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Michael w "Rolling Stone"

: czw, 08 lis 2007, 15:18
autor: MJJ
Komentarze do tego watku umieszczamy tutaj --> siadeh_

W grudniowym wydaniu japońskiej edycji magazynu Rolling Stone mają być dodatkowe 44 strony poświęcone tylko i wyłącznie Michael'owi.

Exclusive: Rolling Stone Japan confirms to the Italian MJ Fanclub the release of MJ 'extra' book.

Rolling Stone Japan is featuring Michael Jackson in the upcoming December Issue by including an extra 44 pages book 100% dedicated to the King if Pop. The extra book cover design is almost finished: it features a drawing. Probably the cover of the Rolling Stone will also feature Michael Jackson! They're actually still editing it so, at this time, we're not authorized in publishing it.

Extra Book Specifications:

Size: 166 x 209 mm, 44 pages, not sold as a separate piece.

Extra Book Contents:

5 interviews that have been previously published by Rolling Stone US edition: 81 (1971), #389 (1983), #417 (1984), #509 (1987), #621 (1992), a complete gallery of US edition's covers dedicated to Michael Jackson, discography of Rolling Stone Japan's (6 albums recommended by Rolling Stone Japan) and the latest news about MJ's new album.

Release date is November 10th, 2007.

Source: MJFC / CTE MJ Italian Fanclub /

: sob, 10 lis 2007, 16:03
autor: BillieJean
Zupełnie przypadkiem na to trafiłam, gazeta ukazała się dzisiaj.

: ndz, 11 lis 2007, 21:15
autor: lebelle




: śr, 21 lis 2007, 11:06
autor: MJPOWER
a ja znalazłem takie coś:

: czw, 22 lis 2007, 10:53
autor: MJPOWER

: czw, 22 lis 2007, 18:40
autor: Maro

A beutifull coffret "Rolling Stone: The First 40 Years" , in 4 DVD ...

Covers in 1971 (pour le n°84) and 1984 (n°417).

You can find it : Amazon USA or : 125 $.

With 4 DVD-ROM , a beutifull history book .

Sources : MJFC / MJLegend / mjjprocessor

: pt, 28 gru 2007, 9:09
autor: Maro
Tym razem RS z Hiszpanii,styczeń 2008r.:


Rolling Stone

80's Special
Bono vs Michael Jackson
Who's the king?

The return of the fight of the 80s

The hedonist Michael Jackson
25 Years of Thriller
The resurrection of the Jackson5

The involved Bono
20 Years of Joshua Tree

[Thanks to The Lost Child -]

: pt, 28 gru 2007, 11:02
autor: MJPOWER
Właśnie mi przysłali więc zrobiem kilka fotek argentyńskiego Rolling Stona:

Rolling Stone Interview- Life as a Man

: wt, 23 cze 2009, 14:30
autor: insomniaof