lot because as I've said, he has been 'hands-on' with regards to work--
G: So when was the last time you spoke to him?
RB: Yesterday.
G: Just yesterday.
RB: Yes. um hmm.
G: Okay so he is focused and you think that he is physically in good shape.
RB: Well I know he's physically in good shape -- I've seen him, I've been in his presence, my team has been in his presence, the artists have been speaking to him constantly back and forth about this project that we're hoping will help tremendously down in the southern --
G: 'I Have This Dream' -- now when is this song being released?
RB: We are looking at releasing it mid-month -- in February -- mid to late February.
G: And will the proceeds will be going to Katrina relief?
RB: Yes.
G: Was he looking for --
RB: Absolutely not --
G: -- begging for a job in Bahrain?
RB: Absolutely NOT! I was astounished in looking at some major reputable news organizations where the headlines were: 'Michael Jackson looks for a job'! The truth is is that a multi-billion dollar entertainment conglomerate has asked him if he would consider becoming an advisor helping to bring entertainment enterprises to the Middle East.
Don't believe 90% of what you read because 9 times out of 10, it isn't true. And this record is happening, we have some absolutely fabulous artists who are participating and we are hoping that it will help tremendously down in the Gulf region of this country.
: ndz, 22 sty 2006, 8:34
autor: Mike
A ja ufam Raimone i myślę, że będzie ten Singiel w Lutym, a jak przełożą date, choc z tego co widac to juz raczej to, sobie kupie i tyle, mam nadzieję, że będzie naprawdę poruszajacy.
Re: News 20.01.2006 / Raymone Bain rozmawia z Geraldo Rivera
: ndz, 22 sty 2006, 19:34
autor: dzina
Pank pisze:MJPTNewsTeam pisze:Podczas wywiadu podobno pokazano fragmenty jak MJ pracuje w studiu.
Nad piosenką "Beautiful girl", ech. :]
Rzeczywiście w tle leci "Beautiful Girl" ale fragmenty video są chyba z pracy nad piosenką charytatywną. Pokazują min. Babyface’a, R. Kelliego ale w sumie trudno stwierdzić.
dzięki :)
Pank pisze:
Dzięki Dzina za wiadomość
No problem :)