Ten starszy Pan to
Joe Seneca. Dość znany aktor serialowy w Hollywood. Urodził się w Cleveland w 1919r a zmarł w wieku 77lat w 1996r.Był kompozytorem i muzykiem. Miał swój własny zespół r&b. Szczegóły dot . filmów tu:
A dla
krajana , aby nie rzucać słów na wiatr, cały dialog ze wstępu z TWYMMF long version
Proszę bardzo:
8:32 I want to see your hands at all times
8:34 I’m gonna check you for weapons
8:37 Get out of here , man
8:38 You,re beautiful
8:40 As bad as you talk you can handle new yourself
8:43 Baby, come on, don’t be like that
8:44 ( Latoya) Out of my face
8:45 Show me your ID
8:47 I ain’t got none , sir
8:48 You’ve never been arrested?
8:50 Check out that rear end
8:52 Don’t touch my head
8:55 You’re acting like a little tramp
8:57 You know what I saying?
8:58 You can go to my posse
9:00 So I can let you know What I’m all about
9:02 Did you get all tattoos in the joint , Mark
9:04 Yup!
9:05 What were you in there for.Murder
9:06 When, to when? –’83 to ‘86
9:10 What’s up?
9:11 Ah baby, don’t front me
9:12 Hey baby,what, your name?
9:15 Get out of my way. You hear me?
9:17 I want you get your tuna fish face ugly self out of my face
---Yeah? Yeah?
9:27 What are you doing here hanging out with them?
9:31 No, don’t’ watch them
9:31 Go on home, Go ahead
9:34 You don’t watch this. Just go ahead.
9:35 All these boys do Is chase women…
9:37 and they can’t catch nothing
9:39 Just go ahead home Mac
9:40 You don’t want to be hanging with these hoodlums
9:42 Go on back
9:43 You don’t know nothing about no women
9:45Don”t go calling us hoodlums. You know what I’m saying?
9:48 You’re just mad cause he’s weak
9:49 Wait a minute , son
9:52 Come here, now sit down here
9:53 I want to talk to you
10:02 I’ve been watching you
10:08 You’ve be trying to act like them boys
10:10 And the ain’t about nothing
10:12 Why don’t you just be yourself
10:15 You know , reach down inside and pull a little of you out
10:19 Be yourself YEAH
10:21 What I’m trying to tell you is be yourself
10:26 You can’t be nobody else
10:28 You can’t be them
10:31 You don’t want be them
10:34 Man, you know he’s weak Man, he ain’t got no rap
man What are you doing? You ain’t been about nothing. He doesn’t get no action from the ladies.
10:40 And I guess you are
10:41 Looking like that you gonna get out?
10:43 You ain’t gonna catch nothing buy a cold, boy
10:48 Be myself
11:11 Go get’em, son!
11:11 You don’t know that you don’t know about women
You don’t have that kind of knowledge.
Look at that ! Look!!
11:12 Now, that is foxy!
11:14 You can hook up with to others, You couldn’t do it.
11:16 What is he doing? I thought !I told him to go home!
11:18 What is he doing?
11:20 She’s going to pass him up!
11:22 Back up!
11:24 Look at you!
11:26 HEY!!!!!
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