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![Buhahahaha :smiech:](./images/smilies/hahaha2.gif)
LeGrand uwaza, ze ludzie wokol Mja probowali wykorzystac go i dzialali wbrew jego interesom. Wszczal sledztwo przeciw Johnowi Branca, ktory od lat byl adwokatem MJa i zajmowal sie jego sprawami zawodowymi (tzn. mial do czynienia takze z katalogiem ATV, ktory MJ posiada na spolke z Sony). Zajal sie Branca na prosbe ludzi prowadzacych w owym czasie interesy MJa – byli to Wiesner, Konitzer i Schäffel. O czym owi panowie nie wiedzieli – LeGrand potajemnie sledzil takze ICH poczynania, poniewaz nie byl do konca pewien ich uczciwosci.
Dowiadujemy sie paru ciekawych rzeczy na temat katalogu ATV. Sony oraz MJ maja po dokladnie 50% udzialu, ostatnio bardzo czesto prowadzili ze soba rozmowy na temat. John Branca wowczas reprezentowal interesy Mja na spolke z firma adwokacka Ziffren. Okazuje sie, ze Ziffren reprezentowal rowniez Sony, a Branca mial udzial w tej firmie. Dlatego wlasnie LeGrand podejrzewal, ze z powodu powiazan z Sony Branca moglby dzialac wbrew interesom MJa. Podejrzewal, ze razem defraudowali pieniadze MJa i wplacali je na tajne konto. Rzeczywiscie, LeGrand dowiedzial sie, ze firma ta posiadala za granica konto, ktore mogloby sluzyc tym celom
Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Why did you investigate Mr. Branca?
A. I requested -- well, let me back up. After consultation with my partner, Mr.Gibson, and discussion with I believe Mr. Joss at Paul Hastings, Mr. Gibson and I instructed the firm Interfor to investigate Mr. Branca, because Mr. Konitzer had indicated in several conversations that he was very concerned about Mr. Branca and that Mr. Jackson had expressed concern about Mr. Branca's loyalty. Also, there was -- Mr. Schaffel related information that also was negative of Mr. Branca. So we made collectively the decision to ask Interfor to further the background investigation, to conduct investigation into Mr. Branca.
Q. But at the time, Konitzer didn't know that you were also investigating him, right?
A. That's correct.
Q. At the time, Schaffel didn't know you were also investigating Schaffel, right?
A. That's correct.
Q. At the time, Weizner didn't know you were also investigating Weizner, right?
MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection. Leading; foundation.
THE COURT: Overruled.
THE WITNESS: That's correct. We did not inform them of the scope of -- the full scope of Interfor's actions at our request.
Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: And you also investigated somebody named Tommy Motolla, correct?
A. I'm not sure that's correct.
Q. Do you recall asking Interfor to do some investigation into an offshore bank account?
A. It's kind of the other way around. We asked Interfor to investigate Mr. Branca. They indicated to us that –
MR. AUCHINCLOSS: I'm going to object based on hearsay.
MR. MESEREAU: State of mind, Your Honor.
THE COURT: Sustained.
Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: What was your state of mind when you investigated the possibility that an offshore account had been formed by various people to defraud Michael Jackson?
MR. AUCHINCLOSS: I'm going to object as leading.
THE COURT: Sustained.
Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: What was your state of mind when you investigated the formation of an offshore bank account?
MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; assumes facts.
THE COURT: Sustained.
Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Did you investigate the existence of an offshore bank account?
A. We requested Interfor to look into that possibility, yes.
Q. Why?
A. Because there was a –
MR. AUCHINCLOSS: I'll object based on hearsay.
MR. MESEREAU: State of mind.
THE COURT: The objection is overruled. You may complete your answer.
THE WITNESS: Because we had -- we, the lawyers, had been given information from a source that appeared to have some credibility that such an account existed.
Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: And why did you want to investigate that account?
A. Be -- well, to me, that's kind of obvious. But if, in fact, there was an offshore account in which money was being deposited for the benefit of Mr. Branca or others, that would indicate very serious violations of Mr. Branca's responsibilities to Mr. Jackson.
Mesereau pyta wprost, czy LeGrand chce przez to powiedziec, ze Branca byl agentem oplacanym przez Sony. Sprzeciw ze strony prokuratora.
W kazdym razie, LeGrand dowiedzial sie z pewnych zrodel, ze Sony wplacalo pieniadze na konto tej firmy. Jednak nie posiada jednoznacznych dowodow, skad pochodzily te pieniadze i na jaki cel byly przeznaczone.
LeGrand staral sie takze dowiedziec sie cos na temat kont posiadanych przez Tommy’ego Mottola. Doszly do niego pogloski, ze to wlasnie Mottola odgrywa glowna role, a Branca jest jego pionkiem. Chodzilo o oslabienie pozycji Mja , aby Sony moglo bez problemow przywlaszczyc sobie druga polowe katalogu