Strona 2 z 11

: wt, 10 mar 2009, 17:29
autor: Maverick
Mark Lester, kiedyś dziecięca gwiazda filmowa, opowiada o przygotowaniach Michaela do koncertów:

FORMER child star Mark Lester has dismissed rumours that his pal Michael *Jackson may not be up to a string of comeback concerts this summer.

Mark, 49, who rose to fame in Oliver!, said: ‘‘Michael is absolutely fine and there should be no concerns over his health.

“I have spent a lot of time with him while he has been over here and I can assure you he is very fit and well. He can’t wait to get back to Los Angeles to begin rehearsals.

“He has been talking about doing a lot of new stuff, not music, but dance routines, so I think people will be quite surprised by his shows. He wants to pull together all the talent he can. He is raring to go.”

Mark was 1 when he starred in the film of Lionel Bart’s musical film but now works as an osteopath in Gloucestershire.

When the Jackson Five *visited London more than 30 years ago, the young Michael asked to meet him and they have stayed friends.

Jackson is godfather to his four children, Lucy, 17, Harriet, 15, Olivia, 13 and Felix, nine from Mark’s marriage to his first wife Jane. He later married psychiatric nurse Lisa, 35.

On Friday night the Lesters went with Jackson and his children Prince Michael, 12, and Paris, 11, to the latest version of Oliver! in the West End, starring Rowan Atkinson, on Friday.

The 50-year-old singer was mobbed by fans, recalling his glory days before the sex abuse allegations.

“We all had a fantastic time at the theatre,” said Mark. “Michael said Oliver! is still his favourite musical and he was singing along to some of the songs.

Afterwards we went backstage and met the cast, which he greatly enjoyed. He said he is really loving his time in London and is very pleased by the welcome.

“My children get on very well with his and we have all been having a great time. My kids can’t wait for the *concerts.”

Rumours began about Jackson’s health when he was seen coming out of a clinic in Los Angeles in a wheelchair after reportedly contracting the superbug MRSA, a claim later denied by his staff.

US author Ian Halperin, who posed as a hairdresser to get close to the singer for a book to be published in the UK soon, said: “When I saw him he looked frail and weak. At that time I did not think he would be able to perform an exhausting concert. It will be fascinating to see if he can get back in shape .

“I think when the adrenalin starts pumping he will be OK but I don’t think the dance *routines will be as spectacular in the past.”

Halperin also claimed that Jackson wears a wig in public. “I saw him without the wig and he has short cropped salt and pepper hair like millions of other men in their 50s,” he said.

“It was a bit like seeing a clown with his make up off.”

When Jackson announced his “This is it” concerts at the 02 arena he looked his trademark self, with long thick dark hair.

Rob Hallett, president of promoters AEG Live International, said of the wig claim: “I can categorically deny that. .”

He also said ***** had a full check-up to see if he was fit for the 10 live shows that will earn him £50million.

“He’s fitter than I’ll ever be. His cholesterol levels, his blood, everything was perfect and we got the *insurance,” said Mr Hallett.

Mark Lester pisze:He has been talking about doing a lot of new stuff, not music, but dance
No i nici z unplugged :beksa:


: wt, 10 mar 2009, 17:58
autor: akaagnes
kurcze, dobre wieści ,Mav
dzięki :)

ma 3 chrześniakow ;D, nieźle
i czyżby jakieś ciekawe projekty taneczne miały powstać?

o jakim unpluged mówisz?

: wt, 10 mar 2009, 18:03
autor: Mandey
[b]akaagnes[/b] pisze:o jakim unpluged mówisz?
Kilkoro fanów na forum marzyło o unplugged podczas nowej trasy, czy tam występów w Londynie, nie wiem jak to zwać.
Jak widać bombki poszły i gwiazdki nie będzie. ;-)

: wt, 10 mar 2009, 18:10
autor: akaagnes
Mandey pisze:Kilkoro fanów na forum marzyło o unplugged podczas nowej trasy, czy tam występów w Londynie,
powiem Ci,że dołączam do grona. w niektórych kawałków byłyby niezłe rarytasy unplugged. tak jak na przykładzie Bon Jovi It's My Life, moim zdaniem wersja balladowa unplugged jest sto razy lepsza niż pierwotna. w przypadku michaela ballady takie jak Human Nature, You Are Not Alone, czy Stranger In Moscow mogłyby się świetnie udać, a jakakolwiek płyta *Michael Jackson Unplugged* świetnie sprzedać. No ale jak mówisz... na razie to tylko marzenia... zobaczymy co i jak będzie. :-)


: wt, 10 mar 2009, 20:50
autor: Natalia
A ja bym chciala, zeby zrobil mocno rockowe wersje Beat It, Dirty Diany i Give In To Me.

Ale rownie dobrze moze spiewac "wlazł kotek na płotek" bo i tak zrobi to genialnie

: wt, 10 mar 2009, 20:58
autor: Alex_mj
Koncert już niedługo..a ja nie mam pieniędzy!!! nigdy jeszcze nie byłam na koncercie MJ bo byłam za mała..a teraz mam szanse usłyszeć go i zobaczyć na żywo i tak nic z tego nie wyjdzie..! Powiedzcie mi czy to naprawdę jego ostatni koncert???

: wt, 10 mar 2009, 23:28
autor: Lucasso
Alex_mj pisze:Powiedzcie mi czy to naprawdę jego ostatni koncert???

: wt, 10 mar 2009, 23:45
autor: tanczacy delfin
co do support'u - żaden nie będzie wystarczająco dobry... ale nic nie przebije Formacji Nieżywych Schabuff i DJ'a Bobo :smiech:

kaem - pisałeś o PR - w przypadku Michael'a PR to kluczowa sprawa. Nie wiadomo jednak, na ile ten PR, NLP, czy inne koloryzowanie jest posunięte. Michael sam w sobie może być całkowicie szczery naiwny, ale to już tylko gdybanie. I tak go kocham :mj:

: śr, 11 mar 2009, 22:12
autor: Maverick
To nie jest temat na rozmowę o biletach, o biletach można rozmawiać w STU INNYCH TEMATACH!

: śr, 11 mar 2009, 22:55
autor: tancerz

tutaj jest filmik pokazujący jak są wpuszczani widzowie na koncerty itd ogólnie o arenie o2 London :)

: czw, 12 mar 2009, 18:42
autor: Malwina24

: czw, 12 mar 2009, 18:54
autor: Buszmen
Krąży jakaś tracklista podobna z przyszłych koncertów:

Billie Jean
Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
Rock With You
The Way You Make Me Feel
Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
Human Nature
Smooth Criminal
Man In The Mirror
Beat It
One Day In Your Life
Heal The World
Remember The Time
You Are Not Alone

: czw, 12 mar 2009, 19:04
autor: Malwina24
No dobra ..... ja biletów nie mam ---- NOT YET !! bo ciągle mam nadzieje dorwać jakieś choc jeden malutki :D dla zbłędzonej duszyczki !! kurcze 19 lat fanowania :) i nie dorwałam biletu FUCK ..... ale

Buszmen dziwna ta lista ( choć tez juz o niej czytałam ) nie sądzisz ??? Jakaś taka "przestarzała" ........

: czw, 12 mar 2009, 19:36
autor: Buszmen

: czw, 12 mar 2009, 19:48
autor: tancerz
a może by tak miniaturka ? na imageshack ????????