Jermaine Jackson - wypowiedzi, wywiady, pomysły
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Jermaine Jackson - wypowiedzi, wywiady, pomysły
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Jermaine Jackson Shows Viewers The Real On "Inside The Jackson Family."
Posted July 5, 2005—Jermaine Jackson takes BET inside Neverland Ranch from the moment word came there's a verdict to the tense moments en route to the courthouse and we even see Michael's emotional scene with each family member only seconds before the verdict was read. “Inside the Jackson Family” shows their inner most thoughts and feelings and exclusive information you haven't heard anywhere else.
What Michael did following his acquittal, why he was so subdued leaving the courthouse and what the Jackson Family wants to say to Black America. We have it all. And it's only on BET.
Be sure to tune into “Inside The Jackson Family,”
Thursday, July 7th 9 p.m.-9:30 p.m. (ET/PT)
Friday, July 8th 12:30 a.m.-1 a.m.(ET/PT)
Sunday, July 10th 5 p.m.-5:30 p.m. (ET/PT)
Special Note:'s journalist 'Raffles Van Exle', who covered the trial will be on during the show! BET said that 'Raffles' was one of the most positive interviews about Michael they have had on BET ever. You cant miss him. He's in a Bright Yellow Suit Jacket that he had made for Verdict Day!!
Jermaine Jackson Shows Viewers The Real On "Inside The Jackson Family."
Posted July 5, 2005—Jermaine Jackson takes BET inside Neverland Ranch from the moment word came there's a verdict to the tense moments en route to the courthouse and we even see Michael's emotional scene with each family member only seconds before the verdict was read. “Inside the Jackson Family” shows their inner most thoughts and feelings and exclusive information you haven't heard anywhere else.
What Michael did following his acquittal, why he was so subdued leaving the courthouse and what the Jackson Family wants to say to Black America. We have it all. And it's only on BET.
Be sure to tune into “Inside The Jackson Family,”
Thursday, July 7th 9 p.m.-9:30 p.m. (ET/PT)
Friday, July 8th 12:30 a.m.-1 a.m.(ET/PT)
Sunday, July 10th 5 p.m.-5:30 p.m. (ET/PT)
Special Note:'s journalist 'Raffles Van Exle', who covered the trial will be on during the show! BET said that 'Raffles' was one of the most positive interviews about Michael they have had on BET ever. You cant miss him. He's in a Bright Yellow Suit Jacket that he had made for Verdict Day!!
Podaje transkrypt, warto przeczytać
Jermaine dokładnie opisuje co się działo od momentu jak dowiedzieli się, że decyzja o werdykcie została podjęta. Niektóre fragmenty były bardzo smutne
MJ w drodze do sądu czytał trochę Pisma Świętego, a po powrocie do Neverland poszedł na górę i oglądał „The Three Stooges” co go bardzo rozbawiło. Ciekawe co to jest „The Three Stooges”? Domyślam się, że to jakaś bajka
Jermaine powiedział, że MJ przez cały proces nosił kamizelkę kulo odporną gdyż ciągle jacyś wariaci mu grozili-masakra!!!!
Transcript of the interview with Jermaine on BET.
BET: Jermaine, anything you'd like to say to black America?
Jermaine: Yeah, I'd like to say that thank you for being there. Thank you for the love, the prayers. We felt it. I'm just so happy and thank God (tears start flowing down Jermaine's cheeks) I thank you Jesus. He's innocent. I love you Michael! The people just (starts to weep).....
BET: Take your time
Jermaine: (Wiping tears from cheeks and eyes) I felt the support of just the people, the African American (wipes tears again), the people around the world. It's almost like everyone would say, we're praying for you. We're not going to let this happen. We're going to show our love and support. And my mother, my father, my brothers and sisters. This is a lesson to be learned to from all of us, it's a lesson.
BET: What lessons have you learned?
Jermaine: The lesson to be learned is that no matter how high you get, there's nothing greater than God. There's nothing greater than family. Walking Michael Jackson to a court room to hear a verdict is like walking him to the electric chair.
BET: At the Jackson family estate in Encino California, I met up with Jermaine, who many considered the most outspoken Jackson. He proudly displayed the newspaper from that fateful day. The day his brother was exonerated on all counts. (Jermaine holds up the newspaper with NOT GUILTY on the front page). Tell me about seeing that paper that day and what your going to do with that paper?
Jermaine: (Still holding paper up) I'm going to hold onto it. Just like I save certain things that I've had. This is a historic moment. This is a historic moment for blacks.
BET: How is Michael doing now?
Jermaine: Well, he's been beat up, and drug across the world, and slandered. Other than that, he's recovering. But he's a strong person...very very strong person. I'm still trying to figure out how did they get through a lot of this, really. He was wearing a bullet proof vest all the time.
BET: I didn't know that Jermaine. He was wearing a bullet proof vest? People were threatening to kill him even while he was going through the trial?
Jermaine: They were threatening him each time he walked in and out of his car. It was just so much.....
BET: Who was threatening to kill him?
Jermaine: Just crazies out there.
BET: Did you ever imagine something like this would have happened to your little brother, to Michael?
Jermaine: No, but I always knew in order to bring someone down, you have to hurt them at everything they love. Michaels one of those kids that would pledge allegiance to the flag, like everyone else. I wonder what did that mean? Did he ever think one nation under God, indivisble, with liberty and justice for all....did he ever think that that would work against him one day? Because it did...because this was malicious. This was nothing but a modern day lynching.
BET: Who's behind it?
Jermaine: Name names?
BET: Tell me about the decision, the familys decision to say, we're all coming together, and this is what we're going to do for Michael.
Jermaine: I'll tell you, it happened when they first handcuffed him. Because handcuffing Michael is like handcuffing all of us, and handcuffing the black community as far as I'm concerned. But how we came together was, because you mess with him, your messing with us. When it comes to messing with our legacy and tampering with something that we've worked so hard for. You don't do that. So at the same time we weren't going to have that. We were just wanting to show our support.
BET: Katherine never missed one day of trial, her sons trial.
Jermaine: She was there every day. Even during the pre-trial. And sit there and to hear these things about her child knowing how she raised him, knowing how she raised all of us, and hearing this crap is almost like talking about her.
BET: What did you think when you were hearing some of the stuff?
Jermaine: I'll say again, I don't know how Michael held up, because if it was me, I would have jumped across the desk and slapped someone.
BET: Seriously?
Jermaine: Seriously. Tito almost lost it one day and I told him he should have. He should have let it out. We knew why this is going on. We knew who's behind it.
BET: Go ahead and name names.
Jermaine: I don't want to mention names because they know who they are and they know we know who they are. They will be dealt with.
BET: Prosecutor's? Music People?
Jermaine: I'll say this, when this....when Michael put out a CD with Sony, they were back the same day these allegations hit. Michael has a catalogue which is unbelievabley, financially strong. Very strong.
BET: Worth like 1 billion?
Jermaine: Just his part of it is worth 1.2 billion or more...more.
BET: Now the Beatles catalogue.....
Jermaine: This is the Beatles catalogue. This is about money. Michaels guilt dosen't come from child molestation. Michael is guilty of having the Beatles catalogue. He worked hard, he achieved it, he has it, that's what it is.
BET: Walk me through how you got the news that the verdict was in.
Jermaine: We were just on the ranch. Tito and I were by the theme park talking and we kind of felt there was going to be a verdict that day. And the helicopters were hovering around. And, but, so I go up to the main quaters, my father and Randy comes in. and tells us, explains that the judge called and said there's a verdict, he's going to call Tom Messerau and let him know, and if Tom Messerau didn't call him back in 10 mintues, they were going to arrest Michael.
BET: Why would they have arrested Michael on the spot without announcing the verdict?
Jermaine: Because they wanted to know if he's going to be there within the hour. They gave us an hour to be there. All of a sudden the phone rings and Titto said they have a verdict.
BET: Set the scene for us.
Jermaine: I was sitting in the SUV with Janet and my siter Latoya and Titto and Michael was in another SUV with my mother and father, I think. I was always saying Michael's coming back home all the way. (tears fall down his cheeks again).
BET: It's ok....
BET: Were you concerned that he might not be coming home?
Jermaine: We don't.....
BET: Take your time.
Jermaine: You really don't know what the system is like. There are many innocent African American's in jail for something they didn't do. We know this. Basically black male and to have a shot at Michael Jackson put in a position to have 12 people giving judgement on his fate, his life, you don't know.
BET: Did he say anything in the car on the way?
Jermaine: I heard from my sister that he was just.....He read a few scriptures and he...he was stomping his leg into the car, and he was just stomping his leg saying...WHY? So when we got to the court house, we went upstairs and we didn't go through the metal detector but went around, and went upstairs and we all hit the bathroom, and Michael was in there, he gave us a hug.
BET: What was that moment like for you guys? Because at that point you didn't know.
Jermaine: He didn't know. It was almost like it was a last hug. But he walked in there and he....
The audio of the verdict is playing in background
Jermaine wipes tears from his cheeks and eyes.
BET: What was your response?
Jermaine: We jumped and we cheered and I said I knew. I felt it that he was going to be vendicated on all counts. I wanted to get out of there fast.
BET: As Michael was walking out of the courthouse that day. It was ....he was quite subdued. I think a lot of people wanted to see him celebrate. Tell us why he was so reserved.
Jermaine: Do you know Titto said if I were him, I would have got back on top the car and danced and cheered. It was time to rejoice. But he was so torn apart and so hurt so beat up from just....I mean his court, going to court every day and being up at 4 AM in the morning. And being dressed getting ready to hear all these obscene things said about him and just lies. And so I guess his whole mindset was just getting out of there, and it was just a day to remember and go through all these counts, and to find him innocent on all counts.
BET: All ten
Jermaine: All ten, It let's you know that God is real. After the verdict, we all got back to the ranch and Michael went upstairs. He had a turkey sandwhich I think, and he put on the Three Stooges and he just laughed.
BET: He watched the Three Stooges moments after being exonerated on 10 counts?
Jermaine: Yeah, and the family came up and we talked I don't know how we could have done it. He stood.
Bed: Did the family have a plan in case the verdict went the other way?
Jermaine: No because we didn't plan for that. We always planned to rejoice and planned to know that Michael would be vendicated. That was just it. Michael is a child in a man's body.
BET: Even today?
Jermaine: Even today.
BET: I think he grew up a little....
Jermaine: No, he grew up but he's still a kid.
BET: Tom Messerau has said no more sleep overs. What advice are you giving your little brother right now? What advice are you giving Michael?
Jermaine: Well, the advice that he's gotten from all of us is, just can't get too close to anyone. You can't get too close. Because everybody that passes in your back is not your friend.
BET: He listens to you? What makes you......
Jermaine: Yeah, he's tired. This really hurt him, this really hurt him. I feel, I felt his pain. I got nervous at times because you could feel his pain. When he was crying, we were crying. This was something unreal.
BET: What is it that you'd like, want black America to know about your brother?
Jermaine: He knows that his success comes from the support that he got from the black community. We are who we are because of the black support from day one, and that's what you don't mess with.
BET: Will he still be the same Michael Jackson we all know and love?
Jermaine: I think he will because it's in his blood. They didn't break him spiritually. They didn't break us finacially, and our drive for doing what we do and that's entertain. We were born to entertain.
End of transcript
Jermaine dokładnie opisuje co się działo od momentu jak dowiedzieli się, że decyzja o werdykcie została podjęta. Niektóre fragmenty były bardzo smutne
MJ w drodze do sądu czytał trochę Pisma Świętego, a po powrocie do Neverland poszedł na górę i oglądał „The Three Stooges” co go bardzo rozbawiło. Ciekawe co to jest „The Three Stooges”? Domyślam się, że to jakaś bajka
Jermaine powiedział, że MJ przez cały proces nosił kamizelkę kulo odporną gdyż ciągle jacyś wariaci mu grozili-masakra!!!!
Transcript of the interview with Jermaine on BET.
BET: Jermaine, anything you'd like to say to black America?
Jermaine: Yeah, I'd like to say that thank you for being there. Thank you for the love, the prayers. We felt it. I'm just so happy and thank God (tears start flowing down Jermaine's cheeks) I thank you Jesus. He's innocent. I love you Michael! The people just (starts to weep).....
BET: Take your time
Jermaine: (Wiping tears from cheeks and eyes) I felt the support of just the people, the African American (wipes tears again), the people around the world. It's almost like everyone would say, we're praying for you. We're not going to let this happen. We're going to show our love and support. And my mother, my father, my brothers and sisters. This is a lesson to be learned to from all of us, it's a lesson.
BET: What lessons have you learned?
Jermaine: The lesson to be learned is that no matter how high you get, there's nothing greater than God. There's nothing greater than family. Walking Michael Jackson to a court room to hear a verdict is like walking him to the electric chair.
BET: At the Jackson family estate in Encino California, I met up with Jermaine, who many considered the most outspoken Jackson. He proudly displayed the newspaper from that fateful day. The day his brother was exonerated on all counts. (Jermaine holds up the newspaper with NOT GUILTY on the front page). Tell me about seeing that paper that day and what your going to do with that paper?
Jermaine: (Still holding paper up) I'm going to hold onto it. Just like I save certain things that I've had. This is a historic moment. This is a historic moment for blacks.
BET: How is Michael doing now?
Jermaine: Well, he's been beat up, and drug across the world, and slandered. Other than that, he's recovering. But he's a strong person...very very strong person. I'm still trying to figure out how did they get through a lot of this, really. He was wearing a bullet proof vest all the time.
BET: I didn't know that Jermaine. He was wearing a bullet proof vest? People were threatening to kill him even while he was going through the trial?
Jermaine: They were threatening him each time he walked in and out of his car. It was just so much.....
BET: Who was threatening to kill him?
Jermaine: Just crazies out there.
BET: Did you ever imagine something like this would have happened to your little brother, to Michael?
Jermaine: No, but I always knew in order to bring someone down, you have to hurt them at everything they love. Michaels one of those kids that would pledge allegiance to the flag, like everyone else. I wonder what did that mean? Did he ever think one nation under God, indivisble, with liberty and justice for all....did he ever think that that would work against him one day? Because it did...because this was malicious. This was nothing but a modern day lynching.
BET: Who's behind it?
Jermaine: Name names?
BET: Tell me about the decision, the familys decision to say, we're all coming together, and this is what we're going to do for Michael.
Jermaine: I'll tell you, it happened when they first handcuffed him. Because handcuffing Michael is like handcuffing all of us, and handcuffing the black community as far as I'm concerned. But how we came together was, because you mess with him, your messing with us. When it comes to messing with our legacy and tampering with something that we've worked so hard for. You don't do that. So at the same time we weren't going to have that. We were just wanting to show our support.
BET: Katherine never missed one day of trial, her sons trial.
Jermaine: She was there every day. Even during the pre-trial. And sit there and to hear these things about her child knowing how she raised him, knowing how she raised all of us, and hearing this crap is almost like talking about her.
BET: What did you think when you were hearing some of the stuff?
Jermaine: I'll say again, I don't know how Michael held up, because if it was me, I would have jumped across the desk and slapped someone.
BET: Seriously?
Jermaine: Seriously. Tito almost lost it one day and I told him he should have. He should have let it out. We knew why this is going on. We knew who's behind it.
BET: Go ahead and name names.
Jermaine: I don't want to mention names because they know who they are and they know we know who they are. They will be dealt with.
BET: Prosecutor's? Music People?
Jermaine: I'll say this, when this....when Michael put out a CD with Sony, they were back the same day these allegations hit. Michael has a catalogue which is unbelievabley, financially strong. Very strong.
BET: Worth like 1 billion?
Jermaine: Just his part of it is worth 1.2 billion or more...more.
BET: Now the Beatles catalogue.....
Jermaine: This is the Beatles catalogue. This is about money. Michaels guilt dosen't come from child molestation. Michael is guilty of having the Beatles catalogue. He worked hard, he achieved it, he has it, that's what it is.
BET: Walk me through how you got the news that the verdict was in.
Jermaine: We were just on the ranch. Tito and I were by the theme park talking and we kind of felt there was going to be a verdict that day. And the helicopters were hovering around. And, but, so I go up to the main quaters, my father and Randy comes in. and tells us, explains that the judge called and said there's a verdict, he's going to call Tom Messerau and let him know, and if Tom Messerau didn't call him back in 10 mintues, they were going to arrest Michael.
BET: Why would they have arrested Michael on the spot without announcing the verdict?
Jermaine: Because they wanted to know if he's going to be there within the hour. They gave us an hour to be there. All of a sudden the phone rings and Titto said they have a verdict.
BET: Set the scene for us.
Jermaine: I was sitting in the SUV with Janet and my siter Latoya and Titto and Michael was in another SUV with my mother and father, I think. I was always saying Michael's coming back home all the way. (tears fall down his cheeks again).
BET: It's ok....
BET: Were you concerned that he might not be coming home?
Jermaine: We don't.....
BET: Take your time.
Jermaine: You really don't know what the system is like. There are many innocent African American's in jail for something they didn't do. We know this. Basically black male and to have a shot at Michael Jackson put in a position to have 12 people giving judgement on his fate, his life, you don't know.
BET: Did he say anything in the car on the way?
Jermaine: I heard from my sister that he was just.....He read a few scriptures and he...he was stomping his leg into the car, and he was just stomping his leg saying...WHY? So when we got to the court house, we went upstairs and we didn't go through the metal detector but went around, and went upstairs and we all hit the bathroom, and Michael was in there, he gave us a hug.
BET: What was that moment like for you guys? Because at that point you didn't know.
Jermaine: He didn't know. It was almost like it was a last hug. But he walked in there and he....
The audio of the verdict is playing in background
Jermaine wipes tears from his cheeks and eyes.
BET: What was your response?
Jermaine: We jumped and we cheered and I said I knew. I felt it that he was going to be vendicated on all counts. I wanted to get out of there fast.
BET: As Michael was walking out of the courthouse that day. It was ....he was quite subdued. I think a lot of people wanted to see him celebrate. Tell us why he was so reserved.
Jermaine: Do you know Titto said if I were him, I would have got back on top the car and danced and cheered. It was time to rejoice. But he was so torn apart and so hurt so beat up from just....I mean his court, going to court every day and being up at 4 AM in the morning. And being dressed getting ready to hear all these obscene things said about him and just lies. And so I guess his whole mindset was just getting out of there, and it was just a day to remember and go through all these counts, and to find him innocent on all counts.
BET: All ten
Jermaine: All ten, It let's you know that God is real. After the verdict, we all got back to the ranch and Michael went upstairs. He had a turkey sandwhich I think, and he put on the Three Stooges and he just laughed.
BET: He watched the Three Stooges moments after being exonerated on 10 counts?
Jermaine: Yeah, and the family came up and we talked I don't know how we could have done it. He stood.
Bed: Did the family have a plan in case the verdict went the other way?
Jermaine: No because we didn't plan for that. We always planned to rejoice and planned to know that Michael would be vendicated. That was just it. Michael is a child in a man's body.
BET: Even today?
Jermaine: Even today.
BET: I think he grew up a little....
Jermaine: No, he grew up but he's still a kid.
BET: Tom Messerau has said no more sleep overs. What advice are you giving your little brother right now? What advice are you giving Michael?
Jermaine: Well, the advice that he's gotten from all of us is, just can't get too close to anyone. You can't get too close. Because everybody that passes in your back is not your friend.
BET: He listens to you? What makes you......
Jermaine: Yeah, he's tired. This really hurt him, this really hurt him. I feel, I felt his pain. I got nervous at times because you could feel his pain. When he was crying, we were crying. This was something unreal.
BET: What is it that you'd like, want black America to know about your brother?
Jermaine: He knows that his success comes from the support that he got from the black community. We are who we are because of the black support from day one, and that's what you don't mess with.
BET: Will he still be the same Michael Jackson we all know and love?
Jermaine: I think he will because it's in his blood. They didn't break him spiritually. They didn't break us finacially, and our drive for doing what we do and that's entertain. We were born to entertain.
End of transcript
Wywiad z Jermainem (15 min video)
Nie wiem czy ktoś już zapodawał. Piękne świadectwo brata. ... f-michael/
Komentarze: ... f-michael/
Jako ze ostatnio noc niekoniecznie jest dla mnie łaskawa i sen tak łatwo nie nadchodzi, to przetłumaczyłam ze słuchu ten wywiad. Brakuje koncówki, może ostatnich dwóch minut ( dokoncze za jakis czas, narazie nie mam mozliwosci) , oraz nie wszystko zrozumiałam, jednak wydaje mi sie ze to co najwazniejsze znajduje sie w tym tłumaczeniu. Pięknie Jermaine mówił...
[ wstęp - ogólnie o czym bedzie mowa w tym wywiadzie ]
Jermaine Jackson: To jest trudne. Moja rodzina jest silna, zawsze byliśmy rodziną, trzymalismy się razem, ale to jest bardzo trudne, naprawde trudne..
Matt L. : Wasza rodzina przechodziła juz trudne chwile. Czy było coś co można porównać z tym co przechodzicie teraz?
J.J : Nic nie można z tym porównać, ponieważ straciliśmy brata.. my jestesmy w żałobie, swiat jest w żałobie, to jest niewyobrażalne...
[ o smierci Michael'a najpierw została powiadomiona Katherine, która przekazała tę tragiczna wiadomosć Jermaine'owi]
J.J : Ton jej (Katherine) głosu podczas gdy mówiła że jej dziecko nie zyje.... Tego nie można sobie wyobrazić. Gdy to usłyszałem, wybiegłem na zewnątrz i zobaczyłem helikopter na tle nieba, pobiegłem do szpitala, chciałem zobaczyc Michael'a, chciałem zobaczyc mojego brata. Ujrzenie Go takiego bez życia, bez oddechu, bylo bardzo emocjonującym (?) momentem dla mnie, lecz wziąłem się w garść gdyż wiem tak naprawde ze On ciagle żyje, a to tylko skorupa. Pocałowałem Go w czoło, przytuliłem, dotknąłem i powiedziałem: "Michael, nigdy Cie nie opuszczę i Ty nigdy nie opuścisz mnie". Czułem w tamtej chwili taką pustkę... to zabrzmi dziwnie ale....on odszedł za wcześnie i...nie wiem jak to ludzie odbiorą ale...chciałbym abym to był ja..
M.L : Dlaczego tak czujesz?
J.J : Poniewaz zawsze czułem ze jestem Jego podporą, oparciem, kimś kto mógłby tam być zamiast Niego, to czego On nie mogł powiedzieć - ja mogłem powiedziec za Niego. Podczas procesów, tego wszystkiego..ja wiedziałem ze jest na 1000% niewinny, ja to wiedziałem, wszyscy to wiedzieliśmy.
M.L : Czy jako brat nigdy nie wątpiłes w Jego niewinność ? Nie miałes ani sekundy zawahania?
J.J : Posłuchaj, Michael jest darem od Allaha i własnie Go do siebie zabiera. Swiat Go nie doceniał, świat i niektórzy ludzie Go kochali, przemysł (?) Go doceniał, swoj czas na Ziemi spędził dobrze, chciał dobrze dla kazdego, w ludziach widział dobro - nawet w tych których uważano za zlych. Ale On chciał zmienić wiele rzeczy poprzez przesłania w swoich piosenkach, przez swoje czyny: odwiedzanie szpitali, sierocińców, proby uzdrowienia dzieci chorych na raka i próby wniesienia trochę życia w ich świat. popatrz tylko na Neverland, na to miejsce, uwielbiam je, czuję tu Jego obecnosc, to Jego dzieło....
[ Jermaine oświadcza ze spekulacje dotyczące tego co zabiło Jego Brata rani Jego Rodzinę]
J.J: Mówienie o rzeczach o których tak naprawdę nie ma się pojęcia, bez poznania najpierw faktów, jest bardzo raniące dla Rodziny, dla mnie, dla nas, ponieważ tak naprawdę nie wiemy co się stało gdyz stwierdzono że był kompletnie zdrowy.
M.L : Jeśli toksykologia wykaże, że Michael nadużywał lekow - bedziesz zaskoczony? Zszokowany?
J.J : Poczułbym się zraniony
M.L: Dlaczego?
J.J :Ponieważ Michael był zawsze przeciwny takim rzeczom, ale..... nie mówię że to w porządku, bo nie jest , ale.....presja, to przez co przechodzisz....nigdy nie wiesz do czego cie to popchnie, ja.....
M.L: Wiec to możliwe?
J.J : Naprawdę nie wiem, mówię szczerze, nie wiem, ale Michael'a zawsze obchodził los innych.... Ten cięzar, ta presja...naprawde nie wiem...
M.L: Zgodnie z testamentem , Michael pragnął aby to Wasza matka - Katherine- zaopiekowała się dzećmi. Jermaine , Twoja matka ma 79 lat , czy jest w stanie to zrobic?
J.J: Jest w stanie to zrobic, ponieważ jest z nimi cały czas, uwielbia ich smiech, to całe zamieszanie. Jest w stanie to zrobić. Oczywiscie mamy kogoś kto upewni ją że robi wszystko własciwie / kogoś kto w razie potrzeby może pomóc. Ja uważam ze to był wspaniały pomysł, dzieci czują się dobrze. Moja Mama to idealna osoba aby z nimi być.
[Jermaine chciałby aby Neverland był miejscem wiecznego spoczynku Jego Brata]
J.J : To jest Jego dom, to On go stworzył, dlaczego to nie miałoby być tutaj, czuję tu Jego obecność. Bez względu na to czy był w trasie czy gdziekolwiek indziej - zawsze tutaj się tak czułem. Uwielbiam to miejsce i chciałbym aby moja mama tu przyjechała i poczuła to samo. On (Mike) kupił to miejsce z miłoscią i uczuciem, popatrz tylko jak tu cicho i spokojnie.
[ dobre i złe czasy Neverlandu, plany odrodzenia się Jackson 5 i ujrzenie Michael'a po smierci przez Jego trójkę dzieci]
J.J: Gdy przyjechałem do szpitala, One (dzieci) już tam były. To spotkanie Ojca po raz ostatni byo dla nich ważne aby to jakoś przetrwać, zrozumieć.
M.L : Więc zostały zabrane do szpitala aby ujrzeć Ojca po śmierci?
J.J: Tak, tak...
M.L : To bardzo trudne dla dzieci...
J.J Tak, ale teraz czuja się dobrze..Na początku nie wiedzieliśmy co zrobic, byłem przeciwny temu ale co im powiesz jak nie pozwolisz im zobaczyc..?
M.L Dzieci mają po 12, 11 i 7 lat, potrafisz opisać jak rodzina je wspierała?
J.J : ( tutaj nie zrozumiałam , prawdopodobnie chodzi o jakies inne dzieci) bawia się z Princem, Paris i Blanketem, uwielbiają z nimi przebywać w Neverlandzie, zawsze o to zabiegały. Wczesniej dużo podrozowały a teraz są sobie najblizsi. Te dzieci są naprawde wyjątkowe. Michael dał im cos najwazniejszego - miłosć, i za ojca i za matkę, przekazał im własciwe zasady i wartości, był cudownym ojcem....
M.L : Michael nie miał typowego życia. Wzięło się to z dawnych lat Jego zycia, był od zawsze w świetle reflektorów. Jak sadzisz - jak dużą presję Mike odczuwał?
J.J: Michael był ofiarą wlasnego sukcesu. To było dla Niego trudne, to wszystko co dzialo sie w Jego życiu, ta presja.... Czuł ogromna presję. Rozumiem co on wtedy przeżywał. Starał się robić wszystko dobrze, a to bylo postrzegane w zupełnie inny sposób. Patrzysz na swoje zycie i widzisz ze spedziłes je na scenie, nie miałes dzieciństwa, dlatego tez napisał piosenke "Childhood". Wydaje mi się ze Michael był przepełniony róznymi emocjami i dawał im upust w swoich piosenkach oraz czynach. Mam teraz na sobie bluze Jackson 5; to był "wytwór" Motown, przed tym to ojciec przygotował nas do bycia "odkryciem",przygotowywał nas do wielkiej sceny, a po latach Jackson 5 - Tito, Marlon, Jackie są dla mnie niezwykle ważni, i stracic najważniejszego członka Jackson 5 - tego nikt nawet sobie nie wyobrazał. Mielismy plany na wspolne wystepy w Londynie, chcielismy znowu wrocic, zacząc wszystko od początku.
M.L : To pytanie może wydac się dziwne Jermaine, ale czy Michael był w stanie tego dokonac - mam na mysli kondycje fizyczną, był bardzo szczupły.. Sądzisz ze był gotowy na te 50 koncertów w Londynie i na wszystko poza nimi?
J.J: Coś Ci powiem; 50 koncertów to duzo, ale wierze-ja w to wierze- ze Mike jest bardzo silny nie tylko fizycznie ale i psychicznie. On jest tancerzem, nigdy nie przestał tańczyć, wiec byl na to gotowy fizycznie. Ale myśle ze duze znaczenie ma tu stres. Nie chce spekulowac , był wielki dzien dla mojej rodziny, duża niespodzianka, bylismy razem: mama, tata, Mike z dziecmi, tak podekscytowany i mowił " Słuchajcie, widzimy się w Londynie, bedzie swietnie!" . Akompaniowałem (?) mu przy jednej z piosenek ktore napisał, spiewalismy razem "Fly away", powiedziałem ze uwielbiam tą piosenke a on na to ze moja słowa wiele dla niego znaczą. Swietnie się wtedy bawilismy...
M.L Czym był dla niego Neverland?
c.d.n ...
[ wstęp - ogólnie o czym bedzie mowa w tym wywiadzie ]
Jermaine Jackson: To jest trudne. Moja rodzina jest silna, zawsze byliśmy rodziną, trzymalismy się razem, ale to jest bardzo trudne, naprawde trudne..
Matt L. : Wasza rodzina przechodziła juz trudne chwile. Czy było coś co można porównać z tym co przechodzicie teraz?
J.J : Nic nie można z tym porównać, ponieważ straciliśmy brata.. my jestesmy w żałobie, swiat jest w żałobie, to jest niewyobrażalne...
[ o smierci Michael'a najpierw została powiadomiona Katherine, która przekazała tę tragiczna wiadomosć Jermaine'owi]
J.J : Ton jej (Katherine) głosu podczas gdy mówiła że jej dziecko nie zyje.... Tego nie można sobie wyobrazić. Gdy to usłyszałem, wybiegłem na zewnątrz i zobaczyłem helikopter na tle nieba, pobiegłem do szpitala, chciałem zobaczyc Michael'a, chciałem zobaczyc mojego brata. Ujrzenie Go takiego bez życia, bez oddechu, bylo bardzo emocjonującym (?) momentem dla mnie, lecz wziąłem się w garść gdyż wiem tak naprawde ze On ciagle żyje, a to tylko skorupa. Pocałowałem Go w czoło, przytuliłem, dotknąłem i powiedziałem: "Michael, nigdy Cie nie opuszczę i Ty nigdy nie opuścisz mnie". Czułem w tamtej chwili taką pustkę... to zabrzmi dziwnie ale....on odszedł za wcześnie i...nie wiem jak to ludzie odbiorą ale...chciałbym abym to był ja..
M.L : Dlaczego tak czujesz?
J.J : Poniewaz zawsze czułem ze jestem Jego podporą, oparciem, kimś kto mógłby tam być zamiast Niego, to czego On nie mogł powiedzieć - ja mogłem powiedziec za Niego. Podczas procesów, tego wszystkiego..ja wiedziałem ze jest na 1000% niewinny, ja to wiedziałem, wszyscy to wiedzieliśmy.
M.L : Czy jako brat nigdy nie wątpiłes w Jego niewinność ? Nie miałes ani sekundy zawahania?
J.J : Posłuchaj, Michael jest darem od Allaha i własnie Go do siebie zabiera. Swiat Go nie doceniał, świat i niektórzy ludzie Go kochali, przemysł (?) Go doceniał, swoj czas na Ziemi spędził dobrze, chciał dobrze dla kazdego, w ludziach widział dobro - nawet w tych których uważano za zlych. Ale On chciał zmienić wiele rzeczy poprzez przesłania w swoich piosenkach, przez swoje czyny: odwiedzanie szpitali, sierocińców, proby uzdrowienia dzieci chorych na raka i próby wniesienia trochę życia w ich świat. popatrz tylko na Neverland, na to miejsce, uwielbiam je, czuję tu Jego obecnosc, to Jego dzieło....
[ Jermaine oświadcza ze spekulacje dotyczące tego co zabiło Jego Brata rani Jego Rodzinę]
J.J: Mówienie o rzeczach o których tak naprawdę nie ma się pojęcia, bez poznania najpierw faktów, jest bardzo raniące dla Rodziny, dla mnie, dla nas, ponieważ tak naprawdę nie wiemy co się stało gdyz stwierdzono że był kompletnie zdrowy.
M.L : Jeśli toksykologia wykaże, że Michael nadużywał lekow - bedziesz zaskoczony? Zszokowany?
J.J : Poczułbym się zraniony
M.L: Dlaczego?
J.J :Ponieważ Michael był zawsze przeciwny takim rzeczom, ale..... nie mówię że to w porządku, bo nie jest , ale.....presja, to przez co przechodzisz....nigdy nie wiesz do czego cie to popchnie, ja.....
M.L: Wiec to możliwe?
J.J : Naprawdę nie wiem, mówię szczerze, nie wiem, ale Michael'a zawsze obchodził los innych.... Ten cięzar, ta presja...naprawde nie wiem...
M.L: Zgodnie z testamentem , Michael pragnął aby to Wasza matka - Katherine- zaopiekowała się dzećmi. Jermaine , Twoja matka ma 79 lat , czy jest w stanie to zrobic?
J.J: Jest w stanie to zrobic, ponieważ jest z nimi cały czas, uwielbia ich smiech, to całe zamieszanie. Jest w stanie to zrobić. Oczywiscie mamy kogoś kto upewni ją że robi wszystko własciwie / kogoś kto w razie potrzeby może pomóc. Ja uważam ze to był wspaniały pomysł, dzieci czują się dobrze. Moja Mama to idealna osoba aby z nimi być.
[Jermaine chciałby aby Neverland był miejscem wiecznego spoczynku Jego Brata]
J.J : To jest Jego dom, to On go stworzył, dlaczego to nie miałoby być tutaj, czuję tu Jego obecność. Bez względu na to czy był w trasie czy gdziekolwiek indziej - zawsze tutaj się tak czułem. Uwielbiam to miejsce i chciałbym aby moja mama tu przyjechała i poczuła to samo. On (Mike) kupił to miejsce z miłoscią i uczuciem, popatrz tylko jak tu cicho i spokojnie.
[ dobre i złe czasy Neverlandu, plany odrodzenia się Jackson 5 i ujrzenie Michael'a po smierci przez Jego trójkę dzieci]
J.J: Gdy przyjechałem do szpitala, One (dzieci) już tam były. To spotkanie Ojca po raz ostatni byo dla nich ważne aby to jakoś przetrwać, zrozumieć.
M.L : Więc zostały zabrane do szpitala aby ujrzeć Ojca po śmierci?
J.J: Tak, tak...
M.L : To bardzo trudne dla dzieci...
J.J Tak, ale teraz czuja się dobrze..Na początku nie wiedzieliśmy co zrobic, byłem przeciwny temu ale co im powiesz jak nie pozwolisz im zobaczyc..?
M.L Dzieci mają po 12, 11 i 7 lat, potrafisz opisać jak rodzina je wspierała?
J.J : ( tutaj nie zrozumiałam , prawdopodobnie chodzi o jakies inne dzieci) bawia się z Princem, Paris i Blanketem, uwielbiają z nimi przebywać w Neverlandzie, zawsze o to zabiegały. Wczesniej dużo podrozowały a teraz są sobie najblizsi. Te dzieci są naprawde wyjątkowe. Michael dał im cos najwazniejszego - miłosć, i za ojca i za matkę, przekazał im własciwe zasady i wartości, był cudownym ojcem....
M.L : Michael nie miał typowego życia. Wzięło się to z dawnych lat Jego zycia, był od zawsze w świetle reflektorów. Jak sadzisz - jak dużą presję Mike odczuwał?
J.J: Michael był ofiarą wlasnego sukcesu. To było dla Niego trudne, to wszystko co dzialo sie w Jego życiu, ta presja.... Czuł ogromna presję. Rozumiem co on wtedy przeżywał. Starał się robić wszystko dobrze, a to bylo postrzegane w zupełnie inny sposób. Patrzysz na swoje zycie i widzisz ze spedziłes je na scenie, nie miałes dzieciństwa, dlatego tez napisał piosenke "Childhood". Wydaje mi się ze Michael był przepełniony róznymi emocjami i dawał im upust w swoich piosenkach oraz czynach. Mam teraz na sobie bluze Jackson 5; to był "wytwór" Motown, przed tym to ojciec przygotował nas do bycia "odkryciem",przygotowywał nas do wielkiej sceny, a po latach Jackson 5 - Tito, Marlon, Jackie są dla mnie niezwykle ważni, i stracic najważniejszego członka Jackson 5 - tego nikt nawet sobie nie wyobrazał. Mielismy plany na wspolne wystepy w Londynie, chcielismy znowu wrocic, zacząc wszystko od początku.
M.L : To pytanie może wydac się dziwne Jermaine, ale czy Michael był w stanie tego dokonac - mam na mysli kondycje fizyczną, był bardzo szczupły.. Sądzisz ze był gotowy na te 50 koncertów w Londynie i na wszystko poza nimi?
J.J: Coś Ci powiem; 50 koncertów to duzo, ale wierze-ja w to wierze- ze Mike jest bardzo silny nie tylko fizycznie ale i psychicznie. On jest tancerzem, nigdy nie przestał tańczyć, wiec byl na to gotowy fizycznie. Ale myśle ze duze znaczenie ma tu stres. Nie chce spekulowac , był wielki dzien dla mojej rodziny, duża niespodzianka, bylismy razem: mama, tata, Mike z dziecmi, tak podekscytowany i mowił " Słuchajcie, widzimy się w Londynie, bedzie swietnie!" . Akompaniowałem (?) mu przy jednej z piosenek ktore napisał, spiewalismy razem "Fly away", powiedziałem ze uwielbiam tą piosenke a on na to ze moja słowa wiele dla niego znaczą. Swietnie się wtedy bawilismy...
M.L Czym był dla niego Neverland?
c.d.n ...
Expect the Unexpected....
Do not look for the Obvious....
Look between the lines....
I'm believer ...:)
Jermaine udzielił wywiadu holenderskiej telewizji RTL NL
Mówi o tym, że Michael był bardzo mały podczas tego, kiedy Joseph ich trenował i dlatego tak surowo go ocenia. Wspomina o tym, że dobrze się bawili w czasach Jackson 5.
O Michaelu wypowiada się bardzo ciepło - mówi, że był największym artystą, że uwielbia jego wersję "Smile". Na pytanie, czy miał kiedykolwiek wątpliwości, czy Michael molestował dzieci, odpowiedział, że nie miał najmniejszych i jest zły na FBI, bo przez 17 lat prowadzili dochodzenie w tej sprawie i dopiero po śmierci Michaela ujawnili akta.
Mówi o tym, jak dowiedział się o śmierci Michaela i jak ujrzał Michaela w szpitalu. Opowiada, że śpiewał Smile na ceremonii pożegnalnej, bo chciał oddać hołd swojemu bratu i że to była ulubiona piosenka Michaela.
Na pytanie, czy nie robią telewizyjnego show dla pieniędzy, odpowiada, że pieniędzy mają wystarczająco, więc to nie o to chodzi.
streaming: ... _plain.xml
Mówi o tym, że Michael był bardzo mały podczas tego, kiedy Joseph ich trenował i dlatego tak surowo go ocenia. Wspomina o tym, że dobrze się bawili w czasach Jackson 5.
O Michaelu wypowiada się bardzo ciepło - mówi, że był największym artystą, że uwielbia jego wersję "Smile". Na pytanie, czy miał kiedykolwiek wątpliwości, czy Michael molestował dzieci, odpowiedział, że nie miał najmniejszych i jest zły na FBI, bo przez 17 lat prowadzili dochodzenie w tej sprawie i dopiero po śmierci Michaela ujawnili akta.
Mówi o tym, jak dowiedział się o śmierci Michaela i jak ujrzał Michaela w szpitalu. Opowiada, że śpiewał Smile na ceremonii pożegnalnej, bo chciał oddać hołd swojemu bratu i że to była ulubiona piosenka Michaela.
Na pytanie, czy nie robią telewizyjnego show dla pieniędzy, odpowiada, że pieniędzy mają wystarczająco, więc to nie o to chodzi.
streaming: ... _plain.xml
Wywiad z Jermaine dla magazynu Hello. Na zielono, szybkie tłumaczenie niektórych odpowiedzi.
źródłoJermaine Jackson sighs. ‘’I miss Michael so much,’’ he says. ‘’I just miss his smile; he had such a wonderful smile.’’
"Bardzo tęsknię za Michaelem. Tęsknie za jego uśmiechem; tak wspaniale się uśmiechał."
Michael Jackson’s brother is speaking exclusively to HELLO!, his stunning Afghan wife Halima by his side. We meet in the couple’s beautiful hilltop Los Angeles home, shortly before attending an intimate family ceremony at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, Michael’s final resting place, honoring the superstar’s memory one year after his death on June 25. And it’s immediately clear that the family still grieves, the feelings are still raw.
‘’We hurt, like everyone else,’’ says Jermaine. ‘’We’re not made of steel. We’re human beings; we’re a family. And when Michael passed and the world cried, they didn’t cry because of an entertainer; they cried because of the love that he put back out there and what he was about.’’
"Cierpimy jak wszyscy inni. Nie jesteśmy ze stali. Jesteśmy ludźmi, jesteśmy rodziną. Kiedy Michael zmarł cały świat płakał, nie dlatego, że odszedł artysta; płakali z uwagi na tę miłość, którą dawał światu, na której tak mu zależało
Coming just 18 days before the start of his comeback This Is It tour, Michael’s death from an overdose of sedatives and the anaesthetic Propofol devastated the Jackson clan and millions of fans. Tears well in Jermaine’s eyes as he recalls the horror that began with a telephone call saying Michael had been rushed to hospital. Jermaine immediately rang his mother Katherine who confirmed the news.
‘’We didn’t think it was going to be much,’’ Jermaine says, recalling their rush to hospital. However, by the time he and Halima arrived, Michael was gone.
(Kiedy dotarła do nich wiadomość o tym, że Michaela zabrano do szpitala) "Nie sądziliśmy, że to coś poważnego" Kiedy dojechali z Halimą do szpitala, Michael już nie żył.
During our interview, Jermaine’s eye-twinkling humor and ready charm give way to moments of sadness and anger, and to the occasional tear. Notably, he often refers to Michael in the present tense. For him, Michael’s spirit obviously lives on.
The pop legend’s estate has, it was reported last week, earned £675million since his death. Michael left his entire estate in a trust for his mother Katherine, 80, and his children Prince Michael, 13, daughter Paris, 12, and son ‘’Blanket’’, Prince Michael II, eight.
In accordance with Michael’s wishes, his mother immediately became his children’s legal guardian and carer after his death, while an agreement on custody was reached with Michael’s former wife, Debbie Rowe, 51, Prince Michael’s and Paris’s mother. (The identity of Blanket’s surrogate mother has never been revealed.)
Family is plainly paramount for Jermaine, 55, the fourth of Joe and Katherine Jackson’s nine children, who has seven children of his own. He had Jermaine Jr, Autumn and Jaimy with first wife Hazel Gordy, Motown founder Berry Gordy’s daughter, whom he wed in 1973. Then a relationship with Margaret Maldonado produced Jeremy and Jourdynn. Alejandra Oaziaza is the mother of his sons Jaafar, 13 and Jermajesty, nine, who already show musical talent. Alejandra, who split from Jermaine in 2003, also had three children from her prior relationship with Jermaine’s younger brother Randy; Genevieve, 22, adopted son Donte, 18, and Randy Jr, also 18.
Today, the Jacksons’ famous Encino compound in LA is alive with children’s laughter since Jaafar and Jermajesty live there with Alejandra’s other three children.
Meanwhile, Jermaine, who appeared on Celebrity Big Brother in 2007, recently made a reality TV show, The Jacksons : A Family Dynasty, with brothers Jackie, Tito and Marlon for a US channel – a second series is under discussion.
But family also now means Halima, who was born Princess Halima Rashid. She and Jermaine met in January 2004 in a queue in Starbucks. He fell fast and proposed in March. ‘’I took my time,’’ Halima laughs, ‘’even though he was rushing me.’’ She says his kindness, values and charisma won her over, and they wed in an LA mosque that August. For now, while they pursue their own projects, the Jacksons are intent on honoring Michael’s memory with his legendary music. ‘’We’ve got to make sure that people know that the legacy lives on,’’ says Jermaine, opening his heart to HELLO! About the family’s year or grief, their comforting memories, why he wants to see justice for Michael and the strength he draws from the famously close-knit Jackson clan.
Jermaine, how do you feel on the first anniversary of losing Michael?‘’Really emotional. For a year, it has been just trying to get through it, but this stirs it all up again. We’re still deeply saddened but we have to remember the good things Michael did. We have to be not beaten by the emotion but lift ourselves up and keep going. The year has gone by so fast. But we’re still mourning.’’
Jak czujesz się w pierwszą rocznicę utraty brata?
Jestem poruszony. Cały rok staram się z tym uporać, ale to wszystko wciąż wraca na nowo. Wciąż jesteśmy w głębokim smutku, musimy jednak pamiętać o dobrych rzeczach, które Michael zrobił. Nie możemy dać się pokonać uczuciom, musimy wspierać się wzajemnie i żyć dalej. Rok minął bardzo szybko. Wciąż jesteśmy w żałobie
Who decided to hold a memorial for Michael at Forest Lawn Cemetery on the first anniversary of his death?
‘’The family. It was just something for the family. We wanted to get together. We’ll pay our respects and think of the good things. There are years and years of good memories. We’re kind of scattered – LaToya, Tito, Rebbie and Randy are in LA but Marlon’s in Atlanta, Jackie’s in Las Vegas, Janet’s in New York – but we’ll all be there with Michael’s children, the nieces, the nephews and the grandchildren.’’
Kto zadecydował o uroczystości na Forest Lawn w pierwszą rocznicę Jego śmierci?
Rodzina. Ta uroczystość była dla nas. Chcieliśmy się spotkać. Oddaliśmy mu cześć, wspominaliśmy dobre czasy. Są całe lata dobrych wspomnień. Mieszkamy w różnych miejscach - LaToya, Tito, Rebbie i Randy w LA, Marlon z rodziną w Atlancie, Jackie w Las Vegas, a Janet w Nowym Jorku - Jednak dzieci Michaela, bratankowie, bratanice, wnuczęta zawsze mogą liczyć na nas wszystkich
Do you feel you must be strong for Michael’s children?
‘’No, just natural. We’re a strong family because of all the things we’ve encountered over the years. If you feel emotion, don’t hold it in. Let it out.’’
Did you fall into a depression when Michael died?
‘’Never. I’d like hearing his songs from when he was young, like Never Can Say Goodbye, Up Again and ABC. He was just a baby and I remember those days so clearly.’’
How did you and your wife Halima react on hearing Michael had been rushed to hospital?
‘’We didn’t even believe it at first. Then we didn’t think it was going to be much, if it was true. Forty-Five minutes later I called my mother at the hospital and heard her say ‘He’s dead.’ To hear that coming from her, I lost it. I dropped the phone. We rushed across town and cried all the way. As we got closer we could see helicopters circling and it started setting in. I was numb’’.
Jak zareagowaliście z Halimą na wiadomość o tym, że Michaela zabrano do szpitala?
Na początku nie wierzyliśmy. Nie sądziliśmy, że jeśli to prawda, że to coś poważnego. 45 minut później zadzwoniłem do mamy do szpitala, powiedziała 'Nie żyje'. Słysząc takie słowa z ust mojej matki, oniemiałem. Rzuciłem telefon. Pędząc do szpitala, płakaliśmy całą drogę. Kiedy docieraliśmy na miejsce nad nami latały śmigłowce. Byłem otępiały."
What happened when you saw your mother?
‘’She was sitting in the emergency ward in a daze, like a statue. My brother Randy was there, my sister LaToya and all the media’’.
Zobaczyłeś tam swoją mamę?
Nieruchomo siedziała oszołomiona w izbie przyjęć. Był tam mój brat Randy, siostra LaToya i dziennikarze".
Did you ask to see Michael?‘
’Yes. I went to the room to see him laying there, and it’s just the most horrible feeling to see your brother dead. I touched him and his face was still soft. And I kissed him and told him I was going to miss him.’
Chciałeś się zobaczyć z Michelem?
Tak. Wszedłem do pokoju i zobaczyłem Go tam leżącego - to najpotworniejsze uczucie, oglądać zmarłego brata. Dotknąłem Go, Jego twarz była wciąż delikatna. Pocałowałem Go i powiedziałem, że będę tęsknił
Did the children see their dad too?‘
’Yes, the therapist thought it would be best for them. They got to know the truth right away instead of someone saying, ‘Well he’s away, he’ll be back’. They were crying ‘Daddy, wake up!’ But then it got to a point where they realised and they understood’’.
Czy Jego dzieci również Go widziały?
Tak. Terapeutka uważała, że tak będzie dla nich najlepiej. Musiały poznać prawdę, nie, żeby ktoś opowiadał im 'Tato wyjechał, ale wróci'. Szlochały, 'Tatusiu, obudź się!' Kiedy w końcu zdały sobie sprawę z tego, co się stało, zrozumiały.
What are some of your fondest memories of Michael?
I still hear his laughter. I’d make him laugh all the time because we shared rooms when we were on tour. All the things we did as the Jackson 5, and before that, being around the house in Gary, Indiana. We started so young: I started when I was ten, Michael started at six.’’
How is everyone coping now?
‘’We can never get over it, it’s just trying to live with it and the fact that he’s not here. We know his spirit is very much alive. I feel him quite a bit. I did a video in India and I saw an outfit in the window of a store that caught my eye. The tailor said ‘Oh my God, you’re brother was here!’ He showed me pictures. I think that was Michael guiding me. Some billion people in India and, of all the tailor shops, I end up there.
Jak sobie z tym radzicie?
Nigdy się z tym nie uporamy, staramy się żyć ze świadomością, że Jego jużtu nie ma. Wiemy, że Jego duch wciąż jest z nami. Czuję, że tu jest(...)
''I did a show in Gambia for the President with a tribute to Michael: the three-minute poem he wrote, Planet Earth. All you heard was his voice ringing out. The moon was hidden by clouds but when he started talking it became very clear and bright. Right after it finished, the clouds covered the moon again. He would have loved that. He has such a love for the planet and his whole message was to do what's right for it. It was just a magical moment. So our way of healing is performing the songs and the music. That's what gets us through, really.''
You converted to Islam in 1989. Has your faith helped you?
''Yes. And Michael knew there was a God. He loved bringing awareness to something as simple as a flower, and how powerful a flower is if you give it life and love and water. This is God, this is not man-made. We know he's with God. When I saw his body lying there, I knew his spirit was gone and that was a shell. He tried to show the world how we are supposed to love and care about each other, to preserve the planet and the animals.''
Pomógł ci Islam?
Tak. A Michael wiedział, że Bóg istnieje. Rozpoznawał go w rzeczach tak zwyczajne, jak kwiat, a jak wielką siłę ma kwiat, jeśli podaruje mu się życie, miłość i wodę. To jest dzieło boskie, nie ludzkie. Wiemy, że jest teraz z Bogiem. Kiedy widziałem Jego ciało leżące tam, wiedziałem, że Jego duszy już tam nie ma. Starał się pokazać światu, jak powinniśmy się wzajemnie kochać i dbać o innych, o planetę, o zwierzęta.
Had you been worried about Michael's health? Did he seem frail?
''Not really. Before a show, he conditions himself and tends not to eat. But dancing with dancers 20 years younger, he held his own. They were impressed that he could make them sweat. He is very strong. One time my mother wanted us to lift this solid marble table. I lifted one end and it was so heavy. And Michael just lifted it by himself.I said 'Where do you get those muscles from? You're so thin!' He has a strong soul. It's like it's in his mind first. I said, 'Wow!'''.
Did sorrow become anger when you learned the circumstances of Michael's death?
'They put tremendous pressure on him, a lot of responsibility. For Michael to have a great bill of health from the doctor then suddenly show up dead? It puts a lot of questions out there.''
Michael był pod ogromną presją. Miał ważne badania lekarskie i nagle umiera? Pojawia się tu wiele pytań
Do you blame anyone for his death?
'It's still an ongoing investigation so I can't get into too much detail. I blame them all. They look at Michael as a money making machine. We look at him as a brother we love. People outside looked at him with greed.''
Czy winisz kogoś za Jego śmierć?
Toczy się śledztwo, więc nie mogę mówić za wiele. Winię ich wszystkich. Dla nich Michael był maszynką do zarabiania pieniędzy. Dla nas Michael był ukochanym bratem. Inni patrzyli na Niego z chciwością
Is the trial of Michael's personal physician Dr Conrad Murray for involuntary manslaughter important for you?
'Yes, because why would someone who loved life as much as Michael take his own life? Some say he took his own life! It's crazy!''
Czy proces Murraya jest dla ciebie ważny?
Tak, dlaczego niby ktoś, kto tak bardzo kochał życie jak Michael miałby się zabić? Niektórzy mówią, że sam się zabił! To brednie!"
Was it hard to accept that drugs and the anaesthetic Propofol caused Michael's death?
''Yes. But who did it? All I knew was he was taking something to sleep. I don't know how it was done but someone took his life. See, I just think Dr Murray is the fall guy''.
Trudno było przyjąć do wiadomości, że to leki i Propofol były przyczyną śmierci Michaela?
Tak. Kto jednak jest za to odpowiedzialny? Wszystko, co wiem, to, że brał środki nasenne. Nie wiem jak, ale ktoś Go zabił. Moim zdaniem Murray jest tylko pionkiem
What do you mean?
''The surveillance tapes are missing of who came in and out of the house during that time. There's all kinds of stuff. I don't want to get into too much detail. Michael was not the type that was depressed, bored with life, didn't love life or didn't want to be here any more. So you can't say he took his own life.
''If he was here today and you said ''Michael, would you leave your children behind, knowing that they'll be fatherless and you won't even see them grow up to be 21 years old? Never! If there was a line drawn on the floor and one side was life and the other death, he would never step across that line. Never.''
Co masz na myśli?
Nie ma nagrania z monitoringu, nie wiemy kto był wtedy w domu. Wiele innych rzeczy. Nie chcę mówić o szczegółach. Michael nie cierpiał na depresję, nie miał dość życia i nie chciał z nim skończyć. Nie chciał się zabić.
Jeśli byłby tu dziś z nami i powiedziałbyś Mu "Michael, zostawisz swoje dzieci, osierocisz je i nie zobaczysz, jak dorastają? Nigdy! Jeżeli byłaby linia dzieląca życie od śmierci, sam nigdy by jej nie przekroczył. Nigdy.
Was it immediately decided that your mother Katherine would raise Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket?
''We felt that was best because there would be no hidden agendas. This is their grandmother. We knew she would raise them as she raised us. The toughest part was keeping the parasites away, people Michael never wanted around him or his children when he was alive. All of a sudden, they're his best friend.''
What's your opinion of the children's former nanny Grace Rwaramba?
''She wasn't good for him or them.''
What about Michael's rumored secret son Omer Bhatti, 25, a Norwegian rapper?
''He's a wonderful kid. I felt if Michael showed him love, we're going to show him love too. I can't say whether he's Michael's child or not. I don't think so. He lived at the compound at some point then went home to see his parents.''
Pytanie o Omera:
To wspaniały dzieciak. Michael okazywał mu miłość, my też będziemy. Nie wiem, czy jest dzieckiem Michaela czy nie. Raczej nie.
Your sons Jaafar and Jermajesty and Randy's kids Donte, Randy Jr and Genevieve live at the compound with their mum Alejandra, Katherine, Michael's children and your sister Rebbie...
''Yes! Michael's kids all get along with my kids very well, and the rest of the kids too, like Tito's grandson Royal. Tito's three sons Taj, Taryll and TJ spend time with them too.''
Your mum's 80. Do you worry about her health suffering with this houseful?
[Laughs] ''She's still dealing with us, too! She's the boss. When she hears the kids around the house crying and laughing and having fun, it reminds her of Michael and us when we were young. I think it helps.''
How often do you and Halima visit?
''Two or three time a week. We go to say hi to my mom and see the children running around with the dogs. They have got birds, iguanas and lizards.''
Tell us about the personalities of Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket...
''Paris is smart as a whip. She loves people, she loves to give hugs. She's so sweet. I bring her teddy bears and a little koala bear from Australia because she collects them. She loves to dance. They all show talent but she's like the little wise one; an old soul.
Paris jest bardzo mądra. Kocha ludzi, lubi ich przytulać. Jest urocza. Zbiera maskotki. Uwielbia tańczyć. Cała trójka ma talent, ona jest tą rozsądną
''Prince is kind of serious sometimes. We didn't want him to give a speech at the Grammys because we didn't want the world to think we were exploiting the kids. But he wanted to, so my mother allowed it. I guess it was healing for him.
Prince jest raczej poważny. Nie chcieliśmy, by przemawiał podczas Grammy, bo nie chcieliśmy, by ludzie myśleli, że wykorzystujemy dzieci. Ale chciał, więc moja mama się zgodziła. Moim zdaniem, pomogło mu to
''They're very confident, very good kids. No insecurities. Very strong, just like their father. And Blanket is a bundle of joy. He walks around with a toy airplane and flies it through the air, making the noises.
Cała trójka jest pewna siebie, to bardzo dobre dzieciaki. Żadnych niepewności. Są silne, tak jak ich ojciec. Blanket to sama radość. Chodzi po domu z samolotem - zabawką, lata, hałasuje
Do you and Halima share custody of Jaafar and Jermajesty with Alejandra?
''They come back and forth. I just took my kids and their friends to Gambia here I did a concert. Prince and the others missed Jaafar and Jermajesty so much. They're very close. They talk to each other on Skype. It's 'When are you coming back? We miss you!' They love each other.''
Are Michael's kids coping emotionally or is there still a lot of grief?
''Not so much. They have their memories and his music, his legacy. They see him in all of us. I say things their dad used to say. Like I call them 'Applehead'. That's a family saying.''
Czy dzieci Michaela wciąż są w żałobie?
Nie bardzo. Mają swoje wspomnienia i mają Jego muzykę, Jego dziedzictwo. Widzą Go w każdym z nas. Mówię do nich tak, jak mówił do nich tata. Na przykład nazywam ich 'Applehead'. To rodzinne
Would Michael be upset if he knew the children no longer wear veils?
''A lot of things he wouldn't like. He didn't want them to be all over the media, he wanted them to have a normal life, and it was hard with him so famous. But they have to fit into society at some point, to become citizens. Thy go to the movies with my kids. They love animation projects; the Shreks, Pixar films, Happy Feet and Iron Man. I think they're interested in working behind the camera.''
Czy Michael byłby zły, gdyby widział, że dzieci nie noszą już masek?
Nie podobałoby mu się wiele rzeczy. Nie chciał, żeby pokazywano je w mediach, chciał dla nich normalnego życia, co biorąc pod uwagę Jego sławę, nie było łatwe. Muszą jednak dostosować się do społeczeństwa. Chodzą do kina z moimi dziećmi. Uwielbiają kreskówki - Shrek, produkcje Pixar, Happy Feet, Iron Man. Chyba interesuje ich praca po drugiej stronie kamery
Is it true they will soon stop home schooling?
''I think they might be...They're going to go to a private school so they can interact with other kids and know what it's like to have a friend. Absolutely. It's the best for them.''
Koniec z nauką w domu?
Chyba tak... Będą chodziły do szkoły prywatnej, gdzie poznają inne dzieci, znajdą przyjaciół. Tak będzie dla nich najlepiej
How is Katherine holding up after the loss of her son?
''Its tough for her. You're supposed to go before your child.''
Jak Katherine trzyma się po stracie dziecka?
Jest jej ciężko. Nie powinno się chować swojego dziecka.
Do Janet and LaToya play important roles in Michael's children's lives?
''They come over and take them out for ice cream. We just had a big family dinner for the Lakers game. My mother is a big Lakers fan and had all the kids over. You only get one chance to be a kid and have a childhood and they're being kids. They're making all the noise they want and getting the proper discipline.''
Jermaine Jackson wydaje ksiażkę o swoim bracie
Jermaine wydaje książkę o... Michaelu
YOU ARE NOT ALONE: Michael, Through a Brother’s Eyes by Jermaine Jackson
Okładka amerykańskiego wydania będzie wyglądała tak:
YOU ARE NOT ALONE: Michael, Through a Brother’s Eyes by Jermaine Jackson
HarperCollins has acquired YOU ARE NOT ALONE: Michael, Through a Brother’s Eyes by Jermaine Jackson – the most authoritative account from inside the music dynasty, illuminating the private man, the son, the brother, the father...the unknown Michael.
In this story of brotherhood, Jermaine writes a faithful and loving portrait, taking fans closer to the complex heart, mind and soul of the King of Pop. It is a frank but sophisticated examination of the human not the legend, with revealing insights and no subject off limits. It is written as a full and final understanding of Michael.
Jermaine was Michael’s true confidante who spoke up for him in life, and now speaks up for his memory in death. You Are Not Alone is an invitation into a rarefied world detailing Michael’s life from childhood to stardom; from his homes in Gary, Indiana, to Neverland, California; from the stage to the courts; from Jackson 5 and Motown to a global solo career and Sony. It examines his true relationships with Joseph and Katharine, and the different characters who surrounded him. We witness his private anguish during the infamous 2005 child molestation trial when Jermaine shadowed his brother through his darkest hour, forever declaring his ‘1000% innocence’. And we re-live the final weeks of his life, the politics, the AEG rehearsals, the police investigation and the trial of Dr Conrad Murray. From start to finish, this book is an expert witness to history from the inside.
The end result is Michael as never seen before: raw, stripped bare, human and desperate to be understood. It will, without doubt, alter the way the world views him, humanising someone whose own fame was dehumanising.
Natalie Jerome said, ‘There are very few figures in the world like Michael Jackson and there remains an enormous amount of love and a desire to understand what his life was like. Like everyone I had a perception of who Michael was, but what I've read from Jermaine so far has altered everything I had believed, and I think fans the world over are going to be surprised and moved by this book. Jermaine addresses the tough questions and reminds us that this is the story of a family. This is a once in a lifetime publication and the team at HarperCollins are delighted to be Jermaine’s publisher.’
Jermaine Jackson said, ‘We don’t want Michael’s life – or death – to be an eternal mystery. This is the truth as we know it. I have read so much about what people think they know about Michael, but this is about what really happened. I hope to make sense of the occasions when the outside world struggled to understand my brother’s world.
By sitting down and sharing memories, I hope his millions of fans will see him anew, and that those who have not been so kind will find room for more compassion. Everyone has said it all about Michael and us. They cannot say anything more. Now it is our turn.
The forthcoming trial of Dr Murray surrounds Michael’s death, but none of us wish for those proceedings to stand as the final word on how he is remembered.
We cannot bring our brother back but we can ensure his legacy is never forgotten in a book that commemorates his life – and says the things he never got the chance to say.’
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