Moderatorzy: DaX, Sephiroth820, MJowitek, majkelzawszespoko, Mafia
To samo pomyślałam...pustka i cisza...a przypomniały mi się sceny z PHM...ten krzyk i wszechobecna zabawa...miejsce pełne życia...Marie pisze:Pięknie... cicho... ale tak pusto.
"I close my eyes...just to try and see You smile one more time...but it's been so long now all I do is cry...can't we find some love to take this away...'cause the pain gets stronger every day...";(
Wg mnie czas w Neverland zatrzymał się, kiedy MJ się stamtąd wyprowadził... teraz to zupełnie inny wymiar tej "pustki".Ai pisze:pusto ale świat gna dalej... w Neverlendzie czas zatrzymał się tydzień temu... jak w prawdziwej Nibylandii z Piotrusia Pana, krainie zawieszonej ponad czasem
Mimo tego wszystkiego, co się później wydarzyło, to miejsce jest wspaniałe... i wciąż mam nadzieję, że będzie mi dane je kiedyś odwiedzić... mam nadzieję, że rodzina się go nie pozbędzie...
Coś mi się w poprzednim poście źle podstawiło.
W rzeczywistości chodziło mi o te video: ... .ranch.cnn
W rzeczywistości chodziło mi o te video: ... .ranch.cnn
Jermaine Jackson discuss Neverland and what it meant to Michael:
B. Olewicz (...) co tak cenne jest, że ta nienazwana myśl rysą jest na szkle? (...)
E. Bodo To nie ty...
E. Bodo To nie ty...
- Secret Man
- Posty: 259
- Rejestracja: śr, 28 lut 2007, 1:26
Jermain Jackson in Larry King live from Neverland
Ostatnio zmieniony czw, 06 wrz 2012, 17:24 przez Secret Man, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.
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Death of A Legend
Aired July 2, 2009 - 21:00
LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, a prime time exclusive -- go inside the gates of Neverland. See where Michael Jackson lived and danced, raised his children. His brother Jermaine and long time friends tell us about Michael before the money problems, the marriages and scandals.
And now, ex-wife Debbie Rowe may fight for the kids Michael wanted his mom to raise.
Will she win?
Plus, one of Michael's final rehearsals caught on tape -- you're looking at Michael two days before he died. Just released footage reveals an active, energetic superstar in the very arena that will host his memorial service.
All next on a very special edition of LARRY KING LIVE on location from Neverland.
Good evening on a spectacularly beautiful night in Northern Central California.
We're at the Neverland Valley Ranch, formerly known, by the way, as the Sycamore Valley Ranch. It covers 2,800 acres. It's located in Santa Barbara County. It's about 150 miles northwest of Los Angeles.
Michael purchased this property from William Bone in 1988, renamed it -- renamed it Neverland after the fantasy isle, of course, in "Peter Pan."
We're going to see lots of it tonight, as this is a prime time exclusive for LARRY KING LIVE.
As well as it us with Jermaine Jackson, one of Michael's older brothers, a former member over The Jackson 5. Indeed, Jermaine sang the co-lead with Michael for a number of years.
Before we talk about this incredible place, first, thank you for coming.
KING: Thank you for flying up with me. You were a nice companion.
JACKSON: Thank you.
KING: We've seen this all day and all yesterday, but Jermaine has not. So we want you to look at this tape of your late brother in his last rehearsal 48 hours before he died.
KING: All right. How does that make you feel?
JACKSON: Wow! He looks great -- strong very, very strong.
KING: When you saw reports of him looking bad, he looks -- he don't look bad to me.
JACKSON: No. He looks incredible. I mean he was going to put it on them -- a very strong man.
KING: So how does it hit you now, Jermaine?
JACKSON: It hits me very, very deep. I'm very deep in shock. I'm very hurting. I'm paining. The world is paining. My family is paining, because he's gone too soon, too soon.
KING: What's it like to be here?
JACKSON: It's wonderful to be here because...
KING: Explain.
JACKSON: This is his creation. This is his -- like I say, this is the ultimate serenity at its highest level. This is his wonder and his joy, his happiness, his peace. And I feel him everywhere. I feel him all around here. It's like he's never left.
KING: The thing that hit me the most -- and I guess others may have told you this -- is that I expected to see some kind of, for want to be a better term, honky-tonkish atmosphere and this is the opposite.
JACKSON: And tell me, what do you think, since you first came in?
KING: This is beauty, serenity, calmness. I don't feel like wearing a tie. This is just relaxing. We're looking at the water. We're going to take a walk later over to the tree where -- I -- I can't -- I'm totally taken aback by it, in a -- in a plus way.
JACKSON: OK. Now tell me this, with all the negative things that they tried to say -- that they said about this place -- do you feel that it's -- it was representative of what you said?
KING: If there was negativity, I don't see it here now.
JACKSON: Thank you.
KING: This is -- no, this is really a beautiful, beautiful place.
Let's talk about -- how did you -- how did you find out your brother died?
JACKSON: I was on the other side of town in Azusa. And I got a call from you guys on my wife's phone.
JACKSON: Yes. And they said, did you know that your brother was rushed to the hospital?
And I said, what?
So I called my mother immediately. And I got her on the phone and she said she was on her way. And so a little time went by and I spoke to Janet and I spoke to a few of the siblings. And then I -- about 45 minutes later. And then I called my mother back. And I hear this sound in her voice that's saying that he's dead. And just the feeling of emptiness came before my body, because to hear my mother say her child is dead and my brother is dead is -- I never ever thought that I would ever hear this from her lips.
KING: Did you go right over to the hospital?
JACKSON: Immediately, Larry. I had to go a different route. And once I got closer to where he was, I could see the helicopters in the sky. And that really brought just a chill over my whole body.
Once I entered into UCLA, I went straight for my mother to see how she was. And she was sitting there. And I guess she was there, but she wasn't there. And I consoled her and hugged her. And I -- and I went to see my baby, Michael. I went to look for him. And I...
KING: Where did you see him?
JACKSON: I saw him laying in the room. And he was lifeless, breathless. And he just -- as if it was a shell and his -- he was just there.
KING: What do -- what -- what do you do at a moment like that?
What do -- do you say something?
What do you do?
JACKSON: I said, Michael, why did you go?
Why did you leave?
Why did you leave me?
I -- what was going through my mind, Larry, I wish it was me there instead of him.
KING: Really?
JACKSON: Yes. Because I loved Michael so much. It's a different love. All my family and siblings, the world loves him. But I just felt a special connection with him because just going back over memories how my father used to keep us in the same rooms, because we were on tour, so we were the lead singers and just memories all came back to me -- everything. Everything.
KING: Do you keep -- are you wondering why it happened, how it happened?
JACKSON: I was most concerned about that. But I was also concerned about the fact that he wasn't here anymore.
What was I going to do, because I felt like a -- a major part of me just disappeared.
KING: So you say coming back here is OK for you -- not hard for you?
JACKSON: Not at all, Larry, because this is his creation. This is his joy. This is his fantasy land, whatever he called it. But it's Neverland. This is the ultimate happiness. So...
KING: How -- how are your children taking it?
They were very close to him.
JACKSON: Yes. Well, they -- it's unreal. The children, they loved Uncle Michael and they -- all -- all the siblings just felt that, you know, because he played with them. He would come over and play hide and seek in the house and we would -- because we grew up doing this -- doing these things.
KING: And he was always a man child, wasn't he, I understand?
JACKSON: Yes. I am the same way. And there were -- there were things about that...
KING: How are his kids?
JACKSON: His kids are strong. They -- they have a lot of love and care. And they're playing with my kids. And they're just being strong. But they're -- they're -- it's what it is, Larry.
KING: More from beautiful Neverland -- Never, Neverland with this -- I call it Never, Neverland because when you come here, you call it Never, Never, Neverland.
JACKSON: You never want to leave.
KING: You're not kidding.
We'll be right back.
KING: Have to talk over them?
We're at the Neverland Ranch, north of Santa Barbara, the home of -- hard to say, the late Michael Jackson.
This is an exclusive prime time special for LARRY KING LIVE on CNN.
And we're spending time with Jermaine Jackson.
We'll check in with Ted Rowlands in a moment.
One thing about Katherine, your mother.
Do you think it's proper that she be responsible for the kids?
JACKSON: Yes. I think it's very proper, because the way my mother raised us, the way we know how she's very -- just the love, the joy and making sure that they'll be OK. I thought it was the right choice, clearly.
KING: Age any hindrance -- her age?
JACKSON: No. No, because she has a staff and she's always with all of our kids. There's 23 grandchildren (INAUDIBLE)...
KING: What do you make of the ex-wife possibly seeking custody?
JACKSON: We'll see. Larry, the will is what it is. And the will was really written well. And it was executed by the executors. And they did a great job. It's what it is.
KING: So you don't think she has a shot?
JACKSON: Well, no, no because this is what Michael wanted. If we're looking at Michael and this is all about Michael, this is what he wanted.
KING: Michael had a great friend in Miko Brando. Michael was best man at Miko's wedding, which took place right here.
And Ted Rowlands is with Miko somewhere on the grounds -- Ted.
TED ROWLANDS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Larry, we're at the train station, one of the most memorable images of Neverland Ranch. If you've seen video out of here, you see it's the -- it's sort of like the Disneyland train station in that they have the flowers and the clock. It is really a gorgeous part of the Neverland Ranch compound.
And, Miko, you've spent a lot of time up here. This place is so big that, obviously, this isn't just for decoration. This train station was a real train station with a real train. MIKE BRANDO, MICHAEL JACKSON'S FRIEND: A real train, steam -- steam engine train -- a large one. He had used it for years to get from -- from the residence up to the theater and the zoo.
ROWLANDS: Which is about a quarter of a mile away.
Above this fireplace, Miko -- Miko, was a tribute to Katherine.
BRANDO: There was a plaque there that he had made for his mother because he named the train after his mother, the Katherine.
ROWLANDS: So the train was actually called Katherine?
ROWLANDS: The -- a lot of people would come up here just to hang out, you were telling me earlier, because, of course, there were -- as there around the entire compound...
BRANDO: Before you'd reach the train, you'd stop here and have your cappuccino, if you want; ice cream; candy; candy apples -- all the candy you could think of -- before you'd ride a train over to the theater.
ROWLANDS: And here, people would hang out and sit here and watch these monitors. Larry, they would have -- basically Michael would put on videos on each of the monitors.
BRANDO: Right.
ROWLANDS: You could say video.
BRANDO: He'd put videos and part twos. Whoever wanted could sit here and watch them on all these screens. You'd sit here and eat your candy, eat your -- well, all those sweets you'd want. And the kids would just hang out here and watch the videos all night long.
ROWLANDS: And this is just a minuscule part, obviously of the compound here -- one small portion of it where people would come and hang out. The outside, here's where the train would come through, Miko. And the marks, you say, sort of show how much it was used, huh?
BRANDO: Correct. That shows you how much steam went through underneath there. And every time you'd, you know, blow the whistle, that would, you know, that would have the effect on the -- on the brick like that.
ROWLANDS: And you say Michael used to do this (INAUDIBLE)...
BRANDO: He'd blow the whistle, you know, right there and make it loud. You could hear it over the whole valley. You could hear it over the whole property. Once that whistle went, you knew the train was here.
ROWLANDS: For you, coming back here, what are you feeling?
BRANDO: Numb. Numb. I wish he was here and I wish that he -- you know, just -- yes, numb.
ROWLANDS: All right.
All right, Larry. This is the train station. We'll be here for the hour showing you much more of Neverland Ranch. Larry?
KING: Thank you.
Thank you, Miko.
Thank you, Ted.
Did you ride that train a lot?
JACKSON: Many times. Many times. It was -- it left from the train station to go to the -- to the theater, down to the theme park.
KING: Was this things that Michael probably dreamed about as a child?
JACKSON: This is what he was about -- just the joy. He started out as a young kid on stage and never having a childhood. And this is -- this was the -- the ultimate playground.
KING: This was the childhood relived?
JACKSON: Yes, exactly. We would come here and relive our dreams. And our kids would come on parties and birthdays and just -- you never wanted to leave.
KING: And some beautiful statuary. And, remember, they're only using 37 acres out of almost 3,000.
When we come back, you're going to see part of those 3,000 acres.
Wait until you see what's coming.
Don't go away.
KING: A little while ago, Jermaine and I took a little ride up to the gazebo. You couldn't have walked it, because this is a big place.
KING: Hi, Jermaine.
We needed to say this is unbelievable.
Where are we?
JACKSON: We're at the -- we're looking over Neverland. This is what he considered as the ultimate joy, the ultimate happiness, the ultimate wonderment, the ultimate peace. This is Neverland. This has (INAUDIBLE)...
KING: And this is one small part of this whole picture, right?
JACKSON: Yes, this is one small part. There's so much more. There are other valleys beyond these hills that are just -- are just flat surfaces. There's Mount Katherine around here that he named...
KING: That's named for your mother?
JACKSON: ...after my mother.
KING: Is that it up there?
JACKSON: Yes, it's -- it's the part that's shaved off there, Mount Katherine. And there is -- it -- it's just a place where we would come with all the children and there would be birthdays and fun. And then the times that we wanted to get out here, it was booked for just bus loads of just kids who were dying of this and that and the less fortunate, in wheelchairs.
And the theme park was this way -- beyond that way. And its wheelchair ramps and just gives kids that happiness. That's what it was.
KING: A lot of underprivileged and poor kids, right?
JACKSON: Underprivileged, poor. And they would have a wonderful time.
KING: Now, what's that way?
JACKSON: That way is just where we used to take the quads (ph) and go around and act crazy and ride -- and ride horses and stuff. And there's just so much land to still develop. But here is where he considered his happiness. And this is what he felt that was -- his joy.
KING: Did he see this first?
How did he pick this place?
JACKSON: Well, I understand when they did the video, "Say, Say, Say," my sister La Toya was here and Paul McCartney and Michael. And he really liked it.
But see, to -- to back up before that, I had a ranch in Hidden Valley. And Michael would come over. And he loved what I had out there, because I had swans and everything.
And he said, Jermaine, I'm going to buy a beautiful ranch one day, because he loved the ranch. And this is -- I think that's what inspired him to do this. KING: Did he spend a lot of time here in the heyday?
JACKSON: A lot of time. A lot of time.
KING: I don't think the general public would have any concept -- it's my own feeling -- of what Neverland is. I think their thought would be that it's rides and games and toys.
And there was all that, right?
But this is so much more.
JACKSON: Yes, see, with our family, Larry, we traveled so much. And I can see bits and pieces of different parts of the world here. And that's what's great about this place.
KING: You see Europe here?
JACKSON: Oh, yes. You see Portofino. You see all types of things. And that's what Michael enjoys. And he brought bits and pieces of those different places that he enjoyed into his haven.
KING: All right. Therefore, what is it like for you to stand here now at this place that he loved so much and know he's gone?
JACKSON: Larry, it's so hard. But at the same time, I feel him. I feel his...
KING: You do?
JACKSON: Yes, I feel his presence, because this is his -- this is his creation. This is his ideas. And to come here and to feel him here, I'm happy. And I really felt and still feel that this is where he should be rested, because it's just him. It's so beautiful. Listen. It's serene. It's wonderful.
KING: What do you need, a state thing to change that?
Would they have to...
JACKSON: Larry, anything can be done today. We know this.
KING: The law says you have to be buried in a cemetery, right?
I think that's the law.
JACKSON: Yes, but the people who make the laws, they also...
KING: They can change them.
JACKSON: They can change them.
KING: Well, this is obvious.
KING: It would be a magnificent burial places in the world.
JACKSON: It's gorgeous. Well, tell me, did -- what impression you had when you first came?
KING: I couldn't believe it. I could...
KING: I don't know what I was expecting...
JACKSON: It's the same impression I had the first time I came. It's the kind of place when it's time to go, you don't want to leave. You want to hide. You want to chain yourself to a tree or something. You don't want to leave, because there's so much joy, so much happiness.
And, Larry, at the same time, to think about that certain people tried to turn this into a negative place -- for him to bring kids here and this and that, for the wrong reason. And that disturbs us the most.
KING: But that hurt him, didn't it?
JACKSON: Oh, it hurt him tremendously. Not only him, our whole entire family, because our kids come out here and they -- there's candy, there is -- there's -- right in that space right there where you see the little kids sitting...
KING: In that circle, yes.
JACKSON: ...sitting on the moon there, that's the grand station for the steam train to go from there to the theater down that way. And he -- he had -- he got the only steam operator in the nation to come here and work this steam train.
KING: This is -- thank you for showing us this.
JACKSON: Thank you.
KING: Because I have never -- I never expected it nor have I ever seen anything quite like it.
JACKSON: Thank you so much, Larry.
KING: Thanks, Jermaine.
JACKSON: It means a lot to all of us, especially me.
KING: Thank you.
JACKSON: Thank you, Larry.
(COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: Well, we have moved from our position back over there to one over here -- a kind of dramatic, beautiful place, but also with a story to tell.
Jermaine, where are we?
JACKSON: Well, we're right as you come in. And this is a very special tree here, because this tree was the tree that he would climb in and think and write songs like...
KING: Write songs?
JACKSON: Yes. "We Are the World," "Dangerous." Just, this was his -- his childhood theme.
KING: So let's walk over here.
JACKSON: He'd climb trees. Yes.
KING: Explain to me what he would do.
He would climb -- he would start from where?
JACKSON: He'd start from here. Right from here, he would climb up here.
KING: Climb up here?
JACKSON: Climb up here.
KING: Go. Don't kill yourself.
JACKSON: Go here. We've got the handles here...
KING: With the handles on the tree.
JACKSON: Yes. And he would go all the way up and find a place to sit, which was right around -- oh, in here. Up there.
KING: Up there?
JACKSON: Right up there. And he would sit there...
KING: Up there?
JACKSON: Yes, up there. And he would sit there and write songs. It's peaceful, Larry.
Do you -- do you hear this?
Let's listen.
KING: Shhhh. OK.
JACKSON: It's wonderful.
KING: It's peaceful but...
KING: ...scary.
JACKSON: No, because it's that -- it's that childhood thing. You're never afraid, when you're a child, to -- to do things.
KING: So he'd write...
JACKSON: And that was always in him.
KING: ...the words there, right?
KING: He'd have to write words and then write musical notes?
JACKSON: Exactly. Just -- just lyrics and melodies and ideas and stuff.
KING: All right. Let's take "We Are the World."
Would he come down then and sing it to you?
JACKSON: Well, he would come down and take the ideas and go to the studio, implement that and put it on the -- put it into motion.
KING: Did you -- did he ever tell you how he got the idea to write in a tree?
JACKSON: Larry, you can write anywhere. You can write while you're driving. You can write...
KING: I know, but why in a tree?
I know that.
JACKSON: Because, Larry, because you're up high. It's God's creation. It's a tree. It's peaceful. It's green.
KING: It's a tree.
JACKSON: It's -- it's by the fountain. And it's -- it's very peaceful.
KING: It's also one darned beautiful tree.
JACKSON: Yes. It looks like it's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years old, an oak tree.
KING: It must be oak.
JACKSON: It's strong.
KING: Yes, beautiful. JACKSON: It's strong.
KING: Hey, this is some place, you know?
I've got to tell you.
Thank you.
KING: I could -- I could live here.
JACKSON: I would love to live here, too.
KING: We'll be right back.
We're going for more.
Don't go away.
KING: I keep thinking, Jermaine, about double emotions. I mean there's a lot of plus emotions. There's got to be a lot of sad emotions.
JACKSON: It's --
KING: Look at all you shared here.
JACKSON: Yes, but it's -- it's a joy here. And I really feel my mother should come back here and the rest of my brothers and sisters and just feel his presence -- feel what he's created, because it will never leave. It will never die. This is -- he's here.
KING: They have not been here since?
JACKSON: No. Jackie has been here. Tito has been here.
KING: Katherine hasn't? Your dad hasn't?
JACKSON: They're coming, I'm pretty sure.
KING: What can you tell us about the plans for Tuesday?
JACKSON: Well, the plans for Tuesday is fine. We were just delegating certain things to certain family members. But we've always been focused and --
KING: Is it 10:00 a.m. Tuesday morning?
JACKSON: It's 10:00 a.m. Tuesday morning.
KING: Staples Center downtown.
JACKSON: Staples center, downtown. Larry, the hardest thing is where do you rest Michael Jackson? Where do you -- it's like everything he did was so over the top, and there are people coming from all over the world in groups of 20s and hundreds of thousands.
KING: How you going to hold -- Staples holds 18,000. Did you ask about Dodger Stadium?
JACKSON: We worked with the city authorities and they're trying their best. And with the time frame we have, we're hoping that everybody is safe and things are going to be locked down pretty much.
KING: And burial now, the California law says you have to bury them in a cemetery, right?
JACKSON: That's pretty much yes. But, as you know, the ones who make the laws can also change them too. I would love to see him here.
KING: Do you have a place for him here?
JACKSON: Yes, there's a special place right over near the train station, right over there.
KING: That we saw before?
JACKSON: Yes. It's hard, Larry, to point where your brother is going to be -- it's tough.
KING: What kind of service will it be?
JACKSON: Larry, we -- we want the world to take part in this event. But, at the same time, we're mourning. We're mourning because this is the most incredible human being there will ever be. And I'll tell you why, because -- I'll quote something to you.
"I'm starting with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been clearer. If you want to make the world a better place, you have to look at yourself to make a change."
I'll say it again, "if you want to make the world a better place, you have to look at yourself and make a change."
When you listen to the content of songs, the melodies, the messages, the videos, the concerts, that's who he was. That's who he is.
KING: How early did you sense that in him?
JACKSON: We were all raised like this, Larry.
KING: Did you know it when he was 12, 13, that he was special?
JACKSON: Yes, because Michael was so young, and he was doing the James Brown -- he could see something and do it. If he wanted to be a tennis player, he would have been a tennis player. If he wanted to be a runner, he would have been. He does everything at the highest level.
He's gifted. And he was a gift from Allah. And I really feel, Larry, his time on this Earth that he was here -- certain people tried to create animosity about him and things that just wasn't important. Look at the man who he is.
KING: Will it be -- well said. Will it be a religious ceremony?
JACKSON: Listen, we were all raised -- we were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses, to tell you the truth.
KING: Uh-huh.
JACKSON: As we started traveling, we started embracing different religions. But the most important thing my mother and father instilled the right morals and principles in us, which is Allah, which is god, Jehovah.
KING: And all-faith, kind of?
JACKSON: I gravitated towards Islam, because I felt it was complete for me.
KING: You don't know what the ceremony will entail?
JACKSON: No, it's going to be -- we want a lot of the industry to be there, as much as possible. But Larry, there's no place even big enough. We talked about the Washington Monument. We talked about the Coliseum. We talked about a lot of places.
Larry, the people, thousands are coming just from the UK. They have 20,000 people --
KING: I've been to Staples. I don't know how they're going to hold it.
JACKSON: I said the same thing. But we have to --
KING: Let me get a break in. Obviously. We'll be right back. Don't go away.
KING: We at Neverland Ranch. You're looking at the shot, looking right towards the main house. Beautiful place, by the way. Magnificent kitchen here. By the way, Jermaine just told me there will be a private ceremony Tuesday morning, family only.
JACKSON: And some special guests.
KING: And then the 10:00 will be the large memorial service. And there will be many others, right?
JACKSON: Many other -- singers and --
KING: In other parts of the country? JACKSON: Yes, exactly.
KING: So Tuesday is just the start of what will be a series of memorials. Back with more of Jermaine. Now out to Ted Rowlands and Miko Brando. Ted?.
ROWLANDS: Larry, we're in the main house, just inside the main foyer. This is a good indication of what the entire house of 13,000 plus square foot plus house is like, a lot of wood. It just absolutely gorgeous, as you can see.
And Miko, our tour guide here, one of the things you see around here is the Sycamore logo. Michael Jackson bought this pretty much in tact in terms of the main house.
BRANDO: Correct. Yes, this was the logo of the previous owner. It was called the Sycamore Valley Ranch. So all over the property you see these little sycamore trees.
ROWLANDS You say Michael first stayed here when he was working on a video with Paul McCartney. He just came here and was basically put here. And you say he couldn't get it out of his mind.
BRANDO: He stayed here while he was doing the "Say, Say, Say" video. He enjoyed it. He liked it. He wanted to buy the property. He went on tour. And during our tour in '88, the Bad Tour, he had bought the property. He said Miko, I got the ranch.
KING: The ranch. This room is what?
JACKSON: This is the living room. A piano used to be here, with a bunch of photos on the piano. A castle he had built sitting over here, living room chairs, furniture, sofa, the TV on the wall. He had a beautiful marble front here, in front of the fireplace. He had an Oscar standing on the right side of the fireplace.
ROWLANDS: The Oscar from --
BRANDO: From "Gone With the Wind."
ROWLANDS: That he apparently paid one point some million dollars for.
BRANDO: Yes, sir.
ROWLANDS: Prominently displayed when you pay that kind of money. Here we're going into the kitchen, Larry. Miko, you say this was a spot, like any family -- this was the spot where you hung out.
BRANDO: Yes, this was the focal point of the house, I think. We would all meet here. My father would eat here. Michael would eat here. Everyone would meet here. We would watch TV with the fireplace here. Sit here on the bar stool here with a kitchen full of food, video games here on the table. Flat screen TV here on the wall. We had nice furniture. Everything was really warm.
ROWLANDS: So your father, you and Michael used to sit at the table over there for hours.
BRANDO: There was a round table with I think six of eight chairs. We would always have our meals here, most of our meals here, breakfast, lunch and dinner. If we changed it, we would eat somewhere around the property. This was basically where we would all meet and talk about our day here at Neverland.
ROWLANDS: Larry, we'll be back in a bit. Later, looking at Michael Jackson's room and more parts of this fabulous estate.
KING: Thanks, Ted. Before we go to break, what do you make of Diana Sans being named?
JACKSON: Diana Ross?
KING: Diana Ross. I'm sorry, Diana Sans --
JACKSON: I think it's very interesting. There's been a long, close relationship with Michael and Diana for many, many years. And I think it's great.
KING: So she would be a proper person to handle in case something happened to your mother?
JACKSON: I feel it's OK, really. Right now my mother has the children.
KING: Right back with more with Jermaine Jackson and Neverland. Don't go away.
KING: In case you just joined us or been on another planet, we're going to show you again a portion of that incredible last rehearsal of Michael Jackson. Watch.
KING: A couple more things, Jermaine, on the will. Are you surprised that none of the siblings and your father isn't mentioned?
JACKSON: No, I'm not surprised. What makes me angry, Larry, is the will is exactly Michael's wishes. And they should be carried out exactly the way Michael wanted them. Anybody that tried to contest this will is not following Michael's wishes.
KING: It doesn't bother you that your father wasn't mentioned?
JACKSON: It doesn't bother me, because if my mother's mentioned, my father's fine. I mean, if my mother's fine, we're all fine. But most important, it's not about money, Larry. It's not about property. We're a family. We're a family. We don't let that get in the way. That's not important to us. That's not important.
KING: Did you hear any of the results from any other autopsies? Do you know anything more?
JACKSON: No. When it comes to these things that they're saying -- excuse me, but I'm very uneducated when it comes to drugs and I want to be that way.
KING: But there was a second autopsy. Do you know anything?
JACKSON: No, I don't. But I'm pretty sure there's going to be all kinds of speculations and things being said. But the most important thing is we have to look at who Michael really is.
KING: You've been saying that.
JACKSON: That's so important, because he gave his all to try to change this world and make this world a better place. All this other stuff, it's not important, Larry.
KING: You're doing your best to change that. I have to ask the questions, Jermaine. You've done a fine job here. Thank you. Thanks for being with us. We've got to know. The public is very interested in your brother.
JACKSON: Thank you. Thank you.
KING: Ted Rowlands stands by with more with Miko. Ted?
ROWLANDS: Larry, we're inside Michael Jackson's bedroom suite with Miko Brando, our tour guide. You're looking at the doors. You can see the locks on the doors. Miko, privacy was key in this room, obviously.
BRANDO: Yes, he liked his privacy. When the doors were open, it was OK. But when he locked it, he wanted his privacy. He had his privacy.
ROWLANDS: This is one of the bathrooms. There are two bathrooms in this suite. This is the area that Michael Jackson also slept sometimes. There's a staircase up there, a small bedroom up there. You say he slept on both levels?
BRANDO: He felt whenever he felt like sleeping. He had a choice of two.
ROWLANDS: Let's swing around here. This is a massive bedroom suite. Let's get to all of it. Out here is the view. It's gorgeous. You were married out there. Obviously, it doesn't get much better than that for a view outside your room.
BRANDO: No. He had a great view. There was a gazebo out there by the tree. We got married there. Everyone was out there. It was beautiful. The flowers, the grass, everything was immaculate.
ROWLANDS: When you look at the house now, Miko, it is unfurnished, obviously. Give us a sense of how different it was fully furnished.
BRANDO: It was the place. I've seen a lot of houses in my life, but this was the house.
ROWLANDS: You could see here is the other bathroom and the big tub. Real quickly, before we go, Larry, there's been talk about this closet. It is massive. In the corner of it is a secret compartment or secret little area. Miko, you said this was a safe room just in case.
BRANDO: This was some place in case something ever happened. It would be where he'd go.
ROWLANDS: Thanks, Miko. Larry, back to you.
KING: Thanks, Ted. We have a moment left with Jermaine. You realize, of course, that the public is interested in all these questions. We have had a beautiful day here at Neverland. But there's great interest -- as you expressed it, he changed the world. There's interest in him, his will, how his family's affected. You do understand that, right?
JACKSON: Here's a man who gave his life to humanity. He actually gave his life.
KING: You don't think there's an interest in him?
JACKSON: Yes, there's a tremendous interest around the world. My brother is the king. He's the king. He broken all kinds records, even to this day. The Billboard charts, this and that. All these things are material. We can't take these things with us. All we take is the good deeds that we've done this time that we were on this Earth. I do feel that he was given to us specially, and they've taken him back. Allah has taken him back.
And those who have tried to ridicule him, to make a mockery of him, they realize.
KING: Asking questions about the will isn't ridicule or mocking. It's just --
JACKSON: What I'm saying is if Michael makes a will, no one should contest it. No one.
KING: I got you. OK.
JACKSON: It's what his wishes where.
KING: We're going to do lots more with you.
JACKSON: Thank you.
KING: Jermaine Jackson.
The son of Deepak Chopra is next.
KING: We continue our prime time exclusive at Neverland Ranch with Gotham Chopra, a close friend of Michael Jackson. He worked with Michael on the multi-platinum albums "Dangerous" and "History." Of course, you know his father, Deepak.
This is, obviously, not your first visit here. How does it feel to be here without him?
GOTHAM CHOPRA, MICHAEL JACKSON'S LONG TIME FRIEND: You know, I was not sure how it was going to feel. It kind of feels nice, actually, certainly not without him. But the last few years, Michael had said this had turned into a house for him. It was no longer a home. I do think there is a tranquillity back to it, now that we're celebrating him again. I think you can feel that here.
KING: It's an extraordinary place, isn't it?
CHOPRA: I was interested to get your reaction. I've been here. But --
KING: I'm flabbergasted, in a very positive, beautiful -- isn't serenity a good word?
CHOPRA: Serenity, tranquility. What's missing is the monkeys running around with the trainers. We haven't had a water balloon fight as yet.
KING: Flamingos.
CHOPRA: Flamingos, yes. There's a lot of fun here. You know, certainly, we've come in some sort of mourning but that's what was here before.
KING: Has the loss sunk in, Gotham?
CHOPRA: I don't think so. It's starting to. I was overseas when it first happened. I was shocked, not entirely surprised, frankly, because of knowing Michael and knowing of the things he had talked about. I think I'm starting to feel a little bit more sadness, actually, as time goes by.
KING: When was the last time you saw him?
CHOPRA: I saw him a few months ago. I spoke to him a few weeks ago.
KING: Did he look well?
CHOPRA: To me -- it's subjective -- yes, he looked -- Michael was always -- he was always delicate and small and thin. But he looked no different than he had for years to me.
KING: Did you meet him through your father?
CHOPRA: Originally, yes. I've known him for about 20 years. KING: How old are you?
CHOPRA: I'm 34.
KING: So you were a kid? Did you stay here as a kid.
CHOPRA: The guest house, which is right over there. That was where I stayed the first time I came here with my father. We ate in the main house over there, which is the first time I met Michael. I grew up with Michael Jackson as an idol. I had the silver glove. I bought a red leather jacket, and cut it up so it looked like it was from "Thriller," much to my parents' horror. When I met him, it was like a dream come true.
KING: This is like -- this had to be an adventure for you. You were 14. What was it like?
CHOPRA: It was like walking into a fairy tale, the music, the elegance, fun, the carnival rides. So that first time it was a quick visit just with my father. I subsequently came here through the years, brought my cousins, brought my friends. And Michael just loved having people. He loved playing. It was great here.
KING: Did you ever buy any of the stories, the molestation stories, all that? How did you feel?
CHOPRA: I felt conflicted, obviously. I can only speak to my experience. Like I said, coming here as a 14-year-old for the first time, spending all this time with Michael, and never feeling uncomfortable in his presence.
KING: First time you met him, what was your impression?
CHOPRA: I was in awe, obviously. I was speechless. He immediately put me at ease. The first Batman movie had just -- or was just coming out. He asked me, do you want to see -- he had a movie theater here. He said do you want to go to a private screening, just you, me and my dad? I said, yes, absolutely. So we went and watched. I saw it like a month before it came out. It's amazing.
He immediately put me at ease. I felt comfortable. He felt, in some ways, while he was probably 30 years old at the time -- he felt like a kid himself.
KING: You don't feel sadness here?
CHOPRA: I do. I think --
KING: You feel both, though?
CHOPRA: Yes. I feel both. I mean, look, I think it's great we're celebrating him and everybody who is here feels him here, which is great. It's great to see his family, Jermaine here.
KING: That was part one. There will be part two of young Mr. Chopra, quite a young man, tomorrow night on another edition of LARRY KING LIVE.
We've been at the Neverland Ranch. We've been here all day. We've had quite a night. We'd love to come back again. From the Neverland Ranch, this has been LARRY KING LIVE. Here's Anderson Cooper and "AC 360." Anderson?
Death of A Legend
Aired July 2, 2009 - 21:00
LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, a prime time exclusive -- go inside the gates of Neverland. See where Michael Jackson lived and danced, raised his children. His brother Jermaine and long time friends tell us about Michael before the money problems, the marriages and scandals.
And now, ex-wife Debbie Rowe may fight for the kids Michael wanted his mom to raise.
Will she win?
Plus, one of Michael's final rehearsals caught on tape -- you're looking at Michael two days before he died. Just released footage reveals an active, energetic superstar in the very arena that will host his memorial service.
All next on a very special edition of LARRY KING LIVE on location from Neverland.
Good evening on a spectacularly beautiful night in Northern Central California.
We're at the Neverland Valley Ranch, formerly known, by the way, as the Sycamore Valley Ranch. It covers 2,800 acres. It's located in Santa Barbara County. It's about 150 miles northwest of Los Angeles.
Michael purchased this property from William Bone in 1988, renamed it -- renamed it Neverland after the fantasy isle, of course, in "Peter Pan."
We're going to see lots of it tonight, as this is a prime time exclusive for LARRY KING LIVE.
As well as it us with Jermaine Jackson, one of Michael's older brothers, a former member over The Jackson 5. Indeed, Jermaine sang the co-lead with Michael for a number of years.
Before we talk about this incredible place, first, thank you for coming.
KING: Thank you for flying up with me. You were a nice companion.
JACKSON: Thank you.
KING: We've seen this all day and all yesterday, but Jermaine has not. So we want you to look at this tape of your late brother in his last rehearsal 48 hours before he died.
KING: All right. How does that make you feel?
JACKSON: Wow! He looks great -- strong very, very strong.
KING: When you saw reports of him looking bad, he looks -- he don't look bad to me.
JACKSON: No. He looks incredible. I mean he was going to put it on them -- a very strong man.
KING: So how does it hit you now, Jermaine?
JACKSON: It hits me very, very deep. I'm very deep in shock. I'm very hurting. I'm paining. The world is paining. My family is paining, because he's gone too soon, too soon.
KING: What's it like to be here?
JACKSON: It's wonderful to be here because...
KING: Explain.
JACKSON: This is his creation. This is his -- like I say, this is the ultimate serenity at its highest level. This is his wonder and his joy, his happiness, his peace. And I feel him everywhere. I feel him all around here. It's like he's never left.
KING: The thing that hit me the most -- and I guess others may have told you this -- is that I expected to see some kind of, for want to be a better term, honky-tonkish atmosphere and this is the opposite.
JACKSON: And tell me, what do you think, since you first came in?
KING: This is beauty, serenity, calmness. I don't feel like wearing a tie. This is just relaxing. We're looking at the water. We're going to take a walk later over to the tree where -- I -- I can't -- I'm totally taken aback by it, in a -- in a plus way.
JACKSON: OK. Now tell me this, with all the negative things that they tried to say -- that they said about this place -- do you feel that it's -- it was representative of what you said?
KING: If there was negativity, I don't see it here now.
JACKSON: Thank you.
KING: This is -- no, this is really a beautiful, beautiful place.
Let's talk about -- how did you -- how did you find out your brother died?
JACKSON: I was on the other side of town in Azusa. And I got a call from you guys on my wife's phone.
JACKSON: Yes. And they said, did you know that your brother was rushed to the hospital?
And I said, what?
So I called my mother immediately. And I got her on the phone and she said she was on her way. And so a little time went by and I spoke to Janet and I spoke to a few of the siblings. And then I -- about 45 minutes later. And then I called my mother back. And I hear this sound in her voice that's saying that he's dead. And just the feeling of emptiness came before my body, because to hear my mother say her child is dead and my brother is dead is -- I never ever thought that I would ever hear this from her lips.
KING: Did you go right over to the hospital?
JACKSON: Immediately, Larry. I had to go a different route. And once I got closer to where he was, I could see the helicopters in the sky. And that really brought just a chill over my whole body.
Once I entered into UCLA, I went straight for my mother to see how she was. And she was sitting there. And I guess she was there, but she wasn't there. And I consoled her and hugged her. And I -- and I went to see my baby, Michael. I went to look for him. And I...
KING: Where did you see him?
JACKSON: I saw him laying in the room. And he was lifeless, breathless. And he just -- as if it was a shell and his -- he was just there.
KING: What do -- what -- what do you do at a moment like that?
What do -- do you say something?
What do you do?
JACKSON: I said, Michael, why did you go?
Why did you leave?
Why did you leave me?
I -- what was going through my mind, Larry, I wish it was me there instead of him.
KING: Really?
JACKSON: Yes. Because I loved Michael so much. It's a different love. All my family and siblings, the world loves him. But I just felt a special connection with him because just going back over memories how my father used to keep us in the same rooms, because we were on tour, so we were the lead singers and just memories all came back to me -- everything. Everything.
KING: Do you keep -- are you wondering why it happened, how it happened?
JACKSON: I was most concerned about that. But I was also concerned about the fact that he wasn't here anymore.
What was I going to do, because I felt like a -- a major part of me just disappeared.
KING: So you say coming back here is OK for you -- not hard for you?
JACKSON: Not at all, Larry, because this is his creation. This is his joy. This is his fantasy land, whatever he called it. But it's Neverland. This is the ultimate happiness. So...
KING: How -- how are your children taking it?
They were very close to him.
JACKSON: Yes. Well, they -- it's unreal. The children, they loved Uncle Michael and they -- all -- all the siblings just felt that, you know, because he played with them. He would come over and play hide and seek in the house and we would -- because we grew up doing this -- doing these things.
KING: And he was always a man child, wasn't he, I understand?
JACKSON: Yes. I am the same way. And there were -- there were things about that...
KING: How are his kids?
JACKSON: His kids are strong. They -- they have a lot of love and care. And they're playing with my kids. And they're just being strong. But they're -- they're -- it's what it is, Larry.
KING: More from beautiful Neverland -- Never, Neverland with this -- I call it Never, Neverland because when you come here, you call it Never, Never, Neverland.
JACKSON: You never want to leave.
KING: You're not kidding.
We'll be right back.
KING: Have to talk over them?
We're at the Neverland Ranch, north of Santa Barbara, the home of -- hard to say, the late Michael Jackson.
This is an exclusive prime time special for LARRY KING LIVE on CNN.
And we're spending time with Jermaine Jackson.
We'll check in with Ted Rowlands in a moment.
One thing about Katherine, your mother.
Do you think it's proper that she be responsible for the kids?
JACKSON: Yes. I think it's very proper, because the way my mother raised us, the way we know how she's very -- just the love, the joy and making sure that they'll be OK. I thought it was the right choice, clearly.
KING: Age any hindrance -- her age?
JACKSON: No. No, because she has a staff and she's always with all of our kids. There's 23 grandchildren (INAUDIBLE)...
KING: What do you make of the ex-wife possibly seeking custody?
JACKSON: We'll see. Larry, the will is what it is. And the will was really written well. And it was executed by the executors. And they did a great job. It's what it is.
KING: So you don't think she has a shot?
JACKSON: Well, no, no because this is what Michael wanted. If we're looking at Michael and this is all about Michael, this is what he wanted.
KING: Michael had a great friend in Miko Brando. Michael was best man at Miko's wedding, which took place right here.
And Ted Rowlands is with Miko somewhere on the grounds -- Ted.
TED ROWLANDS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Larry, we're at the train station, one of the most memorable images of Neverland Ranch. If you've seen video out of here, you see it's the -- it's sort of like the Disneyland train station in that they have the flowers and the clock. It is really a gorgeous part of the Neverland Ranch compound.
And, Miko, you've spent a lot of time up here. This place is so big that, obviously, this isn't just for decoration. This train station was a real train station with a real train. MIKE BRANDO, MICHAEL JACKSON'S FRIEND: A real train, steam -- steam engine train -- a large one. He had used it for years to get from -- from the residence up to the theater and the zoo.
ROWLANDS: Which is about a quarter of a mile away.
Above this fireplace, Miko -- Miko, was a tribute to Katherine.
BRANDO: There was a plaque there that he had made for his mother because he named the train after his mother, the Katherine.
ROWLANDS: So the train was actually called Katherine?
ROWLANDS: The -- a lot of people would come up here just to hang out, you were telling me earlier, because, of course, there were -- as there around the entire compound...
BRANDO: Before you'd reach the train, you'd stop here and have your cappuccino, if you want; ice cream; candy; candy apples -- all the candy you could think of -- before you'd ride a train over to the theater.
ROWLANDS: And here, people would hang out and sit here and watch these monitors. Larry, they would have -- basically Michael would put on videos on each of the monitors.
BRANDO: Right.
ROWLANDS: You could say video.
BRANDO: He'd put videos and part twos. Whoever wanted could sit here and watch them on all these screens. You'd sit here and eat your candy, eat your -- well, all those sweets you'd want. And the kids would just hang out here and watch the videos all night long.
ROWLANDS: And this is just a minuscule part, obviously of the compound here -- one small portion of it where people would come and hang out. The outside, here's where the train would come through, Miko. And the marks, you say, sort of show how much it was used, huh?
BRANDO: Correct. That shows you how much steam went through underneath there. And every time you'd, you know, blow the whistle, that would, you know, that would have the effect on the -- on the brick like that.
ROWLANDS: And you say Michael used to do this (INAUDIBLE)...
BRANDO: He'd blow the whistle, you know, right there and make it loud. You could hear it over the whole valley. You could hear it over the whole property. Once that whistle went, you knew the train was here.
ROWLANDS: For you, coming back here, what are you feeling?
BRANDO: Numb. Numb. I wish he was here and I wish that he -- you know, just -- yes, numb.
ROWLANDS: All right.
All right, Larry. This is the train station. We'll be here for the hour showing you much more of Neverland Ranch. Larry?
KING: Thank you.
Thank you, Miko.
Thank you, Ted.
Did you ride that train a lot?
JACKSON: Many times. Many times. It was -- it left from the train station to go to the -- to the theater, down to the theme park.
KING: Was this things that Michael probably dreamed about as a child?
JACKSON: This is what he was about -- just the joy. He started out as a young kid on stage and never having a childhood. And this is -- this was the -- the ultimate playground.
KING: This was the childhood relived?
JACKSON: Yes, exactly. We would come here and relive our dreams. And our kids would come on parties and birthdays and just -- you never wanted to leave.
KING: And some beautiful statuary. And, remember, they're only using 37 acres out of almost 3,000.
When we come back, you're going to see part of those 3,000 acres.
Wait until you see what's coming.
Don't go away.
KING: A little while ago, Jermaine and I took a little ride up to the gazebo. You couldn't have walked it, because this is a big place.
KING: Hi, Jermaine.
We needed to say this is unbelievable.
Where are we?
JACKSON: We're at the -- we're looking over Neverland. This is what he considered as the ultimate joy, the ultimate happiness, the ultimate wonderment, the ultimate peace. This is Neverland. This has (INAUDIBLE)...
KING: And this is one small part of this whole picture, right?
JACKSON: Yes, this is one small part. There's so much more. There are other valleys beyond these hills that are just -- are just flat surfaces. There's Mount Katherine around here that he named...
KING: That's named for your mother?
JACKSON: ...after my mother.
KING: Is that it up there?
JACKSON: Yes, it's -- it's the part that's shaved off there, Mount Katherine. And there is -- it -- it's just a place where we would come with all the children and there would be birthdays and fun. And then the times that we wanted to get out here, it was booked for just bus loads of just kids who were dying of this and that and the less fortunate, in wheelchairs.
And the theme park was this way -- beyond that way. And its wheelchair ramps and just gives kids that happiness. That's what it was.
KING: A lot of underprivileged and poor kids, right?
JACKSON: Underprivileged, poor. And they would have a wonderful time.
KING: Now, what's that way?
JACKSON: That way is just where we used to take the quads (ph) and go around and act crazy and ride -- and ride horses and stuff. And there's just so much land to still develop. But here is where he considered his happiness. And this is what he felt that was -- his joy.
KING: Did he see this first?
How did he pick this place?
JACKSON: Well, I understand when they did the video, "Say, Say, Say," my sister La Toya was here and Paul McCartney and Michael. And he really liked it.
But see, to -- to back up before that, I had a ranch in Hidden Valley. And Michael would come over. And he loved what I had out there, because I had swans and everything.
And he said, Jermaine, I'm going to buy a beautiful ranch one day, because he loved the ranch. And this is -- I think that's what inspired him to do this. KING: Did he spend a lot of time here in the heyday?
JACKSON: A lot of time. A lot of time.
KING: I don't think the general public would have any concept -- it's my own feeling -- of what Neverland is. I think their thought would be that it's rides and games and toys.
And there was all that, right?
But this is so much more.
JACKSON: Yes, see, with our family, Larry, we traveled so much. And I can see bits and pieces of different parts of the world here. And that's what's great about this place.
KING: You see Europe here?
JACKSON: Oh, yes. You see Portofino. You see all types of things. And that's what Michael enjoys. And he brought bits and pieces of those different places that he enjoyed into his haven.
KING: All right. Therefore, what is it like for you to stand here now at this place that he loved so much and know he's gone?
JACKSON: Larry, it's so hard. But at the same time, I feel him. I feel his...
KING: You do?
JACKSON: Yes, I feel his presence, because this is his -- this is his creation. This is his ideas. And to come here and to feel him here, I'm happy. And I really felt and still feel that this is where he should be rested, because it's just him. It's so beautiful. Listen. It's serene. It's wonderful.
KING: What do you need, a state thing to change that?
Would they have to...
JACKSON: Larry, anything can be done today. We know this.
KING: The law says you have to be buried in a cemetery, right?
I think that's the law.
JACKSON: Yes, but the people who make the laws, they also...
KING: They can change them.
JACKSON: They can change them.
KING: Well, this is obvious.
KING: It would be a magnificent burial places in the world.
JACKSON: It's gorgeous. Well, tell me, did -- what impression you had when you first came?
KING: I couldn't believe it. I could...
KING: I don't know what I was expecting...
JACKSON: It's the same impression I had the first time I came. It's the kind of place when it's time to go, you don't want to leave. You want to hide. You want to chain yourself to a tree or something. You don't want to leave, because there's so much joy, so much happiness.
And, Larry, at the same time, to think about that certain people tried to turn this into a negative place -- for him to bring kids here and this and that, for the wrong reason. And that disturbs us the most.
KING: But that hurt him, didn't it?
JACKSON: Oh, it hurt him tremendously. Not only him, our whole entire family, because our kids come out here and they -- there's candy, there is -- there's -- right in that space right there where you see the little kids sitting...
KING: In that circle, yes.
JACKSON: ...sitting on the moon there, that's the grand station for the steam train to go from there to the theater down that way. And he -- he had -- he got the only steam operator in the nation to come here and work this steam train.
KING: This is -- thank you for showing us this.
JACKSON: Thank you.
KING: Because I have never -- I never expected it nor have I ever seen anything quite like it.
JACKSON: Thank you so much, Larry.
KING: Thanks, Jermaine.
JACKSON: It means a lot to all of us, especially me.
KING: Thank you.
JACKSON: Thank you, Larry.
(COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: Well, we have moved from our position back over there to one over here -- a kind of dramatic, beautiful place, but also with a story to tell.
Jermaine, where are we?
JACKSON: Well, we're right as you come in. And this is a very special tree here, because this tree was the tree that he would climb in and think and write songs like...
KING: Write songs?
JACKSON: Yes. "We Are the World," "Dangerous." Just, this was his -- his childhood theme.
KING: So let's walk over here.
JACKSON: He'd climb trees. Yes.
KING: Explain to me what he would do.
He would climb -- he would start from where?
JACKSON: He'd start from here. Right from here, he would climb up here.
KING: Climb up here?
JACKSON: Climb up here.
KING: Go. Don't kill yourself.
JACKSON: Go here. We've got the handles here...
KING: With the handles on the tree.
JACKSON: Yes. And he would go all the way up and find a place to sit, which was right around -- oh, in here. Up there.
KING: Up there?
JACKSON: Right up there. And he would sit there...
KING: Up there?
JACKSON: Yes, up there. And he would sit there and write songs. It's peaceful, Larry.
Do you -- do you hear this?
Let's listen.
KING: Shhhh. OK.
JACKSON: It's wonderful.
KING: It's peaceful but...
KING: ...scary.
JACKSON: No, because it's that -- it's that childhood thing. You're never afraid, when you're a child, to -- to do things.
KING: So he'd write...
JACKSON: And that was always in him.
KING: ...the words there, right?
KING: He'd have to write words and then write musical notes?
JACKSON: Exactly. Just -- just lyrics and melodies and ideas and stuff.
KING: All right. Let's take "We Are the World."
Would he come down then and sing it to you?
JACKSON: Well, he would come down and take the ideas and go to the studio, implement that and put it on the -- put it into motion.
KING: Did you -- did he ever tell you how he got the idea to write in a tree?
JACKSON: Larry, you can write anywhere. You can write while you're driving. You can write...
KING: I know, but why in a tree?
I know that.
JACKSON: Because, Larry, because you're up high. It's God's creation. It's a tree. It's peaceful. It's green.
KING: It's a tree.
JACKSON: It's -- it's by the fountain. And it's -- it's very peaceful.
KING: It's also one darned beautiful tree.
JACKSON: Yes. It looks like it's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years old, an oak tree.
KING: It must be oak.
JACKSON: It's strong.
KING: Yes, beautiful. JACKSON: It's strong.
KING: Hey, this is some place, you know?
I've got to tell you.
Thank you.
KING: I could -- I could live here.
JACKSON: I would love to live here, too.
KING: We'll be right back.
We're going for more.
Don't go away.
KING: I keep thinking, Jermaine, about double emotions. I mean there's a lot of plus emotions. There's got to be a lot of sad emotions.
JACKSON: It's --
KING: Look at all you shared here.
JACKSON: Yes, but it's -- it's a joy here. And I really feel my mother should come back here and the rest of my brothers and sisters and just feel his presence -- feel what he's created, because it will never leave. It will never die. This is -- he's here.
KING: They have not been here since?
JACKSON: No. Jackie has been here. Tito has been here.
KING: Katherine hasn't? Your dad hasn't?
JACKSON: They're coming, I'm pretty sure.
KING: What can you tell us about the plans for Tuesday?
JACKSON: Well, the plans for Tuesday is fine. We were just delegating certain things to certain family members. But we've always been focused and --
KING: Is it 10:00 a.m. Tuesday morning?
JACKSON: It's 10:00 a.m. Tuesday morning.
KING: Staples Center downtown.
JACKSON: Staples center, downtown. Larry, the hardest thing is where do you rest Michael Jackson? Where do you -- it's like everything he did was so over the top, and there are people coming from all over the world in groups of 20s and hundreds of thousands.
KING: How you going to hold -- Staples holds 18,000. Did you ask about Dodger Stadium?
JACKSON: We worked with the city authorities and they're trying their best. And with the time frame we have, we're hoping that everybody is safe and things are going to be locked down pretty much.
KING: And burial now, the California law says you have to bury them in a cemetery, right?
JACKSON: That's pretty much yes. But, as you know, the ones who make the laws can also change them too. I would love to see him here.
KING: Do you have a place for him here?
JACKSON: Yes, there's a special place right over near the train station, right over there.
KING: That we saw before?
JACKSON: Yes. It's hard, Larry, to point where your brother is going to be -- it's tough.
KING: What kind of service will it be?
JACKSON: Larry, we -- we want the world to take part in this event. But, at the same time, we're mourning. We're mourning because this is the most incredible human being there will ever be. And I'll tell you why, because -- I'll quote something to you.
"I'm starting with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been clearer. If you want to make the world a better place, you have to look at yourself to make a change."
I'll say it again, "if you want to make the world a better place, you have to look at yourself and make a change."
When you listen to the content of songs, the melodies, the messages, the videos, the concerts, that's who he was. That's who he is.
KING: How early did you sense that in him?
JACKSON: We were all raised like this, Larry.
KING: Did you know it when he was 12, 13, that he was special?
JACKSON: Yes, because Michael was so young, and he was doing the James Brown -- he could see something and do it. If he wanted to be a tennis player, he would have been a tennis player. If he wanted to be a runner, he would have been. He does everything at the highest level.
He's gifted. And he was a gift from Allah. And I really feel, Larry, his time on this Earth that he was here -- certain people tried to create animosity about him and things that just wasn't important. Look at the man who he is.
KING: Will it be -- well said. Will it be a religious ceremony?
JACKSON: Listen, we were all raised -- we were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses, to tell you the truth.
KING: Uh-huh.
JACKSON: As we started traveling, we started embracing different religions. But the most important thing my mother and father instilled the right morals and principles in us, which is Allah, which is god, Jehovah.
KING: And all-faith, kind of?
JACKSON: I gravitated towards Islam, because I felt it was complete for me.
KING: You don't know what the ceremony will entail?
JACKSON: No, it's going to be -- we want a lot of the industry to be there, as much as possible. But Larry, there's no place even big enough. We talked about the Washington Monument. We talked about the Coliseum. We talked about a lot of places.
Larry, the people, thousands are coming just from the UK. They have 20,000 people --
KING: I've been to Staples. I don't know how they're going to hold it.
JACKSON: I said the same thing. But we have to --
KING: Let me get a break in. Obviously. We'll be right back. Don't go away.
KING: We at Neverland Ranch. You're looking at the shot, looking right towards the main house. Beautiful place, by the way. Magnificent kitchen here. By the way, Jermaine just told me there will be a private ceremony Tuesday morning, family only.
JACKSON: And some special guests.
KING: And then the 10:00 will be the large memorial service. And there will be many others, right?
JACKSON: Many other -- singers and --
KING: In other parts of the country? JACKSON: Yes, exactly.
KING: So Tuesday is just the start of what will be a series of memorials. Back with more of Jermaine. Now out to Ted Rowlands and Miko Brando. Ted?.
ROWLANDS: Larry, we're in the main house, just inside the main foyer. This is a good indication of what the entire house of 13,000 plus square foot plus house is like, a lot of wood. It just absolutely gorgeous, as you can see.
And Miko, our tour guide here, one of the things you see around here is the Sycamore logo. Michael Jackson bought this pretty much in tact in terms of the main house.
BRANDO: Correct. Yes, this was the logo of the previous owner. It was called the Sycamore Valley Ranch. So all over the property you see these little sycamore trees.
ROWLANDS You say Michael first stayed here when he was working on a video with Paul McCartney. He just came here and was basically put here. And you say he couldn't get it out of his mind.
BRANDO: He stayed here while he was doing the "Say, Say, Say" video. He enjoyed it. He liked it. He wanted to buy the property. He went on tour. And during our tour in '88, the Bad Tour, he had bought the property. He said Miko, I got the ranch.
KING: The ranch. This room is what?
JACKSON: This is the living room. A piano used to be here, with a bunch of photos on the piano. A castle he had built sitting over here, living room chairs, furniture, sofa, the TV on the wall. He had a beautiful marble front here, in front of the fireplace. He had an Oscar standing on the right side of the fireplace.
ROWLANDS: The Oscar from --
BRANDO: From "Gone With the Wind."
ROWLANDS: That he apparently paid one point some million dollars for.
BRANDO: Yes, sir.
ROWLANDS: Prominently displayed when you pay that kind of money. Here we're going into the kitchen, Larry. Miko, you say this was a spot, like any family -- this was the spot where you hung out.
BRANDO: Yes, this was the focal point of the house, I think. We would all meet here. My father would eat here. Michael would eat here. Everyone would meet here. We would watch TV with the fireplace here. Sit here on the bar stool here with a kitchen full of food, video games here on the table. Flat screen TV here on the wall. We had nice furniture. Everything was really warm.
ROWLANDS: So your father, you and Michael used to sit at the table over there for hours.
BRANDO: There was a round table with I think six of eight chairs. We would always have our meals here, most of our meals here, breakfast, lunch and dinner. If we changed it, we would eat somewhere around the property. This was basically where we would all meet and talk about our day here at Neverland.
ROWLANDS: Larry, we'll be back in a bit. Later, looking at Michael Jackson's room and more parts of this fabulous estate.
KING: Thanks, Ted. Before we go to break, what do you make of Diana Sans being named?
JACKSON: Diana Ross?
KING: Diana Ross. I'm sorry, Diana Sans --
JACKSON: I think it's very interesting. There's been a long, close relationship with Michael and Diana for many, many years. And I think it's great.
KING: So she would be a proper person to handle in case something happened to your mother?
JACKSON: I feel it's OK, really. Right now my mother has the children.
KING: Right back with more with Jermaine Jackson and Neverland. Don't go away.
KING: In case you just joined us or been on another planet, we're going to show you again a portion of that incredible last rehearsal of Michael Jackson. Watch.
KING: A couple more things, Jermaine, on the will. Are you surprised that none of the siblings and your father isn't mentioned?
JACKSON: No, I'm not surprised. What makes me angry, Larry, is the will is exactly Michael's wishes. And they should be carried out exactly the way Michael wanted them. Anybody that tried to contest this will is not following Michael's wishes.
KING: It doesn't bother you that your father wasn't mentioned?
JACKSON: It doesn't bother me, because if my mother's mentioned, my father's fine. I mean, if my mother's fine, we're all fine. But most important, it's not about money, Larry. It's not about property. We're a family. We're a family. We don't let that get in the way. That's not important to us. That's not important.
KING: Did you hear any of the results from any other autopsies? Do you know anything more?
JACKSON: No. When it comes to these things that they're saying -- excuse me, but I'm very uneducated when it comes to drugs and I want to be that way.
KING: But there was a second autopsy. Do you know anything?
JACKSON: No, I don't. But I'm pretty sure there's going to be all kinds of speculations and things being said. But the most important thing is we have to look at who Michael really is.
KING: You've been saying that.
JACKSON: That's so important, because he gave his all to try to change this world and make this world a better place. All this other stuff, it's not important, Larry.
KING: You're doing your best to change that. I have to ask the questions, Jermaine. You've done a fine job here. Thank you. Thanks for being with us. We've got to know. The public is very interested in your brother.
JACKSON: Thank you. Thank you.
KING: Ted Rowlands stands by with more with Miko. Ted?
ROWLANDS: Larry, we're inside Michael Jackson's bedroom suite with Miko Brando, our tour guide. You're looking at the doors. You can see the locks on the doors. Miko, privacy was key in this room, obviously.
BRANDO: Yes, he liked his privacy. When the doors were open, it was OK. But when he locked it, he wanted his privacy. He had his privacy.
ROWLANDS: This is one of the bathrooms. There are two bathrooms in this suite. This is the area that Michael Jackson also slept sometimes. There's a staircase up there, a small bedroom up there. You say he slept on both levels?
BRANDO: He felt whenever he felt like sleeping. He had a choice of two.
ROWLANDS: Let's swing around here. This is a massive bedroom suite. Let's get to all of it. Out here is the view. It's gorgeous. You were married out there. Obviously, it doesn't get much better than that for a view outside your room.
BRANDO: No. He had a great view. There was a gazebo out there by the tree. We got married there. Everyone was out there. It was beautiful. The flowers, the grass, everything was immaculate.
ROWLANDS: When you look at the house now, Miko, it is unfurnished, obviously. Give us a sense of how different it was fully furnished.
BRANDO: It was the place. I've seen a lot of houses in my life, but this was the house.
ROWLANDS: You could see here is the other bathroom and the big tub. Real quickly, before we go, Larry, there's been talk about this closet. It is massive. In the corner of it is a secret compartment or secret little area. Miko, you said this was a safe room just in case.
BRANDO: This was some place in case something ever happened. It would be where he'd go.
ROWLANDS: Thanks, Miko. Larry, back to you.
KING: Thanks, Ted. We have a moment left with Jermaine. You realize, of course, that the public is interested in all these questions. We have had a beautiful day here at Neverland. But there's great interest -- as you expressed it, he changed the world. There's interest in him, his will, how his family's affected. You do understand that, right?
JACKSON: Here's a man who gave his life to humanity. He actually gave his life.
KING: You don't think there's an interest in him?
JACKSON: Yes, there's a tremendous interest around the world. My brother is the king. He's the king. He broken all kinds records, even to this day. The Billboard charts, this and that. All these things are material. We can't take these things with us. All we take is the good deeds that we've done this time that we were on this Earth. I do feel that he was given to us specially, and they've taken him back. Allah has taken him back.
And those who have tried to ridicule him, to make a mockery of him, they realize.
KING: Asking questions about the will isn't ridicule or mocking. It's just --
JACKSON: What I'm saying is if Michael makes a will, no one should contest it. No one.
KING: I got you. OK.
JACKSON: It's what his wishes where.
KING: We're going to do lots more with you.
JACKSON: Thank you.
KING: Jermaine Jackson.
The son of Deepak Chopra is next.
KING: We continue our prime time exclusive at Neverland Ranch with Gotham Chopra, a close friend of Michael Jackson. He worked with Michael on the multi-platinum albums "Dangerous" and "History." Of course, you know his father, Deepak.
This is, obviously, not your first visit here. How does it feel to be here without him?
GOTHAM CHOPRA, MICHAEL JACKSON'S LONG TIME FRIEND: You know, I was not sure how it was going to feel. It kind of feels nice, actually, certainly not without him. But the last few years, Michael had said this had turned into a house for him. It was no longer a home. I do think there is a tranquillity back to it, now that we're celebrating him again. I think you can feel that here.
KING: It's an extraordinary place, isn't it?
CHOPRA: I was interested to get your reaction. I've been here. But --
KING: I'm flabbergasted, in a very positive, beautiful -- isn't serenity a good word?
CHOPRA: Serenity, tranquility. What's missing is the monkeys running around with the trainers. We haven't had a water balloon fight as yet.
KING: Flamingos.
CHOPRA: Flamingos, yes. There's a lot of fun here. You know, certainly, we've come in some sort of mourning but that's what was here before.
KING: Has the loss sunk in, Gotham?
CHOPRA: I don't think so. It's starting to. I was overseas when it first happened. I was shocked, not entirely surprised, frankly, because of knowing Michael and knowing of the things he had talked about. I think I'm starting to feel a little bit more sadness, actually, as time goes by.
KING: When was the last time you saw him?
CHOPRA: I saw him a few months ago. I spoke to him a few weeks ago.
KING: Did he look well?
CHOPRA: To me -- it's subjective -- yes, he looked -- Michael was always -- he was always delicate and small and thin. But he looked no different than he had for years to me.
KING: Did you meet him through your father?
CHOPRA: Originally, yes. I've known him for about 20 years. KING: How old are you?
CHOPRA: I'm 34.
KING: So you were a kid? Did you stay here as a kid.
CHOPRA: The guest house, which is right over there. That was where I stayed the first time I came here with my father. We ate in the main house over there, which is the first time I met Michael. I grew up with Michael Jackson as an idol. I had the silver glove. I bought a red leather jacket, and cut it up so it looked like it was from "Thriller," much to my parents' horror. When I met him, it was like a dream come true.
KING: This is like -- this had to be an adventure for you. You were 14. What was it like?
CHOPRA: It was like walking into a fairy tale, the music, the elegance, fun, the carnival rides. So that first time it was a quick visit just with my father. I subsequently came here through the years, brought my cousins, brought my friends. And Michael just loved having people. He loved playing. It was great here.
KING: Did you ever buy any of the stories, the molestation stories, all that? How did you feel?
CHOPRA: I felt conflicted, obviously. I can only speak to my experience. Like I said, coming here as a 14-year-old for the first time, spending all this time with Michael, and never feeling uncomfortable in his presence.
KING: First time you met him, what was your impression?
CHOPRA: I was in awe, obviously. I was speechless. He immediately put me at ease. The first Batman movie had just -- or was just coming out. He asked me, do you want to see -- he had a movie theater here. He said do you want to go to a private screening, just you, me and my dad? I said, yes, absolutely. So we went and watched. I saw it like a month before it came out. It's amazing.
He immediately put me at ease. I felt comfortable. He felt, in some ways, while he was probably 30 years old at the time -- he felt like a kid himself.
KING: You don't feel sadness here?
CHOPRA: I do. I think --
KING: You feel both, though?
CHOPRA: Yes. I feel both. I mean, look, I think it's great we're celebrating him and everybody who is here feels him here, which is great. It's great to see his family, Jermaine here.
KING: That was part one. There will be part two of young Mr. Chopra, quite a young man, tomorrow night on another edition of LARRY KING LIVE.
We've been at the Neverland Ranch. We've been here all day. We've had quite a night. We'd love to come back again. From the Neverland Ranch, this has been LARRY KING LIVE. Here's Anderson Cooper and "AC 360." Anderson?
B. Olewicz (...) co tak cenne jest, że ta nienazwana myśl rysą jest na szkle? (...)
E. Bodo To nie ty...
E. Bodo To nie ty...
- invincible_girl ;)
- Posty: 550
- Rejestracja: ndz, 15 cze 2008, 18:23
- Skąd: Capricious anomaly in the sea of space ... re=related
wzruszające i piękne. i znałam tą piosenkę już wcześniej, MJ opowiadał, że Kate mu ją śpiewała
"Please don't take my daddy away"...
wzruszające i piękne. i znałam tą piosenkę już wcześniej, MJ opowiadał, że Kate mu ją śpiewała
"Please don't take my daddy away"...
Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away. And going away means forgetting. Peter Pan
Piękny jest...
Czyli teraz będzie to miejsce dostępne dla turystów ? Cały Neverland ?
Mimo, że bardzo chciałabym zwiedzić Neverland to jak sobie wyobrażę te tłumy ludzi, którzy nie szanują tego miejsca to już wolę, żeby nikt nie wchodził do Nibylandii. Nie chodzi o to, że komuś żałuję, ale prawdziwy fan nie uszanuje tego miejsca. W Nibylandii zostało serce Majka
Czyli teraz będzie to miejsce dostępne dla turystów ? Cały Neverland ?
Mimo, że bardzo chciałabym zwiedzić Neverland to jak sobie wyobrażę te tłumy ludzi, którzy nie szanują tego miejsca to już wolę, żeby nikt nie wchodził do Nibylandii. Nie chodzi o to, że komuś żałuję, ale prawdziwy fan nie uszanuje tego miejsca. W Nibylandii zostało serce Majka
- bittersweetlady
- Posty: 55
- Rejestracja: pt, 27 cze 2008, 18:30
- Skąd: Słupsk ... 9859/show/
galeria zdjęć z Neverlandu
galeria zdjęć z Neverlandu
------------ MEGA Gallery of Neverland ---------
More pics of that collection ... 558879859/
Michael Jackson,
Neverland Valley Ranch,
5225 Figueroa Mountain Road,
Los Olivos,
CA 93441,
A great web about Neverland
Google 3D Picture:
2/16/07 - flew over Neverland Ranch at about 1000 feet in a private aircraft. No staff were seen and the grounds look to be only somewhat maintained.
Flicrk photo collection ... 9859/show/
+ ... el-jackson
More pics of that collection ... 558879859/
Michael Jackson,
Neverland Valley Ranch,
5225 Figueroa Mountain Road,
Los Olivos,
CA 93441,
A great web about Neverland
Google 3D Picture:
2/16/07 - flew over Neverland Ranch at about 1000 feet in a private aircraft. No staff were seen and the grounds look to be only somewhat maintained.
Flicrk photo collection ... 9859/show/
+ ... el-jackson
Ostatnio zmieniony sob, 01 sie 2009, 20:35 przez BrandonSK, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.