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Bartucci aresztowany za stalking

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 14:08
autor: LittleDevil
Ze "Smoking Gun": W 1996 Bartucciego zwineli za napastowanie jakiejs kobiety w Louisiana. Ponizej link do dokumentow oraz "mugshot"

New Jackson Accuser's Stalk Rap
Alleged victim pleaded to harassment of Louisiana woman
NOVEMBER 10---Meet Joseph Thomas Bartucci, Jr. He's the Louisiana guy who last week sued Michael Jackson over an alleged sexual assault dating back to May 1984 (Bartucci claims the memory of that decades-old attack had been repressed until recently). While we doubt his case will last long in the federal system, in case he ever does make it to the stand, he'll probably be asked to recall the details of his 1996 arrest for stalking a woman in Rapides Parish. According to court records, Bartucci took a plea to a reduced count of harassment and was fined, sentenced to probation, and hit with a 90-day suspended jail term. Bartucci is pictured below in a mug shot snapped by sheriff's deputies. (4 pages)


: pt, 19 sie 2005, 14:13
autor: LittleDevil
I jeszcze pare ciekawostek:

Shady Past Follows One Jackson Accuser
Investigative Report by: Diane Dimond (November 19th, 2004)
Transcribed by: MrFritzz

Dimond: This is what Joseph Thomas Bartucci looked like in high school - the same time his lawsuit claims Michael Jackson lured him into a limousine to take advantage of him. His suit says he was attractive to the entertainer because, due to poor health, he was short in stature and "weighed a child-like 92 pounds." But this picture of a full-faced, healthy looking teenager seems to contradict that. Louisiana attorney Jimmy Faircloth went to school with Bartucci.

Faircloth: He talks about having lots of money. Talks about being influential. Drops a lot of names. And that's part of the package that he sells.

Dimond: But, is it a truthful package? Does Michael Jackson have to fear this man? Or is he simply after Jackson's money? Here in Pineville, Louisiana and in neighboring Alexandria, Joseph Thomas Bartucci told several people he is independently wealthy; the owner of several businesses and homes, and the leader of the state-sanctioned "God, Family and Business Healing Ministries."

Dimond: But we checked. The state says the organization is not in good standing. We went to the listed address; no ministry in site. None of his listed home addresses panned out, either. One in Houston, Texas was for a street that doesn't exist. We did find a Bartucci link here, however. The U.S. Bankruptcy Court. Far from being wealthy, in June of 2000, Bartucci owed more than $40,000 to several creditors. And he already had had brushes with the law. This mugshot from a 1996 arrest for stalking a woman.

Lee: The man has no fiber in this - as he tells you.

Dimond: Pineville lawyer Richard Lee is currently involved in another lawsuit Bartucci filed, involving this popular locksmith franchise. Bartucci bracingly claims to own it - after having paid off in cash, the real owner's outstanding gambling debts.

Lee: He alleges that he had paid $460,000, I think it was, for the franchise. Yet he has no receipt for payment, and then when we go to take his deposition which is a statement under oath, for trial preparation, none of it fits together. I doubt it will ever go to trial.

Faircloth: He lies big. He lies grandiose. His lies are so big, their so fantastic, and he says it with a straight face. And he drops names, and he spins the embellishment so well that a normal person listens to him and thinks, "surely this is true - nobody would lie this big."

Dimond: CourtTV discovered Bartucci spends a lot of time giving depositions. Over the years, he's been sued as a defendant in nine separate lawsuits. Besides this suit he filed against Michael Jackson, he has filed at least six others including this Slip and Fall case he brought against the "Little Angles Daycare Center" where he briefly worked. His lawsuit claims he fell flat on his back in a puddle of water. Attorney Howard Nugent represents the school.

Nugent: The only problem with that was that immediately when people came in to see him there, he didn't have any water on his back. None on his feet, or anywhere on his body. And there wasn't even any water on the floor.

Dimond: CourtTV has also learned Bartucci is a bigamist. Married at least three times, he admitted in court papers he was never divorced from his first wife. The court gave wife number two an annulment based on that. Wife number three tossed him out, she told us, after she saw through his lies - including a claim that he was in line for a sixteen million dollar inheritance.

Dimond: A fourth woman who owns this house in Pineville told us, Bartucci "wooed" her, then "wowed" her when he took her to see safety deposit boxes full of money. She says he promised to pay off her home once they were married. They got the license, she put his name on the deed, but soon-after their relationship crumbled. She told us, years later she's still suing to get Bartucci's name off the deed.

Dimond: The law firm of "Faircloth & Davidson" represents another woman, a retiree, who they claim got caught up in a Bartucci-engineered insurance scam.

Faircloth: So he convinced her to sign documents which she believed would give him the right to help administer her policy. When in fact, what she signed, is essentially a donation giving him the policy that she had just paid $100,000 for. And he gave her nothing for it. No consideration.

Dimond: Ironically, Michael Jackson is not the only one Joseph Thomas Bartucci has accused of sexual misbehavior. The town is still talking about this suit filed in December of 2000 against a well-respected local reverend. A man who had taken Bartucci in when he was homeless.

Lee: "Reverend [beep] encouraged and demanded plaintiff - masturbation was necessary, in order to purify plaintiff and avoid going to hell." [Laughing], I mean, that's the main allegations in that quotation.

Dimond: And, CourtTV learned Bartucci got the reverend's insurance company to pay out an undisclosed sum to make his suit go away. That left many in town determined to avoid Bartucci at all costs.

Nugent: The word that sort of jumps out at me would be something that my poor little old papa would've used. Sharpie. Schemer.



Jackson Accuser, Accused
Investigative Report by: Jane Velez-Mitchell (November 11th, 2004)
Transcribed by: MrFritzz

Velez-Mitchell: Hope Horne, of Pineville, Louisiana, speaking exclusively to "Celebrity Justice." She says Joseph Thomas Bartucci, Jr., seen here in a mugshot, is an ex-boyfriend. And claims, long before Bartucci filed this lawsuit accusing Michael Jackson of graphic sexual molestation, she knew Bartucci was planning to take the legal action.

Horne: He told me a couple of months before that he was going to sue Mr. Jackson. I told him that he was full of it. I'm speaking out because I don't want to see this con man ruin a person that already has enough going on his plate.

Velez-Mitchell: CJ's learned that Bartucci filed another suit in 2001, accusing a Louisiana reverend of sexual molestation, claiming the minister "demanded that plaintiff's masturbation was necessary in order to purify and avoid going to hell."

Velez-Mitchell: Attorneys for both sides say that suit settled out of court with the terms confidential. Now, the lawyer for Bartucci on that case told me his client seemed truthful, but the attorney for the reverend called the suit completely meritless and said it devastated the reverend and his family.

Horne: I feel angry that he's doing this.

Velez-Mitchell: Hope says she's not shocked Bartucci's also facing a civil suit where a woman claims he used fraudulent conduct and obtained title to her insurance policy. That woman's lawyer claims Bartucci faked a convulsion during a deposition. Hope's opinion?

Horne: Joseph is a complete and total con artist.

Velez-Mitchell: Bartucci was also accused of stalking another woman in 1996 and copped a plea to harassing phone calls.

Horne: It did not shock me at all.

Velez-Mitchell: As for the Jackson case, Bartucci claims the abuse happened in 1984 when he was just 18 - and he repressed memory of it until 2003 when he saw a Court TV Jackson news special and then decided to sue.

Horne: I went to Michael Jackson's official website. I sent him and told him that this was fixing to happen. And I never heard from him.

Velez-Mitchell: Hope's theory on why Bartucci is accusing Jackson of sexual assault? And puncturing his chest with steel wire? And cutting him with a razor blade?

Horne: He's trying to make another quick buck.

Video: ... 1/11a.html

wziete z MJJF ... opic=62536

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 14:53
autor: Dav20
Jedna prosba moze cos wiecej po polsku bo nie sadze zeby wszyscy znali j.angielski i nie wszyscy wiedza o co w tym chodzi....... Ja osobiscie nie mam zielonego pojecia co tam pisza wiem tyle ze gnojka kiedys tam aresztowali :P

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 15:49
autor: gorzi14
Przecież nie będzie ci tłumaczył bo to by długo zajęło.

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 16:08
autor: Jeanny100
To moze zamiast newsów w jezyku angielskim zamieszczajcie tu newsy po polsku-ja tez nie znam angielskiego i nie kumam bazy.... :surrender:

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 17:46
autor: la_licorne
No to przegieliście pałe... Przecież większość tych newsów jest tłumaczona... O ile pamiętam dyskusja na ten temat była pare wątków niżej i wszystko zostało dobitnie wyjaśnione...:surrender: Nie da się tłumaczyć absolutnie wszystkiego, to niewykonalne, to zabiera troche czasu... Nie ma to jak wdzięczność... :-/

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 18:07
autor: M.Dż.*
Jeanny100 pisze:To moze zamiast newsów w jezyku angielskim zamieszczajcie tu newsy po polsku-ja tez nie znam angielskiego i nie kumam bazy....
Bezczelność niektórych zaczyna mnie po mału wyprowadzać z równowagi. :rocky:
Jeanny100, masz wersje polskie? To je tu publikuj.
Ja osobiście wolę wersje oryginalne, bo unikam w ten sposób ewentualnych przekłamań wynikających z tłumaczenia.
A jeśli "nie kumasz bazy", to zainwestuj w słownik. :war:

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 18:35
autor: LittleDevil
Jeanny100 pisze:To moze zamiast newsów w jezyku angielskim zamieszczajcie tu newsy po polsku-ja tez nie znam angielskiego i nie kumam bazy.... :surrender:

Alez oczywiscie!
Sa dwie propozycje:

opcja 1)Od dzisiaj bede umieszczac tylko i wylacznie wiadomosci z Onetu - niewazne, ze pierdoly, wazne, ze pisane w pieknej polskiej mowie

opcja 2) rezygnuje ze studiow i pracy i od dzisiaj bede robila tylko i wylacznie tlumaczenia dla forum - w koncu sama sobie jestem winna, ze mi sie chcialo uczyc jezykow obcych

To zaczyna byc powoli zenujace.
Zeby wytlumaczyc jasno : jak juz la licorne zauwazyla, i tak tlumacze wiekszosc newsow, wszystkiego nie dam rady. Postuje takze teksty po angielsku dla tych, ktorzy znaja ten jezyk - czy mam rozumiec, ze ze wzgledu na osoby, ktore nie znaja anglosa mam zaniechac postowania w tym jezyku, bo jest to dla nich nieprzyjemne? O co tu qrwa chodzi??!!

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 18:41
autor: kate
Skoro nie ma porządnych wiadomości w języku polskim, powinniśmy się cieszyć tym, że są w języku angielskim. Jeśli i te przestaną być zamieszczane, nie będziemy mielu już żadnego źródła informacji. Ja osobiście bardzo dziękuję LittleDevil japrosic

Drobne tłumaczenie. Choć nie ma w nim wszystkiego, wyraźnie widac, że Bartucci ma strasznie wybujałą wyobraźnię.

Bartucci twierdzi, że był "atrakcyjny" dla Michaela, ponieważ - przez słabe zdrowie - był niski i bardzo mało ważył. Ale na zjdęciu ze szkolnych czasów wygląda na zdrowego, okrągłego nastolatka.

Bartucci mówił kilku osobom, że jest niezależny finansowo; właściciel kilku firm, przesiębiorstw, domów, prowadzący własne interesy. Ale to także zostało sprawdzone. I co się okazało? Okazało się, że jego firmy nie maja się dobrze, domy i ulice podane przez Bartucciego nie istnieją. Jednak coś znaleziono. Kredyty. W czerwcu 2000 r. Bartucci wisiał ponad 40,000 dolarów.

Jimmy Faicloth, dawny kolega ze szkoły mówi: Strasznie kłamie. Jego kłamstwa są tak wielkie, tak nierealne - a rozpowiada je z powagą. Wymienia nazwiska, upiększa swoje opowieści tak dobrze, że normalny człowiek, który go słucha myśli sobie "to musi być prawda, nikt by tak nie kłamał".

CourtTV odkryła, że Bartucci spędza wiele czasu na składaniu zeznań. Przez lata był oskarżany już w 9 oddzielnych sprawach. Sam oskarżać też lubi. Oprócz obecnej sprawy przeciwko MJ'owi oskarżał innych conajmniej 6 razy. Np. "Little Angels Daycare Center" (gdzie krótko pracował) oskarża o to, że przewrócił się na plecy przez kałużę. Howard Nugent reprezentuje szkołę.

Nugent: Jest jeden problem. Kiedy ludzie przybiegli do Bartucciego, nie miał wody na plecach. Nie miał wody na stopach i na żadnej innej zęści ciała. Nawet na podłodze nie było wody".

CourtTV dowiedziała się również, że Bartucci jest bigamistą (no nie mogę :smiech: ). Żonaty conajmniej 3 razy. W sądzie przyznał się, ze nigdy nie rowziódł się z pierwszą żoną. Na podstawie tego, sąd anulował drugie małżeństwo. Zona #3 wyrzuciła go po tym, kiedy przejrzała jego kłamstwa - np. twierdził, że otrzyma część spadku w wysokości 16 mln dolarów.

Tak się składa, że Michael Jackson nie jest jedyną osobą, którą Bartucci oskarża o molestowanie seksualne. Ludzie wciąż mówią o sprawie z grudnia 2000 przeciwko poważanemu wielebnemu. To człowiek, który pomógł Bartucciemu kiedy ten był bezdomy. Według Bartucciego, wilebny zmuszał go do masturbowania się mówiąc, że to go oczyści i nie pójdzie do piekła.

Bartucci zmusił firmę ubezpieczeniową wielebnego do wypłacenia dużej sumy za wycofanie zarzutów. Przez to wielu mieszkańców miasta, unika Bartucciego za wszelką cenę.

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 18:59
autor: Yana
Mogę powiedzieć tylko jedno.... ale krętacz.

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 19:04
autor: lunatyczka
WIELKIE DZIĘKI KATE!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:
no i oczywiście LittleDevil za dostarczenie tego newsa.

hehe, ale chyba wyjaśnia wszystkie wątki tej nowej sprawy. :smiech:

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 19:21
autor: LittleDevil
Dzieki, Kate! :hug:

kretacz z gostka niezly, owszem - ale na szczescie glupi (jak widac glupija ) wiec nie ma szans

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 19:34
autor: Yana
Za mądry to on nie jest. Wcale bym się nie zdziwiła gdyby cała sprawa upadła, a on wylądował za kratkami za składanie fałszywych zeznań.

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 19:40
autor: LittleDevil
William Wagener o sprawie Bartucciego:


From William Wagener:

August 18, 2005, Thursday,

The Next Michael Joe Jackson Trial begins... this time in Louisiana. Michael's accuser, this time around, is one Joe Bartucci, whose girl friend has claimed that he was planning to rip off MJJ more than two years ago,
before she split from him. Apparently, Mr. Bartucci, has a history of lying which got him in some small trouble in the early 1990's. He probably belongs in the same trash bin with Janet Arvizo, so the two of them can accuse each other of molesting each other, and they can both sue the Trash bin manufacturer for not making enough room for them to hold both their tons of perjury and lies. nenene :smiech:

Yet, the court in Louisiana is treating this "false memory" of Mr. Bartucci as if it has some shreds of credibility, mainly because Mr. Bartucci has a money hungry Mr. PIGG for an attorney. Yes Mr. Pigg. And Michael has Mr. Gay representing him. So in court, it will be Gay battles Pigg over money. Should Hollywood write such a script, no one would believe it. :smiech:

Michael Joe Jackson "failed" to show up for Court in Louisiana to ANSWER new set of bogus Molestation charges. He did have an attorney present, Mr. Charles F. Gay Jr.

Mary Foster filed this and more for AP:

An irate judge, miffed by pop star Michael Jackson's failure to be represented at an earlier hearing in a federal civil case, fined the singer $10,000 on Wednesday.

Jackson was a no-show and had no lawyer present at a July procedural matter in a case accusing him of sexual assault during the 1984 World's Fair.

Charles F. Gay Jr. told U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon that the summons for the earlier court date was simply lost in the confusion of Jackson's trial in Santa Maria, Calif., in which Jackson was acquitted of child molestation charges. The summons for the New Orleans court appearance arrived on June 13.

"I would like to point out that June 13 was probably the most anxious day of Michael Jackson's life," Gay said. "That was the day the jury reached the verdict."

The judge scheduled a conference Sept. 7 to choose a trial date.

Gay said he doubted the case would go to trial.

"It's very unlikely," Gay said. "There is probably a problem with the statue of limitations."

There is a one-year statue of limitations from the time Bartucci claims he regained his memory, but Gay said Bartucci allegedly discussed the allegations with his wife in the 1990s.

Bartucci claims he regained memory of the event in November of 2003, his attorney William A. Pigg said.

Well, it is time to see if Mr. Sneddon has been putting ADS in the newspapers, of Louisiana, such as "victims of MJJ molestation WANTED... Please file your own lawsuit, and then contact D.A. Tom Sneddon and Sheriff Anderson of Santa Barbara County, to obtain anatomy photos of MJJ so you can claim you know what YOU victims can not possibly know... :diabel:

Judge Fallon fined MJJ $10,000 for not showing up. That is probably less than it would cost MJJ to fly there and DRESS for Court as he always does ... meticulously. And the upshot is they Media, does not get to have another field day at MJJ emotional expense. Has our Courts gone grazy, or is it just me.

My source there say 5 photogs spent 2- 7 days staking out the airport and the courthouse just to get another shot of MJJ. Too bad.

Oh, and the animal blood on Mr. Bartucci's door? Well, I say, three cheers for the duo from the Big Easy who did that. Too bad for the animal. Take a clue, Mr. Bartucci. Enough is enough. Take your attorney and run. You're still alive, and there are a few thousand MJJ fans, who are really REALLY angry at the national media and sick idiots like you. Like the old 1960's song goes. "Get Job, na na nah na nah." :-)

Stay Tuned ---/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

: pt, 19 sie 2005, 20:49
autor: Invincible
Dzięki za te infko. Ten jest teszcze gorszy niż Gavinek ze swoją siostrzyczką, braciszkiem i mamunią razem wzięci. Chory, prymitywny psychol.