Joh'Vonnie Jackson - przyrodnia siostra Michaela
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Joh'Vonnie Jackson - przyrodnia siostra Michaela
Mam pytanie o jakiekolwiek informacje o przyrodniej siostrze Michael'a ANNIE.
Ojciec Michael'a JOSEPH miał rzekomo zmajstrować kolejnego dzidziusia w latach 70-tych, ale już nie z matką KATHERINE lecz inną kobietą.
LA TOYA w swojej autobiografii (wiem, że LA TOYA mówiła wiele rzeczy i za wiele rzeczy później przepraszała) opisała nawet szczegółowo jak rodzeństwo dowiedziało się o tym (i ukrywało ten fakt przez parę miesięcy przed matką) i jak LA TOYA "poznała" małą ANNE.
Oczywiście, wszyscy zdajemy sobie sprawę z tego, że jest to bardzo prawdopodobne i akurat LA TOYA tutaj nie musi koloryzować, bowiem powszechne znane są romanse JOSEPHA.
A w internecie nie można nic znaleźć o przyrodniej siostrze Michael;a.
Ojciec Michael'a JOSEPH miał rzekomo zmajstrować kolejnego dzidziusia w latach 70-tych, ale już nie z matką KATHERINE lecz inną kobietą.
LA TOYA w swojej autobiografii (wiem, że LA TOYA mówiła wiele rzeczy i za wiele rzeczy później przepraszała) opisała nawet szczegółowo jak rodzeństwo dowiedziało się o tym (i ukrywało ten fakt przez parę miesięcy przed matką) i jak LA TOYA "poznała" małą ANNE.
Oczywiście, wszyscy zdajemy sobie sprawę z tego, że jest to bardzo prawdopodobne i akurat LA TOYA tutaj nie musi koloryzować, bowiem powszechne znane są romanse JOSEPHA.
A w internecie nie można nic znaleźć o przyrodniej siostrze Michael;a.
Wiesz co poszukam w książce Magic and Madness,było o tym i ona nie ma na imię Ann,Annie czy Anna tylko wdg. Taraborrelli'ego Joh'Vonnie Jackson,jest nawet jej zdjęcie w tej książce.
"Don't know what I've done,everything you've got,things you've done to me are coming back to you" I'm the Blue Gangster
Przypomniało mi się, że u nas na forum były nawet jej zdjęcia.
Chyba dzina wstawiała. Próbowałam je znaleźć. Chciałam tutaj dokleić...
Niestety nie wiem gdzie są. Wyszukiwarka odmawia współpracy
P.S. Temat nie jest szczególnie Michaelowy. Byłoby fajnie gdyby moderatorzy znaleźli dla niego odpowiednie miejsce :)
Ja od jakiegoś czasu się zastanawiam, czy nie warto byłoby utworzyć podforum o rodzinie Michaela.
Jego rodzicach, rodzeństwie / również siostrach przyrodnich ;) /, wujkach, ciociach, bratankach-->3T, dziadkach, dzieciach, etc.
Rodzina Michaela to spora gromadka. Wszelkie takie "kwiatki" mogłyby tam lądować :)
Chyba dzina wstawiała. Próbowałam je znaleźć. Chciałam tutaj dokleić...
Niestety nie wiem gdzie są. Wyszukiwarka odmawia współpracy
P.S. Temat nie jest szczególnie Michaelowy. Byłoby fajnie gdyby moderatorzy znaleźli dla niego odpowiednie miejsce :)
Ja od jakiegoś czasu się zastanawiam, czy nie warto byłoby utworzyć podforum o rodzinie Michaela.
Jego rodzicach, rodzeństwie / również siostrach przyrodnich ;) /, wujkach, ciociach, bratankach-->3T, dziadkach, dzieciach, etc.
Rodzina Michaela to spora gromadka. Wszelkie takie "kwiatki" mogłyby tam lądować :)
"Słodki ptaku, moja duszo, twoje milczenie jest tak cenne.
Ile czasu minie zanim świat usłyszy twą pieśń w mojej?
Oh, to jest dzień, na który czekam!"
- Michael Jackson
Ile czasu minie zanim świat usłyszy twą pieśń w mojej?
Oh, to jest dzień, na który czekam!"
- Michael Jackson
Joh'vonnie Jackson w sierpniu 2009 założyła bloga pod adresem
Przeczytałam kilka postów... Cóż jej miejscu pominęłabym te wszystkie beznadziejnie trywialne sprawy ani nie rozpisywałabym się o własnej wizycie u lekarza.
A wy co o tym myślicie?
Przeczytałam kilka postów... Cóż jej miejscu pominęłabym te wszystkie beznadziejnie trywialne sprawy ani nie rozpisywałabym się o własnej wizycie u lekarza.
A wy co o tym myślicie?
Miała babka potrzebę to założyła bloga, jak miliony innych osób. To chyba nie jakaś próba zdobycia jakiejś popularności czy coś. Wspominała też o MJ trochę, przynajmniej w jednym poście:
"Hello World.
It necessary for me to say something today being one of the most important days. On this day my brother Michael would have been 51 years old and tomorrow I will turn 35. Lately, I’ve been feeling why am I so blessed to get another year. I don’t feel like I should be happy on my birthday. Actually, I’m not happy…not at all. I have “Angel Baby” doing my make-up at 7pm today and I don’t even feel like it. There’s a party for me at around 8p, and I don’t feel like going. I would much rather lay in my bed with a fine bottle of merlot and a fresh new pack of Newport Shorts…and just cry about it. I’m really not feeling like giving out fake smiles. I really don’t feel like small idol conversations. I actually feel like screaming bloody murder, but because I’m Yasmine Jackson’s mother, I have to be 10 times stronger than I really am. I can’t let my daughter see me sweat. I can’t be out of character in front of her because she would be worried about me.
So right now as I type these worlds, understand that I am so sad that there is not any word that could explain how I’m feeling. I can’t just tell you how it feels. Every time I take a breath, my heart hurts. I feel like I have heavy bricks on my chest and I just can’t seem to get focused. My oldest sister suggested that I should see a therapist, but I’ve never been one to tell all of my personal business. I’ve always been the one to fix myself. If anyone could tell me how to fix my heart that is shattered into pieces then maybe I need a big ol’ colorful Band-Aid. Maybe that will work. Until then I’ll just accept my misery and try not to go over the edge.
I love you Michael. See you in paradise…"
"Hello World.
It necessary for me to say something today being one of the most important days. On this day my brother Michael would have been 51 years old and tomorrow I will turn 35. Lately, I’ve been feeling why am I so blessed to get another year. I don’t feel like I should be happy on my birthday. Actually, I’m not happy…not at all. I have “Angel Baby” doing my make-up at 7pm today and I don’t even feel like it. There’s a party for me at around 8p, and I don’t feel like going. I would much rather lay in my bed with a fine bottle of merlot and a fresh new pack of Newport Shorts…and just cry about it. I’m really not feeling like giving out fake smiles. I really don’t feel like small idol conversations. I actually feel like screaming bloody murder, but because I’m Yasmine Jackson’s mother, I have to be 10 times stronger than I really am. I can’t let my daughter see me sweat. I can’t be out of character in front of her because she would be worried about me.
So right now as I type these worlds, understand that I am so sad that there is not any word that could explain how I’m feeling. I can’t just tell you how it feels. Every time I take a breath, my heart hurts. I feel like I have heavy bricks on my chest and I just can’t seem to get focused. My oldest sister suggested that I should see a therapist, but I’ve never been one to tell all of my personal business. I’ve always been the one to fix myself. If anyone could tell me how to fix my heart that is shattered into pieces then maybe I need a big ol’ colorful Band-Aid. Maybe that will work. Until then I’ll just accept my misery and try not to go over the edge.
I love you Michael. See you in paradise…"
Ta przyrodnia siostra Jacksona jest bardzo podobna do Joe. No niesety myslę otrzymała ten zgredowaty wyraz twarzy Mam nadzieję, że jedynie to po nim otrzymała, bo jednak wydaje się miłą osobą. Typowa Amerykanka. Tutaj macie filmik gdzie opowiada o swoim ojcu i przyrodnim rodzeństwu -> ... re=related
Fakt, jest do niego bardzo podobna. Poza tym gdzieś słyszałam o tym, chyba nawet MJ o tym mówił gdzieś, że zawsze była przez Joe traktowana znacznie lepiej niż jej przyrodnie rodzeństwo. Ciekawe z czego to wynikało? Może z tego, że Joe jest poważnie upośledzony uczuciowo. On też tu jest ofiarą. MJ mówił, że wiedział, że Joe nie podobała się jego ojcowska relacja z Gordym, ale nie potrafił nic z tym zrobić tak jak powinien.
Ostatnio zmieniony wt, 27 kwie 2010, 11:32 przez Baby Jane, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
- invincible_girl ;)
- Posty: 550
- Rejestracja: ndz, 15 cze 2008, 18:23
- Skąd: Capricious anomaly in the sea of space
Skoro nie ma na imie Anne to nalezałoby zmienic tytul tematu.
I nie jestem pewna ale czy jej nie ma na tym zdjeciu .. spięte włosy i czarna bluzka po lewej
I nie jestem pewna ale czy jej nie ma na tym zdjeciu .. spięte włosy i czarna bluzka po lewej
Janet Translate ->
Janet Translate ->
- Posty: 1539
- Rejestracja: sob, 29 sie 2009, 0:45
- Skąd: Trójmiasto ;)
Tak to ona. W jednym wywiadzie powiedziała, że MJ zaprosił ją w 2003 d Neverland. Ale w książce LaToya mówi, że nazywa się Anna. Może to zdrobnienie? Jacky też nie nazywa się Jacky.Justine pisze:Skoro nie ma na imie Anne to nalezałoby zmienic tytul tematu.
I nie jestem pewna ale czy jej nie ma na tym zdjeciu .. spięte włosy i czarna bluzka po lewej
- invincible_girl ;)
- Posty: 550
- Rejestracja: ndz, 15 cze 2008, 18:23
- Skąd: Capricious anomaly in the sea of space
Udzieliła ona ostatnio wywiadu, jednak nie wiem, skąd pochodzi,
Michael Jackson’s secret sister today tells of her heartache at being shunned by her famous family for 35 years.
JohVonnie Jackson, whose mum was a lover of Jacko’s dad Joe, is close to her father and amazingly gets on with family matriarch Katherine.
But almost all JohVonnie’s well-known brothers and sisters treat her as an outcast and she never got to meet Michael until she was 29.
She would even attend Jacko’s and Janet’s concerts but was not allowed to speak to them while La Toya would ignore her in shops.
JohVonnie Jackson yesterday told how one of her biggest letdowns at the hands of her famous family came when she finally got to meet her brother Michael.
JohVonnie – who for years had been forced to admire him from afar – got the chance she had long dreamt of when the clan gathered at his Neverland ranch in 2003 and she was given a rare invite.
She was thrilled to come face-to-face with him for the first time at 29 but dismayed that Jacko showed no warmth towards her and was more interested in her eight-year-old daughter Yasmine.
JohVonnie, now 35, recalled: “It was a big moment for me. But Michael was looking at me and seemed cold. He just said, ‘Hi’ and then he saw my daughter Yasmine and was fascinated with her.”
Jacko said “Hi” to the youngster but had to be corrected when he mispronounced her name with a J.
JohVonnie went on: “He said, ‘OK, Yasmine with a Y’, and that was it. He never acknowledged that I was his sister, there was no hug or kiss, not even a handshake. No physical contact at all.
“I wanted to embrace him. I thought he would want to go some place quiet and sit and talk with me and ask me about my life and get to know me a little better.
“It was very hurtful. He was not interested at all.”
The King of Pop’s aloofness to her was in stark contrast to the warmth he showed his young niece.
She added: “With my daughter he was totally different. She got hugs and kisses, everything I didn’t get. I was a little jealous. But there was a bunch of people there and I never did get a chance to speak to Michael properly. Again, there was this theme that I felt shut out.”
JohVonnie spent the night at a nearby hotel rather than on the sprawling 2,700-acre California ranch.
When she returned to Neverland the next day, Yasmine was again made to feel at home, while her mother never got to see Michael.
She said: “Michael was in the main house. Yasmine and Paris were off playing for hours. Paris is such a sweet girl.”
JohVonnie instead chatted to brother Jermaine and sister Rebbie but added sadly: “None of my other siblings acknowledged me much.”
Family insiders claim Jacko’s coldness was because he believed Joe loved her more than the other children.
She was born in 1974 during a 25-year affair between Jackson family patriarch Joe and mum Cheryle Terrell.
Mum-of-one JohVonnie, 35, said: “I feel rejected by some of my family. It’s upsetting and hurtful.”
Michael Jackson’s secret sister today tells of her heartache at being shunned by her famous family for 35 years.
JohVonnie Jackson, whose mum was a lover of Jacko’s dad Joe, is close to her father and amazingly gets on with family matriarch Katherine.
But almost all JohVonnie’s well-known brothers and sisters treat her as an outcast and she never got to meet Michael until she was 29.
She would even attend Jacko’s and Janet’s concerts but was not allowed to speak to them while La Toya would ignore her in shops.
JohVonnie Jackson yesterday told how one of her biggest letdowns at the hands of her famous family came when she finally got to meet her brother Michael.
JohVonnie – who for years had been forced to admire him from afar – got the chance she had long dreamt of when the clan gathered at his Neverland ranch in 2003 and she was given a rare invite.
She was thrilled to come face-to-face with him for the first time at 29 but dismayed that Jacko showed no warmth towards her and was more interested in her eight-year-old daughter Yasmine.
JohVonnie, now 35, recalled: “It was a big moment for me. But Michael was looking at me and seemed cold. He just said, ‘Hi’ and then he saw my daughter Yasmine and was fascinated with her.”
Jacko said “Hi” to the youngster but had to be corrected when he mispronounced her name with a J.
JohVonnie went on: “He said, ‘OK, Yasmine with a Y’, and that was it. He never acknowledged that I was his sister, there was no hug or kiss, not even a handshake. No physical contact at all.
“I wanted to embrace him. I thought he would want to go some place quiet and sit and talk with me and ask me about my life and get to know me a little better.
“It was very hurtful. He was not interested at all.”
The King of Pop’s aloofness to her was in stark contrast to the warmth he showed his young niece.
She added: “With my daughter he was totally different. She got hugs and kisses, everything I didn’t get. I was a little jealous. But there was a bunch of people there and I never did get a chance to speak to Michael properly. Again, there was this theme that I felt shut out.”
JohVonnie spent the night at a nearby hotel rather than on the sprawling 2,700-acre California ranch.
When she returned to Neverland the next day, Yasmine was again made to feel at home, while her mother never got to see Michael.
She said: “Michael was in the main house. Yasmine and Paris were off playing for hours. Paris is such a sweet girl.”
JohVonnie instead chatted to brother Jermaine and sister Rebbie but added sadly: “None of my other siblings acknowledged me much.”
Family insiders claim Jacko’s coldness was because he believed Joe loved her more than the other children.
She was born in 1974 during a 25-year affair between Jackson family patriarch Joe and mum Cheryle Terrell.
Mum-of-one JohVonnie, 35, said: “I feel rejected by some of my family. It’s upsetting and hurtful.”
Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away. And going away means forgetting. Peter Pan
- Posty: 1539
- Rejestracja: sob, 29 sie 2009, 0:45
- Skąd: Trójmiasto ;)